Access shared folder using a specific windows credential - linux

I'm currently working with a requirement: download a file from the database then write it to a shared folder. Temporarily, I'm working on a path on my local:
File.WriteAllBytes(path, content);
My problem is the shared folder is on a windows machine and only a specific account will be allowed to write to this folder.
Now I know the basics of Impersonation but I don't know if it is possible to impersonate on a Docker container on a Linux machine.
In short, I want to deploy my application on a Linux container then write a file to a windows shared folder with limited access.

Is the folder on the host or mounted on the host? If so you can then map the host folder to the container. e.g.
C:\> "Hello" > c:\temp\testfile.txt
C:\> docker run -v c:/temp:/tmp busybox cat /tmp/testfile.txt
c:/temp being a local path on the host
/tmp being the path in the container.
More details here: volume-shared-filesystems


How to resolve the file processing issue during docker volume mount in linux?

I am trying to containerize my application. The application basically process files and place it in a different folder after renaming it. The source folder "opt/fileprocessing/input" and target it "opt/fileprocessing/output"
Scenario 1. - without volume mount
When I start my docker container and place file in the source folder us docker cp command, the application process it and place it successfully in the target folder
Scenario 2 . - with volume mount with the host
docker run -d -v /opt/input:/opt/fileprocessing/input -v /opt/output:/opt/fileprocessing/output --name new_container processor
when I place the file in the /opt/input folder of the host, the application throws an error that it cant place the file in the destination. If I go inside the container and view the input folder I see the file in the input folder that confirms that the mount has happened succesfullu.It fails when renaming and posting it in the destination (well this is application level code error , no much help there I get).
I tried the following to make it work.
Made sure the host and container users are the same and has the same uid and gid
File has 775 permission set.
The container folder has 777 permission
Same file has been placed that was used for scenario 1.
File name same and format as well
container OS
NAME="CentOS Linux"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
host os
NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server"
VERSION="7.6 (Maipo)"
Scenario - 3 - Mounted the file in a different way , as below
docker run -d -v /opt/fileprocessing:/opt/fileprocessing -v /opt/fileprocessing:/opt/fileprocessing --name new_container processor
while the fileprocessing folder in the container and the host has two subdirectories name input and output.
This way of mount seems to work for me with out any issues.
Please let me know why scenario 2 failed to work and how to fix it ?

Docker-compose volume set host Path

I've created a simple example where i'm trying to achive a simple task. I need to mount a specific folder inside my container to a specific folder on the host machine.
The dockerfile that create the image i use in my docker-compose is the following:
FROM ubuntu:bionic
COPY ./file.txt /vol/file.txt
In this folder, on the container side, i copy a file called file.txt, and i need this behaviour on the host machine:
If the Host machine folder is empty or not exising or the file is missing, i need to copy inside that the file.txt file.
If the Host machine folder has already a file with that name, the file is preserved and not overriden.
This is exactly what happens when volume is used inside docker-compose. The problem with this is that you can't choose the folder on the host machine, but you can simply assign to the volume a name and Docker will create it inside one of his folders.
Instead using mount point lets you choose the folder on the host machine, but here the behaviour is different: even if the folder on the host machine is empty or not exising, the file file.txt is deleted on the container.
A pratical example of this is a common application distributed with docker. I start from a dotnet image and copy inside it my application that will start on container load. Inside this application i have a configuration file that i need to preserve on image updates, so i need to copy it on Host machine, and this file has to be editable by the user that use the host machine, so it can't be on a subfolder of docker installation with a random name.
There's a way to achieve this?

How to provide 777 default permission on all files within a given Linux folder

I have a need to make any files that are created in the specific Linux directory to have 777 permission.
I would like to have all the users to be able to do Read, Write and Execute on all files under this folder. So what is the best way or Linux command to make it happen?
What I am doing is that I am spinning off two separate containers one for Nginx server and one for PHP:FPM app server to host Laravel 5.4 app.
Please consider the following scenario. I have a docker application container A (PHP:FPM) which is used to serve the web application files to docker container B (Nginx). Now when I access the website, I am delivering the web pages through the web container. Both the containers are within the same network and I share the volumes from my app container to my web container. But when the web container tries to read the files on the app container I get the error which is something like below:
The stream or file "/var/www/storage/logs/laravel.log" could not be
opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied
So I added RUN chmod -R 777 storage in my docker file.
However it is not solving the issue.
So I also tried using SGID to fix the issue by adding one more line in my dockerfile as RUN chmod -R ug+rwxs storage. Still it is not solving the issue of permission.
On a separate note, funny thing is that on my MAC Docker container this works without any issue ( I mean without adding chmod -R 777 to folder or using SGID for setting permission to a folder in my docker file). But when the same code is run on Linux AMI EC2 instance (Amazon AMI Linux EC2) ... the permission issue start to occur.
So how do I fix this ?
The solution is to launch both containers using the same user identified by the same uid. For instance you can choose root or any uid when running the container:
docker run --user root ...
Alternatively, you can switch to another user, before startup, inside your Dockerfile by adding the following before the CMD or ENTRYPOINT
USER root
I have solved it by figuring out user name under which cache files are created when someone access the application url . And then updating my dockerfile to include statement for SGID ownership for that user on the root of app folder where all source code resides (so all subfolder and files included later in whatever way ... at run-time sometime... are accessible from web container for that user) and then using chmod 777 permission on specific folders that needs to have chmod 777 permission.

How to copy files from Amazon EFS to my local machine with shell script?

I have a question regarding file transfer from Amazon efs to my local machine with a simple shell script. The manual procedure I follow is:
Copy the file from efs to my Amazon ec2 instance using sudo cp
Copy from ec2 to my local machine using scp or FileZilla (drag and drop)
Is there a way it can be done running a shell script in which I give two inputs: source file address and save destination directory?
Can two steps be reduced to one i.e. directly copying from efs to local machine?
You should be able to mount to the local machine and access the remote file system locally on your machine.
With mounting, you can access the file locally with your machine resources to edit the remote files.
While SCP can work, you need to keep them in sync all the time between your local and remote.
Hope it helps.

Mounting a folder from other machine in linux

I want to mount a folder which is on some other machine to my linux server. To do that i am using the following command
mount -t nfs /
Which is executing with the following error
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
Do anyone knows what's going on ??? I am new to linux.
Depending on what distro you're using, you simply edit the /etc/exports file on the remote machine to export the directories you want, then start your NFS daemon.
Then on the local PC, you mount it using the following command:
mount -t nfs {remote_pc_address}:/remote/dir /some/local/dir
Please try with your home directory as per my knowledge you can't dump anything directly on root like that.
For more reference, find full configuration steps here.
