I would like to create passwordless authentication using SMS.
When user write his username he would get an sms with otp code.
after user write the otp code he would get access token.
We are using native mobile apps.
How can I achieve that?
I read the docs on https://developers.onelogin.com/api-docs/1/multi-factor-authentication/overview#
on step 7 'Grant access when verification returns success.' I am struggling to understand how can I create access/refresh token or Authorization code for the user.
You can setup the Twilio SMS Factor
Then you are able to use the activate-factor to trigger the SMS and then use the
verify_factor method to validate the OTP value introduced by the user.
The "7. Grant access when verification returns success" means that if the SMS OTP token was valid, then you may consider that the user passed the authentication validation process so you may authenticate the user on the native mobile app.
Assuming you have an existing user management/database on a web platform. Sign in with Apple should be integrated for a quicker login and registration process – although it will always create a regular account linked to an email address (just without a regular password). Is it safe to use the (validated) JWT provided by Apple for authenticating?
Signing in (existing account) would be the following steps:
User taps on "Sign in with Apple" in an app
the generated JWT from Apple is sent to the authentication server
the server validates the JWT using the public keys provided by Apple's API endpoint
the server extracts the email from the (validated) JWT and if a user with that email exists, this user is signed in (API returns internal access/refresh token for the session)
I try to craft an answer for iOS apps. But first clarify the question:
"Is it safe to use the (validated) JWT provided by Apple for authenticating?"
The only known JWT we receive from an Authorization task is the "id_token". Other parameters may be JWTs as well, but these are opaque for the client.
The question is now, if we send the id_token to the app server, is it sufficient to just validate the id_token to hand out the client an access token for the app server's domain? Answer: NO!
When using Apple's Authentication Framework for iOS for Sign in With Apple, the Authorization task returns an ASAuthorization value in the completion handler. This contains basically the following parameters:
user: an identifier
identityToken: JWT the "id_token" (see OIDC)
authorizationCode: A short-lived, one-time valid token that provides proof of authorization to the server component of the app. The authorization code is bound to the specific transaction using the state attribute passed in the authorization request. The server component of the app can validate the code using Apple’s identity service endpoint provided for this purpose. *)
*) If that value does correspond to the OIDC "code" value which will be obtained by a client via the "front channel" aka user agent aka browser, then we should also ensure that an additional mechanism is in place which actually provides a secure "proof of authorization" (Universal Links, PKCE), see Authorization Code Interception Attack.
If these attacks are technically impossible, because the authentication system provides secure communication channels with the app, we don't need PKCE, though.
The id_token contains information about the user that has been authenticated which is stored on the Provider. It's a signed JWT. Even if the JWT can be successfully validated, with the JWT alone the app server cannot be sure that the sender is the one who it believes it is. We don't want to give anyone an access token who is not authenticated!
The app server needs more prove and this will be accomplished with the authorizationCode parameter. This check has to be done on the Provider though.
So, we have to perform two steps:
Verify the Identity Token (id_token)
This will be performed on the app server.
Validate Authorization Code
The second step will be accomplished by your app server obtaining a refresh token form the Providers special endpoints.
With Step 2 we receive a TokenResponse.
If this was successful, we receive an access token and a refresh token. The access token is of no use, but we need the refresh token:
"You may verify the refresh token up to once a day to confirm that the user’s Apple ID on that device is still in good standing with Apple’s servers."
Store this on your app server.
Once after this is all done on your app server you proceed with:
Manage the User Session
After verifying the identity token, your app is responsible for managing the user session. You may tie the session’s lifetime to successful getCredentialState(forUserID:completion:) calls on Apple devices. This is a local, inexpensive, nonnetwork call and is enabled by the Apple ID system that keeps the Apple ID state on a device in sync with Apple servers.
A "User Session" will likely require a domain specific access token and refresh token. You will likely verify again Apple's refresh token when the client requires a new access token on your token endpoint.
So, the last step is your app sending the domain specific access token and refresh token to your client.
We are developing application for e-signature on PDF for different users of oru system, which call many docusign APIs and we try use JWT to authenticate the APIs. I able to get token. But I have doubt on one parameter of JWT request body. I refer link https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/guides/authentication/oauth2-jsonwebtoken.
What do you mean by "The user ID of the user to be impersonated.", I used API account user id.
Please refer my previous query Signer URL for an envelope - calling docusign API and getting 400 bad request error. I think, this is not correct what I use to pass here. However I am getting token.
Please let me know if you want to know more details.
"The user ID of the user to be impersonated." means exactly this, you can impersonate a user or "act on behalf of the user" by providing his userId in the JWT call.
So the impersonated user will be the sender of the envelope.
If you use your account userId you will be acting as the sender
I am doing service integration with DocuSign platform using JWT Grant auth type. DocuSign account has multiple users setup.
My service is SendEnvelopService and one of the important request param to the service is user email. SendEnvelopService need to impersonate user with given email-id when calling DocuSign and send envelope in behalf of that user. Note that every request to SendEnvelopService will have different value of email request param.
I have following questions around it -
Question#1) Since I need to impersonate different user every time (based on email id in my request), I assume I need to get new JWT auth token every time, before making actual api call. Is that right? Is it usual and ok to request new JWT auth token so frequently before every api call? Does it raise any integration concerns with DocuSign?
Question#2) In my request, I have email id of the user to impersonate. I don't have user's GUID which I need, to get JWT auth token and impersonate it. Is there any api that I can use to get user GUID by email id? I wonder what kind of authentication will be needed for such api because I don't have JWT auth token yet.
One idea I have is may be I need to setup one admin user in DocuSign and keep admin userId (GUID) in application config. Now I have 2 users, one is admin user and another is request user which I have email from the service request. I can following steps -
Do requestJWTUserToken impersonating admin user. We get
Using oAuthTokenAdmin make
api call to get userId (GUID) of request user email.
Now do another requestJWTUserToken impersonating request userId. We
get oAuthTokenUser
Now make actual api call using oAuthTokenUser and to send envelope
Go to:
Log in with your demo (sandbox) credentials.
Then you have two options:
If it is only for you, simple thing is to click "API and Keys" page under Integrations on the left nav.
You will see this:
You can also click on "Users" on the left and select the user you want, any user really, doesn't have to be you.
then you'll see it under this:
For your first question, no, you don't have to do that. You can use the same user for all API calls. Especially if this user is an admin, then you can do all API calls under that context.
I have the following flow for sign in / sign up, when using sign-up:
Present user with sign up screen, allow them to enter email/password/name
Validate input, then send email (rest api) and set verification attributes in b2c custom extension properties
User then receives email with verification link
User clicks link from email and gets sent to a new user journey for the return trip
New user journey gets parameters from the querystring (email + verif code)
B2C validates the verif code + expiry
IF user is verified, they're set as verified via custom extension attributes, then sent to the (ASP.NET MVC) application.
Here's where I'm stuck - B2C is sending the jwt token back to the app, but the user doesn't get 'signed-in'.
Am I missing something at step 7? I don't have the "state" variable in my querystring, am I expected to build and include it somehow so that B2C and the app can communicate? I'm lost at this point. I'd post some of the b2c policy xml but not sure what would even help...
EDIT: reply to Jas:
Is that the only way (make an app call b2c for an auth request)? We have multiple apps that a user can use to sign up through b2c, so I was hoping to avoid having to make changes to each of them. Instead I was hoping that B2C could tell the app after account verification that "this user is ok".
I did previous look at https://github.com/azure-ad-b2c/samples/tree/master/policies/sign-in-with-magic-link (written by you!), but again, was hoping I could avoid having to do that work inside of each of our apps.
Here's an example of the jwt 'id_token' I'm trying to pass to the app:
Side note: Is 'id_token' the same as 'id_token_hint'? I couldn't find whether they're the same or different when googling it.
What you need to do is send the invite link in the email as a link to the app, eg https://myapp.com?id_token_hint=value.
Then have your apps account controller make an auth request to the policy to complete the account redemption along with an extra query parameter “id_token_hint=value”. Now a proper auth can happen with your applications openId middleware initialised.
I have already generate test tokens to sign in to my Slack account from the following link; https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth-test-tokens
When I use API Methods, I add the token to URL.
Now I want to integrate users accounts. Are they going to generate test tokens from this url and I will get that generated tokens? I don't think so. Not so practical.
How can I authenticate them? By getting their username and password and basic Node.js https call with BASIC Authentication as it is in; https://dzone.com/articles/nodejs-call-https-basic
When I read the documentation for authentication it suggests; https://api.slack.com/docs/oauth
Should I get all information; client_id, scope, redirect_uri, state, team from the user? How will they know their client_id?
How can I sign in to users account in the Slack integration? I'm little confused..
If you want to authenticate Slack users with your external app you should use Sign-In with Slack. It will prompt the user to sign in to their Slack team with username and password and return their Slack identify to your app. You will also receive an individual Slack token which you can store for future use if you want to keep users "signed-on".
See here for a great explanation on how this feature works.
If you just want a bot or slash command to work with your Slack team, you don't need to authenticate each user. The token you receive after using the "Add to Slack" workflow will be sufficient. Also, The "test token" you can generate on the Slack API page will work. However, this "shortcut" is only supposed to be used for testing.