I get wrong orientation for skylight(a Window family instance) by FacingOrientation property.
FacingOrientation is normally same as the GeometryInstance.Transform.BasisY but in the case of
rooflight it seems that the correct orientation comes from BasisZ.
Any explanation?
I've seen this happen with other content when the content wasn't created correctly/consistently.
If you compare the family definition with another family, I suspect you'll find that the orientation of the planes used is backwards.
I'm new to the google cardboard sdk. I need to draw a slightly different image for the left eye as compared to the right(I know distortion correction is taken care of). I saw the "Eye" class spec (an instance of which is passed to OnDrawEye()) from the docs.It does not seem to contain info of which eye is being referred to. How do I tell if the image is being rendered for the right or left eye and code accordingly?
In the class where you implements the CardboardView.StereoRenderer you have to define the function onDrawEye(), int this function you receive a parameter of type Eye, from that parameter you can know what eye is rendering at the moment with the function getType(). You can check the eye with the constants defined in Eye.Type
I have created a wxGrid with custom table. Whenever the user scrolls down to very bottom of the grid, I have to load the next 100 rows from my table. I tried EVT_SCROLL_BOTTOM() but I am not able to detect it. What is the right thing to do? Thanks.
I don't know the answer to your question but I am reminded that the grid was designed to work with an object of type wxGridTableBase that can be extended by the application. By extending this class, you should be able to do whatever caching you want inside of the extended object.
You could bind the scroll win event for the grid. I have encountered almost the same requirement as you. :)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.OnScroll)
I am attempting to rotate an MKMapView using MapKit.
I can display a map and rotate it, however not very efficiently. I create an MKMapView larger than the view and rotate it using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation, so the the grey areas behind the view are not visible. Although I have clip subviews checked in Interface Builder, I still have the feeling this is not the correct implementation.
This method does allow me to rotate any annotations displayed as MKPinAnnotationView conforms to the CGAffineTransformMakeRotation function, but I come into problems when trying to add an overlay to the map.
I can place an overlay on using the boundingMapRect property in the class declaration but the image remains unrotated on the display. Is there a way to achieve this? Or alternatively should I be rotating the MKMapView and annotations in a different method?
Thanks in advance for any advice or information.
Are you rotating the map so that it is facing the same way the user is? (i.e. not just North = Up). If so you don't need to do any transformation stuff at all, just set the MKUserTrackingMode to MKUserTrackingModeFollowWithHeading
I have a silverlight application that contains Bing map.
I want when the user clicks on someplace on the map to show him the lat/long of the point where he clicked. is that possible ? and how?
This is very easy to do. I am assuming you know how to set up a mouse handler on the map. The parameter on the handler is of type MapMouseEventArgs, which contains the ViewportPoint Property, which is just an instance of the Point object documenting where on the viewport/map the click occured. You need to translate this viewport point to lat/long coordinates. To do this, use the ViewportPointToLocation Method on your Map object, which as the name implies translates your viewport point to a Location(lag/long) object. After you get the lag/long, just show it to the user however you'd like.
I have a core data document based cocoa app that is working well except for one slightly odd problem.
For some reason, if I make a change to any of my fields the menu/window don't seem to recognize it - ie. the red close button doesn't get the black 'dirty' indicator and the File/Save menu item isn't enabled. However, if I attempt to close the application (via command-Q), I do get the popup asking me if I want to save my changes.
It seems that the document's dirty flag is being set, but the window/menu items aren't reacting to it. I am curious as to where I might look to see why this might be the case. I suspect that it may have something to do with my window not knowing about my ManagedObjectContext...
The only slightly atypical behaviour is that my document's makeWindowControllers method has been overridden and I am adding my window controllers using a call to my document's [self addWindowController:xxx] method. My window controllers subclass from NSWindowController so I had to add my own instance variable to each window controller to hold the ManagedObjectContext, but I suspect that this isn't getting passed to the window/menu. Not sure what the normal pattern is here...
Anyway, any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks
From the description it sounds like your UI elements are not actually bound to the document itself. If so, then the UI elements are not observing the document and are not reacting to changes in the document. Check the bindings.
Thanks in part to TechZen, and also re-reading my own question (in particular, where I said "I suspect that it may have something to do with my window not knowing about my ManagedObjectContext") I started to look at the bindings for my WindowController subclass.
As it turned out, I hadn't bound the window outlet for the File's Owner to my actual NSWindow. As soon as I did that, the black dirty dot and the window's menus started behaving correctly.