How can I run docker command inside dokku node.js app? - node.js

I have node.js application hosted on digital ocean and deployed using dokku. I need to run command docker-compose up -d inside this application to start database and Prisma server as mentioned in prisma docs.
I tried to run dokku run my-node-js-app "docker-compose up -d", but I got this error:
Could not determine a reasonable value for WEB_CONCURRENCY.
This is likely due to running the Heroku NodeJS buildpack on a non-Heroku platform.
WEB_CONCURRENCY has been set to 1. Please review whether this value is appropriate for your application.
setuidgid: fatal: unable to run docker-compose: file does not exist
I checked, I have docker-compose.yml file in my project.

I forgot to install prisma by running npm i -g prisma


Error running nextjs with PM2 on Azure App Service on Linux

The pipelines and releases seem to work finely as they get the artifact deployed on the app service or so it seems as the output error happens on start of the PM2 process.
I haven't found anything on this error on google, and don't know if there is a way to update PM2 on the app service machine as PM2 itself suggests.
These are the logs.
Error message
summary image
I was expecting the app to work and no longer show an application error as I fixed both build and release pipelines.
This is a picture of the important bit of info of the error as its really long
Check the below steps to run nextjs with PM2.
First create a nextJS app.
Run npm run dev command to run the app in development.
Deploy the app to Azure Linux App Service.
Open the SSH of the Azure App Service to run the PM2 commands.
We can open directly with the below URL.
Path to SSH -
Navigate to the deployed Azure Linux App => Advanced Tools => Go => SSH.
Run the below command to install PM2.
npm install pm2 -g
Thanks #Azure OSS Developer Support for the commands.
In Configuration section => General Settings add the Startup command.
pm2 start site/root/index.js --name mynpmnextapp
Your path may differ for the index.js file.
My app entry point is index.js.For some apps it can be server.js.Change it according to your app.
cannot find module `../build/output/log'
Make sure you are not running the PM2 with the output folder. As mentioned above it has to be the entry point either server.js or index.js based on your code files.
don't know if there is a way to update PM2 on the app service
In the KUDU Console use npm install pm2#latest -g to update the PM2.
References taken from MSDoc and npmjs.

JHipster + Angular + MongoDB + Docker: beginner question

I would like to have some guidance about what is supposed to be the best development workflow with JHipster.
What I did expect:
With one docker-compose command, I could up and run everything the project needs (in this case, MongoDB, Kafka, backend, etc.);
When modifying front-end, saving the modified files, could fire livesync (ng serve --watch?).
What I did find:
The one command option that I found (docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up -d), which I guess that depends of a ./mvnw package -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild before, does not livesync and seems that is not compatible with the individual execution of front-end with npm run start - application started this way points to different backend's modules ports (?).
I have experience with Angular and MongoDB (and a little with Docker), but I'm super new to JHipster and am trying to understand what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance!
For development workflow, you should start the dependencies individually. The app.yml will start the app's Docker image with the prod profile, useful for testing locally before deploying.
Start Containers for Mongo and Kafka
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mongodb.yml up -d
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/kafka.yml up -d
Start the backend
Start frontend live-reload
npm start
If Docker is not accessible on localhost, you may need to configure application-dev.yml to point to the Docker IP.

Meteor deploy on Heroku Error deploying Node

I built a Meteor app, and it runs on my local machine, where I have meteor installed.
I have never deployed an app online, and am trying to put the app on heroku.
I first tried to use buildpack/jordansissel/heroku-buildpack-meteor.git, but I got an error "Meteor requires Node v0.10.41 or later"
I then tried to use buildpack/michaltakac/meteor-buildpack-horse.git but it failed to push because it couldn't unpack Node.
Lastly I've tried kevinseguin/heroku-buildpack-meteor.git but I get lots of warnings about npm depricated
When I look at the logs it says "Slug compilation failed: failed to compile Node.js app"
I also get Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment
I don't know enough to understand what the errors are, or how to get my app deployed
Image of errors:
my goal it to get the site on
I contacted Heroku helpdesk and they said they couldn't help me because the issue was outside the scope of Heroku Support.
I tried to reach out to Snap CI who said they were successful in deploying it, but when I try to type in exactly what they did, I am still getting the error about Node
My repository I'm trying to deloy is on git at
From description of your problem I can conclude you need to do 2 things on your app's Heroku dashboard (Settings tab):
Add MONGO_URL environment variable that points to your Mongo DB database. You can create mongo instance on external service or use mLab Heroku addon (it has free plan).
So your environment variables may look like:
Also, you may need to add METER_SETTINGS if you use --settings settings.json and ROOT_URL - URL of you app (is required).
Set this buildpack:
Ensure you have .git at the end of url.
Now you can deploy your app using single command (if you setup Heroku Toolbelt and heroku remote points Heroku's app repository):
$ git push heroku master

Running pm2 on Elastic Beanstalk in cluster mode

I've been trying to run pm2 on AWS Elastic Beanstalk's node web service environment but without luck. I start up the express api via: ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 start server.js -i 0 but the server never comes out of a Degraded state. I can run this same command locally just fine. I have ssh'd into the aws instance and looked in the logs, but I don't see any errors. It would be a big help if I could chat with someone that has successfully run pm2 on eb via cluster mode.
I have successfully deploy pm2 on aws elastic beanstalk, it has more than one way to achieve.
You may either add an installation command to the .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml file for pm2 global installation or simply install pm2 into your app and follow the instruction of the link below (recommended way).
As for the first method, in your config.yml file, simply add the following line(the link above doesn't require this) :
command: "npm install pm2 -g"
You need to manually handcode the start command for your app with this method.

How to run the seed.js, given in the generator-angular-fullstack, on OpenShift?

I'm developing an app, using MEAN.js and its generator (, and Openshift as a hosting.
The project template of the generator includes a script (server/config/seed.js) to populate the database with two users.
In localhost, it is called automatically, but I also can call it using node server/config/seed.js (suppose you're on the root app directory).
The problem is, when I deploy it to Openshift, I run it and no error is reported, but the mongodb database is not updated. The exactly steps I do to run it on Openshift are:
Connect to ssh: ssh ....
cd app-root/runtime/repo/
`node server/config/seed.js``
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
You have few options:
in server/config/production.js add
seedDB: true
or change NODE_ENV to development coz during 1st deployment it is set to production
should be working now
