Why isn't this function entering the while loop? - python-3.x

def millerRabin(toTest = 3, accuracy = 5):
# Return true if toTest is prime
# Find how many times toTest can be halved
under = toTest - 1
loopTracker = 0
while under % 2 == 0:
print('Before halving')
# Keep halving, and keep track until hit we can no longer divide in half
under = under // 2
print('After Halving: ', under)
loopTracker += 1
print(millerRabin(toTest = 144000))
The first portion of the Miller-Rabin is to track how many times the number to be tested can be halved. But, I can't figure out why the program is not entering the while loop and outputting some of the print statements.

When you define under, you're subtracting 1. This creates 143999 to test, which is not divisible by 2 evenly. So it fails your while condition and never enters the loop.


Automate the Boring Stuff With Python Practice Project: collatz sequence Unknown loop?

The outline:
Write a function named collatz() that has one parameter named number. If the number is even, then collatz() should print number // 2 and return this value. If the number is odd, then collatz() should print and return 3 * number + 1. Then write a program that lets the user type in an integer and that keeps calling collatz() on that number until the function returns the value 1.
my code:
def collatz(number):
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number // 2)
return number // 2
elif number % 2 == 1:
result = 3 * number + 1
return result
n = input("Give me a number")
while n != 1:
the output keeps infinitely printing the n value, and I can't figure out why. Please enlighten me
Your loop should update the value of n:
while n != 1:
n = collatz(int(n))
Otherwise, your loop has no progression, hence the infinite loop.
Edit: Here's an explanation as to why this is necessary.
Think about it logically. If you enter the body of the loop, then n must not be equal to 1. The loop continues to execute until n becomes 1. The only way for this to happen is for you to change (i.e. update) n so that it eventually reaches 1 and the loop can terminate.

Game of life is running slow

I am trying to simulate n-dimensional game of life for first t=6 time steps. My Nim code is a straightforward port from Python and it works correctly but instead of the expected speedup, for n=4, t=6 it takes 2 seconds to run, which is order of magnitude slower than my CPython version. Why is my code so slow? What can I do to speed it up? I am compiling with -d:release and --opt:speed
I represent each point in space with a single 64bit integer.
That is, I map (x_0, x_1, ..., x_{n-1}) to sum x_i * 32^i. I can do that since I know that after 6 time steps each coordinate -15<=x_i<=15 so I have no overflow.
The rules are:
alive - has 2 or 3 alive neigbours: stays alive
- different number of them: becomes alive
dead - has 3 alive neighbours: becomes alive
- else: stays dead
Below is my code. The critical part is the proc nxt which gets set of active cells and outputs set of active cells next time step. This proc is called 6 times. The only thing I'm interested in is the number of alive cells.
I run the code on the following input:
import sets, tables, intsets, times, os, math
const DIM = 4
const ROUNDS = 6
const REG_SIZE = 5
const MAX_VAL = 2^(REG_SIZE-1)
var grid = initIntSet()
# Inits neighbours
var neigbours: seq[int]
proc initNeigbours(base,depth: int) =
if depth == 0:
if base != 0:
initNeigbours(base*2*MAX_VAL-1, depth-1)
initNeigbours(base*2*MAX_VAL+0, depth-1)
initNeigbours(base*2*MAX_VAL+1, depth-1)
echo neigbours
# Calculates next iteration:
proc nxt(grid: IntSet): IntSet =
var counting: CountTable[int]
for x in grid:
for dx in neigbours:
for x, count in counting.pairs:
if count == 3 or (count == 2 and x in grid):
# Loads input
var row = 0
while true:
var line = stdin.readLine
if line == "":
for col in 0..<line.len:
if line[col] == '#':
grid.incl((row-MAX_VAL)*2*MAX_VAL + col-MAX_VAL)
inc row
# Run computation
let time = cpuTime()
for i in 1..ROUNDS:
grid = nxt(grid)
echo "Time taken: ", cpuTime() - time
echo "Result: ", grid.len
discard stdin.readLine
Your code runs in my computer in about 0.02:
Time taken: 0.020875947
Result: 2276
Time taken: 0.01853268
Result: 2276
Time taken: 0.021355269
Result: 2276
I changed the part where the input is read to this:
# Loads input
var row = 0
let input = open("input.txt")
for line in input.lines:
for i, col in line:
if col == '#':
grid.incl((row-MAX_VAL)*2*MAX_VAL + i-MAX_VAL)
inc row
But it shouldn't impact the performance, it just looks better to my eyes. I compiled with:
nim c -d:danger script.nim
Using Nim 1.4.2. -d:danger is the flag for maximum speed before entering deeper waters.
But even compiling in debug mode:
$ nim c -r script.nim
Time taken: 0.07699487199999999
Result: 2276
Way faster than 2 seconds. There has to be other problem in your end. Sorry for the non-answer.

Polydivisible Calculator Fails, Despite Previous Implementation Working

To begin, a definition:
A polydivisible number is an integer number where the first n digits of the number (from left to right) is perfectly divisible by n. For example, the integer 141 is polydivisible since:
1 % 1 == 0
14 % 2 == 0
141 % 3 == 0
I'm working on a recursive polydivisible checker, which, given a number, will check to see if that number is polydivisible, and if not, recursively check every other number after until it reaches a number that is polydivisible.
Unfortunately, my code doesn't work the way I want it to. Interestingly, when I input a number that is already polydivisible, it does its job and outputs that polydivisible number. The problem occurs when I input a non-polydivisible number, such as 13. The next polydivisible number should be 14, yet the program fails to output it. Instead, it gets stuck in an infinite loop until the memory runs out.
Here's the code I have:
def next_polydiv(num):
number = str(num)
if num >= 0:
i = 1
while i <= len(number):
if int(number[:i]) % i == 0:
i += 1
i = 1
num += 1
return num
print("Number must be non-negative")
return None
I'm assuming the problem occurs in the else statement inside the while loop, where, if the number fails to be polydivisible, the program resets i to 0, and adds 1 to the original number so it can start checking the new number. However, like I explained, it doesn't work the way I want it to.
Any idea what might be wrong with the code, and how to make sure it stops and outputs the correct polydivisible number when it reaches one (like 14)?
(Also note that this checker is only supposed to accept non-negative numbers, hence the initial if conditional)
The mistake is that you are no updating number after incrementing num.
Here is working code:
def next_polydiv(num):
number = str(num)
if num >= 0:
i = 1
while i <= len(number):
if int(number[:i]) % i == 0:
i += 1
i = 1
num += 1
number = str(num) # added line
return num
print("Number must be non-negative")
return None
I have a similar answer to #PranavaGande, the reason is I did not find any way to iterate an Int. Probably because there isn't one...Duh !!!
def is_polydivisible(n):
str_n = str(n)
list_2 = []
for i in range(len(str_n)):
list_1 = []
new_n = 0
for i in range(len(str_n)):
new_n = int(str_n[:i+1])
products_of_lists = []
for n1, n2 in zip(list_1, list_2):
products_of_lists.append(n1 % n2)
for val in products_of_lists:
if val != 0:
return False
return True
Now, I apologise for this many lines of code as it has to be smaller. However every integer has to be split individually and then divided by its index [Starting from 1 not 0]. Therefore I found it easier to list both of them and divide them index wise.
There is much shorter code than mine, however I hope this serves the purpose to find if the number is Polydivisible or Not. Of-Course you can tweak the code to find the values, where the quotient goes into decimals, returning a remainder which is Non-zero.

Python Collatz Infinite Loop

Apologies if similar questions have been asked but I wasn't able to find anything to fix my issue. I've written a simple piece of code for the Collatz Sequence in Python which seems to work fine for even numbers but gets stuck in an infinite loop when an odd number is enter.
I've not been able to figure out why this is or a way of breaking out of this loop so any help would be greatly appreciate.
print ('Enter a positive integer')
number = (int(input()))
def collatz(number):
while number !=1:
if number % 2 == 0:
number = number/2
print (number)
elif number % 2 == 1:
number = 3*number+1
print (number)
Your function lacks any return statements, so by default it returns None. You might possibly wish to define the function so it returns how many steps away from 1 the input number is. You might even choose to cache such results.
You seem to want to make a recursive call, yet you also use a while loop. Pick one or the other.
When recursing, you don't have to reassign a variable, you could choose to put the expression into the call, like this:
if number % 2 == 0:
collatz(number / 2)
elif ...
This brings us the crux of the matter. In the course of recursing, you have created many stack frames, each having its own private variable named number and containing distinct values. You are confusing yourself by changing number in the current stack frame, and copying it to the next level frame when you make a recursive call. In the even case this works out for your termination clause, but not in the odd case. You would have been better off with just a while loop and no recursion at all.
You may find that http://pythontutor.com/ helps you understand what is happening.
A power-of-two input will terminate, but you'll see it takes pretty long to pop those extra frames from the stack.
I have simplified the code required to find how many steps it takes for a number to get to zero following the Collatz Conjecture Theory.
def collatz():
steps = 0
sample = int(input('Enter number: '))
y = sample
while sample != 1:
if sample % 2 == 0:
sample = sample // 2
steps += 1
sample = (sample*3)+1
steps += 1
print('Took '+ str(steps)+' steps to get '+ str(y)+' down to 1.')
Hope this helps!
Hereafter is my code snippet and it worked perfectly
def collatz(i):
if i % 2 == 0:
n = i // 2
print n
if n != 1:
elif i % 2 == 1:
n = 3 * i + 1
print n
if n != 1:
i = int(raw_input("Enter number:\n"))
except ValueError:
print "Error: You Must enter integer"
Here is my interpretation of the assignment, this handles negative numbers and repeated non-integer inputs use cases as well. Without nesting your code in a while True loop, the code will fail on repeated non-integer use-cases.
def collatz(number):
if number % 2 == 0:
print(number // 2)
return(number // 2)
elif number % 2 == 1:
result = 3 * number + 1
# Program starts here.
while True:
# Ask for input
n = input('Please enter a number: ')
# If number is negative or 0, asks for positive and starts over.
if int(n) < 1:
print('Please enter a positive INTEGER!')
#If number is applicable, goes through collatz function.
while n != 1:
n = collatz(int(n))
# If input is a non-integer, asks for a valid integer and starts over.
except ValueError:
print('Please enter a valid INTEGER!')
# General catch all for any other error.

I am almost there but program can not recognize negatives

Program has to count positive and negative numbers and compute the average. I feel like i have the right code but maybe something is off. This was done on python idle 3.5. I would appreciate any and all help.
i=eval(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0:"))
while (i!=0):
i=eval(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0:"))
print("The number of positives is ", pos)
print("The number of negatives is ", neg)
print("The total is",total)
print("The average is ", avg)
One Problem your code has is, that the first number you are entering does not count towards either the positive or negative counts in your loop because it is outside of it. As soon as you enter the loop you do add it to the total, but then you ask for the next number. This way your first number is never evaluated.
What you could do is a while loop that has the condition "True", so it runs every time you start the program. The evaluation on whether your input is a zero can be (and in this case must be) handled in your else/elif/else block.
If you don't include a break there you are getting an infinite loop.
You should not us eval(). The Documentation on python states this:
This function can also be used to execute arbitrary code objects (such as those created by compile()). In this case pass a code object instead of a string. If the code object has been compiled with 'exec' as the mode argument, eval()’s return value will be None.
If you use int() the program knows if it is negative or not since you compare the input to zero in your if statements.
Maybe do something like this:
total = 0
pos = 0
neg = 0
# avg = 0 (you don't have to declare this variable since you calculate it
# anyway later on)
# removed the input from here since it did not contribute to the pos/neg count
while (True):
# maybe use a while loop with the condition "True" so it runs every time
i = int(input("Enter an integer, the input ends if it is 0: "))
total = total + i
if(i > 0):
# counts 1 up if integer is positive
pos += 1
elif(i < 0):
# counts 1 up if integer is negative
neg += 1
# break out of the loop as soon as none of the above conditions is true
# (since it hits a 0 as input)
# else you get an infinite loop
avg = total / (pos + neg)
print("The number of positives is ", pos)
print("The number of negatives is ", neg)
print("The total is ", total)
print("The average is ", avg)
