I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do them responsive for different screen sizes (only phones and device orientation portrait). I also added textScaleFactor: 1.0 to my MaterialApp like this:
builder: (context, widget) {
return MediaQuery(
child: widget,
data: MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.0),
but it does not help much.
I tried to also calculate the font size with MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, but I think it dangerous and wrong. I want it to be as close as possible to the design that was given to me, but I started to lose it on these steps.
How can I solve this?
you can use this plugin flutter_screenutil.
It is a flutter plugin for adapting screen and font size.Let your UI display a reasonable layout on different screen sizes!
Initialize and set the fit size and font size to scale according to the system's "font size" accessibility option #
Please set the width and height of the design draft before use, the width and height of the design draft (unit px). Be sure to set the page in the MaterialApp's home(ie the entry file, just set it once) to ensure that the fit size is set before each use:
//fill in the screen size of the device in the design
//default value : width : 1080px , height:1920px ,
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil.getInstance()..init(context);
//If the design is based on the size of the iPhone6 (iPhone6 750*1334)
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height:
//If you wang to set the font size is scaled according to the system's
"font size" assist option
ScreenUtil.instance = ScreenUtil(width: 750, height: 1334,
allowFontScaling: true)..init(context);
Use: #
Adapt screen size: #
Pass the px size of the design draft:
Adapted to screen width: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setWidth(540),
Adapted to screen height: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setHeight(200),
You can also use ScreenUtil() instead of ScreenUtil.getInstance(), for example:ScreenUtil().setHeight(200)
Height is also adapted according to setWidth to ensure no deformation (when you want a square)
setHeight method is mainly adapted in height, you want to control the height and actuality of a screen on the UIUsed when the same is displayed.
//for example:
width: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setWidth(375),
height: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setHeight(200),
////If you want to display a square:
width: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setWidth(300),
height: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setWidth(300),
Adapter font:
//Incoming font size,the unit is pixel, fonts will not scale to
respect Text Size accessibility settings
//(AllowallowFontScaling when initializing ScreenUtil)
//Incoming font size,the unit is pixel,fonts will scale to respect Text
Size accessibility settings
//(If somewhere does not follow the global allowFontScaling setting)
ScreenUtil(allowFontScaling: true).setSp(28)
//for example:
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
'My font size is 24px on the design draft and will not change with the system.',
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.black,
fontSize: ScreenUtil.getInstance().setSp(24),
'My font size is 24px on the design draft and will change with the system.',
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.black,
fontSize: ScreenUtil(allowFontScaling: true).setSp(24),
Other related apis:
ScreenUtil.pixelRatio //Device pixel density
ScreenUtil.screenWidth //Device width
ScreenUtil.screenHeight //Device height
ScreenUtil.bottomBarHeight //Bottom safe zone distance, suitable for buttons with full screen
ScreenUtil.statusBarHeight //Status bar height , Notch will be higher Unit px
ScreenUtil.textScaleFactory //System font scaling factor
ScreenUtil.getInstance().scaleWidth //Ratio of actual width dp to design draft px
ScreenUtil.getInstance().scaleHeight //Ratio of actual height dp to design draft px
I faced the same problem while developing a responsive app for web and mobile, but textScaleFactor helped to solve my problem, default textScaleFactor is 1 so I wrote a method to change textScaleFactor according to the width of the screen
class ScaleSize {
static double textScaleFactor(BuildContext context, {double maxTextScaleFactor = 2}) {
final width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
double val = (width / 1400) * maxTextScaleFactor;
return max(1, min(val, maxTextScaleFactor));
We can control the size version according to its scale,
Use in a Text widget
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle1,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
textScaleFactor: ScaleSize.textScaleFactor(context),
class SizeConfig {
static MediaQueryData _mediaQueryData;
static double screenWidth;
static double screenHeight;
static double blockSizeHorizontal;
static double blockSizeVertical;
void init(BuildContext context) {
_mediaQueryData = MediaQuery.of(context);
screenWidth = _mediaQueryData.size.width;
screenHeight = _mediaQueryData.size.height;
blockSizeHorizontal = screenWidth / 100;
blockSizeVertical = screenHeight / 100;
SizeConfig().init(context); add this after widget build and use
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 2 * SizeConfig.blockSizeVertical,),
Multiply with your desired number, try at least one time. I have attached screen shots.
My solution:
Other Solutions:
try this: you get the adaptive text size according to different screen sizes
class AdaptiveTextSize {
const AdaptiveTextSize();
getadaptiveTextSize(BuildContext context, dynamic value) {
// 720 is medium screen height
return (value / 720) * MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
use case :
Text("Paras Arora",style: TextStyle(fontSize:
AdaptiveTextSize().getadaptiveTextSize(context, 20)),
You can try this:
final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size;
You could apply the same concept, in this case for the container:
width: size.width * 0.85,
You can get the constraints from LayoutBuilder and pass that to the ScreenUtil.init() as shown in the following code.
return LayoutBuilder(
builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) {
return OrientationBuilder(
builder: (BuildContext context, Orientation orientation) {
designSize: orientation == Orientation.portrait
? (Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS) ? Size(450.0, 870.0) :
Size(705.0, 1366.0)
: (Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS) ? Size(870.0, 450.0) :
Size(1366.0, 705.0),
allowFontScaling: false,
return MaterialApp(
theme: ThemeData(
textTheme: Theme.of(context).textTheme.copyWith(
headline6: TextStyle(
fontSize: 24.sp,
home: HomeScreen(),
We can check orientation == Orientation.portrait to set width & height of the screen in which we are designing. To support both orientations just inverse the width & height values accordingly.
You can also check Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isIOS & give the width & height of mobile devices.
I would like to answer to my question. In past months I was using flutter_screenutil
But as I mentioned in the comments, I need to add responsive fonts sizes in the theme, so I customized the flutter_screenutil package to use it in there. I think it is working perfect. I already used this solution in couple of projects and have not any trouble.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class CustomScreenUtil {
static CustomScreenUtil _instance;
static const int defaultWidth = 1080;
static const int defaultHeight = 1920;
/// Size of the phone in UI Design , px
num uiWidthPx;
num uiHeightPx;
/// allowFontScaling Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings. The default is false.
bool allowFontScaling;
static double _screenWidth;
static double _screenHeight;
static double _pixelRatio;
static double _statusBarHeight;
static double _bottomBarHeight;
static double _textScaleFactor;
factory CustomScreenUtil() {
return _instance;
static void init({num width = defaultWidth,
num height = defaultHeight,
bool allowFontScaling = false}) {
if (_instance == null) {
_instance = CustomScreenUtil._();
_instance.uiWidthPx = width;
_instance.uiHeightPx = height;
_instance.allowFontScaling = allowFontScaling;
_pixelRatio = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.devicePixelRatio;
_screenWidth = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.width;
_screenHeight = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.physicalSize.height;
_statusBarHeight = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.padding.top;
_bottomBarHeight = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.padding.bottom;
_textScaleFactor = WidgetsBinding.instance.window.textScaleFactor;
/// The number of font pixels for each logical pixel.
static double get textScaleFactor => _textScaleFactor;
/// The size of the media in logical pixels (e.g, the size of the screen).
static double get pixelRatio => _pixelRatio;
/// The horizontal extent of this size.
static double get screenWidthDp => _screenWidth;
///The vertical extent of this size. dp
static double get screenHeightDp => _screenHeight;
/// The vertical extent of this size. px
static double get screenWidth => _screenWidth * _pixelRatio;
/// The vertical extent of this size. px
static double get screenHeight => _screenHeight * _pixelRatio;
/// The offset from the top
static double get statusBarHeight => _statusBarHeight;
/// The offset from the bottom.
static double get bottomBarHeight => _bottomBarHeight;
/// The ratio of the actual dp to the design draft px
double get scaleWidth => _screenWidth / uiWidthPx;
double get scaleHeight => _screenHeight / uiHeightPx;
double get scaleText => scaleWidth;
/// Adapted to the device width of the UI Design.
/// Height can also be adapted according to this to ensure no deformation ,
/// if you want a square
num setWidth(num width) => width * scaleWidth;
/// Highly adaptable to the device according to UI Design
/// It is recommended to use this method to achieve a high degree of adaptation
/// when it is found that one screen in the UI design
/// does not match the current style effect, or if there is a difference in shape.
num setHeight(num height) => height * scaleHeight;
///Font size adaptation method
///#param [fontSize] The size of the font on the UI design, in px.
///#param [allowFontScaling]
num setSp(num fontSize, {bool allowFontScalingSelf}) =>
allowFontScalingSelf == null
? (allowFontScaling
? (fontSize * scaleText)
: ((fontSize * scaleText) / _textScaleFactor))
: (allowFontScalingSelf
? (fontSize * scaleText)
: ((fontSize * scaleText) / _textScaleFactor));
Now screen util using his sizes from WidgetsBinding.instance.window not from MediaQuery and now we can use it without context like this:
_screenUtil = CustomScreenUtil();
primaryTextTheme: TextTheme(
bodyText1: TextStyle(
fontSize: _screenUtil.setSp(12),
I don't know if this is the most solution but I'm working like this
For the Font Size Similar to phone size of app :
MaterialApp( home: MediaQuery(data:MediaQuery.of(context).copyWith(textScaleFactor: 1.2), child: HomePage()) );
For ListTile_Subtitle :
Text('Your Text' , textScaleFactor:1.0)
NOTE : Here , 1.2 in normal text = 1.2 x (the_FontSize_of_device)
& for ListTile_Subtitle , we need smaller than normal font size , so , we control
it with Text Widget textScaleFactor argument , which indicates here :
Similar if You need Big text than normal font size of device , than ,
Text('aaaa' , textScaleFactor:2)
1. First Solution
You can use auto_size_text package.
2. Second Solution
A work around without the package and if you prefer using a custom theme:
get the width
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
return Container(...
create your custom ThemeData i.e for light and dark in you theme_provider class
static ThemeData dark() {
return ThemeData(
textTheme: const TextTheme(
TextStyle(color: Colors.white70, fontWeight: FontWeight.w300)...
Finally, edit your Text widget with different font sizes for different screens. You can use screen height as well...
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText2!
.copyWith( fontSize: width >= 1201
? 22
: width >= 601
? 20
: width >= 400
? 16
: 14),
return Text("this is responsive text",
(fontSize:constraints.maxWidth*the percentage of your text));
//("this is how to calculate // percentage of fontsize"
// e.g "fontSize/total Width*100" then for example i recived the percentage on //
// calculator"3.45" then multiply the maxWidth with 0.0345)
Do this!
const Expanded(
child: Text(
"Your text.",
overflow: TextOverflow.visible,
maxLines: 5,
softWrap: true,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 10,
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
textAlign: TextAlign.start,
I am building a radio app. Like in Spotify, there is a bar with the current title and artist, the text should be in one line and in a given width. How can I let the text move from right to left and back?
When using a self-made animation, I want to have a fixed speed of the moving text, so I need the time and the width of the text widget.
Is there a package/built-in option to do this?
Or do I have to use a self-made animation? If so, how can I get the text widget width?
Controller and animation:
AnimationController(duration: Duration(seconds: 10), vsync: this);
animation = Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: 1)
.animate(CurvedAnimation(parent: _controller, curve: Curves.linear));
animation.addListener(() {
setState(() {});
build method
double value =
-300 * (animation.value <= 0.5 ? animation.value : 1 - animation.value);
return Container(
child: SizedBox(
width: widget.width,
height: 24,
child: Transform.translate(
offset: Offset(value, 0),
child: widget.text,
You can do something like this:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class ScrollingText extends StatefulWidget {
final String text;
final TextStyle textStyle;
final Axis scrollAxis;
final double ratioOfBlankToScreen;
#required this.text,
this.scrollAxis: Axis.horizontal,
this.ratioOfBlankToScreen: 0.25,
}) : assert(text != null,);
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return ScrollingTextState();
class ScrollingTextState extends State<ScrollingText>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
ScrollController scrollController;
double screenWidth;
double screenHeight;
double position = 0.0;
Timer timer;
final double _moveDistance = 3.0;
final int _timerRest = 100;
GlobalKey _key = GlobalKey();
void initState() {
scrollController = ScrollController();
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((callback) {
void startTimer() {
if (_key.currentContext != null) {
double widgetWidth =
double widgetHeight =
timer = Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: _timerRest), (timer) {
double maxScrollExtent = scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent;
double pixels = scrollController.position.pixels;
if (pixels + _moveDistance >= maxScrollExtent) {
if (widget.scrollAxis == Axis.horizontal) {
position = (maxScrollExtent -
screenWidth * widget.ratioOfBlankToScreen +
widgetWidth) /
2 -
widgetWidth +
pixels -
} else {
position = (maxScrollExtent -
screenHeight * widget.ratioOfBlankToScreen +
widgetHeight) /
2 -
widgetHeight +
pixels -
position += _moveDistance;
duration: Duration(milliseconds: _timerRest), curve: Curves.linear);
void didChangeDependencies() {
screenWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
screenHeight = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
Widget getBothEndsChild() {
if (widget.scrollAxis == Axis.vertical) {
String newString = widget.text.split("").join("\n");
return Center(
child: Text(
style: widget.textStyle,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
return Center(
child: Text(
style: widget.textStyle,
Widget getCenterChild() {
if (widget.scrollAxis == Axis.horizontal) {
return Container(width: screenWidth * widget.ratioOfBlankToScreen);
} else {
return Container(height: screenHeight * widget.ratioOfBlankToScreen);
void dispose() {
if (timer != null) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView(
key: _key,
scrollDirection: widget.scrollAxis,
controller: scrollController,
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
children: <Widget>[
And use the widget like this:
text: text,
textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 12),
use this widget from pub.dev marquee.
text: 'There once was a boy who told this story about a boy: "',
Is there a way to set the width and height of an iText object? When creating the object if you set width and height it doesn't do anything. What I am after is the bounding box to be a fixed size on the canvas as an editable region, I have already extended the iText class to allow for individual character editing but I can't seem to work out how to size the box as a fixed size and allow content editing inside of it. Bare in mind that the text box can't be moved or scaled, it's static.
It's Too late for answer but other may be looking for answer.
First of all You can use TextBox class of fabricjs if you want to give fixed width & height to Text field. It is Subclass of Itext. But the problem with TextBox was it's text wrap.
So If you don't want to use TextBox but still want to have fixed width and height with Itext then following extended subclass can help you.
I have overridden the initDimensions method .
this.LimitedTextbox = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.IText, {
initDimensions: function() {
this.isEditing && this.initDelayedCursor();
if (this.__skipDimension) {
if (this.path) {
this.width = this.path.width;
this.height = this.path.height;
else {
let width = this.calcTextWidth();
this.width = width;
this.width = this.maxWidth;
this.height = this.calcTextHeight();
if (this.textAlign.indexOf('justify') !== -1) {
this.saveState({ propertySet: '_dimensionAffectingProps' });
if (e.keyCode == 13 && this._textLines.length>=this.maxLines) {
let maxLine = Math.max(...this.__lineWidths);
self.changeBorderWidth(this.toObject().groupId, this, { iWidth:
this.width, iHeight: this.height,maxLine:maxLine,id:this.toObject().id
this.width = this.dynamicMinWidth;
Then you can use like below
const text = new this.LimitedTextbox(txt, {
left: 100,
top: 100,
fontFamily: "arial",
angle: 0,
fontSize: 24,
fontWeight: "bold",
hasControls: true,
hoverCursor: "text",
maxWidth: 250,
maxLines: 3,
hasRotatingPoint: true,
I Hope it helps , you can modify initDimensions as per your requirement , you can also see other methods in fabric's documemtation.
I have a piece of code I am writing that should animate a 3D scene. I do this having the 3D scene structured neatly in code using classes and functions. This works on itself as a text out-putting thing.
Logically it needs to not spit out just text. The library Threejs should interact with what I build.
I want to do something like this for example:
class Tile extends SuperSpace
height: 2
sideLength: 10
class Plain extends Tile
constructor: ( { #color = 'lightgreen', #height = #height, #heightPlacement = 2 } = {} ) ->
console.log """
New plain:
color: '#{#color}'
sideLength: #{#sideLength}
height: #{#height}
heightPlacement: #{#heightPlacement}
mesh: ->
geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry 10/10, 2/10, 10/10
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial { color: 0x22ff22 }
cube = new THREE.Mesh geometry, material
return cube
And call it in the scene simply like this:
scene.add plain.mesh
Which is nothing more and less than a altered existing example from the docs. plain.mesh should be the returned cube
Somehow the object doesn't get trough. I either get undefined or I get my entire function back in the console:
function () {
var cube, geometry, material;
geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(10 / 10, 2 / 10, 10 / 10);
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: 0x22ff22
cube …
Hardly satisfying. Any suggestions?
This works:
class Tile extends SuperSpace
height: 2
sideLength: 10
class Plain extends Tile
constructor: ( { #color = 'lightgreen', #height = #height, #heightPlacement = 2 } = {} ) ->
console.log """
New plain:
color: '#{#color}'
sideLength: #{#sideLength}
height: #{#height}
heightPlacement: #{#heightPlacement}
mesh: ->
geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry 10/10, 2/10, 10/10
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial { color: 0x22ff22 }
cube = new THREE.Mesh geometry, material
return cube
plain = new Plain()
console.log plain.mesh()
In a word game I am trying to draw score as white numbers above a blue (or red) rectangle:
For example, in the above screenshot it is the number "13".
Here is my entire class Score.js (with currently hardcoded WIDTH and HEIGHT):
"use strict";
function Score(color) {
this.interactive = false;
this.buttonMode = false;
this.visible = false;
this.bgGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
this.bgGraphics.beginFill(color, 1);
this.bgGraphics.drawRect(0, 0, Score.WIDTH, Score.HEIGHT);
this.text = new PIXI.Text('XXX', {font: '20px Arial', fill: 0xFFFFFF});
this.text.x = 1;
this.text.y = 1;
Score.prototype = Object.create(PIXI.Container.prototype);
Score.prototype.constructor = Score;
Score.WIDTH = 36;
Score.HEIGHT = 24;
Score.prototype.setText = function(str) {
this.text.text = str;
I wonder, how to modify my setText() function, so that a new rectangle is drawn on each call - as a bounding rectangle for the str argument?
I have looked at the PIXI.Text.getBounds() method, but it returns a Matrix and not a Rectangle...
I think you can just use this.text.width. This has historically had some bugs associated with it, but it should be working right in the latest version.