Are you able to access the original system entity data? - dialogflow-es

I'm currently using the and entities
When using non-system entities you are able to access the original
DialogFlow Example:
Is there any way to process the original when they are automatically remapped?
For instance, tomorrow is automatically remapped to "2018-04-06T12:00:00-06:00" or some date in the same format.
Am I able to retrieve the entry before the automated remapping? I.e access "tomorrow"

You can find the original value in the context object of the webhook request as seen below.
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "tomorrow",
"parameters": {
"date": "2018-08-15T12:00:00-07:00",
"outputContexts": [
"name": ".../fdas",
"lifespanCount": 5,
"parameters": {
"date": "2018-08-15T12:00:00-07:00",
"date.original": "tomorrow",
For the example above you can access it through the webhookRequest.body.queryResult.outputContexts[0].parameters['date.original']
You can also access the original value within responses defined in Dialogflow's console with #contextname.parametername.original:

Try this. Your original date would be under period_org. Just need to make sure the value is $[your_period_value].original. Just stumbled upon this :)


Associated PXSelect/PXSelectReadOnly Returns Nothing on Sales Order Through OpenAPI

I've introduced a new DAC and a new field on the Sales Order associated to the new DAC key. When trying to retrieve the information through OpenAPI it comes back empty. I'd like to know why and how I can adjust my code to return the information. I've tried both PXSelect and PXSelectReadOnly
Declaring Statement on SOOrderEntry(extension):
public PXSelect<IOCSCompanyBrand, Where<IOCSCompanyBrand.companyBrandNbr,
Equal<Current<SOOrderExt.usrCompanyBrand>>>> CompanyBranding;
When I hit the URL: http://localhost/Acumatica21/entity/AcumaticaExtended21R1/20.200.001/SalesOrder?$select=OrderNbr,CompanyBranding,OrderType,CompanyBrand&$expand=CompanyBranding&$filter=OrderNbr%20eq%20'SO-030003'
This is the data that is returned:
"id": "f827cb43-9b8a-ec11-a481-747827c044c8",
"rowNumber": 1,
"note": {
"value": ""
"CompanyBrand": {
"value": "IO"
"CompanyBranding": null,
"OrderNbr": {
"value": "SO-030003"
"OrderType": {
"value": "SO"
"custom": {}
Acumatica Version: 21.205.0063
Here's the definition for SalesOrder in the endpoint (which was populated via the GUI)
I ended up opening a Acumatica Developer case and here is their response.
Hi Kyle,
Thanks for your time yesterday.
Endpoint mapping is valid but the fields in the view isn't fetch due the limitation of the filter parameter in the request. Filter parameter optimizes the data that are being fetch. In the case, the customer view isn't fetched. To workaround the limitation, instead of using filter, you can try something like below,
You can fetch the record and use expand to get the detail level fields. This way you can avoid the limitation of the filter.
Please check and let me know if you have any questions.

Acumatica MoveEntry API not generating lot number

Has anyone here used the PUT /MoveEntry call successfully before? I can make the call to create the record, but I was expecting the API to populate the lot number and it is not. It does by UI, but not by API. Is there a trick that I'm missing?
Update 1:
PUT /MoveEntry
"Hold": {
"value": true
"Details": [
"OrderType": {
"value": "RO"
"ProductionNbr": {
"value": "RO0000001"
"Quantity": {
"value": 1
"Location": {
"value": "PRODRECPT"
"Warehouse": {
"value": "ABBOTSFORD"
It always records the document successfully, but never has the lot number.
Could it be a lot class configuration issue?
Update 2:
Acu support agrees this looks like a defect and has passed the case on to Acu development.
I would take a look at the Numbering Sequence called AMBatch as that is the one that seems to be used by default for me on the Move Entry screen.
After working with Acu Support, it came back the API requires the "OperationNbr" field to be populated with the Bill of Materials operation number. Then the lot number is generated as expected.

Forge-Get Item Path along with custom attributes in BIM360 document

Two Requirements are needed:
Get item path of the document in a BIM360 document management.
Get all custom attributes for that item.
For Req. 1, an api exists to fetch and for getting custom attributes, another api exists and data can be retrived.
Is there a way to get both the requirements in a single api call instead of using two.
In case of large number of records, api to retrieve item path is taking more than an hour for fetching 19000+ records and token gets expired though refesh token is used, while custom attribute api processes data in batches of 50, which completes it in 5 minutes only.
Please suggest.
Batch-Get Custom Attributes is for the additional attributes of Document Management specific. While path in project is a general information with Data Management.
The Data Management API provides some endpoints in a format of command, which can ask the backend to process the data for bunch of items.
This command will retrieve metadata for up to 50 specified items one time. It also supports the flag includePathInProject, but the usage is tricky and API document does not indicate it. In the response, it will tell the pathInProject of these items. It may save more time than iteration.
"jsonapi": {
"version": "1.0"
"data": {
"type": "commands",
"attributes": {
"extension": {
"type": "commands:autodesk.core:ListItems",
"version": "1.0.0" ,
"relationships": {
"resources": {
"data": [
"type": "items",
"id": "urn:adsk.wipprod:dm.lineage:vkLfPabPTealtEYoXU6m7w"
"type": "items",
"id": "urn:adsk.wipprod:dm.lineage:bcg7gqZ6RfG4BoipBe3VEQ"
Get item path of the document in a BIM360 document management.
Is this question about getting the hiarchy of the item? e.g. rootfolder>>subfolder>>item ? With the endpoint, by specifying the query param includePathInProject=true, it will return the relative path of the item (pathInProject) in the folder structure.
"data": {
"type": "items",
"id": "urn:adsk.wipprod:dm.lineage:xxx",
"attributes": {
"displayName": "my-issue-att.png",
"createTime": "2021-03-12T04:51:01.0000000Z",
"createUserId": "xxx",
"createUserName": "Xiaodong Liang",
"lastModifiedTime": "2021-03-12T04:51:02.0000000Z",
"lastModifiedUserId": "200902260532621",
"lastModifiedUserName": "Xiaodong Liang",
"hidden": false,
"reserved": false,
"extension": {
"type": "items:autodesk.bim360:File",
"version": "1.0",
"schema": {
"href": ""
"data": {
"sourceFileName": "my-issue-att.png"
"pathInProject": "/Project Files"
or if you may iterate by the data of parent
"parent": {
"data": {
"type": "folders",
"id": "urn:adsk.wipprod:fs.folder:co.sdfedf8wef"
"links": {
"related": {
"href": ""
Get all custom attributes for that item. For Req. 1, an api exists to fetch and for getting custom attributes, another api exists and data can be retrived. Is there a way to get both the requirements in a single api call instead of using two. In case of large number of records, api to retrieve item path is taking more than an hour for fetching 19000+ records and token gets expired though refesh token is used, while custom attribute api processes data in batches of 50, which completes it in 5 minutes only. Please suggest.*
Let me try to understand the question better. Firstly, two things: Custom Attributes Definitions, and Custom Attributes Values(with the documents). Could you clarify what are they with 19000+ records?
If Custom Attributes Definitions, the API to fetch them is
It supports to set limit of each call. i.e. the max limit of one call is 200, which means you can fetch 19000+ records by 95 times, while each time calling should be quick (with my experience < 10 seconds). Totally around 15 minutes, instead of more than 1 hour..
Or at your side, each call with 200 records will take much time?
If Custom Attributes Values, the API to fetch them is
as you know, 50 records each time. And it seems it is pretty quick at your side with 5 minutes only if fetch the values of 19000+ records?

How can I setup taxes and make them included in the subscription price paypal sdk

So I live in europe and we are obligated to have taxes already included in the price displayed to the user and I was wondering how I could do this with Paypal sdk.
My billing_plan_attributes:
billing_plan_attributes = {
"name": request.args['name'],
"description": request.args['description'],
"merchant_preferences": {
"auto_bill_amount": "yes",
"cancel_url": "",
"initial_fail_amount_action": "continue",
"max_fail_attempts": "1",
"return_url": '',
"setup_fee": {
"currency": request.args['currency'],
"value": request.args['setup_fee']
"payment_definitions": [
"amount": {
"currency": request.args['currency'],
"value": request.args['amount']
"cycles": request.args['cycles'],
"frequency": request.args['frequency'],
"frequency_interval": request.args['frequency_interval'],
"name": request.args['payment_name'],
"type": request.args['payment_type'],
"type": request.args['type']
I tried adding
"taxes": {
"percentage": "23",
"inclusive": True
inside merchant_preferences, payment_defenitions and under type but when I run it they return
Problem while creating a new plan: Incoming JSON request does not map to API request
and I don't know how could I fix this issue.
In case you're wondering if the problem is somewhere else I removed the taxes from the JSON and run and it worked.
First of all know that the depcrecated billing plan object in the Python SDK does NOT correspond to the new plans object in the new Subscriptions API. If you want to use the Subscriptions API (and you probably should), you need to integrate with direct HTTPS API calls, NOT any of the old SDKs. Basically, look at the CURL calls you see here: ... and implement their equivalents from Python.
The billing plans objects of the Subscriptions API do support the syntax you were trying to add, so my guess is that is where you got it from:

How to retrieve Work Item linked to specific commit - Azure Devops REST API

I need to be able to retrieve the linked work item of any given specific commit. I'm currently using the following api call
with the following response
"parents": [],
"treeId": "7fa1a3523ffef51c525ea476bffff7d648b8cb3d",
"push": {
"pushedBy": {
"id": "8c8c7d32-6b1b-47f4-b2e9-30b477b5ab3d",
"displayName": "Chuck Reinhart",
"uniqueName": "",
"url": "",
"imageUrl": ""
"pushId": 1,
"date": "2014-01-29T23:33:15.2434002Z"
"commitId": "be67f8871a4d2c75f13a51c1d3c30ac0d74d4ef4",
"author": {
"name": "Chuck Reinhart",
"email": "",
"date": "2014-01-29T23:32:09Z"
"committer": {
"name": "Chuck Reinhart",
"email": "",
"date": "2014-01-29T23:32:09Z"
"comment": "First cut\n",
"url": "",
"remoteUrl": "",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"repository": {
"href": ""
"changes": {
"href": ""
"web": {
"href": ""
"tree": {
"href": ""
from and am missing a way to see what work item its linked to or if it is linked at all. Does anyone know of a way to get this information? Thanks
You could use the Get Commits API, docs here. The base request looks like:
You could then add the following parameters:
fromCommitId - string - If provided, a lower bound for filtering commits alphabetically
toCommitId - string - If provided, an upper bound for filtering commits alphabetically
includeWorkItems - boolean - Whether to include linked work items
So that your final query would look something like, with your toCommitId and fromCommitId parameters being your commit id that you are after (the documentation doesn't specificy whether these are inclusive or exclusive so your might have to tweak this slightly):
The result should contain a workItems property inside each commit object of the response as per this documentation.
Parameters that use the searchCriteria prefix in their name can be specified without it as query parameters, e.g. searchCriteria.$top -> $top
There is also:
ids - array - If provided, specifies the exact commit ids of the commits to fetch. May not be combined with other parameters.
Which could allow you to forgo passing in the to and from commit ids but the docs state that it May not be combined with other parameters - even though the example request does combine it with other parameters. I haven't tried this myself so please do comment when you find out whether you go with from-to id or just ids.
OPs action
The OP ended up using the following request as they didn't mind all commits being returned:
