How do I delete Azure Databricks resource group? - azure

I tried following the Quickstart: Run a Spark job on Azure Databricks using the Azure portal as described at:
But when I later try to delete resource group for that databricks resource I got the following two errors:
Delete resource group databricks-rg-mydatabricksws-5mlo3dio7wef2
failed The resource group databricks-rg-mydatabricksws-5mlo3dio7wef2
is locked and can't be deleted. Click here to manage locks for this
resource group.
UnauthorizedApplicationId "The management lock ... is owned by system
Lock Deletion Failure The lock named mydatabricksws was unable to be
deleted for the following reasons: {"errorThrown":"Unavailable in
management lock 'mydatabricksws' is owned by system application(s)

I also encountered the same problem before. I get the answer from this link.
Log into your Azure Databricks workspace as the account owner (the user who created the service), and click the user profile Account icon at the top right.
Select Manage Account.
In the Azure Databricks service, click Azure Delete and then OK.
You also could get the Azure Databricks code demo from this document.


DataBricks UnityCatalog create table fails with "Failed to acquire a SAS token UnauthorizedAccessException: PERMISSION_DENIED: request not authorized"

I'm new to DataBricks Unity Catalog and I'm trying to follow the quickstart notebook on
It seems to me I did whatever I had to do:
I created a Databricks access connector in Azure (which becomes a managed identity)
I created a storage Account ADLS Gen2 (DAtalake with hierarchical namespace) plus container
On my datalake container I assigned Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the managed identity above
I created a new Databricks Premium Workspace
I created a new metastore in Unity Catalog that "binds" the access connector to the DataLake
Bound the metastore to the premium databricks workspace
I gave my Databricks user Admin permission on the above Databricks workspace
I created a new cluster in the same premium workspaces, choosing framework 11.1 and "single user" access mode
I ran the workspace, which correctly created a new catalog, assinged proper rights to it, created a schema, confirmed that I am the owner for that schema
The only (but most important) SQL command of the same notebook that fails is the one that tries to create a managed Delta table and insert two records:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quickstart_catalog_mauromi.quickstart_schema_mauromi.quickstart_table
(columnA Int, columnB String) PARTITIONED BY (columnA);
When I run it, it starts working and in fact it starts creating the folder structure for this delta table in my storage account
, however then it fails with the following error:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: Failed to acquire a SAS token for list on /data/a3b9da69-d82a-4e0d-9015-51646a2a93fb/tables/eab1e2cc-1c0d-4ee4-9a57-18f17edcfabb/_delta_log due to java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.databricks.sql.managedcatalog.acl.UnauthorizedAccessException: PERMISSION_DENIED: request not authorized
Please consider that I didn't have any folder created under "unity-catalog" container before running the table creation command. So it seems that is can successfully create the folder structure, but after it creates the "table" folder, it can't acquare "the SAS token".
So I can't understand since I am an admin in this workspace and since Databricks managed identity is assigned the contributor role on the storage container, and since Databricks actually starts creating the other folders. What else should I configure?
I found it: you need to only to assign, at container level, the Storage Blob Data Contributor role to the Azure Databricks Connector. In fact, you need to assign the same role and the same connector at STORAGE ACCOUNT level.
I couldn't find this information in the documentation and I frankly can't understand why this is needed since the delta table path was created.
However, this way, it works.
I solved this issue by doing the following:
Grant the "Access Connector for Azure Databricks" the permission "Storage Blob Data Reader" at the Storage Account level.
Grant the "Access Connector for Azure Databricks" the permission "Storage Blob Data Contributor" at the container level used by the workspace.
That keeps the permissions a bit more restrictive without having to go down the 'Owner' level. is failing in configuration

While doing something I got option to execute shell commands from azure portal. It required to configure first time.
In first step it is giving option of selecting Subscription & create storage. When I select required subscription & click on create storage, it is giving error:
Error: 409
{"error":{"code":"StorageAccountAlreadyTaken", "message":"The storage account named ... is already taken"}}
Can't create a storage account. Please try again.
I tried multiple times but no avail.
I opened Show advanced settings & tried to play with combinations but here using existing storage account is disabled(in advanced settings) and create storage is also disabled.
strong text
PS I have rights to create storage account on subscription, so that is not an issue.
I also face the same issue before. You need to directly edit (manually type the name) the existing storage account in the box, just ignore the using existing checkbox. It seems like a UI bug.
When you add the existing storage account on the UI, please note that the cloud shell region matches the storage account region. You can see the Supported storage regions from
Refer to the familiar threads,
Unable to open Cloud Shell because of Storage Account error
Azure Cloud shell requires storage account

Azure Databricks move Log Analytics

Databricks VMs are pointing to Default Log Analytics but I want to point them to another one
If I try to move VMs to antoher workpacks it tells me that its locked
Error: cannot perform delete operation because following scope(s) are locked
Unfortunately, you are not allowed to move Log Analytics for the Managed Resource Group created in Azure Databricks using Azure portal.
Reason: By default, you cannot perform any write operation on the managed resource group which created by Azure Databricks.
If you try to modify anything in the managed resource group, you will see this error message:
{"details":[{"code":"ScopeLocked","message":"The scope '/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/databricks-rg-chepra-d7ensl75cgiki' cannot perform write operation because following scope(s) are locked: '/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/databricks-rg-chepra-d7ensl75cgiki'. Please remove the lock and try again."}]}
Possible way: You can specify tags as key-value pairs when while creating/modifying clusters, and Azure Databricks will apply these tags to cloud resources.
Possible way: Configure your Azure Databricks cluster to use the monitoring library.
This article shows how to send application logs and metrics from Azure Databricks to a Log Analytics workspace. It uses the Azure Databricks Monitoring Library.
Hope this helps.

Fail to create in-demand hadoop cluster in Azure Data Factory; additionalProperties is not active

It's my first time trying out the Azure data factory so I hope this is not a bad question to ask.
So I'm using the Azure portal trying to create an on-demand hadoop cluster as one of the linked service in Azure Data Factory following the steps in the tutorial.
But whenever I click create, the following error message pops up.
Failed to save HDinisghtLinkedService. Error: An additional property 'subnetName' has been specified but additionalProperties is not active.The relevant property is 'HDInsightOnDemandLinkedServiceTypeProperties'.The error occurred at the location 'body/properties/typeProperties' in the request.;An additional property 'virtualNetworkId' has been specified but additionalProperties is not active.The relevant property is 'HDInsightOnDemandLinkedServiceTypeProperties'.The error occurred at the location 'body/properties/typeProperties' in the request.
I couldn't understand why it requires the 'subnetName' and 'virtualNetworkId'. But I tried putting values under Advanced Properties -> Chose Vnet and Subnet -> From Azure subscription -> and put in the existing vitrual network ID and subnet name. But the problem still present and the same error message shows up.
Other background information:
For the tutorial I posted above, I did not use its powershell code. I have existing resource group and created a new storage account on the Azure portal.
I also created a new app registration in Azure Active Directory and retrieve principal service application ID and authentication key following this link
Some parameters:
Type: On-demand HDInsight
Azure Storage Linked Service: the one listed in the connection
Cluster size: 1 (for testing)
Service principal id/service principal key: described above
Version: 3.6
Any thoughts or anything I might be doing wrong?
From the error message, it clearly states that “subnetName” is not active, which means it has not created at all.
Note: If you want to create on-demand cluster within your Vnet, then first create Vnet and Subnet and the pass the following values.
Advanced Properties are not mandatory to create a on-demand cluster.
Have you tried created on-demand cluster without passing the Vnet and Subnet?
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.

Recover Azure Databricks after deletion

If Azure Databricks will be deleted by someone and which contains Notebooks as well. So, if we want to recover that databricks along with notebooks , is it possible?
If so please explain how we can achieve this type of condition.
If you are looking to prevent deletion, you can set Azure Resource locks. Specifically you can set the CanNotDelete lock. This lock means authorized users can still read and modify a resource, but they can't delete the resource.
Some Azure services, such as Azure Databricks, use managed applications to implement the service. In that case, the service creates two resource groups. One resource group contains an overview of the service and isn't locked. The other resource group contains the infrastructure for the service and is locked. You should lock the resource containing the service to prevent accidental deletion.
If you try to delete the infrastructure resource group, you get an error stating that the resource group is locked. If you try to delete the lock for the infrastructure resource group, you get an error stating that the lock can't be deleted because it's owned by a system application.
