Count rows in excel with certain value - excel

I need to count the number of rows in an excel spreadsheet that contains the number 1.
- A B C
1 0 0 1
2 0 0 0
3 0 1 0
It would look somewhat like this, except with around 1000 rows.
Any help is great!

To count any value attending to some criteria you can use COUNTIF(cells,criteria)
More details here:
Hope it helps


excel extendable formula for conditional sums over multiple columns

I have an arbitrary number of columns, one for each period a course is offered, in chronological order, and an arbitrary number of rows, one for each unique participant. The values are '1' for participation in that month, '0' for non-participation.
Fall2019 Spring2019 Fall2018 Spring2018 Fall2017
1 1 0 1 0
0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
I would like to take a sum, at the bottom of each column, for how many participants were first time attendees that period, i.e. the sum of '1's where all values in the row to the right of that '1', are '0'.
In the given example set, Spring2018 should sum to 1, Fall2018 should sum to 3.
Something like the formula below will work for 'Spring2018' when there is just one previous column to compare:
But this formula cannot be 'autofilled' or extended across multiple columns... i.e. none of these variations work:
And while it will work, I do NOT want to have to manually create extended versions of this formula e.g.
... and so on
I have tried several variations on arrayformula, sumproduct, and sumif, but I'm really stuck. Any assistance is appreciated.
use this array formula:
Being an array formula it must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.

Count of consecutive repeated value only when repeated 3+ times

My goal is to count and potentially conditionally format the occurrences when a certain number of days pass with 0 sales.
I am trying to return the number of times 0 is repeated consecutively 3 or more times. So for this example I would like to see the return value of 3. So far I can't wrap my brain around how to do this, any ideas?
So #Barry Houdini's method applied to this problem would give
entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
If you wanted to make it more dynamic and exclude blanks you could use
How about you make a help column with a simple sum formula with a "window" of three rows (or whatever you need). Then you conditionally format all values which are 0 in that column. That should provide you with the information you are looking for.

Counting digit in column based on subject

I am just using formulas in excel and was wondering how you could count all the 0s until a 1 is reached, and then start the process over again, based on subject number. If this is not possible simply with formulas, how could I write a VBA code for this?
Right now I am trying to use,
=IF(OR(F4=0,F3=1),"",COUNTIFS($A$2:A2, $A$2,$F$2:F2,0)-SUM($I$2:I2))
which I input in I3 and I change the COUNTIFS($A$#:A#, $A$#...) part for each subject number.
This seems to work with the exception of the last grouping, as it won't output a number before the next subject.
Example Data:
subid yes number_yes(output)
1 0
1 0
1 0 3
1 1
1 0 1
1 1
1 0
2 0
2 0 2
2 1
2 0
2 0
A blank cell is numerically zero and that is one of your accepted conditions. Differentiate between blanks and zero values.
=IF(and(f4<>"", OR(F4=0,F3=1)),"",COUNTIFS($A$2:A2, $A$2,$F$2:F2,0)-SUM($I$2:I2))
Based on #Jeeped answer. If you use -SUMIF($A$2:A2,A3,$I$2:I2) instead of -SUM($I$2:I2) you don't need to adjust this part for each subject number. Just use the following formula in I3 and copy it down.
Note that I also changed the second parameter in the COUNTIFS to A3.

How to treat two same value as 1 and add with other value in excel

I have datasets which contains same value, please find the below datasets,
1122513454 0
1122513460 0
1600041729 0
2100002632 147905
2840007103 0
2840064133 138142
3190300079 138040
3190301011 138120
3680024411 0
4000000263 4000000263
4100002263 4100002268
4880004352 138159
4880015611 138159
4900007044 0
7084781116 142967
7124925306 0
7225002523 7225001325
23012600000 0
80880593057 0
98880000045 0
I have two columns ( A & B).Into the b column i have same value (138159,138159).It appears two times.
I just want to build a formula, where it will get a same value it will count as 1. That means, i am getting two 138159, but formula will treat as 1. and finally it will count the whole b column value.
That means,
0 is here 10 times and other value is also 10 times, but 138519 appears 2 times, so it will counted as 1, so other values are 9 times.
So my expected output will be 10+9=19
I have written following formula for that
I did manually. and it's driving me crazy.
can you guys help me for that.
any suggestion is really appreciable.
=SUMPRODUCT((B1:B20<>0)/COUNTIFS(B1:B20, B1:B20))

Excel: sum a number for every colum that contains a number

I have a basic excel spreadsheet like this:
A B C D etc..
1 1 0 0 etc..
0 0 1 1 etc..
0 0 1 1 etc..
I would like to SUM 100 for every cell that contains 1 in one Cell and to SUM 100 por every cell that contains 0 in other cell.. How can i do this?
I hope you understand my question, english its not my first language.
It looks as if the answers might be
(change the ranges as necessary)
