No response from Amadeus Sandbox API - internal error reported - sandbox

Amadeus Sandbox Server is not responding on API call.
The error which is getting displayed:
An internal error has occurred. Please retry your request
Is this temporary issue affecting many?

I'm not sure of which "Sandbox" you are talking about, next time please add an example of the API call you are doing.
So far, I checked the Amadeus Travel Innovation Sandbox and Amadeus for Developers and both platforms are working well.


IBM Watson Assistant: Access issues when using ngrok for webhook URL

Good morning everyone. I am developing an application that uses the watson assistant webhook by sending some parameters to a server, which analyzes the parameters and based on these sends a response to the application and to watson itself.
Well, it turns out that I was using ngrok to do this test by placing the parameters in watson, until a few days ago I couldn't (or it doesn't exactly let me) make the request.
Cannot create property 'transactionId' on string ' Access Denied Access Denied You don't have permission to access " on this server. Reference '
I have tried other applications that allow me to do the same work as ngrok, but I am new to this and it is very complicated. LOCALTUNNEL solved my problem temporarily, but later it didn't work anymore. I also tried with, serveo, pagekite, among others and I still can't perform my requests.
I would really appreciate any help with my problem. Thank you very much.

Google mobile friendly url testing tool giving 502 error

I am using google search console's URL testing tools API for a while, and I am receiving a bunch of 502 bad gateway errors. I had submitted a quota increase request to bump up our default requests per day and described that we needed an increase in requests per minute (default is 60/minute). But unfortunately, google support has not responded yet. We are trying to call this API in parallel.
This is the error :
Request failed with status code 502
Could anyone help me understand this issue? I feel that we are exceeding the quota limits because 502 is usually associated with an issue while communicating with the upstream server.
I have reported the issue in Google's public issue tracker. Please add your feedback there..
It is broken and only works some times. The worse part is that it reports back as HTTP 200 in the google console without any errors so they probably have no idea that it is even broken.

Azure SignalR: HubException method does not exist

I am finding we receive this error:
Failed to invoke 'CreateChatRequest' due to an error on the server. HubException: Method does not exist.
at _this.callbacks.<computed> (chat.min.js:2060)
at HubConnection.processIncomingData (chat.min.js:2154)
at WebSocketTransport.HubConnection.connection.onreceive (chat.min.js:1881)
at WebSocket.webSocket.onmessage (chat.min.js:3922)
The method does exist. The code does work, then after a while of testing, it returns this and won't stop.
What seems to temporarily fix the issue is restarting the Azure SigR service, but it comes back. This issue does not occur when targeting local SigR during development; it only happens against Azure SigR.
According to documentation, this seems to be a catchall error when something errors up on the server but, no exceptions are being logged. I've turned on detailed errors, but that didn't change the error coming back from the server. I've also tried catching the exception and sending back a HubException to see what is going on, but that didn't change the error message either.
TIA for any help.
So the answer, for me, was that i'd checked in (to source control) my azure service's connection string, so other devs were also using this and pointing their versions of the API service at that azure service. So when i ran my code sometimes azure would hit my API service with the new method in and it would work, sometimes it would hit someone else's API service and so fail because their code didn't have the new method in.

Google Insights Page Speed API unable to connect server error

I am dealing with the Google Insight Page Speed API and I have come across a weird errors that state "PageSpeed was unable to connect to the server. Ensure that you are using the correct protocol (http vs https), the page loads in a browser, and is accessible on the public Internet." and "Unable to process request. Please wait a while and try again."
I tried finding with its forum but hard luck I didn't found any
Google Insight Page Speed Forum
Also, I have searched for related question which are
PageSpeed was unable to connect to the server
Timeout error
You can check my API call.
I want to overcome over these errors.
Looking forward for your response.
The Pagespeed API will throw this error when it is being overloaded. If you're making multiple calls to the API you might want to slow down the call rate to implement some type of retry functionality.

bot framework embedded chat 403 error

I am using the embedded chat control to hook up to my Microsoft Bot Framework bot and I keep getting these errors:
(I'm using Node.js on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. None of these errors happen when I run the code locally)
jquery.min.js:11 POST 403 (Forbidden)
The bot doesn't respond and a few minutes later it shows this:
jquery.min.js:11 GET 403 (Forbidden)
which is sometimes accompanied by a 500 (Internal Server Error)
I assume the null in the first message is a clue. Does anyone know what is going on or how I can fix it?
Hard to tell what you are doing w/o additional detail. But it's likely your header either doesn't contain an auth token or the incorrect one.
