What's the equivalent of "find -mmin" in HP-UX? - linux

I created a script to check XML file available in the
folder for more than four hours. If the XML is not processed for more than four hours then I need to send a mail
for that I used the below find command but the mmin+240 is not working. Is there is any option to used instead of mmin. Please help on this.
find $OFILEPO/*.xml -mmin+240 -exec ls -ltr {} + | wc -l
when I execute the above find command with mmin got the below error.
**find: bad option -mmin
$ uname -a
I think mmin is AIX command. Please suggest for HP_UX
Thanks in Advance

According to the man page hpux 10.20 - find (1), your implementation of find doesn't support the -mmin option.
The closest equivalent would be -mtime
-mtime n True if the file has been modified in n days.
Similar questions (Find files modified within one hour in HP-UX, how to find files modified in the last hour?) suggest creating a "reference" file with touch -mt $time and using find -newer.
Quoting the second link, you could do:
Create a temp file using the 'touch' command, such that the modification time is one hour in the past. For example:
# date +%m%d%H%m 06261006
# touch -mt 06260906 /tmp/tdate
# ll /tmp/tdate
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 26 09:06 /tmp/tdate
Then run 'find' with the '-newer' switch, taking advantage of this
find /mnt -newer /tmp/tdate -type f -xdev -exec ll {} \;


Inputing directories/files into a text file and then showing files older than certain date

I'm using "ls -alR" to input directories and files in those directories into another text file.
ls -alR > testalR.txt
text file is created like so:
total 400
drwx------ 5 "user" "group" "size" May 2 10:30 test_file_1
.... file info ... more file info ....test_file_2
...more files
total 400
drwx------ 5 "user" "group" "size" Oct 2 11:35 test_file_1
.... file info ... more file info ....test_file_2
...more files
I am trying to show files that have not been accessed since October 2 2018.
I've tried:
`sed -n '/Oct 2 00:00/,/Oct/ 2 23:59/p' /testalR.txt
..but it produces no results. Is there a better way to display this or even possible?
Sorry, should have added this to begin with. I know using find -atime variant would be the best option. But we are using a system and a process that is bogged down by the find command. I am trying to find alternatives so using "find" can be avoided and wouldn't have to access directories directly each time I wanted to run a search.
Parsing the output of ls is a slippery slope.
Use find:
find . -type f -atime +3 -print
find . -type f -atime +3 -exec ls -uld {} +
Using -print simply returns a list of the filenames. Using -exec ls -ld {} + causes ls to be run for every file returned, giving you the details you may want.
The argument. to atime (or mtime or ctime) is in 24-hour steps. The argument can be positive or negative (or zero). Using -atime +3 finds a files that have been accessed at least FOUR days ago.
Using -exec ... {} + causes the command in "..." to be executed for every object returned, bundling as many objects (files) as possible at a time. This is much more efficient than forking a process for every file returned, as with:
... -exec ls -uld {} \;
One way to limit your results to a specific date, is to create two reference points (files) like this:
touch -amt 201809302359 f1
touch -amt 201810012359 f2
find . -type f \( -anewer f1 -a ! -anewer f2 \) -exec ls -uld -exec {} +
try with find:
find /folder -atime +30
where +30 = days
others params: man find

find files which have been modified in the last 30 minutes in Linux

how to find files based upon time information, such as creation, modified and accessed. It is useful to find files before a certain time, after a certain time and between two times. what command in Linux would i have to use ?
I understand to find setuid files on linux computers i would have to use :
find / -xdev ( -perm -4000 ) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
How do i check for files which have been modified in the last 30 minutes. (I created a new file called FILE2)
Just add -mtime -30m. I might be wrong about the actual syntax, but you get the idea. See man find.
Answer on your question is
find . -cmin -30 -exec ls -l {} \;

Count lines found with find command

I have configured glusterfs into two servers.
I want to implement a script wich monitors the replication. My idea is to exec the following:
find "/replica_path/" -mmin +1 -exec ls -l {} \; |wc -l
This will find the files modified more than 1 min ago and must return the same count in both servers.
I'll use spawn to exec this line remotely-
But when executing that line from the command line, the server takes a long to return the path, in fact I've to break the execution.
How could I implement this?
ls -l might need quite some time to resolve owner names etc.
perhaps you just need to count the number of matches:
find "/replica_path/" -mmin +1 | wc -l
It might help to avoid executing /bin/ls for each matched item if you just want to count them.
find "/replica_path/" -mmin -1 -print | wc -l

Find files in created between a date range

I use AIX via telnet here at work, and I'd like to know how to find files in a specific folder between a date range. For example: I want to find all files in folder X that were created between 01-Aug-13 and 31-Aug-13.
The touch trick (where you create two empty files to use the -newer option) does not work for me, once the user roles that I have on the server does not allow me to create files.
I need to find between specific dates, not days (like: files that were created more than 30 days ago, etc...)
If you use GNU find, since version 4.3.3 you can do:
find -newerct "1 Aug 2013" ! -newerct "1 Sep 2013" -ls
It will accept any date string accepted by GNU date -d.
You can change the c in -newerct to any of a, B, c, or m for looking at atime/birth/ctime/mtime.
Another example - list files modified between 17:30 and 22:00 on Nov 6 2017:
find -newermt "2017-11-06 17:30:00" ! -newermt "2017-11-06 22:00:00" -ls
Full details from man find:
-newerXY reference
Compares the timestamp of the current file with reference. The reference argument is normally the name of a file (and one of its timestamps is used
for the comparison) but it may also be a string describing an absolute time. X and Y are placeholders for other letters, and these letters select
which time belonging to how reference is used for the comparison.
a The access time of the file reference
B The birth time of the file reference
c The inode status change time of reference
m The modification time of the file reference
t reference is interpreted directly as a time
Some combinations are invalid; for example, it is invalid for X to be t. Some combinations are not implemented on all systems; for example B is not
supported on all systems. If an invalid or unsupported combination of XY is specified, a fatal error results. Time specifications are interpreted as
for the argument to the -d option of GNU date. If you try to use the birth time of a reference file, and the birth time cannot be determined, a fatal
error message results. If you specify a test which refers to the birth time of files being examined, this test will fail for any files where the
birth time is unknown.
Try the following command:
find /var/tmp -mtime +2 -a -mtime -8 -ls
This will allow you to find files in /var/tmp folder that are older than 2 days but not older than 8 days.
Some good solutions on here. Wanted to share mine as well as it is short and simple.
I'm using find (GNU findutils) 4.5.11
$ find search/path/ -newermt 20130801 \! -newermt 20130831
You can use the below to find what you need.
Find files older than a specific date/time:
find ~/ -mtime $(echo $(date +%s) - $(date +%s -d"Dec 31, 2009 23:59:59") | bc -l | awk '{print $1 / 86400}' | bc -l)
Or you can find files between two dates. First date more recent, last date, older. You can go down to the second, and you don't have to use mtime. You can use whatever you need.
find . -mtime $(date +%s -d"Aug 10, 2013 23:59:59") -mtime $(date +%s -d"Aug 1, 2013 23:59:59")
Use stat to get the creation time. You can compare the time in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS lexicographically.
This work on Linux with modification time, creation time is not supported. On AIX, the -c option might not be supported, but you should be able to get the information anyway, using grep if nothing else works.
#! /bin/bash
from='2013-08-01 00:00:00.0000000000' # 01-Aug-13
to='2013-08-31 23:59:59.9999999999' # 31-Aug-13
for file in * ; do
modified=$( stat -c%y "$file" )
if [[ $from < $modified && $modified < $to ]] ; then
echo "$file"
You can use the following commands to list files between 2 specific dates:
Search on current (.) directory:
find . -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" ! -newermt "2019-05-01"
Search on /var/any/directory/ directory:
find /var/any/directory/ -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" ! -newermt "2019-05-01"
Script oldfiles
I've tried to answer this question in a more complete way, and I ended up creating a complete script with options to help you understand the find command.
The script oldfiles is in this repository
To "create" a new find command you run it with the option -n (dry-run), and it will print to you the correct find command you need to use.
Of course, if you omit the -n it will just run, no need to retype the find command.
oldfiles [-v...] ([-h|-V|-n] | {[(-a|-u) | (-m|-t) | -c] (-i | -d | -o| -y | -g) N (-\> | -\< | -\=) [-p "pat"]})
Where the options are classified in the following groups:
Help & Info:
-h, --help : Show this help.
-V, --version : Show version.
-v, --verbose : Turn verbose mode on (cumulative).
-n, --dry-run : Do not run, just explain how to create a "find" command
Time type (access/use, modification time or changed status):
-a or -u : access (use) time
-m or -t : modification time (default)
-c : inode status change
Time range (where N is a positive integer):
-i N : minutes (default, with N equal 1 min)
-d N : days
-o N : months
-y N : years
-g N : N is a DATE (example: "2017-07-06 22:17:15")
-p "pat" : optional pattern to match (example: -p "*.c" to find c files) (default -p "*")
-\> : file is newer than given range, ie, time modified after it.
-< : file is older than given range, ie, time is from before it. (default)
-= : file that is exactly N (min, day, month, year) old.
Find C source files newer than 10 minutes (access time) (with verbosity 3):
oldfiles -a -i 10 -p"*.c" -\> -nvvv
Starting oldfiles script, by beco, version 20170706.202054...
oldfiles -vvv -a -i 10 -p "*.c" -\> -n
Looking for "*.c" files with (a)ccess time newer than 10 minute(s)
find . -name "*.c" -type f -amin -10 -exec ls -ltu --time-style=long-iso {} +
Find H header files older than a month (modification time) (verbosity 2):
oldfiles -m -o 1 -p"*.h" -\< -nvv
Starting oldfiles script, by beco, version 20170706.202054...
oldfiles -vv -m -o 1 -p "*.h" -\< -n
find . -name "*.h" -type f -mtime +30 -exec ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {} +
Find all (*) files within a single day (Dec, 1, 2016; no verbosity, dry-run):
oldfiles -mng "2016-12-01" -\=
find . -name "*" -type f -newermt "2016-11-30 23:59:59" ! -newermt "2016-12-01 23:59:59" -exec ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {} +
Of course, removing the -n the program will run the find command itself and save you the trouble.
I hope this helps everyone finally learn this {a,c,t}{time,min} options.
The LS output:
You will also notice that the ls option ls OPT changes to match the type of time you choose.
Link to clone/download of the oldfiles script:
Explanation: Use unix command find with -ctime (creation time) flag.
The find utility recursively descends the directory tree for each path listed, evaluating an expression (composed of the 'primaries' and 'operands') in terms of each file in the tree.
Solution: According to official documentation:
-ctime n[smhdw]
If no units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference
between the time of last change of file status information and the time find
was started, rounded up to the next full 24-hour period, is n 24-hour peri-
If units are specified, this primary evaluates to true if the difference
between the time of last change of file status information and the time find
was started is exactly n units. Please refer to the -atime primary descrip-
tion for information on supported time units.
find <path> -ctime +[number][timeMeasurement] -ctime -[number][timeMeasurment]
1.Find everything that were created after 1 week ago and before 2 weeks ago.
find / -ctime +1w -ctime -2w
2.Find all javascript files (.js) in current directory that were created between 1 day ago to 3 days ago.
find . -name "*\.js" -type f -ctime +1d -ctime -3d

Linux command to check new files in file system

We have linux machine we would like to check what new files have been added between a certain date range.
I only have SSH access to this box and it's openSUSE 11.1
Is there some sort of command that can give me a list of files that have been added to the filesystem between say 04/05/2011 and 05/05/2011
There are bunch of ways for doing that.
First one:
touch -t ${start_date} start
touch -t ${end_date} end
find /you/path -type f -name '*you*pattern*' -newer start ! -newer end -exec ls -s {} \;
Second one:
find files modified between 20 and 21 days ago:
find -ctime +20 -ctime -21
finds files modified between 2500 and 2800 minutes ago:
find -cmin +2500 -cmin -2800
And read this topic too.
Well, you could use find to get a list of all the files that were last-modified in a certain time window, but that isn't quite what you want. I don't think you can tell just from a file's metadata when it came into existence.
Edit: To list the files along with their modification dates, you can pipe the output of find through xargs to run ls -l on all the files, which will show the modification time.
find /somepath -type f ... -print0 | xargs -0 -- ls -l
I misunderstood your question. Depending on what filesystem you are using, it may or may not store creation time.
My understanding is that ext2/3/4 do not store creation time, but modified, changed (status, which is slightly different), and access times are.
Fat32 on the other hand does contain creation timestamps IIRC.
If you are using an ext filesystem, you have two options it seems:
1.Settle for finding all of the files that were modified between two dates (which will include created files, but also files that were just edited). You could do this using find.
2.Create a script/cronjob that will document the contents of your filesystem at some interval, e.g.
find / > filesystem.$(date +%s).log
and then run diffs to see what has been added. This, of course, would prevent you from looking backwards to time before you started making these logs.
You can try one of these:
find -newerct "1 Aug 2013" ! -newerct "1 Sep 2013" -ls
find . -mtime $(date +%s -d"Jan 1, 2013 23:59:59") -mtime $(date +%s -d"Jan 2, 2016 23:59:59")
find /media/WD/backup/osool/olddata/ -newermt 20120101T1200 -not -newermt 20130101T1400
find . -mtime +1 -mtime -3
find . -mtime +1 -mtime -3 > files_from_yesterday.txt 2>&1
find . -mtime +1 -mtime -3 -ls > files_from_yesterday.txt 2>&1
touch -t 200506011200 first
touch -t 200507121200 last
find / -newer first ! -newer last
for i in `find Your_Mail_Dir/ -newermt "2011-01-01" ! -newermt "2011-12-31"`; do
mv $i /moved_emails_dir/
Hope this helps.

