What credit card swiper will work with stripe? - stripe-payments

We built an ecommerce platform (like a Shopify) that allows our customers - the merchants to accept payments for products.
As of now, all payments are accepted online. When they sign up to use our service, they also sign up for stripe and we process payments through their hosted form for ease of PCI Compliance.
In a live setting, many of our customers want to use a swiper to accept payments for their products rather than typing in a credit card number on a tablet.
Do you have any suggestions for a third party swiper provider with an API that we can integrate?

Stripe now offers its own set of supported EMV devices:
You can also use PayWorks or CardFlight (as of today) and can find those integrations here:
Lastly, if your'e just looking to use a magstripe reader, you should email into Support https://support.stripe.com/email for more guidance.


Forminator + Stripe - delayed credit card charging

Is there a way to collect credit card information in Stripe without charging? Like delayed billing using just Forminator's native Stripe field?
We want to collect credit card details up front but not charge until the 4th session because we have a trial period and don't want to charge until the end of the trial period.
Also, how do I pass coupon information to Stripe using Forminator?
You will likely need to ask for assistance from the Forminator developers or community to accomplish this.
Generally speaking, Stripe supports saving card details for later through the Setup Intents API. You can also authorize payments and capture them later (within 7 days) if that is applicable.
I do not know how Forminator works or whether the plugin supports these features.

Marketplace that allows payment on behalf of third party

I am currently developing a marketplace type of website. When it comes to handling payments, I would like to be able to charge customers on behalf of sellers.
Which payment gateway API should I use (if this is even possible)? I am using React and Node.
For reference, what I was looking for was something like Stripe Connect. According to their website: "Marketplaces and platforms use Stripe Connect to accept money and pay out to third parties. Connect provides a complete set of building blocks to support virtually any business model, including on-demand businesses, e‑commerce, crowdfunding, and travel and events."

Processing credit cards in React/Node using only open source tech

If you go out and look for how to process credit cards online, you will continuously get sent towards Paypal or Stripe (which are great options!). These have great features, including nice client UIs, but they don't always fit the problem domain.
I need to accept credit card payments to replace in-person payments for a business, which means no extra fees outside of what credit cards already charge. This is for both Canada and the USA.
Is there an established "best pick" for open source frameworks for handling credit card payments in Node and React?
To be clear, I am showing you one merchant that you can use. Whichever merchant your client is using now to take credit card payments will most likely have a REST API to use.
Most merchant service will have some sort of an API you can use. Since we do not know which merchant you are planning on using I will show you a popular one.
I have used authorize.net a lot in my career. They have a REST API you can consume to handle payments for your clients. The API has a SDK you can download for whichever language you want to use.
The developer portal is here.
You can see popular language examples here.
When you go to that last link click on code examples and pick the
language you want to see.
Here is the SDK repo for Node.js.
Find more SDKs on git and use them in your app!
Let me know if you have anymore questions.

How do I implement a customer wallet with Node.js and Stripe or Braintree

I'm building an uber-like app where there are customers, and drivers:
Customers need to have a wallet to which they can add money using credit cards
Drivers need to be paid when they complete a ride, and my platform receives a commission on each ride fare.
I experimented with Stripe, but they don't seem to support a customer wallet implementation out of the box. Neither does braintree. Am I missing something?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact
Happy to offer help!
Customers need to have a wallet to which they can add money using
credit cards
Braintree has a Vault in which you can allow customers to store payment methods, but there is no feature which will allow them to "add money". These payment methods are represented as payment method tokens which can be charged at any point.
Drivers need to be paid when they complete a ride, and my platform
receives a commission on each ride fare.
Braintree offers a Marketplace solution that allows you to split a payment to two parties; one being a sub-merchant (in your case, a driver), and a service see being sent to you, as the master merchant. You can read more about Marketplace at this link.
Feel free to reach out to support if you need further clarification!
Stripe doesn't support a 'wallet' style approach, but you can definitely use Connect to build this, though you'd then charge your customers at the time of purchase/use, rather than having them 'prefill' a wallet.
I'd suggest you reach out to Support if you have further questions on this one.

How to transfer money from one stripe account to multiple connected standalone stripe accounts

I am working with a marketplace website. Initially, I will be charging a customer for buying a product and the money will be credited to my stripe account. After that, I want to transfer some money from my stripe account to two different standalone connected stripe accounts in. How can I achieve this using stripe?
The exact feature you are looking for is Transfer. Before April 6, 2017, transfers also represented movement of funds from a Stripe account to a card or bank account. This behaviour has since been split out into a Payout object, with corresponding payout endpoints.
This link has detailed guide of how to create Transfers.
I know this was asked long ago but I couldn't find any satisfactory or to the point answer.
You need to use the "Separate Charges & Transfers" flow described here: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/charges-transfers.
I also recommend that you write to Stripe's support at https://support.stripe.com/email to explain your business model and desired payment flows to make sure that it's something that Stripe can support.
