I am trying to create auto generated charts in excel. I need to create 50 charts originated from one excel table. There is an unique id for each chart.
What I am looking for is when I click the Unique id in Column B(e.g. ASD) the chart will pop up displaying the Sections(column) Vs. Year for the selected unique id. Below I have pasted an example chart for convenience. I am not good at programming. I really need your help. I will really appreciate if you please help me out here. Thanks
Example Graph of Number OF TEACHER VS CLASSES & FEE
Example Table for Creating Graph
I tend to use a helper sheet, I place in it the formulas to gather the data required to be used in a chart typically using SUMIFS(), COUNTIFS(), VLOOKUP(), etc.
Alternatively if I'm doing a larger BI spreadsheet I will use ListObjects (tables) and define names in the Name Manager using a combination of OFFSET, MATCH, VLOOKUP, etc to automatically return a range of values from the ListOjects and then reference these in the chart/s.
Whichever of the two above options you use we can update the target Unique ID by using the following VBA, note the workbook will need to be saved as a Macro Enabled Workbook. This code will update Cell A1 in the HelperSheet which we will use to update the data for the chart;
Go to VBA (F11)
Open the code base for the sheet which holds your IDs.
Add the below code.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim varIntersects As Variant
'Change Columns(1) to match your ID column.
Set varIntersects = Intersect(Selection, ActiveSheet.Columns(1).EntireColumn)
If Application.Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
If Not varIntersects Is Nothing Then
If Not Selection.Value = "" Then
'Change HelperSheet and A1 to suit your needs.
Worksheets("HelperSheet").Range("A1") = Selection.Cells.Value
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
I have 2 tables on 2 separate sheets of an MS Excel 2007 workbook, like below:
no. f_name l_name
13 Little Timmy
1 John Doe
17 Baby Jessica
no. f_name l_name
1 john Tim
16 kyle joe
14 Baby katy
22 qbcd wsde
Both have the same columns, but they can have different data.
I want to combine the data of both tables vertically i.e. a single table with all the data in a 3rd separate sheet.
If possible, I want to add another column with the sheet name from where the row came.
SheetName no. f_name l_name
Sheet1 13 Little Timmy
Sheet1 1 John Doe
Sheet1 17 Baby Jessica
Sheet2 1 john Tim
Sheet2 16 kyle joe
Sheet2 14 Baby katy
Sheet2 22 qbcd wsde
Can it be done without using macros?
This answer deals with Structured Tables as interpreted by Excel. While the methods could easily be transcribed to raw data matrixes without assigned table structure, the formulas and VBA coding for this solution will be targeted at true structured tables.
A third table can maintain the combined data of two tables with some native worksheet formulas but keeping the third table sized correctly as rows are added or deleted to/from the dependent tables will require either manual resizing operations or some VBA that tracks these changes and conforms the third table to suit. I've included options to add both the source table's worksheet name as well as some table maintenance VBA code at the end of this answer.
If all you want is an operational example workbook without all the explanation, skip to the end of this answer for a link to the workbook used to create this procedure.
Sample data tables
I've used the OP's sample data to construct two tables named (by default) Table1 and Table2 on worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet2 respectively. I've intentionally offset them by varying degrees from each worksheet's A1 cell in order to demonstrate a structured table's ability to address either itself or another structured table in a formula as a separate entity regardless of its position on the parent worksheet. The third table will be constructed in a similar manner. These offsets are for demonstration purposes only; they are not required.
Step 1: Build the third table
Build the headers for the third table and select that future header row and at least one row below it to base the Insert ► Tables ► Table command upon.
Your new empty third table on the Sheet3 worksheet should resemble the following.
Step 2: Populate the third table
Start by populating the first cell in the third table's DataBodyRange. In this example, that would be Sheet3!C6. Type or paste the following formula in C6 keeping in mind that it is based on the default table names. If you have changed your tables names, adjust accordingly.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table1, ROW([#[no.]])-ROW(Table3[#Headers]),COLUMN(A:A)), INDEX(Table2, ROW([#[no.]])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table1),COLUMN(A:A)))
The INDEX function first retrieves each available row from Table1. The actual row numbers are derived with the ROW function referencing defined pieces of the structured table together with a little maths. When Table1 runs out of rows, retrieval is passed to a second INDEX function referencing Table2 by the IFERROR function and its sequential rows are retrieved with the ROW and ROWS functions using a bit more maths. The COLUMN function is used as COLUMN(A:A) which is going to retrieve the first column of the referenced table regardless of where it is on the worksheet. This will progress to the second, third, etc. column as the formula is filled right.
Speaking of filling right, fill the formula right to E6. You should have something that approximates the following.
Step 2.5: [optional] Add the source table's parent worksheet name
Grab Table3's sizing handle (indicated by the orange arrow in the sample image below) in the lower right hand corner and drag it right one column to add a new column to the table. Rename the header label to something more appropriate than the default. I've used Sheet as a column label.
While you cannot retrieve the worksheet name of the source table directly, the CELL function can retrieve the fully qualified path, filename and worksheet of any cell in a saved workbook¹ as one of its optional info_types.
Put the following formula into Table3's empty cell in the first row of the new column you have just created.
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename", IF((ROW([#[no.]])-ROW(Table3[#Headers]))>ROWS(Table1), Table2, Table1)), CHAR(93), REPT(CHAR(32), 999)), 255))
Complate populating Table3
If you are not planning on finishing this small project with some VBA to maintain Table3's dimensions when rows are added or deleted from either of the two source tables then simply grab Table3's resizing handle and drag down until you have accumulated all of the data from both tables. See the bottom of this answer for a sample image of the expected results.
If you are planning to add some VBA, then skip the full population of Table3 and move on to the next step.
Step 3: Add some VBA to maintain the third table
Full automation of a process that is triggered by changes to a worksheet's data is best handled by the worksheet's Worksheet_Change event macro. Since there are three tables involved, each on their own worksheet, the Workbook_SheetChange event macro is a better method of handling the change events from multiple worksheets.
Open the VBE with Alt+F11. Once you have it open, look for the Project Explorer in the upper left. If it is not visible, then tap Ctrl+R to open it. Locate ThisWorkbook and right-click then choose View Code (or just double-click ThisWorkbook).
Paste the following into the new pane titled something like Book1 - ThisWorkbook (Code).
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Sh.Name
Case Sheet1.Name
If Not Intersect(Target, Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1").Range.Offset(1, 0)) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call update_Table3
End If
Case Sheet2.Name
If Not Intersect(Target, Sheet2.ListObjects("Table2").Range.Offset(1, 0)) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call update_Table3
End If
End Select
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub update_Table3()
Dim iTBL3rws As Long, rng As Range, rngOLDBDY As Range
iTBL3rws = Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + Sheet2.ListObjects("Table2").DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Row - _
Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").Range.Cells(1, 1).Row
With Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3")
Set rngOLDBDY = .DataBodyRange
.Resize .Range.Cells(1, 1).Resize(iTBL3rws, .DataBodyRange.Columns.Count)
If rngOLDBDY.Rows.Count > .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then
For Each rng In rngOLDBDY
If Intersect(rng, .DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
End If
Next rng
End If
End With
End Sub
These two routines make extensive use of the Worksheet .CodeName property. A worksheet's CodeName is Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc and does not change when a worksheet is renamed. In fact, they are rarely changed by even the more advanced user. They have been used so that you can rename your worksheets without having to modify the code. However, they should be pointing to the correct worksheets now. Modify the code if your tables and worksheets are not the same as given. You can see the individual worksheet codenames in brackets beside their worksheet .Name property in the above image showing the VBE's Project Explorer.
Tap Alt+Q to return to your worksheets. All that is left would be to finish populating Table3 by selecting any cell in Table1 or Table2 and pretending to modify it by tapping F2 then Enter↵. Your results should resemble the following.
If you have followed along all the way to here then you should have a pretty comprehensive collection table that actively combines the data from two source 'child' tables. If you added the VBA as well then maintenance of the third collection table is virtually non-existent.
Renaming the tables
If you choose to rename any or all of the three tables, the worksheet formulas will instantly and automatically reflect the changes. If you have opted to include the Workbook_SheetChange and accompanying helper sub procedure, you will have to go back into the ThisWorkbook code sheet and use Find & Replace to make the appropriate changes.
Sample Workbook
I've made the fully operational example workbook available from my public DropBox.
¹ The CELL function can only retrieve the worksheet name of a saved workbook. If a workbook has not been saved then it has no filename and the CELL function will return an empty string when asked for the filename.
You can activate the Office Clipboard (arrow at bottom right of clipboard section on Ribbon Home Tab). Copy both ranges then use the Paste All command as shown below.
You would still need to fill down the sheet name in an extra column first though which can be done by double-clicking the fill handle.
To get the same results with formulas try filling down this for the sheet name:
and then fill down and across this formula for the values in the tables:
lori_m made a really good contribution that I built upon by using Microsoft Excel Tables and structured references.
First make a column in your output table called RowID which contains the row number within the table and then use this to fill the data values.
=IF( INDIRECT("Table3[RowId]")<=ROWS(Table1)
There is a detailed explanation of how this works on my blog as it was too long to include here.
A slight modification to Jeeped's code.
If you happen to use a similar approach, but with several tables (e.g. more than 10), then it will be rather cumbersome to attempt to manually add every name of every table. This is also a problem if you change names of the tables, since the names are hard-wired in VBA. To avoid additional work, consider this:
So, assume the following:
On each worksheet there is one or several tables, but they have similar structure.
There are only tables on worksheets - no other members of ListObjects collection are being present.
Every time we edit a table on a sheet, this will trigger an update in master table (table 3).
Then the Workbook_SheetChange Sub in the example above could look like the following:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim tbl As ListObject
For Each tbl In ActiveSheet.ListObjects
If Not Intersect(Target, tbl.Range.Offset(1, 0)) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call update_Table
End If
Next tbl
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Edit. The second routine will then look like:
Private Sub update_Table()
Dim iTBL3rws As Long, rng As Range, rngOLDBDY As Range
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim sht As Worksheet
iTBL3rws = 0
' consider all tables, excluding master table
For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each tbl In sht.ListObjects
If tbl.Name <> "Table3" Then
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + tbl.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
End If
Next tbl
Next sht
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Row - Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").Range.Cells(1, 1).Row
With Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3")
Set rngOLDBDY = .DataBodyRange
.Resize .Range.Cells(1, 1).Resize(iTBL3rws, .DataBodyRange.Columns.Count)
If rngOLDBDY.Rows.Count > .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then
For Each rng In rngOLDBDY
If Intersect(rng, .DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
End If
Next rng
End If
End With
End Sub
This routine differs from previous one by eliminating preprogrammed cases. When there is a change registered on active worksheet, then any table in this worksheet which is about to be changed will trigger update_Table procedure.
Im using this code/formula. works well for my needs only thing i would like to know is how do i make a better cell formula so i can use 3+ tables as a reference. currently im just nesting a bunch of iferror statements within the iferror
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table1, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers]),COLUMN(A:A)),IFERROR( INDEX(Table2, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table1),COLUMN(A:A)), IFERROR(INDEX(Table4, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table2)-ROWS(Table1),COLUMN(A:A)),INDEX(Table5, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table2)-ROWS(Table1)-ROWS(Table4),COLUMN(A:A)))))
Im also using the
I have a spreadsheet that has a tab for each research location. There is a section on the sheet that has several columns. Three of the columns are as follows: 1 lists action items (text) 1 lists who is responsible (text) and 1 lists the due date (date field). The rows in this same "table" represent categories. In many cases there is an action item only in one or two categories or maybe none at all for some.
I would like to query each tab that represents a research site and pull any action items, the responsible party and date onto another tab so that we can see all action items in one place for all the sites vs. going tab by tab to review.
I thought some sort of IF or VLOOKUP function might work, or some sort of pivot table but because it is text and not numbers I am having a hard time crafting the appropriate formula. I was also told I could do some sort of reference look up (like putting a word like ACTION at the start of any text I want to find later) but this seems more complicated than it needs to be.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
I don't think VLOOKUP can solve your problem. You definitely need VBA so something like this will get you going. Make a new sheet called as Summary and put this code in the sheet:
Sub SummarizeSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "Summary" Then
If ws.Range("A2") <> "" Then 'A2 is blank means no action items found so go to next worksheet
ws.Range("A2:C100000").Copy 'Adjust your range here
ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0)' Paste the copied range
End If
End If
Next ws
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
You have to adjust the code to suit your needs. Assumption here is your action items starts with cell A2 and responsible person and due date are in cell B2 and C2 respectively.
If I have a data-table value that has for example this value:
Table name = Employees
Column Names = Names, Titles
The values of the the columns will consist of
"SamT, Manager"
"Nock, Manager"
"John, Entry Level"
"Kris, HR"
So If I have this table generated from a sql server table on Sheet Two on my excel spreed sheet, How can I create a Parameter that will help me filer this table automatically by entering values in a different sheet(One). The Parameter can be drop down list of the Titles or just a text box that takes the values. For example I pick "Manager" in the parameter drop down list in the Sheet one and on the next spreed sheet where I have the "Employees" table list only shows the employees with the Manager Title. How can accomplish this using VBA in Excel?
Try something like this, you can expand the if statement for more arguments.
On the Sheet1 object you can add:
private sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target as Range)
if target = Range("YourCell") then
Sheets("Sheet2").ListObjects("YOURTABLENAME").Range.AutoFilter Field:=NUMBEROFCORRESPONDING FIELD, Criteria1:="=" & Range("YourCell").value
end if
end sub
I haven't tested this so there hopefully there are no typos.
I have 2 lists in excel. First one is for searching (i want to have dropboxes), and second list is for data.
In second list I have filtered data. But what I want to do now is filter from parameters given in first list.
How can I transfer filter headers on first page?
I want to select brand on 'Search' list and results will be filtered on 'Rows' list.
I can't think of a way to do this exact thing without VBA. Certainly would love to know if there is a way, so maybe someone else can chime in.
That said, here is a small VBA procedure that will get what you want. It works based off a change in the drop down box for Brand in your Search sheet. Follow steps below to implement:
once in Excel hit Ctrl + F11 on your keyboard. This opens up the VBE
In the Project - VBAProject window in the upper left click the Object referring to the Search sheet
Paste the below code into the big window on the right referring to that sheet.
Make sure to save the file as an .xlsm file (Excel-Macro Enabled File) if using XL2007 or greater.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim wksFilter As Worksheet, wks As Worksheet
Dim rngFilter As Range
'replace "A6" with the cell where the Brand dropdown is
If Target.Address = "$A$6" Then
Set wks = Sheets(Target.Parent.Name)
Set wksFilter = Sheets("Rows")
'may need to adjust the number 1 to match the exact location of your Search Column in the rows sheet
wksFilter.UsedRange.AutoFilter 1, wks.Range(Target.Address)
End If
End Sub
I have 2 tables on 2 separate sheets of an MS Excel 2007 workbook, like below:
no. f_name l_name
13 Little Timmy
1 John Doe
17 Baby Jessica
no. f_name l_name
1 john Tim
16 kyle joe
14 Baby katy
22 qbcd wsde
Both have the same columns, but they can have different data.
I want to combine the data of both tables vertically i.e. a single table with all the data in a 3rd separate sheet.
If possible, I want to add another column with the sheet name from where the row came.
SheetName no. f_name l_name
Sheet1 13 Little Timmy
Sheet1 1 John Doe
Sheet1 17 Baby Jessica
Sheet2 1 john Tim
Sheet2 16 kyle joe
Sheet2 14 Baby katy
Sheet2 22 qbcd wsde
Can it be done without using macros?
This answer deals with Structured Tables as interpreted by Excel. While the methods could easily be transcribed to raw data matrixes without assigned table structure, the formulas and VBA coding for this solution will be targeted at true structured tables.
A third table can maintain the combined data of two tables with some native worksheet formulas but keeping the third table sized correctly as rows are added or deleted to/from the dependent tables will require either manual resizing operations or some VBA that tracks these changes and conforms the third table to suit. I've included options to add both the source table's worksheet name as well as some table maintenance VBA code at the end of this answer.
If all you want is an operational example workbook without all the explanation, skip to the end of this answer for a link to the workbook used to create this procedure.
Sample data tables
I've used the OP's sample data to construct two tables named (by default) Table1 and Table2 on worksheets Sheet1 and Sheet2 respectively. I've intentionally offset them by varying degrees from each worksheet's A1 cell in order to demonstrate a structured table's ability to address either itself or another structured table in a formula as a separate entity regardless of its position on the parent worksheet. The third table will be constructed in a similar manner. These offsets are for demonstration purposes only; they are not required.
Step 1: Build the third table
Build the headers for the third table and select that future header row and at least one row below it to base the Insert ► Tables ► Table command upon.
Your new empty third table on the Sheet3 worksheet should resemble the following.
Step 2: Populate the third table
Start by populating the first cell in the third table's DataBodyRange. In this example, that would be Sheet3!C6. Type or paste the following formula in C6 keeping in mind that it is based on the default table names. If you have changed your tables names, adjust accordingly.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table1, ROW([#[no.]])-ROW(Table3[#Headers]),COLUMN(A:A)), INDEX(Table2, ROW([#[no.]])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table1),COLUMN(A:A)))
The INDEX function first retrieves each available row from Table1. The actual row numbers are derived with the ROW function referencing defined pieces of the structured table together with a little maths. When Table1 runs out of rows, retrieval is passed to a second INDEX function referencing Table2 by the IFERROR function and its sequential rows are retrieved with the ROW and ROWS functions using a bit more maths. The COLUMN function is used as COLUMN(A:A) which is going to retrieve the first column of the referenced table regardless of where it is on the worksheet. This will progress to the second, third, etc. column as the formula is filled right.
Speaking of filling right, fill the formula right to E6. You should have something that approximates the following.
Step 2.5: [optional] Add the source table's parent worksheet name
Grab Table3's sizing handle (indicated by the orange arrow in the sample image below) in the lower right hand corner and drag it right one column to add a new column to the table. Rename the header label to something more appropriate than the default. I've used Sheet as a column label.
While you cannot retrieve the worksheet name of the source table directly, the CELL function can retrieve the fully qualified path, filename and worksheet of any cell in a saved workbook¹ as one of its optional info_types.
Put the following formula into Table3's empty cell in the first row of the new column you have just created.
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(CELL("filename", IF((ROW([#[no.]])-ROW(Table3[#Headers]))>ROWS(Table1), Table2, Table1)), CHAR(93), REPT(CHAR(32), 999)), 255))
Complate populating Table3
If you are not planning on finishing this small project with some VBA to maintain Table3's dimensions when rows are added or deleted from either of the two source tables then simply grab Table3's resizing handle and drag down until you have accumulated all of the data from both tables. See the bottom of this answer for a sample image of the expected results.
If you are planning to add some VBA, then skip the full population of Table3 and move on to the next step.
Step 3: Add some VBA to maintain the third table
Full automation of a process that is triggered by changes to a worksheet's data is best handled by the worksheet's Worksheet_Change event macro. Since there are three tables involved, each on their own worksheet, the Workbook_SheetChange event macro is a better method of handling the change events from multiple worksheets.
Open the VBE with Alt+F11. Once you have it open, look for the Project Explorer in the upper left. If it is not visible, then tap Ctrl+R to open it. Locate ThisWorkbook and right-click then choose View Code (or just double-click ThisWorkbook).
Paste the following into the new pane titled something like Book1 - ThisWorkbook (Code).
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Select Case Sh.Name
Case Sheet1.Name
If Not Intersect(Target, Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1").Range.Offset(1, 0)) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call update_Table3
End If
Case Sheet2.Name
If Not Intersect(Target, Sheet2.ListObjects("Table2").Range.Offset(1, 0)) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call update_Table3
End If
End Select
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Private Sub update_Table3()
Dim iTBL3rws As Long, rng As Range, rngOLDBDY As Range
iTBL3rws = Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1").DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + Sheet2.ListObjects("Table2").DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Row - _
Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").Range.Cells(1, 1).Row
With Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3")
Set rngOLDBDY = .DataBodyRange
.Resize .Range.Cells(1, 1).Resize(iTBL3rws, .DataBodyRange.Columns.Count)
If rngOLDBDY.Rows.Count > .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then
For Each rng In rngOLDBDY
If Intersect(rng, .DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
End If
Next rng
End If
End With
End Sub
These two routines make extensive use of the Worksheet .CodeName property. A worksheet's CodeName is Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc and does not change when a worksheet is renamed. In fact, they are rarely changed by even the more advanced user. They have been used so that you can rename your worksheets without having to modify the code. However, they should be pointing to the correct worksheets now. Modify the code if your tables and worksheets are not the same as given. You can see the individual worksheet codenames in brackets beside their worksheet .Name property in the above image showing the VBE's Project Explorer.
Tap Alt+Q to return to your worksheets. All that is left would be to finish populating Table3 by selecting any cell in Table1 or Table2 and pretending to modify it by tapping F2 then Enter↵. Your results should resemble the following.
If you have followed along all the way to here then you should have a pretty comprehensive collection table that actively combines the data from two source 'child' tables. If you added the VBA as well then maintenance of the third collection table is virtually non-existent.
Renaming the tables
If you choose to rename any or all of the three tables, the worksheet formulas will instantly and automatically reflect the changes. If you have opted to include the Workbook_SheetChange and accompanying helper sub procedure, you will have to go back into the ThisWorkbook code sheet and use Find & Replace to make the appropriate changes.
Sample Workbook
I've made the fully operational example workbook available from my public DropBox.
¹ The CELL function can only retrieve the worksheet name of a saved workbook. If a workbook has not been saved then it has no filename and the CELL function will return an empty string when asked for the filename.
You can activate the Office Clipboard (arrow at bottom right of clipboard section on Ribbon Home Tab). Copy both ranges then use the Paste All command as shown below.
You would still need to fill down the sheet name in an extra column first though which can be done by double-clicking the fill handle.
To get the same results with formulas try filling down this for the sheet name:
and then fill down and across this formula for the values in the tables:
lori_m made a really good contribution that I built upon by using Microsoft Excel Tables and structured references.
First make a column in your output table called RowID which contains the row number within the table and then use this to fill the data values.
=IF( INDIRECT("Table3[RowId]")<=ROWS(Table1)
There is a detailed explanation of how this works on my blog as it was too long to include here.
A slight modification to Jeeped's code.
If you happen to use a similar approach, but with several tables (e.g. more than 10), then it will be rather cumbersome to attempt to manually add every name of every table. This is also a problem if you change names of the tables, since the names are hard-wired in VBA. To avoid additional work, consider this:
So, assume the following:
On each worksheet there is one or several tables, but they have similar structure.
There are only tables on worksheets - no other members of ListObjects collection are being present.
Every time we edit a table on a sheet, this will trigger an update in master table (table 3).
Then the Workbook_SheetChange Sub in the example above could look like the following:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Dim tbl As ListObject
For Each tbl In ActiveSheet.ListObjects
If Not Intersect(Target, tbl.Range.Offset(1, 0)) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Call update_Table
End If
Next tbl
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Edit. The second routine will then look like:
Private Sub update_Table()
Dim iTBL3rws As Long, rng As Range, rngOLDBDY As Range
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim sht As Worksheet
iTBL3rws = 0
' consider all tables, excluding master table
For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each tbl In sht.ListObjects
If tbl.Name <> "Table3" Then
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + tbl.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
End If
Next tbl
Next sht
iTBL3rws = iTBL3rws + Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).Row - Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3").Range.Cells(1, 1).Row
With Sheet3.ListObjects("Table3")
Set rngOLDBDY = .DataBodyRange
.Resize .Range.Cells(1, 1).Resize(iTBL3rws, .DataBodyRange.Columns.Count)
If rngOLDBDY.Rows.Count > .DataBodyRange.Rows.Count Then
For Each rng In rngOLDBDY
If Intersect(rng, .DataBodyRange) Is Nothing Then
End If
Next rng
End If
End With
End Sub
This routine differs from previous one by eliminating preprogrammed cases. When there is a change registered on active worksheet, then any table in this worksheet which is about to be changed will trigger update_Table procedure.
Im using this code/formula. works well for my needs only thing i would like to know is how do i make a better cell formula so i can use 3+ tables as a reference. currently im just nesting a bunch of iferror statements within the iferror
=IFERROR(INDEX(Table1, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers]),COLUMN(A:A)),IFERROR( INDEX(Table2, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table1),COLUMN(A:A)), IFERROR(INDEX(Table4, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table2)-ROWS(Table1),COLUMN(A:A)),INDEX(Table5, ROW([#Date])-ROW(Table3[#Headers])-ROWS(Table2)-ROWS(Table1)-ROWS(Table4),COLUMN(A:A)))))
Im also using the