Building a secure HTTPs web server with Fargate + ACM + ALB - amazon

I am trying for the simplest deploy to get an https web server up and running in Fargate.
I have used Amazon Certificate Manager to create a public certificate.
I have an Application Load Balancer that is talking to the Fargate container on two ports:
80 for http and
443 for https
This is the problem: when I run my webserver on port 80 (http) and connect via the ALB, it works fine (not secure, but it serves up the html).
When I run my webserver on port 443 with TLS enabled, it does not connect via the ALB.
Another point is that when running my webserver with TLS enabled on port 443, I do not have the certificate or certificate key, and so am confused how to get that from Amazon.
Another question I have is: does it make sense for me to say that the ELB will communicate with the client over HTTPS but that the ELB can communicate with the container via HTTP? Is this secure?
My networking knowledge is very rusty.

does it make sense for me to say that the ELB will communicate with the client over HTTPS but that the ELB can communicate with the container via HTTP?
Yes. You should make sure your web server is accepting traffic from the ALB on port 80. This is done at the application level, on the web server, and with your target group, which is what the ALB will use to determine how it routes traffic to your web server. This is way it typically works:
client --(443)--> ALB --(80)--> web server
Some things to check:
Target group is configured to send traffic to your FG web server on port 80
Target group health check is configured to check port 80
FG task security group has ingress from ALB on port 80
Web server is configured to listen on port 80
Sidenote: You can configure your target group to send traffic to the target (web server in Fargate) on 443, but as you said, without the proper certificate setup in the container, you won't be able to properly terminate SSL and it just wouldn't work. You would need to upload your own cert to ACM for this to work, which sends you down a security rabbit hole, namely how to avoid baking your private key into your Docker image.


Webserver not accessible on port 8080 after configuring Proxy

Let me start by saying I'm very new to this:
We have a linux server behind secure environment (No internet access). I was running apache webserver on that machine in port 8080 and it was accessible within the company network. Recently we asked networking team to configure us Proxy address so that the server can access Internet to perform yum, wget and few other maintenance related task.
The networking team configured http and https proxy on port 8080 and gave us a proxy address to use ( Now the port 8080 is connected to proxy server and apache service has been kicked out from that port. hence, it's unreachable. what kind of configuration changes do I have to make so I can access the apache web server from another machine within the company?

AWS Application load balancer throwing 502

I am currently learning about AWS and I have a single EC2 instance running with a nodejs server on port 3000, an Application load balancer with SSL setup that listen on port 80 and 443 (http & https). When I make requests to the http route it returns back the successful health check message. But when I try to access my api via the https method, I get a 502 Error. I googled around and read some articles and they pointed out that the nodejs server keepAliveTimeout and headersTimeout should be higher than the timeout option of the ALB. I tried that and it didn't work. I also tried to set the max-http-header-value to 16384, I also tried to check the access logs for the load balancer on my S3 bucket and the logs just showed that I am getting a 502 error and nothing more. What could be the issue? Because I have tried all solutions that presented but they don't seem to work.
The 443 listener needs to be pointed to port 80 on the ec2 instance
The first thing to check is that your server is responding to requests. Try connecting to port 3000 on the server, either from the server itself (eg curl localhost:3000) or from outside the server (which will require the Security Group to permit access to port 3000).
Once you have confirm that the server is responding, configure Security Groups as:
A Security Group on the Application Load Balancer (ALB-SG) that permits Inbound access on ports 80 and 443
A Security Group on the Amazon EC2 instance (App-SG) that permits inbound access on port 3000 from ALB-SG
That is, App-SG should specifically refer to ALB-SG in its Inbound rules.
Then, configure the Load Balancer to have a Target Group that points at port 3000 on the app server and provide it a URL for the Health Check (that could simply be /).
Then, connect to the Application Load Balancer and see whether you can access your app.

Redirect traffic from http to https on node.js instance on elastic beanstalk

I want to redirect traffic from http to https on my load balanced node.js instance running on Amazon Linux + nginx on elastic beanstalk.
I configured the load balancer to route traffic on port 80 and 443 to the instance:
When I access the page with I have a secure https connection but I can still force http by opening the url with
I want to prevent this by forcing the incoming traffic on port 80 to be redirected to 443.
I found this configuration file in the official AWS documentation:
I created an .ebextensions folder and placed the configuration file in there.
I deployed the application but the redirection still does not work.
Has anybody solved this kind of problem?
Anything else I could try?
In EB you can use Classic, network and application load balances.
If you expect http and https traffic only, switch to Application ELB and do http to https redirection on ELB.
Moreover you can request for SSL certificate in ACM (for free) and attache it to your SLL listener.

Configure SSL on NGINX reverse proxy on GCP VM

I have a GCP VM instance running a NodeJS server and it has a Nginx reverse proxy configured that allows me to connect with the NodeJS server over HTTP. The server is also accessible through a domain name (The Domain was purchase from Google Domains and I did not explicitly buy a SSL certificate)
I want to configure HTTPS on this VM instance.
I tried to use certbot and follow the instructions here
but I still cannot connect to my NodeJS server over HTTPS.
Please note: HTTP traffic works fine when connecting through IP and domain name.
Fixed this.
Turns out, that the firewall was blocking connections to port 443.
For readers:
On GCP VM make sure firewalls are configured correctly at 3 places.
GCP Networking Firewall should be configured to allows http/https/SSH/etc
Your VM should be set with proper GCP Firewall tags so that your GCP Firewall configuration is applied to your VM.
Your OS Firewall should be configured to allow the traffic you want.

Hosting web application on Amazon AWS EC2

I am developing a web application locally. However, I would like to host the final product on an Amazon EC2 instance. I have moved my web application to the EC2 instance and am able to run the application; it's now listening on port 8081.
What I don't understand is how to allow users on the internet to access the web application running on port 8081 of the EC2 instance. I have tried redirecting the domain name to the IP address of the EC2 instance on the NameCheap DNS (where we bought the domain) to no avail. I suspect one of the things I need to do is set the permissions of the EC2 permission group but what should I set it to?
Help is greatly appreciated!
You can setup a nginx server to proxy all request to the port 8081.
Read more information here:
Generally speaking, for a public web application you will want to run on a standard port (e.g. 80 or 443). You could do that by just running your node app as a privileged user (required by most OS's to expose 80 or 443), but generally it's better to have a web server in front pass the traffic, treating your node app as an upstream server (even if it's on localhost). NGinX is a good choice for this.
Regardless of what port you want to run it on, you'll need to update your EC2 security policy for that instance to allow traffic on that port (80, 443, 8081, whatever). You'll also need to make sure it's exposing a public IP address. It's not a bad idea to assign it an Elastic IP, since you'll wnat it to have the same address across instance reboots.
Finally, depending on what AMI you're running from, there may be a host firewall configured that you'll need to check on and configure to allow the traffic.
