Can Kentico 11 API be utilized in the same way Kentico Cloud is used? - kentico

We are currently utilizing Kentico 11 for our website. We just reupped our support for Kentico 11 so we don't have any current plans to make any moves.
However, I'm really impressed by the headless CMS approach that Kentico Cloud encourages. My question is, can Kentico 11 api be utilized in a way where I can use Kentico 11 as a purely Content Management System and build an Angular application that will utilize Kentico's built in API.
Or is the only way to do a headless CMS project (using Angular and Kentico) is to purchase a Kentico Cloud account?

In Kentico's Roadmap, you'll see they are moving towards an MVC first approach vs. Portal Engine first approach. That being said, you CAN simply use Kentico CMS/EMS as your content management system and simply have a second web app utilizing MVC to make calls to Kentico to get the data out and displayed properly.
You can check out the documentation for more on how to get started with this in v11.
There are some articles out there from some well known Kentico Developers/Agencies (you can search for "Kentico MVC" on troubles they have overcome with MVC and Kentico as well as approaches. Short story is you can do what you're asking without Kentico Cloud but Kentico Cloud would be a great addition if you needed multi-channel content delivery.
There is a great post here about the differences and some common questions between Kentico Cloud and Kentico EMS.


How to route and resolve pages in Kentico

I am creating a Kentico website and have been through the tutorial and reading up on the handling links for Kentico MVC. From what I understand, Kentico is encouraging developers to use the standard MVC routing to map pages to controllers.
This is fine for sections of the site, or if you only have a few pages, but the site I am developing has a large content structure and lots of top level pages.
It seems unreasonable to have to create a custom route in the App_Start/RouteConfig.cs for every top level page. Is there are better way to do this?
There's also another great post on the subject by Sean Wright.
I would recommend checking this out as well.
The Dynamic Routing module has been published on NuGet.
for the "Mother" admin
For the MVC
Documentation and source code on Github

Open source Nodejs CMS for image/embed video sharing

I'm planning to learn about Nodejs and try to make a website for upload image or embed video from other site for my class.
It likes a public social network with just a just a few blog features for administrator only.
Cause of the limited of myself and the time, I decide to use an open source Nodejs CMS which has almost those function and contribute it to became my class's website.
Please give me some suggestion, are there any CMS like that?
I tried once Relax CMS, it's really powerful.
From GitHub
Relax is a powerful new generation CMS on top of React and Node.js which aims for a better way of building websites.
It features a live page builder based on components and a smart and easy way of binding dynamic data to them.
It's almost ready for production, but you can check the demo out, and the project page
Did you take a look at Strapi (
Halfway between a Node.js Framework and a Headless CMS, it saves weeks of API development time.
Thanks to its extensible plugin system, it provides a large set of built-in features:
Extensible Admin Panel
Authentication & Permissions management
File management
Content Management
API Generator
GraphQL support
Let me know if you have any question.

API for Mobile web app development

I am trying to build a mobile web app using worklight .I checked the IBM website but they have limited documentation on it.I wanted to know is there any inbuilt API provided by IBM in order to develop the mobile web app?
I am specifically looking for API to to control the refresh button and the back button in mobile web browser
Why limited? Where did you look? There is comprehensive user documentation and training modules in the following websites:
IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules
IBM Worklight user documentation: client-side JavaScript API reference
Regardless, there is no such thing as "controlling a browser's Back and Refresh buttons".
These buttons are provided by the mobile browser and are out of scope for whatever is running within.
It would be more beneficial for you to edit the question and explain your specific scenario - what it is that you are actually trying to accomplish.
In Worklight, you have WL.Client.reloadApp, for example, which can be used to refresh the web resources displayed. As for "back button"-like functionality, this can only be determined once you explain what you are trying to accomplish.
Additionally, keep in mind that while Worklight provides some API methods for controlling UI elements, it does so only to a certain degree and only for elements that are most common to all mobile environments (iOS, Android, ... for example, creating a tabbar); when you develop a web app for the Mobile Web environment, you cannot control via the app things like the Refresh button that the mobile browser supplies.
Lastly, you can and probably should opt to 3rd party frameworks such as jQuery Mobile and the like for the UI aspect in your Worklight application.

Is there a yet fairly complete example projects servicestack that uses the new API?

I got the week off from work to learn servicestack and I am in awe of its simplicity, power, and speed.
I am a pluralsight subscriber and I am going through the Jon Somnez course which is great and as far as I can tell is using the new service stack api.
However, the examples in the pluralsight course are extremely simple and as such I am looking for a working example THAT USES the new API. I see that the wiki is up to date and that is very helpful...but I was hoping to find a working implementation that uses the new API and it seems that all of the examples I have downloaded or browsed are using the old API.
IS there a new working example/implementation (vs solution and projects.) that uses the new API yet?
If I can sneak in another question. Is there a recommendation (hopefully in the example project you can point me to) that explains a best practice for structuring your servicestack API project. (DTOs in a folder, services in a folder, response objects in a folder ??)
Update: ServiceStack Live Demo's and Examples are now being published on LiveDemos GitHub Project.
Most of the examples in ServiceStack.Examples has switched over to use the New API and are mostly available to demo on the homepage.
ServiceStack.UseCases contain a number of small single-purposed applications that are focused on how to enable specific features for different use-cases.
The SocialBootstrap API deployed at is an example of an MVC and ServiceStack website together making with all the available authentication options together.
The Razor Rockstars is an example of a stand-alone ServiceStack application that demonstrates its website and HTML capabilities showing how you can add razor and markdown views to existing services to create a website that enhances existing services. There are 3 versions of Razor Rockstars available:
A Stand-alone Self-hosted using HttpListener
A Windows Service
Another website that's similar in spirit to Razor Rockstars is the Nortwind Database editor which demonstrates how you can enable a full-featured server-side HTML website to enhance your existing services. It includes a full-writeup of how he developed it and its capabilities on the accompanying blog post.

Mixing Windows Azure Accelerator for Web Deploy and Windows Azure Accelerator for Umbraco within the same Web Roles.

Is there a hybrid accelerator that allows me to mix both Umbraco and plain MVC3 projects together within the same Web Roles?
So if I was running six sites, 3 that were Umbraco and 3 that were just MVC projects is there a hybrid accelerator that allows me to deploy a minimum of just 2 Web Roles (for SLA) or will I always need at least 4?
Well, I don't have a super awesome answer for you, but here's what I found:
I have managed to get the Umbraco accelerator working with additional MVC apps on a single web role. The solution that I'm currently going with just defines the additional apps as web sites using the sites node in the Azure service definition file. However, for this to work you must modify the Umbraco accelerator code or it will delete your sites right out from under you:
Line 305 of the SyncHelper.cs file should be changed to something like this:
if (!sitesToAdd.Remove(name) && name != "web" && !name.StartsWith("someprefix")) {
The "someprefix" string can be anything of your choosing, but you must use the prefix on all your website names to keep the accelerator from removing them.
If you really don't want to have to republish to make code changes, I did find one other interesting thing. If you don't mind having all of your other MVC apps on the box running as independent websites (already similar to my solution anyway), you can just upload them to blob storage like it was another Umbraco website. It seemed to work fine although this definitely doesn't give you the same control and ease of use as the web role accelerator. I chose not to use this solution since I didn't want to incur the additional storage transactions.
On a final note, I believe it would still be possible to actually combine the Umbraco and web role accelerators if someone really wanted to take the time and go through the code and make it happen. That person is not me at this point :)
