Haskell type inference (ReaderT and tuple) - haskell

Exploring this material: Lens over tea I've encountered an interesting (simple at first) point:
ex3 :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
ex3 = do
a <- fst
b <- snd
return (b, a)
Everything's fine, but what type of monad does this function use (since we have a do-block inside). After a few attempts I arrived to this conclusion:
ex2 :: ReaderT (a, b) ((,) b) a
ex2 = ReaderT $ do
a <- fst
b <- snd
return (b, a)
ex3 :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
ex3 = runReaderT ex2
So, we have ReaderT that uses inner monad ((,) b). Interestingly enough - I got not enough satisfaction with this and decided to rewrite ex2 not using do-notation. This is what I got:
ex2 :: Monoid b => ReaderT (a, b) ((,) b) a
ex2 = ReaderT $
\pair -> return (fst pair) >>=
\a -> return (snd pair) >>=
\b -> (b, a)
or even:
ex2 :: Monoid b => ReaderT (a, b) ((,) b) a
ex2 = ReaderT $
\pair -> (mempty, fst pair) >>=
\a -> (mempty, snd pair) >>=
\b -> (b, a)
Both variants require b to have a Monoid type restriction.
The question is: can I write this functions with (>>=) only and without using a Monoid restriction - like we have with do-notation variant? Apparently we do the same with or without do-notation. Maybe the even difference, that we have to construct monads at every step in the second and thirst fuctions and this requires us to state that "b" should be a monoid - some monoid. And in the first case we just extract our values from some monad - not constructing them. Can anybody explain am I thinking in the right direction?
Thank you!!

You have not quite desugared this from do notation to (>>=) calls. A direct translation would look like this:
ex2 :: ReaderT (a, b) ((,) b) a
ex2 = ReaderT $
fst >>= (\a -> -- a <- fst
snd >>= (\b -> -- b <- snd
return (b, a))) -- return (b, a)
Also, you aren't actually using the monadness of (,) b, even though it fits into the slot here for the "inner monad" of ReaderT.

ex3 :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
means, in prefix notation
ex3 :: (->) (a, b) (b, a)
Hence the monad is m = (->) (a, b) which is the Reader monad (up to isomorphism) with a pair as its implicit argument / read-only state.
You don't need a monoid. The plain reader monad is enough. If you want to use ReaderT, use the identity monad as the inner monad.
ex2 :: Monoid b => ReaderT (a, b) Identity (b, a)
ex2 = ReaderT $
\pair -> Identity (fst pair) >>=
\a -> Identity (snd pair) >>=
\b -> Identity (b, a)
Of course, the code above could be simplified.

So to summarize:
Type of monad is (->) r - just function or simple reader;
How to desugar the initial function without do:
ex3' :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
ex3' = fst >>=
\a -> snd >>=
\b -> return (b, a)


Problems in defining an applicative instance

Suppose that I'm wanting to define a data-type indexed by two type level environments. Something like:
data Woo s a = Woo a | Waa s a
data Foo (s :: *) (env :: [(Symbol,*)]) (env' :: [(Symbol,*)]) (a :: *) =
Foo { runFoo :: s -> Sing env -> (Woo s a, Sing env') }
The idea is that env is the input environment and env' is the output one. So, type Foo acts like an indexed state monad. So far, so good. My problem is how could I show that Foo is an applicative functor. The obvious try is
instance Applicative (Foo s env env') where
pure x = Foo (\s env -> (Woo x, env))
-- definition of (<*>) omitted.
but GHC complains that pure is ill-typed since it infers the type
pure :: a -> Foo s env env a
instead of the expected type
pure :: a -> Foo s env env' a
what is completely reasonable. My point is, it is possible to define an Applicative instance for Foo allowing to change the environment type? I googled for indexed functors, but at first sight, they don't appear to solve my problem. Can someone suggest something to achieve this?
Your Foo type is an example of what Atkey originally called a parameterised monad, and everyone else (arguably incorrectly) now calls an indexed monad.
Indexed monads are monad-like things with two indices which describe a path through a directed graph of types. Sequencing indexed monadic computations requires that the indices of the two computations line up like dominos.
class IFunctor f where
imap :: (a -> b) -> f x y a -> f x y b
class IFunctor f => IApplicative f where
ipure :: a -> f x x a
(<**>) :: f x y (a -> b) -> f y z a -> f x z b
class IApplicative m => IMonad m where
(>>>=) :: m x y a -> (a -> m y z b) -> m x z b
If you have an indexed monad which describes a path from x to y, and a way to get from y to z, the indexed bind >>>= will give you a bigger computation which takes you from x to z.
Note also that ipure returns f x x a. The value returned by ipure doesn't take any steps through the directed graph of types. Like a type-level id.
A simple example of an indexed monad, to which you alluded in your question, is the indexed state monad newtype IState i o a = IState (i -> (o, a)), which transforms the type of its argument from i to o. You can only sequence stateful computations if the output type of the first matches the input type of the second.
newtype IState i o a = IState { runIState :: i -> (o, a) }
instance IFunctor IState where
imap f s = IState $ \i ->
let (o, x) = runIState s i
in (o, f x)
instance IApplicative IState where
ipure x = IState $ \s -> (s, x)
sf <**> sx = IState $ \i ->
let (s, f) = runIState sf i
(o, x) = runIState sx s
in (o, f x)
instance IMonad IState where
s >>>= f = IState $ \i ->
let (t, x) = runIState s i
in runIState (f x) t
Now, to your actual question. IMonad, with its domino-esque sequencing, is a good abstraction for computations which transform a type-level environment: you expect the first computation to leave the environment in a state which is palatable to the second. Let us write an instance of IMonad for Foo.
I'm going to start by noting that your Woo s a type is isomorphic to (a, Maybe s), which is an example of the Writer monad. I mention this because we'll need an instance for Monad (Woo s) later and I'm too lazy to write my own.
type Woo s a = Writer (First s) a
I've picked First as my preferred flavour of Maybe monoid but I don't know exactly how you intend to use Woo. You may prefer Last.
I'm also soon going to make use of the fact that Writer is an instance of Traversable. In fact, Writer is even more traversable than that: because it contains exactly one a, we won't need to smash any results together. This means we only need a Functor constraint for the effectful f.
-- cf. traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverseW :: Functor f => (a -> f b) -> Writer w a -> f (Writer w b)
traverseW f m = let (x, w) = runWriter m
in fmap (\x -> writer (x, w)) (f x)
Let's get down to business.
Foo s is an IFunctor. The instance makes use of Writer s's functor-ness: we go inside the stateful computation and fmap the function over the Writer monad inside.
newtype Foo (s :: *) (env :: [(Symbol,*)]) (env' :: [(Symbol,*)]) (a :: *) =
Foo { runFoo :: s -> Sing env -> (Woo s a, Sing env') }
instance IFunctor (Foo s) where
imap f foo = Foo $ \s env ->
let (woo, env') = runFoo foo s env
in (fmap f woo, env')
We'll also need to make Foo a regular Functor, to use it with traverseW later.
instance Functor (Foo s x y) where
fmap = imap
Foo s is an IApplicative. We have to use Writer s's Applicative instance to smash the Woos together. This is where the Monoid s constraint comes from.
instance IApplicative (Foo s) where
ipure x = Foo $ \s env -> (pure x, env)
foo <**> bar = Foo $ \s env ->
let (woof, env') = runFoo foo s env
(woox, env'') = runFoo bar s env'
in (woof <*> woox, env'')
Foo s is an IMonad. Surprise surprise, we end up delegating to Writer s's Monad instance. Note also the crafty use of traverseW to feed the intermediate a inside the writer to the Kleisli arrow f.
instance IMonad (Foo s) where
foo >>>= f = Foo $ \s env ->
let (woo, env') = runFoo foo s env
(woowoo, env'') = runFoo (traverseW f woo) s env'
in (join woowoo, env'')
Addendum: The thing that's missing from this picture is transformers. Instinct tells me that you should be able to express Foo as a monad transformer stack:
type Foo s env env' = ReaderT s (IStateT (Sing env) (Sing env') (WriterT (First s) Identity))
But indexed monads don't have a compelling story to tell about transformers. The type of >>>= would require all the indexed monads in the stack to manipulate their indices in the same way, which is probably not what you want. Indexed monads also don't compose nicely with regular monads.
All this is to say that indexed monad transformers play out a bit nicer with a McBride-style indexing scheme. McBride's IMonad looks like this:
type f ~> g = forall x. f x -> g x
class IMonad m where
ireturn :: a ~> m a
(=<?) :: (a ~> m b) -> (m a ~> m b)
Then monad transformers would look like this:
class IMonadTrans t where
ilift :: IMonad m => m a ~> t m a
Essentially, you're missing a constraint on Sing env' - namely that it needs to be a Monoid, because:
you need to be able to generate a value of type Sing env' from nothing (e.g. mempty)
you need to be able to combine two values of type Sing env' into one during <*> (e.g. mappend).
You'll also need to the ability combine s values in <*>, so, unless you want to import SemiGroup from somewhere, you'll probably want that to be a Monoid too.
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module SO37860911 where
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import Data.Singletons (Sing)
data Woo s a = Woo a | Waa s a
deriving Functor
instance Monoid s => Applicative (Woo s) where
pure = Woo
Woo f <*> Woo a = Woo $ f a
Waa s f <*> Woo a = Waa s $ f a
Woo f <*> Waa s a = Waa s $ f a
Waa s f <*> Waa s' a = Waa (mappend s s') $ f a
data Foo (s :: *) (env :: [(Symbol,*)]) (env' :: [(Symbol,*)]) (a :: *) =
Foo { runFoo :: s -> Sing env -> (Woo s a, Sing env') }
deriving Functor
instance (Monoid s, Monoid (Sing env')) => Applicative (Foo s env env') where
pure a = Foo $ \_s _env -> (pure a, mempty)
Foo mf <*> Foo ma = Foo $ \s env -> case (mf s env, ma s env) of
((w,e), (w',e')) -> (w <*> w', e `mappend` e')

Understanding "Monad m" in >>=

Looking at Haskell's bind:
Prelude> :t (>>=)
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
I was confused by the following example:
Prelude> let same x = x
Prelude> [[1]] >>= \x -> same x
Looking at >>='s signature, how does \x -> same x type check with a -> m b?
I would've expected \x -> same x to have produced a [b] type, since the Monad m type here is [], as I understand.
You say
I would've expected \x -> same x to have produced a [b] type, since the Monad m type here is [], as I understand.
and so it does because it is.
We have
[[1]] >>= \ x -> same x
[[1]] >>= \ x -> x
[[Int]] [Int] -> [Int] :: [Int]
[] [Int] [Int] -> [] Int :: [] Int
m a a m b m b
Sometimes [] is describing a kind of "nondeterminism" effect. Other times, [] is describing a container-like data structure. The fact that it's difficult to tell the difference between which of these two purposes is being served is a feature of which some people are terribly proud. I'm not ready to agree with them, but I see what they're doing.
Looking at >>='s signature, how does \x -> same x type check with a -> m b?
It's actually very simple. Look at the type signatures:
same :: x -> x
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>= same) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
x -> x
x := a
-- and
x := m b
-- and by transitivity
a := x := m b
-- or
a := m b
(>>= same) :: Monad m => m (m b) -> m b
This is just the join function from the Control.Monad module, and for the list monad it is the same as the concat function. Thus:
[[1]] >>= \x -> same x
-- is the same as the following via eta reduction
[[1]] >>= same
-- is the same as
(>>= same) [[1]]
-- is the same as
join [[1]]
-- is the same as
concat [[1]]
-- evaluates to
I would've expected \x -> same x to have produced a [b] type, since the Monad m type here is [], as I understand.
Indeed, it does. The \x -> same x function which has the type x -> x is specialized to the type [b] -> [b] as I explained above. Hence, (>>= same) is of the type [[b]] -> [b] which is the same as the concat function. It flattens a list of lists.
The concat function is a specialization of the join function which flattens a nested monad.
It should be noted that a monad can be defined in terms of either >>= or fmap and join. To quote Wikipedia:
Although Haskell defines monads in terms of the return and >>= functions, it is also possible to define a monad in terms of return and two other operations, join and fmap. This formulation fits more closely with the original definition of monads in category theory. The fmap operation, with type Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b, takes a function between two types and produces a function that does the “same thing” to values in the monad. The join operation, with type Monad m => m (m a) -> m a, “flattens” two layers of monadic information into one.
The two formulations are related as follows:
fmap f m = m >>= (return . f)
join n = n >>= id
m >>= g ≡ join (fmap g m)
Here, m has the type Monad m => m a, n has the type Monad m => m (m a), f has the type a -> b, and g has the type Monad m => a -> m b, where a and b are underlying types.
The fmap function is defined for any functor in the category of types and functions, not just for monads. It is expected to satisfy the functor laws:
fmap id ≡ id
fmap (f . g) ≡ (fmap f) . (fmap g)
The return function characterizes pointed functors in the same category, by accounting for the ability to “lift” values into the functor. It should satisfy the following law:
return . f ≡ fmap f . return
In addition, the join function characterizes monads:
join . fmap join ≡ join . join
join . fmap return ≡ join . return = id
join . fmap (fmap f) ≡ fmap f . join
Hope that helps.
As a few people have commented, you've found a really cute property about monads here. For reference, let's look at the signature for bind:
:: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
In your case, the type a === m b as you have a [[a]] or m (m a). So, if you rewrite the signature of the above bind operation, you get:
:: Monad m => m (m b) -> ((m b) -> m b) -> m b
I mentioned that this is cute, because by extension, this works for any nested monad. e.g.
:: [[b]] -> ([b] -> [b]) -> [b]
:: Maybe (Maybe b) -> (Maybe b -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
:: Reader (Reader b) -> (Reader b -> Reader b) -> Reader b
If you look at the function that get's applied here, you'll see that it's the identity function (e.g. id, same, :: forall a. a -> a).
This is included in the standard libraries for Haskell, as join. You can look at the source here on hackage. You'll see it's implemented as bind id, or \mma -> mma >>= id, or (=<<) id
As you say m is []. Then a is [Integer] (ignoring the fact that numbers are polymorphic for simplicity's sake) and b is Integer. So a -> m b becomes [Integer] -> [Integer].
First: we should use the standard version of same, it is called id.
Now, let's rename some type variables
id :: (a'' ~ a) => a -> a''
What this means is: the signature of id is that of a function mapping between two types, with the extra constraint that both types be equal. That's all – we do not require any particular properties, like “being flat”.
Why the hell would I write it this way? Well, if we also rename some of the variables in the bind signature...
(>>=) :: (Monad m, a'~m a, a''~m b) => a' -> (a -> a'') -> a''
...then it is obvious how we can plug the id, as the type variables have already been named accordingly. The type-equality constraint a''~a from id is simply taken to the compound's signature, i.e.
(>>=id) :: (Monad m, a'~m a, a''~m b, a''~a) => a' -> a''
or, simplifying that,
(>>=id) :: (Monad m, a'~m a, m b~a) => a' -> m b
(>>=id) :: (Monad m, a'~m (m b)) => a' -> m b
(>>=id) :: (Monad m) => m (m b) -> m b
So what this does is, it flattens a nested monad to a single application of that same monad. Quite simple, and as a matter of fact this is one the “more fundamental” operation: mathematicians don't define the bind operator, they instead define two morphisms η :: a -> m a (we know that, it's return) and μ :: m (m a) -> m a – yup, that's the one you've just discovered. In Haskell, it's called join.
The monad here is [a] and the example is pointlessly complicated. This’ll be clearer:
Prelude> [[1]] >>= id
just as
Prelude> [[1]] >>= const [2]
i.e. >>= is concatMap and is concat when used with id.

Implementing Applicative (<*>) for StateT

This question has been asked before, but without a real answer. In fact the accepted answer suggests that it is not possible, despite the fact that
StateT is a Monad, and hence a superset of Applicative. As a result, the standard libraries simply use (<*>) = ap
(as Petr notes) composing applicatives always yields an applicative.
One of the implementations of MaybeT I've read about used
liftA2 (<*>) :: (Applicative f, Applicative f1) => f (f1 (a -> b)) -> f (f1 a) -> f (f1 b)
to implement Applicative but I can't make that work here. My work in progress has tried lots of options around the following:
-- (<*>) :: StateT s f (a -> b) -> State s f a -> State s f b
instance (Applicative f) => Applicative (StateT s f) where
pure a = StateT $ \s -> pure (a, s)
(StateT f) <*> (StateT g) = StateT $ \s -> -- f :: s -> m (a -> b, s), g :: s -> m (a, s)
mabs = f s -- mabs :: m (a -> b, s)
mab = fmap fst mabs
ms' = fmap snd mabs
in undefined
I'm wondering what I am missing, and hoping that I will learn something about Applicative in the process.
Tony uses some alternative notation, and Simon's answer is very terse, so here is what I ended up with:
-- (<*>) :: StateT s f (a -> b) -> State s f a -> State s f b
instance (Monad f, Applicative f) => Applicative (StateT s f) where
pure a = StateT $ \s -> pure (a, s)
StateT f <*> StateT a =
StateT $ \s ->
f s >>= \(g, t) -> -- (f s) :: m (a->b, s)
let mapper = \(z, u) -> (g z, u) -- :: (a, s) -> (b, s)
in fmap mapper (a t) -- (a t) :: m (a, s)
I had to declare f also a Monad, but that is OK as it is part of the definition of a Monad transformer, as I understand it.
An implementation (taken from Tony Morris' functional programming course) could be
(<*>) :: (Functor f, Monad f) =>
StateT s f (a -> b)
-> StateT s f a
-> StateT s f b
StateT f <*> StateT a =
StateT (\s -> (\(g, t) -> (\(z, u) -> (g z, u)) <$> a t) =<< f s)

How to implement this Traversable use pattern?

When use Data.Traversable I frequently requires some code like
import Control.Applicative (Applicative,(<*>),pure)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable,traverse,sequenceA)
import Control.Monad.State (state,runState)
traverseF :: Traversable t => ((a,s) -> (b,s)) -> (t a, s) -> (t b, s)
traverseF f (t,s) = runState (traverse (state.curry f) t) s
to traverse the structure and build up a new one driven by some state. And I notice the type signature pattern and believe it could be able to generalized as
fmapInner :: (Applicative f,Traversable t) => (f a -> f b) -> f (t a) -> f (t b)
fmapInner f t = ???
But I fail to implement this with just traverse, sequenceA, fmap, <*> and pure. Maybe I need stronger type class constrain? Do I absolutely need a Monad here?
Specifically, I want to know if I can define fmapInner for a f that work for any Traversable t and some laws for intuition applied (I don't know what the laws should be yet), is it imply that the f thing is a Monad? Since, for Monads the implementation is trivial:
--Monad m implies Applicative m but we still
-- have to say it unless we use mapM instead
fmapInner :: (Monad m,Traversable t) => (m a -> m b) -> m (t a) -> m (t b)
fmapInner f t = t >>= Data.Traversable.mapM (\a -> f (return a))
Thanks for the excellent answer. I have found that my traverseF is just
import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL)
traverseF1 :: Traversable t => ((a, b) -> (a, c)) -> (a, t b) -> (a, t c)
traverseF1 =uncurry.mapAccumL.curry
without using Monad.State explicitly and have all pairs flipped. Previously I though it was mapAccumR but it is actually mapAccumL that works like traverseF.
I've now convinced myself that this is impossible. Here's why,
tF ::(Applicative f, Traversable t) => (f a -> f b) -> f (t a) -> f (t b)
So we have this side-effecting computation that returns t a and we want to use this to determine what side effects happen. In other words, the value of type t a will determine what side effects happen when we apply traverse.
However this isn't possible possible with the applicative type class. We can dynamically choose values, but the side effects of out computations are static. To see what I mean,
pure :: a -> f a -- No side effects
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- The side effects of `f a` can't
-- decide based on `f (a -> b)`.
Now there are two conceivable ways to determine side effects at depending on previous values,
smash :: f (f a) -> f a
Because then we can simply do
smash $ (f :: a -> f a) <$> (fa :: f a) :: f a
Now your function becomes
traverseF f t = smash $ traverse (f . pure) <$> t
Or we can have
bind :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- and it's obvious how `a -> m b`
-- can choose side effects.
traverseF f t = bind t (traverse $ f . pure)
But these are join and >>= respectively and are members of the Monad typeclass. So yes, you need a monad. :(
Also, a nice, pointfree implementation of your function with monad constraints is
traverseM = (=<<) . mapM . (.return)
I suppose it's worth noting that
traverseF :: (Applicative f,Traversable t) => (f a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t a)
traverseF = traverse . (.pure)

implementing a "findM" in Haskell?

I am looking for a function that basically is like mapM on a list -- it performs a series of monadic actions taking every value in the list as a parameter -- and each monadic function returns m (Maybe b). However, I want it to stop after the first parameter that causes the function to return a Just value, not execute any more after that, and return that value.
Well, it'll probably be easier to just show the type signature:
findM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
where b is the first Just value. The Maybe in the result is from the finding (in case of an empty list, etc.), and has nothing to do with the Maybe returned by the Monadic function.
I can't seem to implement this with a straightforward application of library functions. I could use
findM f xs = fmap (fmap fromJust . find isJust) $ mapM f xs
which will work, but I tested this and it seems that all of the monadic actions are executed before calling find, so I can't rely on laziness here.
ghci> findM (\x -> print x >> return (Just x)) [1,2,3]
-- returning IO (Just 1)
What is the best way to implement this function that won't execute the monadic actions after the first "just" return? Something that would do:
ghci> findM (\x -> print x >> return (Just x)) [1,2,3]
-- returning IO (Just 1)
or even, ideally,
ghci> findM (\x -> print x >> return (Just x)) [1..]
-- returning IO (Just 1)
Hopefully there is an answer that doesn't use explicit recursion, and are compositions of library functions if possible? Or maybe even a point-free one?
One simple point-free solution is using the MaybeT transformer. Whenever we see m (Maybe a) we can wrap it into MaybeT and we get all MonadPlus functions immediately. Since mplus for MaybeT does exactly we need - it runs the second given action only if the first one resulted in Nothing - msum does exactly what we need:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
findM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
findM f = runMaybeT . msum . map (MaybeT . f)
Update: In this case, we were lucky that there exists a monad transformer (MaybeT) whose mplus has just the semantic we need. But in a general case, it can be that it won't be possible to construct such a transformer. MonadPlus has some laws that must be satisfied with respect to other monadic operations. However, all is not lost, as we actually don't need a MonadPlus, all we need is a proper monoid to fold with.
So let's pretend we don't (can't) have MaybeT. Computing the first value of some sequence of operations is described by the First monoid. We just need to make a monadic variant that won't execute the right part, if the left part has a value:
newtype FirstM m a = FirstM { getFirstM :: m (Maybe a) }
instance (Monad m) => Monoid (FirstM m a) where
mempty = FirstM $ return Nothing
mappend (FirstM x) (FirstM y) = FirstM $ x >>= maybe y (return . Just)
This monoid exactly describes the process without any reference to lists or other structures. Now we just fold over the list using this monoid:
findM' :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
findM' f = getFirstM . mconcat . map (FirstM . f)
Moreover, it allows us to create a more generic (and even shorter) function using Data.Foldable:
findM'' :: (Monad m, Foldable f)
=> (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> f a -> m (Maybe b)
findM'' f = getFirstM . foldMap (FirstM . f)
I like Cirdec's answer if you don't mind recursion, but I think the equivalent fold based answer is quite pretty.
findM f = foldr test (return Nothing)
where test x m = do
curr <- f x
case curr of
Just _ -> return curr
Nothing -> m
A nice little test of how well you understand folds.
This should do it:
findM _ [] = return Nothing
findM filter (x:xs) =
match <- filter x
case match of
Nothing -> findM filter xs
_ -> return match
If you really want to do it points free (added as an edit)
The following would find something in a list using an Alternative functor, using a fold as in jozefg's answer
findA :: (Alternative f) => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f b
findA = flip foldr empty . ((<|>) .)
I don't thing we can make (Monad m) => m . Maybe an instance of Alternative, but we could pretend there's an existing function:
-- Left biased choice
(<||>) :: (Monad m) => m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a) -> m (Maybe a)
(<||>) left right = left >>= fromMaybe right . fmap (return . Just)
-- Or its hideous points-free version
(<||>) = flip ((.) . (>>=)) (flip ((.) . ($) . fromMaybe) (fmap (return . Just)))
Then we can define findM in the same vein as findA
findM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
findM = flip foldr (return Nothing) . ((<||>) .)
This can be expressed pretty nicely with the MaybeT monad transformer and Data.Foldable.
import Data.Foldable (msum)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
findM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m (Maybe b)
findM f = runMaybeT . msum . map (MaybeT . f)
And if you change your search function to produce a MaybeT stack, it becomes even nicer:
findM' :: Monad m => (a -> MaybeT m b) -> [a] -> MaybeT m b
findM' f = msum . map f
Or in point-free:
findM' = (.) msum . map
The original version can be made fully point-free as well, but it becomes pretty unreadable:
findM = (.) runMaybeT . (.) msum . map . (.) MaybeT
