Azure Web App only through Application Gateway and disable direct access - azure

How can I make the Azure Web App or web service to only through Application Gateway and disable direct access. So nobody will be able to access through the direct Fully Qualified Domain name such as
Thanks for your help in advance.

You could set up Azure web app in the ILB Azure service environment. Azure ASE is a deployment of Azure App Service into a subnet in an Azure virtual network (VNet). This ILB ASE (Internal ASE) isn't exposed to the Internet. You can follow this blog to run an App Service behind a WAF-enabled Application Gateway.
This Web App isn't publicly accessible as it is sitting in a subnet
inside a Virtual Network and it isn't exposed to the internet. The
only way to access the site is through a Web Application Firewall
enabled Application Gateway.
Besides, If you just want to restrict public access to your Azure Web Apps with the IPSecurityRestrictions option, you can refer to this to get more references.


Do i need point to site vpn with azure waf and web app

I have been messing around with Azure trying to get a web app up and running. My plan was to create a WAF and site the web app behind that, each in a seperate subnet and then to use the service endpoint tech to point the web app to a database.
I have been stopped in my tracks almost straight away with the revelation that if i want to use a WAF in front of the web app i have to configure the networking in the web app but when i choose a vnet it says that no gateway is configured for the selected VNET.
My question being is do i have to use point to site VPN to get this setup working? i thought that it would work like
INTERNET ---> VNET ----> subnet ----> WAF -----> subnet -----> web app ----> service endpoint ------> DB
but that doesnt seem to be the case. I am not keen on the idea of having to install a client certificate on every machine in our network that might want to access this website (it is currently internal). I suppose i am looking for the best of both worlds. Accessible from the internet but having the added comfort of having something like a WAF sat in front of it to make up for any security inadequacies which might exist somewhere in said app.
As far as I know, you could not deploy a web app in a VNet unless you are using the App Service Environment(Isolated). App VNet integration could not do it. It allows you to securely access resources in a VNet. For example, you have a database on an Azure VM in a private VNet. You could not access it from Azure web app to this database if this database is not available publicly, but you could reach it via app VNet integration.
VNet service endpoints is another different service. Endpoints allow you to secure your critical Azure service resources to only your virtual networks. If you enable such service endpoint like Azure SQL database( which differs from the database on Azure VMs) in a VNet, this means only the resource in these authorized VNets could access your SQL database unless you add an exclusion like the public IP address in the firewall of the database.
In this case, you could put a Public facing Azure app gateway at the high level of the web app service, then add the Azure app gateway public IP in the IP restriction of the web app.This will restrict to access to web app via Azure web app gateway over the Internet. Also, you could control the network inbound and outbound in Azure app gateway subnet NSG. See Network security groups on the Application Gateway subnet if you want to add an NSG to the app gateway subnet level. I think these are enough if you just want to create a WAF and site the web app behind that.
Furthermore, if you want to let web app privately access the Azure SQL database. You could deploy a web app in an ASE, then enable the VNet service endpoint for Azure SQL database. App VNet integration does not need to use it with the service endpoint.
If you want to use Azure WAF with Azure App Service (multi-tenant) you can, you just need to ensure you are supplying the host header with your request.
If you want you Azure Web App on a VNet, you will need to run your Azure Web App on an App Service Environment (Isolated). This version of Azure Web App is more expensive but allows you to apply NSG's to the VNet to fully control access to your web app. Personally I think WAF w/ Azure App Service (multi-tenant) should meet your needs.
We have it all documented here:

App Service VNet Integration with Azure Storage Service Endpoint

I made an App Service (S1) and then from the Networking blade created a VNet Integration using the documentation here. The connection looks like
Then I made a Storage Account and under the Firewall and Networking tab I selected the preconfigured VNet that was made by the portal
Trying to access the Azure Storage from a deployed Web App give a 403 forbidden error. What settings do I need to change for the Web App to gain access to the Azure Storage Service Endpoint?
Vnet integration gives your web app access to resources in your virtual network but does not grant private access to your web app from the virtual network.
Private site access refers to making your app only accessible from a
private network such as from within an Azure virtual network. Private
site access is only available with an ASE configured with an Internal
Load Balancer (ILB).
More information about ILB ASE, please refer to this article.

How to make Azure Web Api project REST endpoints only available to Azure virtual network

I have a .NET Web Api project with several REST endpoints that I only want accessed by resources from within an Azure virtual network I have created. Resources such as Azure Functions and Azure Web Roles will access these endpoints only. In other words, I do not want the endpoints publicly available.
So, I configured the Web Api application with my virtual network but apparently I also need to add the Web Api application to an Application Service Environment (which are quite costly from what I have read). To quote the Azure documentation:
VNET Integration gives your web app access to resources in your virtual network but does not grant private access to your web app from the virtual network.
Do I indeed need to use an Application Service Environment and just deal with the costs or is there another way I can achieve what I want?
I do not want the endpoints publicly available.
Until now, Azure web app only supports for using an internal load balancer with the app service environment feature. If you want to make your Web API can only be accessed internally. An app service environment is required.
If you don't want to move your Web API to app service environment and your Azure function and web role have fixed ip addresses, you could configure the IP whitelist using ipSecurity configuration in your web API. For more information of ipSecurity, link below is for your reference.
IP and Domain Restrictions for Windows Azure Web Sites

Access network file share from azure app service - web app - ASE in hybrid setup

There is an azure web app in azure app service ASE. It is linked to a Vnet. And a point to site VPN between laptops/PCs connecting to the Vnet from outside cloud/ on premises to form an hybrid cloud setup of sorts. I am trying to see if a network file share / share folder in a PC/VM in that Vnet can be accessed from the web app (app service) . When I try this I get a unauthorized exception.
what are the options do I have ?
will having a cloud service web role instead of the web app help?
Or set up a domain controller + AD in the Vnet and add VMs to the domain and trying to access the share as a domain user( impersonation via code) ?
Also I am not sure if I connect my laptop/PC to this Vnet via point to site VPN , the laptop/PC will come under the domain that we created.
The use case behind this to show some on premises media( images, videos etc possibly bigger sizes ) on a web app running in azure PaaS.
Please share your thoughts and comments.

Azure Web App DMZ

I will be hosting a web application using a Web App Service that stores data to a database using SQL Database Service in Azure. I do not need access to the server and I do not need a virtual machine, I want to keep my configuration as a (Paas) Platform as a service. My question is: how do I setup a DMZ in azure to protect the web app? This web app will be available to the public and there will be an admin section where the admins can update/add data.
1.Please have a try to create NSGs to control inbound and outbound access to network interfaces (NICs) and subnets.
• Create a Network Security Group and virtual network then config it follow the document
• Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network
detail info please refer to the Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network
• If you want to get more info about VET, please refer to Azure Virtual network
2.You also can have a try to use ASE and there are some ASE related
Introduction to App Service Environment
Configuring a Web Application Firewall (WAF) for App Service Environment
How to Control Inbound Traffic to an App Service Environment
