Actions on Google - Handle Timeout - bots

If the Action on Google times out, for whatever reason, there doesn't seem to be a notification/request message sent notifying the webhook of this.
On Alexa platform, a SessionEnded message is sent to the webhook.
How can I know if the assistant has timed out?

If you are using node.js in your webhook, you can use the app.catch-method. It is used to catch all unhandled errors and then it is possible to send an appropriate message. Here is an example:
app.catch((conv,error) => {
conv.close("Oops, something went wrong. Our developers are trying to solve this as quickly as possible.");
Let me know if it worked.


MessageBird Whatsapp Spam Messages

After making a basic conditional change in my code I started experiencing thousands of spam messages when testing the bot I've built.
Please do consider, in my code there is no loop whatsoever to trigger this process of spam messages.
Things Ive done to try to resolve the situation but did not work:
Comment the code to send messages to the client
Restarting the server
See below for my code
var checkContact = req.body.hasOwnProperty('contact');
var registerCustomer = {
name: '',
phoneNumber: ''
if (checkContact) { =;
registerCustomer.phoneNumber = `+${}`;
await messageBirdWhatsAppService.sendRegistrationMessage(registerCustomer.phoneNumber);
My question is:
Does Messagebird Whatsapp API requires a response status.
Are failed rejection of webhooks result into this issue.
Can fail responses (Returning a status to the server after making a call) cause this issue
This seemed to be a messagebird issue. As I deleted the channel of the WhatsApp chatbot and still messages was coming in. I'm still awaiting messagebird support response. So I will wait for confirmation before closing this.
This is now resolved, turns out even if a webhook is not called upon it still sends a request checking for the endpoint. In future, please ensure your endpoints are active. Hence the spam messages.

BotFramework-DirectLine JS - Initial Message Missing

I have a Bot I have built with MS BotFramework, hosted on Azure. The Bot is built to start the convo with a Welcome Message. When I test the bot through emulator, or on Azure test webchat, the bot will initiate the conversation as expected with the welcome message.
However, in my chat client using BotFramework-DirectLineJS, it isn't until I send a message that the bot will respond with the Welcome message (along with a response to the message the user just sent).
My expectation is that when I create a new instance of DirectLine and subscribe to its activities, this Welcome message would come through. However, that doesn't seem to be happening.
Am I missing something to get this functionality working?
Given this is working for you on "Test in Webchat", I'm assuming your if condition isn't the issue, but check if it is if ( === { (instead of !==). The default on the template is !== but that doesn't work for me outside of emulator. With === it works both in emulator and other deployed channels.
However, depending on your use cases you may want to have a completely different welcome message for Directline sessions. This is what I do. In my onMembersAdded handler I actually get channelId from the activity via const { channelId, membersAdded } = context.activity;. Then I check that channelId != 'directline' before proceeding.
Instead, I use the onEvent handler to look for and respond to the 'webchat/join' event from Directline. That leaves for no ambiguity in the welcome response. For a very simple example, it would look something like this:
this.onEvent(async (context, next) => {
if ( && === 'webchat/join') {
await context.sendActivity('Welcome to the Directline channel bot!');
await this.userState.saveChanges(context);
await this.conversationState.saveChanges(context);
You'll still want to have something in your onMembersAdded for non-directline channel welcome messages if you use this approach.

How to show the error alerts on UI whenever the catch error or console error comes and the server stops in localhost or in production side (heroku)?

I want a solution for how I can write the code in nodejs so that whenever console error occurs I want to send the alert erros on UI sid to the user so that he can go back or refresh or login again instead of blocking the page/ website in between whenever the application error logs comes in heroku.
Please provide me a solution for this!!!
I am asking for general only. Means just like I was testing my web app on heroku after making live and in between while testing an error occured and I got redirected to the heroku application error log page like this below. So I just want to ignore this and instead of this an alert should appear telling the user to go back or login again as some error occured. but not to break the page in between like this.
The server can't send the response to the client if it crashes completely. When a server crashes it means that your code is not handling the error properly.
As you didn't specify which programming language or framework you are using. I assume that it is Node.js as you mentioned .catch()
In this case, you should have a try/catch block in your code or a .catch if you are using promises. The error occurred but the server won't just crash completly.
You will need to have something similar as below in your route handlers:
// Do stuff
}catch(err){ // Bad things happen
// Log the error so you know what went wrong
// Send the error response to the frontend
res.status(500).json({msg:'Server Error'})
.then(//Do stuff)
.catch(err => { // Bad things happened
// Send the error response to the frontend
res.status(500).json({msg:'Server Error'})

Consuming error logs with Twilio API

I have developed an application that sends thousands of SMS using Twilio Notify Service.
const bindings = =>
this.createBinding('sms', number)
await this.notifyService.notifications.create({
toBinding: bindings,
The code above doesn't give me a feedback of whether the messages were received or not, but as I can see in Twilio dashboard, some messages fail with error codes 30005, 30003, 30006 and 52001.
I'd like to consume all those error logs and unsubscribe the numbers with error codes. I'm thinking of creating a job that runs every night to do that.
I've tried to list all the alerts:
client.monitor.alerts.each(alert => {
But it seems to fetch only some alerts with error code 52001.
How can I consume all the errors with Twilio API? Is there any other way to be notified of those errors?

How to send a message to all subscribed users with kik bot

I'm just a beginner trying to learn how to write a bot for kik.
I'm trying to write it with the node js framework that kik has provided.
I want to send a message to all subscribed users of the bot; I found this in their docs:
bot.send(Bot.Message.text('Hey, nice to meet you!'), 'a.username');
but I'm confused as to how they get the username of the subscribed user. I tried using bot.getUserProfile.username, but it seems to be undefined.
Thanks for any help! Also, any tips on how this bot works would be appreciated! I have no web development experience; why does this bot have to be on a server?
First of all, if you want to send a blast to all of your users, I'd recommend using the broadcast API, which allows you to send messages by batches of 100 (instead of 25 for the regular send() API).
You can use the broadcast API like this:
bot.broadcast(Bot.Message.text('some message'), ['username1', 'username2']);
Documentation for this method can be found here.
As for sending messages to all of your users, you will need to have a list of usernames somewhere (in a database, for example). At the moment, Kik does not provide a way to get your list of subscribers.
Something like this would work:
bot.use((msg, next) => {
let username = msg.from; // Find the username from the incoming message
registerInDatabase(username); // Save it somewhere
next(); // Keep processing the message
You will need to make sure that this is placed before you declare any other handler (such as bot.onTextMessage(), for instance).
