Unable to use Excel as Database in Automation Anywhere 10 - excel

I am trying to use Excel as Database in Automation Anywhere 10. Following is my code
Connect to "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0",Data Source = C:\Users\myuser\Documents\demo.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 10.0 Xml;HDR=YES";"Session:"session1"
Execute SQL statement:'Select * from [Sheet1]$'
But it is showing the following error,
Provider cannot be found. It may not properly installed.
Can anyone help on this?

dim cn as object, cnstr as string, rs as object
set cn = createobject("adodb.connection")
cnstr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0,Data Source=C:\Users\myuser\Documents\demo.xlsx;Extended Properties=""Excel 10.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";Session:""session1"""
set rs = cn.Execute("Select * from [Sheet1]$")
some version EXCEL use Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 instead of Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0.

Couple of things you can check
You may not have the database engine actually installed for the Office suite. I would check this first especially if you've not been able to connect before. Here is a link. This requires Access be installed, I think.
You may also try Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 or Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;HDR=YES"; as I do not think you need to the XML in Excel 10.0 XML.
I have two additional notes for when you get it working:
You need to reference your table name like so [$vSheetName$$] with the $ inside the brackets. Two dollar signs like so if you're inputting a variable
It is a best practice to wrap your headers in ticks [ ` ] seen between the brackets. With AA, if any header has spaces, this is the only way to parse it

Your query syntax is incorrect.
Try using the following syntax instead:
Select * from [Sheet1$]


Snowflake Python connector insert doesn't accept variables

Using snowflake connector I am trying to insert a record in a table.
In snowflake doc they have shown examples with hard coded strings, but when I try to use my variables instead, it doesn't work. Please suggest how to use variables in this case.
I get the below error
snowflake.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 000904 (42000): SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 100
invalid identifier 'SCORE_CREATION_DATE'
NOTE: In the above code if i hard code with String instead of variables, it works.
Kindly suggest what is the right way ?
You need to use string interpolation / formatting for your code to use these as actual variables:
f"('{score_creation_date}', '{compName}', '{sRefreshType}', '{mp_sku_count}', '{comp_sku_count}')"

Delete all in FOXPRO

This question may seem rudimentary but nothing that I have found online quite fits.
I am looking at an old FOXPRO script that we used to make a table. At the moment, I am attempting to translate this script into SQL. Of note is the following,
delete all for code='000000'
If I understand this correctly, it deletes all rows/records where the code field has a value of 000000. Am I correct?
"Into SQL"
What do you mean by "SQL"?
Do you mean do the same thing using SQL in VFP for a VFP table? If so then:
use myTable exclusive
delete from myTable where code = '000000'
But I doubt you are asking this, when you could do it by simply using the xBase code you wrote.
Do you mean how to that in an SQL backend like MS SQL server. postgreSQL, MySQL ...? If so then:
delete from myTable where code = '000000'
Note: In your code "all" is unnecessary but wouldn't do any harm.
Note2: In VFP code that you wrote, first line is "marking" the rows as "deleted" that have code value '000000'.
Second line really removes those rows from the table.
What version of foxpro?
delete from [table] where code = '00000'
delete for code = '000000'
both should work

Using Excel to run a statement many times

I am trying to use excel to update a list of part numbers in my database:
stock s
stock s
s.PNM_AUTO_KEY=p.PNM_AUTO_KEY AND p.PN='204-060-444-003');
The statements run without semicolons, but when I try to run more then one at once and use semicolons I get the error:
SQL Error [911] [22019]: ORA-00911: invalid character
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00911: invalid character
so... it looks like I don't know how run run more then one basic statement at once.
I am using DBeaver to interact with a Oracle database.
Thanks guys, sorry if this a no-brainer.
Try adding a blank line between each update statement if possible. You can do this easily with a text editor that supports regular expressions, just replace ';\n' with ';\n\n'

Oracle DB View -> Copying View to Excel using VBScript

english isn't my native tongue, but I hope I can explain my problem sufficiently.
I made a View in the Oracle DB which only contains the data I need.
Using SQL in my VBScript file, I select the View by using:
I have selected the complete view now, that works fine.
Now I need to 'export' or copy the complete View to Excel using VBScript (via UFT [Unified Functional Testing]).
Is there an easy way to just copy the whole thing at once or at least complete rows or columns?
If 1. doesn't work, can I just 'iterate' through the rows and columns using two loops and copy the data from every field to the respective field in Excel?
It would be nice to be able to copy the Data without using the names of the columns in a recordset (is there a way to use numbers until EOC [End of columns]?), because there is a very high amount of columns to be copied and the column names are subject to change.
Thanks for any help!
From a programmer==code writer's point of you the most attractive solution is your very first approach (copy the whole thing with just one SQL statement). Depending on the providers' capabilities this statement could look like
INSERT INTO [DstTable] SELECT * FROM [SrcTable] IN '' 'odbc;dsn=DSNName'
SELECT * INTO [DstTable] FROM [SrcTable] IN '' 'odbc;dsn=DSNName'
Look here for a working solution that couldn't be simpler; but I admit that a dsnless connection to the destination database looks more complicated and your drivers may have other incantations to refer to the external Database. Furthermore, your pair of providers may not support an external connection from the source to the destination and the dirty trick of using the Access OLEDB driver (which came/still comes? with ADO) to connect to both Databases externally may not work for you. In all, it's certainly not easy to get "INSERT/SELECT INTO External Database" right. [Look at my (just downvoted) answer to see that people dispair and fall back (and upvote) code that uses single-item-copy-loops.] In your case, you'll have to research whether at least one of the Oracle providers available to you supports external connections to Excel (or vice versa).
From a programmer==hacker's point of view (let's get the job done with minimal fuss) an easy solution could be to export the views/tables to .csv (
I looked at this and was disappointed, but you may know much better) and to import them into Excel (just load .csv and save .xls)
If you can't/won't use the file system, you could go thru memory: Use GetRows to get the data into a two dimensional array and assign that to the desired Excel range.
If all the above fails and you need assignments to single cells in row and column loopings over the recordset, remember that the Fields collection gives you access to not only the data but the meta-info (number of columns, column-names, types, ...) too.
Thanks for the help, and the links you provided, Ekkehard and Bond! After reading them and trying a lot, i got a very simple solution.
Here's some working code, if anybody else faces the same or a similar problem:
Option explicit
Dim conn, rec, xlStat, xlStatW, dbCnnStr, SQLSec, statArt
Set conn = Createobject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set xlStat = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
dbCnnStr = "[your DB-connection]"
conn.open dbCnnStr
'Start Excel XXX
Set xlStatW = xlStat.Workbooks.Add()
xlStatW.Sheets(1).Name = "AAA_123"
xlStatW.Sheets(2).Name = "BBB_123"
xlStatW.Sheets(3).Name = "CCC_123"
rec.open SQLSec,conn
xlStatW.Sheets(1).cells(2,1).CopyFromRecordset rec
rec.open SQLSec,conn
xlStatW.Sheets(2).cells(2,1).CopyFromRecordset rec
rec.open SQLSec,conn
xlStatW.Sheets(3).cells(2,1).CopyFromRecordset rec
xlStatW.SaveAs ("C:\test.xlsx")
'Ende Excel XXX

Null values reading data from Excel using ADO

I am reading data from an Excel 2007 spreadsheet using ADO. Setting up the connection is easy:
Dim ado As ADODB.Connection
Set ado = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
ado.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=myFilename.xlsx;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO;IMEX=1"";"
I can call ado.OpenSchema without any trouble on this object. However, when I try to query the data:
Dim rs As ADODB.recordSet
Set rs = ado.Execute("SELECT * FROM [Current Work Load$]")
I simply get a table full of Nulls.
This is mentioned as an issue on the Microsoft Support site - but I have explicitly enabled "Import Mode" (as you can see in the code above - IMEX=1).
The Execute method does not return any records as it is for action queries.
Your might want to try the OpenRecordset method.
Dim rs As ADODB.recordSet
Set rs = ado.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM [Current Work Load$]")
I've found the ADO connection strings here are unbelievably picky. I've gotten reading the spreadsheets to work but with a slightly different connection string:
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + fileName + #";Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;IMEX=1";
(I don't have the XML after the Excel 12.0 declaration).
SpreadsheetGear for .NET can read Excel workbooks and enables you to access any cells without the kinds of issues / limatations you can run into with ADO.
You can see live C# & VB samples here and download the free trial here.
Disclaimer: I own SpreadsheetGear LLC
As well as using IMEX=1 in the connection string, you need to review a couple of registry keys. For more details, see this answer on SO.
