Checking to see if on last option of dropdown in selenium - python-3.x

I'm trying to make a program that is going to keep clicking on the listingnextbtn button until it reaches the last page, the website design makes this tricky so the only way I can do it is by detected that it is on the last option of the page number list dropdown.
<div id="pgn-nav" class="pgn-nav">
<a id="listingNextBtn" class="btn blue disabled" role="button" href="#"><span class="btn-txt bg-grey">Prev</span></a>
<select id="listingPageNumber" class="pageNumber">
<option value="1">1 - 150</option><option value="2">151 - 300</option><option value="3">301 - 450</option><option value="4">451 - 600</option><option value="5">601 - 750</option><option value="6">751 - 900</option><option value="7">901 - 916</option>
<a id="listingNextBtn" class="btn blue" role="button" href="#"><span class="btn-txt bg-grey">Next</span></a>
I just have no idea how to check to see if its on the last option, everything else is pretty straightforward.
The code I have for this portion so far.
barack = soup.find(id='listingPageNumber')
#if barack == last object
print('Reached last dropdown object)
#do something, like click button
print('Not at the end of listpage yet')

Your goal is not clear, so the code might not fit it well
You can try to do as below:
from import Select
# Define Select object
select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id("listingPageNumber"))
# Get currently selected option
current = select.all_selected_options[0].text
# Get last option in the list of available options
last = [option.text for option in select.options][-1]
# Check if current option is the last option
if current == last:
print("Last option is selected")


Trying to select item from dropdown box

Trying to select an item from a drop down list using a variable.
I'm able to click the drop down list, I'm able to click on the item with explicit text but not using a variable.
Chrome (v 75.0.3770.142) using Selenium Basic ChromeDriver (v 75.0.3770.140) in Excel (2013) VBA.
it works if i use explicit:
Obj.FindElementByXPath("//option[#label='Z01 - Customer Request - Paid']").Click
but doesn't work if using a string variable:
Here's the HTML:
<select id="tickboxreason" name="boxreason" class="emergency-reasons form-control ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-valid ng-valid-required" ng-model="currentCartConfig.boxreason" ng-options="reason.displayValue for reason in reasonList.emergencyOrderReasons | orderBy:'code' track by reason.code" ng-change="updateRDD()" ng-required="currentCartConfig.emergencyFlag" required="required">
<option value="">Select Reason</option>
<option value="Z01" label="Z01 - Customer Request - Paid">Z01 - Customer Request - Paid</option>
You have missed the string quotes.Try the below option.
Obj.FindElementByXPath("//option[#label='" & SomeStringVariable & "']").Click
I would go with a faster css attribute = value selector
obj.FindElementByCss("[label='" & variable & "']").click

Change Element in Python using Selenium

I have been researching for a way to change the element of a web page and have yet found (or understood) how to do it.
In the above element I want to be able to change numerical value of to another number that is represented by a placeholder (i.e. nod for number of draws. Or do I have to do it manually every time I run the program?).
My OS is Ubunt 18.04 and using latest python, selenium and pycharm IDE.
These are just a couple of the websites I have visited and I have visited a lot.
Set value of input instead of sendKeys() - selenium webdriver nodejs
<select name="ctl00$MainContent$ddlRange" id="ctl00_MainContent_ddlRange">
<option selected="selected" value="1"> Single Draw</option>
<option value="2"> 2 Consecutive</option>
<option value="3"> 3 Consecutive</option>
<option value="4"> 4 Consecutive</option>
<option value="5"> 5 Consecutive</option>
<option value="10">10 Consecutive</option>
<option value="20">20 Consecutive</option>
And my basic code is:
from Selenium import WebDriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome('/usr/bin/chromedriver')
page=browser.get("whatever address of whatever webpage interested in")
browser.execute_script("arguments[0].setAttribute('<option selected="selected" value="20">','20 Consecutive</option>')", elem)
My goal is to change the value number in the first part of the option tag from:
<option selected="selected" value="1"> Single Draw</option>
to this:
<option selected="selected" value="44"> Single Draw</option>
In the execute_script I am always getting end of statement expected after the last ).
I am also getting errors of ',' or ')' expected in the areas of "selected" and "20"
Also the css and xpath selectors to these are:
for <select name="ctl00$MainContent$ddlRange" id="ctl00_MainContent_ddlRange">
selector = #ctl00_MainContent_ddlRange
xpath = //*[#id="ctl00_MainContent_ddlRange"]
for <option>
selector = #ctl00_MainContent_ddlRange > option:nth-child(1) (note that nth-child() can be 1 - 7)
xpath = //*[#id="ctl00_MainContent_ddlRange"]/option[1] (note that option[] can also be 1 - 7)
I have the webpage saved to disc and I can go into the html and change that one number then save the file and when I click on it works. I just want to be able to automate it.
Any help is much appreciated
So far this is the closest I have come to actually inserting the value I want. The new code is as follows:
('select', '<option selected="selected" value="nod"> &snbsp;draws </option>')""", get_draws)
Results in this:
<option value="20" select="<option selected="selected" value="nod"> &nbsp;&snbsp;draws </option>">20 Consecutive</option>
The javascript I am trying to inject is getting injected in the middle of the element I am trying to modify (notice the option sequence repeats in the middle of the first bracket).
How can I correct this to make it look like this:
<option selected="selected" value="a number I am trying to change"> Draw<\option>
Figured out how to change the value of an element. I had to change the search method of that element to this:
get_draws = browser.find_element_by_tag_name('option')
Then my next line was pretty simple:
browser.execute_script("""arguments[0].setAttribute('value', '100')""", get_draws)
For your second question, parametrizing the int value, try the following:
var = 100
js = f"arguments[0].setAttribute('value', '{var}')"
browser.execute_script(js, get_draws)
Just pass the value you want to the var variable.

Python Selenium can't select dropdown (chrome webdriver)

I have a dropdown element, I want to select the All option, the corresponding HTML code is:
<div class="dataTables_length" id="indicators_length">
<span class="result-mune">
<span>Results </span>per page:
<select name="indicators_length" aria-controls="indicators" class="jcf-hidden">
<option value="25">25</option>
<option value="50">50</option>
<option value="100">100</option>
<option value="200">200</option>
<option value="-1">All</option>
<span class="jcf-select jcf-unselectable">
<span class="jcf-select-text">
<span class="">25</span>
<span class="jcf-select-opener"></span>
the select element is not highlighted using the browser Inspect method, looks like this drop down is triggered by js.
I tried to use the Select class described here:
select = Select(self._wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located_by((By.XPATH, "//div[#id = 'indicators_length']//select[#name = 'indicators_length']")))
not working. and ActionChain method and even execute_script method, all not working. This bothers me a lot, hope somebody can help.
you don't really need to select the option just click the span and it will set the option automatically.
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# click "OK, I Agree" cookies
# scroll down to make dropdown option visible
select = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//span[#class="result-mune"]/following-sibling::span')
# wait until javascript generate fake option element because it actually span
select.find_element_by_css_selector('ul li span[data-index="4"]').click()
try this one:
driver.execute_script('document.getElementsByName("indicators_length")[0].value = 50;
If its created and loaded after page load make sure you add some sleep to let it render;
I tried using the Selenium Select class, it can find the element but it cannot select an option from the element. Not sure whats going on, could be the class "jcf-hidden" on the element.
Having said that, I took a stab at it and below is my approach. Try it out, it worked on my system, you have to handle the clicking of "OK, I Agree" button click, I did that manually.
import time
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome
driver = Chrome()
# Remove this nasty time.sleep and implement webdriver wait
# Handle the OK, I Agree
i_agree = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('button[class*="eu-cookie-compliance-default-button"]')
# Open the Select
rankings_length = driver.find_element_by_id('qs-rankings_length')
select_opener = rankings_length.find_element_by_class_name('jcf-select-opener')
# loop through the list
select_content = rankings_length.find_element_by_class_name('jcf-list-content')
for content in select_content.find_elements_by_tag_name('li'):
if content.text == 'All':

Select a dropdown using Python + Selenium

I am writing an automation for work and am stuck with a dropdown. The particular select box in question is as follows:
<span class="a-dropdown-container" id="select-size-bulk-asin">
<select name="display_type" class="a-native-dropdown">
<option value="SMALL-IMAGES">SMALL-IMAGES</option>
<option value="LARGE-IMAGES">LARGE-IMAGES</option>
<option value="TEXT">TEXT</option>
<span tabindex="-1" data-a-class="a-spacing-small" class="a-button a-button-dropdown a-spacing-small">
<span class="a-button-inner">
<span class="a-button-text a-declarative" data-action="a-dropdown-button" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-pressed="false" aria-owns="2_dropdown_combobox">
<span class="a-dropdown-prompt">SMALL-IMAGES</span>
<i class="a-icon a-icon-dropdown"></i>
It defaults to 'SMALL Images' and I would like to select the 'TEXT' option. I am receiving element not clickable error. The page is simple and the element is visible on the screen.
The list of methods I did try are:
Used WebDriverWait to wait for the element to be visible;
Used WebDriverWait to wait for the element to be clickable;
Used the select class to set the selected option;
I also read through a question.
I am thinking if I should just go to the next element and send Shift+Tabs until I reach this drop down and then down arrow keys. But would like to use that only as the last resort.
- I am using Python 3 and Chrome.
You can try this code to select value from drop down :
select = Select(driver.find_element_by_id('select-size-bulk-asin'))
However,as you have mentioned you are receiving element not clickable exception. you can try this code :
WebDriverWait(browser, 30).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "select-size-bulk-asin")))
As a last resort you can go ahead with :
drop_down= driver.find_element_by_id("select-size-bulk-asin")
actions = ActionChains(driver)

How to click Save button on a web form using VBA

I am working on automating a task. I want to click a Save button on a web form using VBA, but it's not working:
<input name="save" title="Save" class="btn" type="submit" value=" Save ">
<input name="save" tabindex="79" title="Save" class="btn" type="submit" value=" Save ">
I've tried ie.Document.all("save").Click, but it doesn't seem to work. What method do I need to click the button?
You can try going through all your "btn" class collection, and click the one with your save value:
Dim btnClassColl As Object, btn As Object
Set btnClassColl = ie.document.getElementsByClassName("btn")
For Each btn In btnClassColl
If btn.Value Like "*save*" Then
Exit For
End If
Also: make sure that your web page has FULLY loaded before trying to automate anything.
In response to the comment:
This code is neither giving error nor its clicking on btn. Can this be because there are two buttons on web page with same name and function?
An alternative solution would be that if you know the index number of the collection item, you can simply use that index number and not loop at all. In this case, your index # is 1 (remember: Base 0).
Try this alternative:
Dim btn As Object
ie.document.getElementsByName("save")(1) '1 actually means #2 in index
