Tungsten encoding in Spark SQL? - apache-spark

I am running a Spark application that has a series of Spark SQL statements that are executed one after the other. The SQL queries are quite complex and the application is working (generating output). These days, I am working towards improving the performance of processing within Spark.
Please suggest whether Tungsten encoding has to be enabled separately or it kicks in automatically while running Spark SQL?
I am using Cloudera 5.13 for my cluster (2 node).

It is enabled by default in spark 2.X (and maybe 1.6: but i'm not sure on that).
In any case you can do this
That can be enabled on the spark-submit as follows:
spark-submit --conf spark.sql.tungsten.enabled=true
Tungsten should be enabled if you see a * next to the plan:
Also see: How to enable Tungsten optimization in Spark 2?

Tungsten became the default in Spark 1.5 and can be enabled in an earlier version by setting the spark.sql.tungsten.enabled = true.
Even without Tungsten, SparkSQL uses a columnar storage format with Kyro serialization to minimize storage cost.
To make sure your code benefits as much as possible from Tungsten optimizations try to use the default Dataset API with Scala (instead of RDD).
Dataset brings the best of both worlds with a mix of relational (DataFrame) and functional (RDD) transformations. DataSet APIs are the most up to date and adds type-safety along with better error handling and far more readable unit tests.


spark 2.4: Does AQE take precedent over spark.sql.shuffle.partitions?

I am trying to understand how Adaptive query execution and spark.sql.shuffle.partitions interact in spark 2.4 (though if this changed in spark 3.0 that would be interesting to note as well).
If I set AQE to true (unlike spark 3.0 it is False by default in spark 2.4), could it choose higher and lower number of partitions? Or does it depend on whether I set spark.sql.adaptive.coalescePartitions.enabled to true?
In my rather large application, my code used to crash until I specified enough partitions. AQE was enabled but somehow wasn't able to do that for me. After setting the partitions explicitly (With AQE still on), the code works reliably.
(I am using pyspark, spark 2.4 on CDH)

Differences in Execution betwen Hive and Spark

All: I am looking for someone with more knowledge to check my understanding of Hive and Spark
I have been researching different large scale database solutions and I am trying to understand the difference in execution between Hive and Spark. I attempted to install Hadoop, Hive, and Spark to see how they perform. I was able to get Hadoop and Spark to work. I was unable to get Hive to work.
When I ran queries in Spark after they passed through the optimizer, it seems that the biggest advantage is that only the relevant table data is selected from the source at the earliest inception. So if I only needed Table1.columns(A,B,C) in the final answer, but told the system to JOIN Table1 & Table2 on (Table1.A=Table2.B) it immediately reduces the carried table to only the relevant items...I do not think Hive performs that way. I believe it will do the full join and perform the reduction later.
There are also differences in the memory storage (Hive going back the the HDFS frequently, vs Spark keeping things in RAM). This has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the data set/query.
Unfortunately because I cannot get Hive to run, my theory is based off of reading outputs of other people running things in Hive.
I Think hive and spark originally have different goals, and their execution styles are based on those goals.
Apache spark is a framework that allows you to do calculations on big datasets. stored on hdfs
Hive is an SQL interface to retriev data stored in an hdfs, and other clusterized and object store filesystems (S3 is an example) in a structured way.
Spark keeps things on ram because its more focused on making calculations with the data sets. Hive is more focused on retrieving data in a structured way, so it does not focus on speed that much (that being said, there have been improvements in hive, like llap that are meant to improve performance).
I like to use analogies with traditional software tools. On one side, you can have a relational database, and on the other side, a programming language. They both overlap in some functionality (you can write and read to disk with the programming language, and you can do some calculations with the sql engine. However, if the task at hand requires intensive and complex calculations you would probably use the programming language. If you are looking for a system that lets you store data in a structured way, you would go for the sql engine.
Hive on Tez and Spark both use Ram(memory) for operating on data . The number of partitions computed which will be treated as individual tasks would be quite different from Hive on Tez vs Spark . Hive on Tez by default tries to use combiner to merge certain splits into single partition . Hive one Tez seem to handle autoscaling of clusters in a better way than spark and does work most of the time.Spark doesn't work with autoscaling it would have lot of shuffle errors and will fail when there are multiple stages . But given a fixed size of cluster Spark seems to perform better over Hive on TEZ this could be attributed to some of the optimizations done and also how the shuffle ,serialization etc are implemented .

What is the difference between Map Reduce and Spark about engine in Hive?

It looks like there are two ways to use spark as the backend engine for Hive.
The first one is directly using spark as the engine. Like this tutorial.
Another way is to use spark as the backend engine for MapReduce. Like this tutorial.
In the first tutorial, the hive.execution.engine is spark. And I cannot see hdfs involved.
In the second tutorial, the hive.execution.engine is still mr, but as there is no hadoop process, it looks like the backend of mr is spark.
Honestly, I'm a little bit confused about this. I guess the first one is recommended as mr has been deprecated. But where is the hdfs involved?
I understood it differently.
Normally Hive uses MR as execution engine, unless you use IMPALA, but not all distros have this.
But for a period now Spark can be used as execution engine for Spark.
https://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2014/07/apache-hive-on-apache-spark-motivations-and-design-principles/ discusses this in more detail.
Apache Spark builds DAG(Directed acyclic graph) whereas Mapreduce goes with native Map and Reduce. While execution in Spark, logical dependencies form physical dependencies.
Now what is DAG?
DAG is building logical dependencies before execution.(Think of it as a visual graph)
When we have multiple map and reduce or output of one reduce is the input to another map then DAG will help to speed up the jobs.
DAG is build in Tez (right side of photo) but not in MapReduce (left side).
Apache Spark works on DAG but have stages in place of Map/Reduce. Tez have DAG and works on Map/Reduce. In order to make it simpler i used Map/Reduce context but remember Apache Spark have stages. But the concept of DAG remains the same.
Reason 2:
Map persists its output to disk.(buffer too but when 90% of it is filled then output goes into disk) From there data goes to merge.
But in Apache Spark intermediate data is persist to memory which makes it faster.
Check this link for details

kafka streaming or spark streaming

Am using now kafka in Python.
Was wondering if Spark Kafka is needed or can we use just use kafka
through pyKafka.
My concern was Spark creates overhead (pyspark) in the process,
and if we don't use any spark functions, just Kafka streaming is required.
What are the inconvenients of using Pyspark and kafka spark ?
It totally depends on the use case at hand, as all mentioned in the comments, however I passed with the same situation a couple of months ago, I will try to transfer my knowledge and how I decided to move to kafka-streams instead of spark-streaming.
In my use case, we only used spark to do a realtime streaming from kafka, and don't do any sort of map-reduce, windowing, filtering, aggregation.
Given the above case, I did the comparison based on 3 dimentions:
Below image show the table of comparison I did to convince my team to migrate to use kafka-streams and suppress spark, Cost is not added in the image as it totally depends on your cluster size (HeadNode-WorkerNodes).
Again, this is based on your case, I just tried to give you a pointer how to do the comparison, but spark itself has lots of benefits, which is irrelevant to describe it in this question.

Spark SQL: how does it map to RDD operations?

When I learn spark SQL, I have a question in my mind:
As said, the SQL execution result is SchemaRDD, but what happens behind the scene? How many transformations or actions in the optimized execution plan, which should be equivalent to plain RDD hand-written codes invoked?
If we write codes by hand instead of SQL, it may generate some intermediate RDDs, e.g. a series of map(), filter() operations upon the source RDD. But the SQL version would not generate intermediate RDDs, correct?
Depending on the SQL content, the generated VM byte codes also involves partitioning, shuffling, correct? But without intermediate RDDs, how could spark schedule and execute them on worker machines?
In fact, I still can not understand the relationship between the spark SQL and spark core. How they interact with each other?
To understand how SparkSQL or the dataframe/dataset DSL maps to RDD operations, look at the physical plan Spark generates using explain.
sql(/* your SQL here */).explain
At the very core of Spark, RDD[_] is the underlying datatype that is manipulated using distributed operations. In Spark versions <= 1.6.x DataFrame is RDD[Row] and Dataset is separate. In Spark versions >= 2.x DataFrame becomes Dataset[Row]. That doesn't change the fact that underneath it all Spark uses RDD operations.
For a deeper dive into understanding Spark execution, read Understanding Spark Through Visualization.
