On Linux 64-bit, can ptrace() return a double? - linux

Assuming addr is address of a local variable on stack, are the following correct ways for retrieving the values of variables (ChildPid is tracee's id)?
double data = (double) ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, ChildPid, addr, 0);
float data = (float) ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, ChildPid, addr, 0);

The documentation says that PTRACE_PEEKDATA returns a word. It also says
The size of a "word" is determined by the operating-system variant (e.g., for 32-bit Linux it is 32 bits).
So you can't reliably use a single ptrace() call to get at a double on a 32-bit system, just half of it. The other half's address probably depends on if the stack grows up or down. On a 64 bit system you'd have to figure out which half of the returned word has the float.
So... it's all very system dependent on what you have to do.

Casting long to double won't get you the desired result. Casting numbers converts the numeric value, it doesn't copy bits. What you need is something like:
long pt = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, ChildPid, addr, 0);
double result;
assert (sizeof(pt) == sizeof(result), "Oops, wrong word size!");
memcpy (&result, &pt, sizeof(result));
To get a float, you need to know which half of the word it occupies (normally you shouldn't use addr which is not aligned to a word boundary). Thus you need something like the following:
long pt = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, ChildPid, addr, 0);
float result;
assert (sizeof(pt) == 2*sizeof(result), "Oops, wrong word size!");
// either this (for the lower half of the word)
memcpy (&result, &pt, sizeof(result));
// or this (for the upper half of the word)
memcpy (&result, ((char*)&pt)+sizeof(result), sizeof(result));


NtQueryObject returns wrong insufficient required size via WOW64, why?

I am using the NT native API NtQueryObject()/ZwQueryObject() from user mode (and I am aware of the risks in general and I have written kernel mode drivers for Windows in the past in my professional capacity).
Generally when one uses the typical "query information" function (of which there are a few) the protocol is first to ask with a too small buffer to retrieve the required size with STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH, then allocate a buffer of said size and query again -- this time using the buffer and previously returned size.
In order to get the list of object types (67 on my build) on the system I am doing just that:
ULONG Size = 0;
NTSTATUS Status = NtQueryObject(NULL, ObjectTypesInformation, &Size, sizeof(Size), &Size);
And in Size I get 8280 (WOW64) and 8968 (x64). I then proceed to allocate the buffer with calloc() and query again:
ULONG Size2 = 0;
BYTE* Buf = (BYTE*)::calloc(1, Size);
Status = NtQueryObject(NULL, ObjectTypesInformation, Buf, Size, &Size2);
NB: ObjectTypesInformation is 3. It isn't declared in winternl.h, but Nebbett (as ObjectAllTypesInformation) and others describe it. Since I am not querying for a particular object's traits but the system-wide list of object types, I pass NULL for the object handle.
Curiously on WOW64, i.e. 32-bit, the value in Size2 upon return from the second query is 16 Bytes (= 8296) bigger than the previously returned required size.
As far as alignment is concerned, I'd expect at most 8 Bytes for this sort of thing and indeed neither 8280 nor 8296 are at a 16 Byte alignment boundary, but on an 8 Byte one.
Certainly I can add some slack space on top of the returned required size (e.g. ALIGN_UP to the next 32 Byte alignment boundary), but this seems highly irregular to be honest. And I'd rather want to understand what's going on than to implement a workaround that breaks, because I miss something crucial.
The practical issue for the code is that in Debug configurations it tells me there's a corrupted heap somewhere, upon freeing Buf. Which suggests that NtQueryObject() was indeed writing these extra 16 Bytes beyond the buffer I provided.
Question: Any idea why it is doing that?
As usual for NT native API the sources of information are scarce. The x64 version of the exact same code returns the exact number of bytes required. So my thinking here is that WOW64 is the issue. A somewhat cursory look into wow64.dll with IDA didn't reveal any immediate points for suspicion regarding what goes wrong in translating the results to 32-bit here.
PS: Windows 10 (10.0.19043, ntdll.dll "timestamp" 77755782)
PPS: this may be related: https://wj32.org/wp/2012/11/30/obquerytypeinfo-and-ntqueryobject-buffer-overrun-in-windows-8/ Tested it, by checking that OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION::TypeName.Length + sizeof(WCHAR) == OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION::TypeName.MaximumLength in all returned items, which was the case.
The only part of ObjectTypesInformation that's public is the first field defined in winternl.h header in the Windows SDK:
ULONG Reserved [22]; // reserved for internal use
For x86 this is 96 bytes, and for x64 this is 104 bytes (assuming you have the right packing mode enabled). The difference is the pointer in UNICODE_STRING which changes the alignment in x64.
Any additional memory space should be related to the TypeName buffer.
UNICODE_STRING accounts for 8 bytes of the difference between 8280 and 8296. The function uses the sizeof(ULONG_PTR) for alignment of the returned string plus an extra WCHAR, so that could easily account for the remaining 8 bytes.
AFAIK: The public use of NtQueryObject is supposed to be limited to kernel-mode use which of course means it always matches the OS native bitness (x86 code can't run as kernel in x64 native OS), so it's probably just a quirk of using the NT functions via the WOW64 thunk.
Alright, I think I figured out the issue with the help of WinDbg and a thorough look at wow64.dll using IDA.
NB: the wow64.dll I have has the same build number, but differs slightly in data only (checksum, security directory entry, pieces from version resources). The code is identical, which was to be expected, given deterministic builds and how they affect the PE timestamp.
There's an internal function called whNtQueryObject_SpecialQueryCase (according to PDBs), which covers the ObjectTypesInformation class queries.
For the above wow64.dll I used the following points of interest in WinDbg, from a 32 bit program which calls NtQueryObject(NULL, ObjectTypesInformation, ...) (the program itself is irrelevant, though):
0:000> .load wow64exts
0:000> bp wow64!whNtQueryObject_SpecialQueryCase+B0E0
0:000> bp wow64!whNtQueryObject_SpecialQueryCase+B14E
0:000> bp wow64!whNtQueryObject_SpecialQueryCase+B1A7
0:000> bp wow64!whNtQueryObject_SpecialQueryCase+B24A
0:000> bp wow64!whNtQueryObject_SpecialQueryCase+B252
Explanation of the above points of interest:
+B0E0: computing length required for 64 bit query, based on passed length for 32 bit
+B14E: call to NtQueryObject()
+B1A7: loop body for copying 64 to 32 bit buffer contents, after successful NtQueryObject() call
+B24A: computing written length by subtracting current (last + 1) entry from base buffer address
+B252: downsizing returned (64 bit) required length to 32 bit
The logic of this function in regards to just ObjectTypesInformation is roughly as follows:
Common steps
Take the ObjectInformationLength (32 bit query!) argument and size it up to fit the 64 bit info
Align the retrieved size up to the next 16 byte boundary
If necessary allocate the resulting amount from some PEB::ProcessHeap and store in TLS slot 3; otherwise using this as a scratch space
Call NtQueryObject() passing the buffer and length from the two previous steps
The length passed to NtQueryObject() is the one from step 1, not the one aligned to a 16 byte boundary. There seems to be some sort of header to this scratch space, so perhaps that's where the 16 byte alignment comes from?
Case 1: buffer size too small (here: 4), just querying required length
The up-sized length in this case equals 4, which is too small and consequently NtQueryObject() returns STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH. Required size is reported as 8968.
Down-size from the 64 bit required length to 32 bit and end up 16 bytes too short
Return the status from NtQueryObject() and the down-sized required length form the previous step
Case 2: buffer size supposedly (!) sufficient
Copy OBJECT_TYPES_INFORMATION::NumberOfTypes from queried buffer to 32 bit one
Step to the first entry (OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION) of source (64 bit) and target (32 bit) buffer, 8 and 4 byte aligned respectively
For for each entry up to OBJECT_TYPES_INFORMATION::NumberOfTypes:
Copy UNICODE_STRING::Length and UNICODE_STRING::MaximumLength for TypeName member
memcpy() UNICODE_STRING::Length bytes from source to target UNICODE_STRING::Buffer (target entry + sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION32)
Add terminating zero (WCHAR) past the memcpy'd string
Copy the individual members past the TypeName from 64 to 32 bit struct
Compute pointer of next entry by aligning UNICODE_STRING::MaximumLength up to an 8 byte boundary (i.e. the ULONG_PTR alignment mentioned in the other answer) + sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION64) (already 8 byte aligned!)
The next target entry (32 bit) gets 4 byte aligned instead
At the end compute required (32 bit) length by subtracting the value we arrived at for the "next" entry (i.e. one past the last) from the base address of the buffer passed by the WOW64 program (32 bit) to NtQueryObject()
In my debugged scenario these were: 0x008ce050 - 0x008cbfe8 = 0x00002068 (= 8296), which is 16 bytes larger than the buffer length we were told during case 1 (8280)!
The issue
That crucial last step differs between merely querying and actually getting the buffer filled. There is no further bounds checking in that loop I described for case 2.
And this means it will just overrun the passed buffer and return a written length bigger than the buffer length passed to it.
Possible solutions and workarounds
I'll have to approach this mathematically after some sleep, the workaround is obviously to top up the required length returned from case 1 in order to avoid the buffer overrun. The easiest method is to use my up_size_from_32bit() from the example below and use that on the returned required size. This way you are allocating enough for the 64 bit buffer, while querying the 32 bit one. This should never overrun during the copy loop.
However, the fix in wow64.dll is a little more involved, I guess. While adding bounds checking to the loop would help avert the overrun, it would mean that the caller would have to query for the required size twice, because the first time around it lies to us.
Which means the query-only case (1) would have to allocate that internal buffer after querying the required length for 64 bit, then get it filled and then walk the entries (just like the copy loop), skipping over the last entry to compute the required length the same as it is now done after the copy loop.
Example program demonstrating the "static" computation by wow64.dll
Build for x64, just the way wow64.dll was!
#include <Windows.h>
#include <cstdio>
typedef struct
ULONG JustPretending[24];
typedef struct
ULONG JustPretending[26];
constexpr ULONG size_delta_3264 = sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION64) - sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION32);
constexpr ULONG down_size_to_32bit(ULONG len)
return len - size_delta_3264 * ((len - 4) / sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION64));
constexpr ULONG up_size_from_32bit(ULONG len)
return len + size_delta_3264 * ((len - 4) / sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION32));
// Trying to mimic the wdm.h macro
constexpr size_t align_up_by(size_t address, size_t alignment)
return (address + (alignment - 1)) & ~(alignment - 1);
constexpr auto u32 = 8280UL;
constexpr auto u64 = 8968UL;
constexpr auto from_64 = down_size_to_32bit(u64);
constexpr auto from_32 = up_size_from_32bit(u32);
constexpr auto from_32_16_byte_aligned = (ULONG)align_up_by(from_32, 16);
int wmain()
wprintf(L"32 to 64 bit: %u -> %u -(16-byte-align)-> %u\n", u32, from_32, from_32_16_byte_aligned);
wprintf(L"64 to 32 bit: %u -> %u\n", u64, from_64);
return 0;
static_assert(sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION32) == 96, "Size for 64 bit struct does not match.");
static_assert(sizeof(OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION64) == 104, "Size for 64 bit struct does not match.");
static_assert(u32 == from_64, "Must match (from 64 to 32 bit)");
static_assert(u64 == from_32, "Must match (from 32 to 64 bit)");
static_assert(from_32_16_byte_aligned % 16 == 0, "16 byte alignment failed");
static_assert(from_32_16_byte_aligned > from_32, "We're aligning up");
This does not mimic the computation that happens in case 2, though.

C++ size_t and double type calculation

I am not familiar with C++ and current face a problem about size_t calculation with double type.
I provide a part of source code as below. The variable "storage" is define as double and "pos" as size_t type. How come they can be calculate together? I review the value of "pos and it shows value like 0, 1, 2 and so on. Moreover, in the case of double* result = storage + pos, it shows 108 + 2 comes out the result x 117.
Further, sometimes 108 + 0 comes out the result x zero. what the condition lead to the result?
How do I know the exact value of size_t before the calculation?
Any advice & suggestion is appreciated.
double* getPosValue(size_t pos, IdentifierType *idRule, unsigned int *errorNumber, bool *found)
double * storage = *from other function with value 108*
double* result = storage + pos;
uint16_t* stat = status + pos; }
The size of a variable (or type) can be obtained with:
If you're after the address of a given array element such as variableName[42], it's simply:
with no explicit mucking about with pointers.
If you want to manipulate the actual double value when you only have a pointer to it, you need to dereference the pointer. For example:
double xyzzy = 108.0; // this is the VALUE.
double *pXyzzy = &xyzzy; // this is a POINTER to it.
double plugh = *pXyzzy + 12.0;
The final line above gets the value from the pointer (*pXyzzy) and adds twelve to that, before storing it into another variable named plugh.
You should be very wary of things like:
double * storage = 108;
That creates a pointer to a double with the address of 108. In no way does it create an actual double with the value 108. Dereferencing that pointer is likely to lead to, shall we say, interesting results :-)

strlen of char* malloc

I have the following code
char *new_str;
int size_in_bytes;
int length;
size_in_bytes = 2*sizeof(char);
new_str = (char *)malloc(size_in_bytes);
length = strlen(new_str);
Expecting the length to be 2, actually it is 16.
Can someone explain why?
strlen() returns the index of the first null-byte ('\0'), starting from the address you pass it. Strings in C typically always end with this character, to mark the end of the string.
strlen() does not return the length of the actual block of memory.
In your example the memory is uninitialized, and strlen() is reading past the end of your block of memory and into other parts of your program's heap, until it finds a null-byte.

Variant type storage and alignment issues

I've made a variant type to use instead of boost::variant. Mine works storing an index of the current type on a list of the possible types, and storing data in a byte array with enough space to store the biggest type.
unsigned char data[my_types::max_size];
int type;
Now, when I write a value to this variant type comes the trouble. I use the following:
template<typename T>
void set(T a) {
int t = type_index(T);
if (t != -1) {
type = t;
puts("writing atom data");
*((T *) data) = a; //THIS PART CRASHES!!!!
puts("did it!");
} else {
throw atom_bad_assignment;
The line that crashes is the one that stores data to the internal buffer. As you can see, I just cast the byte array directly to a pointer of the desired type. This gives me bad address signals and bus errors when trying to write some values.
I'm using GCC on a 64-bit system. How do I set the alignment for the byte array to make sure the address of the array is 64-bit aligned? (or properly aligned for any architecture I might port this project to).
EDIT: Thank you all, but the mistake was somewhere else. Apparently, Intel doesn't really care about alignment. Aligned stuff is faster but not mandatory, and the program works fine this way. My problem was I didn't clear the data buffer before writing stuff and this caused trouble with the constructors of some types. I will not, however, mark the question as answered, so more people can give me tips on alignment ;)
See http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.0.4/gcc/Variable-Attributes.html
unsigned char data[my_types::max_size] __attribute__ ((aligned));
int type;
I believe
#pragma pack(64)
will work on all modern compilers; it definitely works on GCC.
A more correct solution (that doesn't mess with packing globally) would be:
#pragma pack(push, 64)
// define union here
#pragma pack(pop)

vc++ 6.0 serial communicaton

In vc++ i am using MScomm for serial communication,
i received data in this format 02120812550006050.0,
i am not gettng how to read this ,in which format it is,
begning starting frame and at the end ending file, remaing i dont know.
it contains date time and data how i can seperate this one
The funny characters are markers indicating things like record start, record end, field separator and so on. Without knowing the actual protocol, it's a little hard to tell.
The data is a lot easier.
Between the 000f and 0002 markers you have a date/time field, 2nd of December 2008, 12:55:00.
Between 0002 and 0003 marker, it looks like a simple float which could be a dollar value or anytrhing really, it depends on what's at the other end of the link.
To separate it, I'm assuming you've read it into a variable character array of some sort. Just look for the markers and extract the fields in between them.
The date/time is fixed size and the value probably is as well (since it has a leading 0), so you could probably just use memcpy's to pull out the information you need from the buffer, null terminate them, convert the value to a float, and voila.
If it is fixed format, you can use something like:
static void extract (char *buff, char *date, char *time, float *val) {
// format is "\x01\x0fDDMMYYhhmmss\x02vvvvvvv\x03\x04"
char temp[8];
memcpy (date, buff + 2, 6); date[6] = '\0';
memcpy (time, buff + 8, 6); time[6] = '\0';
memcpy (temp, buff + 15, 7); temp[7] = '\0';
*val = atof (temp);
and call it with:
char buff[26]; // must be pre-filled before calling extract()
char dt[8];
char tm[8];
float val;
extract (buffer, dt, tm, &val);
If not fixed format, you just have to write code to detect the positions of the field separators and extract what's between them.
It is unlikely that you will figure it out unless you know what you are communicating with and how it communicates with you. (hint -- you can try telling us)
