GitLab CI executes only one job - gitlab

I'm using free account and have installed GitLab-Runner on my Windows PC. For some reason GitLab CI is executing only one job from my .gitlab-ci.yml file.
To test it I've created simple .gitlab-ci.yml file with two jobs.
- echo 1
- echo 2
When I commit it to repository only job1 is executed. I've check with CI lint, file is valid. What could be the problem?

It turns out that problem was with encoding of .gitlab-ci.yml file. Initially it was encoded as UCS-2 LE BOM. After converting it to UTF-8 both jobs were recognized.


Not to start a pipeline when only specific files are changed

I am trying to not to start a pipeline when only specific files are changed.
In case, I change the, README.adoc, .gitignore file. The Pipeline must not run.
I can not make it happen correctly yet.
image: alpine
- test
- changes:
- "**/*.md"
- "**/*.adoc"
- "**/.gitignore"
when: never
- when: always
test :
- "echo Hello Pipeline"
- dev
My Test Cases are
Push and abc.python. -> should run Pipeline : success
Push file and file -> should run pipeline : But it doesn't. Because the *.md file is in push
Create a Branch -> should run pipeline, but it does't run. Because the *.md Files are in the source branch
Merge a Branch -> should run pipeline, but it does't run. Because the *.md Files are in the source branch.
Create a Tag -> should run pipeline, but it does't run. Because the *.md Files are in the source branch.
has anyone succeed?
I like to make a blacklist of file extension to stop pipeline, instead of whitelisting of file extension to run pipeline. Because, in my projects runs several programming languages and has many different file extensions.

Problems with Gitlab CI/CD on local machine

I'm using gitlab-runner to run CI/CD locally.
It works properly when I specify all jobs in .gitlab-ci.yml like
- test
stage: test
- echo "ok"
and run gitlab-runner exec shell test1
In general, I'd like to store different jobs in different files. For example, I make test-pipeline.yml with jobs that relates to the test stage in the folder named .gitlab.
The .gitlab-ci.yml contains only to rows
local: .gitlab/test-pipeline.yml
I commit and push changes to the remote repo and it works there but the command gitlab-runner exec shell job_name fails because it can't find such job.
Perhaps, I have to edit some of gitlab-runner's config but it's not obviously.
Has anybody faced with the same problem?
Thanks in advance!
gitlab-runner exec has many limitations. It does not have all the same features of the regular gitlab-runner. One such limitation is that it does not support the include: statement.
So, you won't be able to use gitlab-runner exec against this kind of config file that uses include:.

what is the meaning of a colon in a list value in a yaml file, specifically :image of the stage build:image in a .gitlab-ci.yml file

Is the list value build:image just a name like build_image? Or does it have special usage in either the yaml file or the .gitlab-ci.yml file? If there isn't a special usage, what is the value of using name1:name2 instead of name1_name2?
The :image doesn't seem to be put into a variable. When I run this through the gitlab pipeline, the output is
Skipping Git submodules setup
Restoring cache
Downloading artifacts
Running before_script and script
$ echo image is $image
- build:image
- tag:image
- deploy
stage: build:image
- echo image is $image
I don't see anything like this in the GitLab CI/CD Pipeline Configuration Reference
Where did you see this .gitlab-ci.yml file?
I ran the .gitlab-ci.yml you provided and it seems to work fine, apparently GitLab CI doesn't treat the colon in any special way -- and I wouldn't expect it to, as there is no mention of it in the documentation.

GitLab CI - Run pipeline when the contents of a file changes

I have a mono-repo with several projects (not my design choice).
Each project has a .gitlab-ci.yml setup to run a pipeline when a "version" file is changed. This is nice because a user can check-in to stage or master (for a hot-fix) and a build is created and deployed to a test environment.
The problem is when a user does a merge from master to stage and commits back to stage (to pull in any hot-fixes). This causes ALL the pipelines to run; even for projects that do not have actual content changes.
How do I allow the pipeline to run from master and/or stage but ONLY when the contents of the "version" file change? Like when a user changes the version number.
Here is an example of the .gitlab-ci.yml (I have 5 of these, 1 for each project in the mono-repo)
# BUILD-AND-TEST - initial build
stage: build-and-test
- dotnet restore
- dotnet build
- "MyProject/.gitlab-ci.VERSION.yml"
# no needs: here because this is the first step
stage: publish
- dotnet publish --output $MY_PROJECT_OUTPUT_PATH --configuration Release
- "MyProject/.gitlab-ci.VERSION.yml"
- my-project-build-and-test
... and so on ...
I am still new to git, GitLab, and CI/pipelines. Any help would be appreciated! (I have little say in changing the mono-repo)
The following .gitlab-ci.yml will run the test_job only if the file version changes.
script: echo hello world
- changes:
- version
See also
Run jobs only/except for modifications on a path or file

Execute a script before the branch is deleted in GitLab-CI

GitLab-CI executes the stop-environment script in dynamic environments after the branch has been deleted. This effectively forces you to put all the teardown logic into the .gitlab-ci.yml instead of a script that .gitlab-ci.yml just calls.
Does anyone know a workaround for this? I have a shell script that removes the deployment. This script is part of the repository and can also be called locally (i.e. not onli in an CI environment). I want GitLab-CI to call this script when removing a dynamic environment but it's obviously not there anymore when the branch has been deleted. I also cannot put this script to the artifacts as it is generated before the build by a configure script and contains secrets. It would be great if one could execute the teardown script before the branch is deleted.
Here's a relevant excerpt from the .gitlab-ci.yml
stage: deploy
- ./configure
- make deploy.staging
name: staging/$CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG
on_stop: stop_dynamic_staging
- master
stage: deploy
- make teardown # <- this fails
when: manual
name: staging/$CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG
action: stop
Probably not ideal, but you can curl the script using the gitlab API before running it:
curl \
-X GET https://gitlab.example. com/raw/master/\
GitLab-CI executes the stop-environment script in dynamic environments after the branch has been deleted.
That includes:
An on_stop action, if defined, is executed.
With GitLab 15.1 (June 2022), you can skip that on_top action:
Force stop an environment
In 15.1, we added a force option to the stop environment API call.
This allows you to delete an active environment without running the specified on_stop jobs in cases where running these defined actions is not desired.
See Documentation and Issue.
