How to find the value of a key in a dictionary that is part of a list with multiple dictionaries. (pulled from an api - python-3.x

I'm using an api to pull in this List.
I need the user to be able to enter in the 'name' of airline. Then, once the name is captured, match the 'name' to the 'icao' code within the same Dictionary.
My code
import requests
api-url= ("https://api.url")
class airlinenames(Component):
def start(self):
name = "Ali Airlines"
url = API_URL
data = requests.get(url).json()
icao = data['airlines'][0]['icao']
text = ( "this is your airline: {name} and this is the icao code: {icao}"
message = self.create_message(text=text)
return self.respond(message=message, action="next"
My issue is, instead of pulling in the matching 'icao' from the same dictionary, it pulls in the very next one at the top.
So for example if user enters in "Ali Airline"
It should read " This is your airline: Ali Airline, your ICAO code is: ALI
Example list:
"airlines": [
"fs": "BS",
"iata": "BS",
"icao": "ALI",
"name": "Ali Airlines",
"active": true
"fs": "BS*",
"iata": "BS",
"icao": "BAL",
"name": "Bali Airline",
"active": true
"fs": "BSK",
"iata": "LL",
"icao": "GAL",
"name": "Gali airline",
"active": true

Currently, in the code you provided you are always getting the the very first airline (data['airlines'][0]).
Instead, you should probably convert your data into a dictionary keyed by airline name first, e.g.:
airlines = { a['name'] : a for a in data['airlines']}
Now, with that dictionary and the name variable, you can find the corresponding code:
icao = airlines[name]['icao'] # This will give you the code give a name.


Dynamically call function name in python

I'm trying to call function name dynamically if present in the list of dictionary, if present call the function else exit silently. How can I achieve this, tried below locals approach but didn't works
jobs = [{
"job": "IT",
"company": "google"
"job": "Sales",
"company": "walmart"
def IT(name):
print('Full %s' %name )
def Sales(name):
print('View %s' %name)
name = 'department'
Input_Job = 'Sales'
expecting output is Input_Job = 'Sales'
View department
expecting output is Input_Job = 'IT'
Full department

How to create custom field via API?

This is the Question/Answer case, so here you wont find any details.
After Googling within few hours I found solution that you can find below.
from simple_salesforce import Salesforce
def custom_field_create:
Based on
Examples of field types you can find in the column "Data Type" of the salesforce front end,
on the page where you can create/edit/delete fields for your selected object.
NOTE: case of "type" is important. For example the type "DateTime"
must be exactly "DateTime" and not like "datetime".
email = 'your_email'
password = 'your_password'
security_token = 'your_token'
object_api_name = 'contact' # replace with your object name
field_api_name = 'Activity_Time' # replace with your field name
field_label = 'Activity Time' # replace with your field label
sf = Salesforce(username=email, password=password, security_token=security_token)
url = 'tooling/sobjects/CustomField/'
payload = {
{"type": "Text", "inlineHelpText": "", "precision": None, "label": f"{field_label}", "length": 90, "required": False},
"FullName": f"{object_api_name}.{field_api_name}__c"
result = sf.restful(url, method='POST', json=payload)
print('result:', result)

List iteration on python with mongodb

I am working on a small python project where I need to create a mongodb entry.
This is the list of values you received from another collection:
["India", "Australia", "South Africa"]
So the above list contains three items. What I want from my next collection is:
"_id": ObjectId('some id'),
"name": "Player",
"value": "India"
"_id": ObjectId('some id'),
"name": "Player",
"value": "Australia"
"_id": ObjectId('some id'),
"name": "Player",
"value": "South Africa"
I only want the list of values to be added in the value key but the name should be constant. It should repeat again and again but the value key will be changed based on number entries in the list.
How do I approach this problem in python?
You can apparoch this issue in different ways. A very basic one would be using list comprehensions like this:
values_list = ["India", "Australia", "South Africa"]
names_list = ["Peter", "Paul", "Mary"]
def create_objects(name, values):
# this returns a list of dicts basically and should be adopted to create 'real' mongoDB objects/entries
return [{"_id": "some id", "name": name, "value": value} for value in values]
objects = [create_objects(name, values_list) for name in names_list]
Another way is to calculate all possible combinations (called product in itertools) before-hand to prevent the two interating for-loops
from itertools import product
objects = [{"_id": "some id", "name": name, "value": value} for name, value in product(names_list, values_list)]

Access a dictionary value based on the list of keys

I have a nested dictionary with keys and values as shown below.
j = {
"app": {
"id": 0,
"status": "valid",
"Garden": {
"id": "1",
"state": "fresh"
"id": "2",
"state": "stale"
"id": "3",
"state": "dry"
"id": "4",
"state": "stale"
Currently, I have a python method which returns me the route based on keys to get to a 'value'. For example, if I want to access the "1" value, the python method will return me a list of string with the route of the keys to get to "1". Thus it would return me, ["app","Garden", "Flowers"]
I am designing a service using flask and I want to be able to return a json output such as the following based on the route of the keys. Thus, I would return an output such as below.
"id": "1",
"state": "fresh"
The Problem:
I am unsure on how to output the result as shown above as I will need to parse the dictionary "j" in order to build it?
I tried something as the following.
def build_dictionary(key_chain):
d_temp = list(d.keys())[0]
...unsure on how to
#Here key_chain contains the ["app","Garden", "Flowers"] sent to from the method which parses the dictionary to store the key route to the value, in this case "1".
Can someone please help me to build the dictionary which I would send to the jsonify method. Any help would be appreciated.
Hope this is what you are asking:
def build_dictionary(key_chain, j):
for k in key_chain:
j = j.get(k)
return j
kchain = ["app","Garden", "Flowers"]
>>> build_dictionary(kchain, j)
{'id': '1', 'state': 'fresh'}

Data alignment in Python

I am new to Python. I am writhing a code to generate a excel file having the data sourced by calling API and correlate those to get desired result.
basically taking input from one database and search that in others and fetch related information.
The 4 databases have below data :
{u'data': [{u'_id': u'5c30702c8ca9f51da8178df4',
u'encap': u'vlan-24',
u'ip': u'',
u'mac': u'5B:P9:01:9E:42:08'}]}
{u'data': [{u'_id': u'5c54a81a8ca9f51da84ae08e',
u'paths': u'paths-1507',
u'endpoint': u'eth1/10',
u'cep': u'5B:P9:01:9E:42:08',
u'tenant': u'ESX'}]}
{u'data': [{u'Allocation': u'Build_Reserved',
u'address': u'',
u'name': u'fecitrix-1',
u'state': u'RESERVED'}]}
{u'data': [{u'_id': u'57ccce8110dd54f02881fedc',
u'client': u'CES',
u'hostname': u'fecitrix-1'
u'os_team': u'Window'}]}
If "mac" of EEp and "cep" of PathEp is same than take "encap","ip" ,"mac"
"paths" ,'endpoint","cep" and "tenant" (these values need to be exported
to excel)
Take ip of EEp and search in "ip4_address"
and get the "name" from ip4_address ( name need to be exported to excel).
If "name" of ip4_address is equal to "hostname" of database "asset" then take
"client" and "os_team" ( export that to excel)
I have written the script but not getting the desired result.
def get_host_details(self):
data = {
"find": {
"hostname": self.controller
"tenant": 1,
"paths": 1,
host_details ="", data)
#print host_details
hosts = []
for record in host_details:
if "mig" not in record["endpoint"]:
return hosts
def get_ipaddress(self, controller):
host_record = {"tenant": "UNKNOWN",
"paths": "UNKNOWN",
"endpoint": "UNKNOWN",
"ip": "UNKNOWN",
"mac": "UNKNOWN",
"encap": "UNKNOWN"}
data = {
"find": {
"hostname": controller,
"ip": {
"$ne": ""
"projection": {
"ip": 1,
endpoints ="", data)
IPAM = self.get_dns()
print endpoints
host_details = self.get_host_details()
host_details_record = []
for record in endpoints:
for host in host_details:
if record["mac"] == host["cep"]:
host_record = {"tenant": host["tenant"],
"paths": host["paths"],
"endpoint": host["endpoint"],
"ip": record["ip"],
"mac": record["mac"],
"encap": record["encap"]}
def get_dns(self, endpoints):
ip_dns_record = []
for each_endpoint in endpoints:
data = {
"address": {
"$eq": each_endpoint["ip"]
"name": 1
dns_record = {"client":"UNKNOWN",
ipam_record =""
"internal/ip4_address/find", data)
if ipam_record:
dns_record["ip_address"] = each_endpoint["ip"]
dns_record["hostname"] = ipam_record[0]["name"]
dns_record = self.get_remedy_details(ipam_record[0]["name"],
dns_record["ip_address"] = each_endpoint["ip"]
dns_record["hostname"] = "UNKNOWN"
def get_remedy_details(self, hostname, dns_record):
data = {
"hostname": hostname.upper(),
remedy_data ="", data)
#remedy_data = remedy_data["data"]
if remedy_data:
dns_record["client"] = remedy_data[0].get("client","UNKNOWN")
dns_record["os_team"] = remedy_data[0].get("os_team", "UNKNOWN")
dns_record["client"] = "UNKNOWN"
dns_record["os_team"] = "UNKNOWN"
return dns_record
def get_excel(self, ip_dns_record):
filename = self.controller + ".xls"
excel_file = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = excel_file.add_sheet('HOSTLIST')
sheet.write(0, 0, "IP Address")
sheet.write(0, 1, "HostName")
sheet.write(0, 2, "Client")
sheet.write(0, 3, "OS Team")
for count in xrange(1, len(ip_dns_record)+1):
sheet.write(count, 0,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["ip_address"])
sheet.write(count, 1,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["hostname"])
sheet.write(count, 2,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["client"])
sheet.write(count, 3,ip_dns_record[count - 1]["os_team"])
if __name__ == "__main__":
controller = sys.argv[1]
OBJ = ACIHostList(controller)
No idea where I am going wrong and what needs to be done .
Your question leaves too much out. You should include all errors that you get. You should also comment your code as well so we can understand what you are trying to achieve in each step.
This is not an answer but something to try:
Rather than trying to wrap your head around a module like excel, wright your data to a simple CSV file. A CSV file can be opened up in excel and it formats correctly but is a lot easier to create.
import csv
data = [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"]]
with open("file.csv", "w+") as csv_file:
create_csv = csv.writer(csv_file)
create_csv .writerows(data)
simply grab all your data into a 2D list and using the above code dump it into a file so you can easily read it.
check the output of the file and see if you are getting the data you expect.
If you are not getting the desired data into this CSV file then there is an issue with your database queries.
