Application Insights to azure webjob .Net Core 2.0 - azure

How to add application insights telemetry (Application Insights) to azure webjob ?

With recently released WebJob SDK 3.0, you can add ApplicationInsights in the ConfigureLogging method
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var builder = new HostBuilder()
.ConfigureWebJobs(b =>
.ConfigureAppConfiguration(b =>
// Adding command line as a configuration source
.ConfigureLogging((context, b) =>
// If this key exists in any config, use it to enable App Insights
string appInsightsKey = context.Configuration["ApplicationInsights:InstrumentationKey"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appInsightsKey))
b.AddApplicationInsights(o => o.InstrumentationKey = appInsightsKey);
var host = builder.Build();
using (host)
await host.RunAsync();

You can add AI to Web Jobs during the development time as a Nuget Package.
AI .NET Core Nuget is here. Package name is a bit misleading (Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore) but it's supposed to work with all .Net core apps.
AI .NET Core GitHub page is here (with some customization options explained in Wiki).
Getting started guide is on GitHub and as well. It's a bit lengthy guide, so I hope links are OK (although not in full accordance with SO guidelines) and I won't need to post it as part of the reply.


Asynchronous HttpClient calls not shown as dependency in Azure App insights for App service automatically

I am new to Azure app insights and want to know why are Asynchronous HttpClient calls not shown as dependency automatically in Azure App insights for App service.
Also, what configuration changes or code changes should I make in ASP.NET project for tracking http dependencies ?
When I refer documentation it says "A dependency is a component that is called by your application. It's typically a service called using HTTP, or a database, or a file system. Application Insights measures the duration of dependency calls, whether its failing or not, along with additional information like name of dependency and so on. You can investigate specific dependency calls, and correlate them to requests and exceptions."
You can use the below example of code to track http dependency automatically
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TelemetryConfiguration configuration = TelemetryConfiguration.CreateDefault();
configuration.InstrumentationKey = "removed";
configuration.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new HttpDependenciesParsingTelemetryInitializer());
var telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(configuration);
using (InitializeDependencyTracking(configuration))
// run app...
telemetryClient.TrackTrace("Hello World!");
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
// Http dependency is automatically tracked!
// before exit, flush the remaining data
// flush is not blocking when not using InMemoryChannel so wait a bit. There is an active issue regarding the need for `Sleep`/`Delay`
// which is tracked here:
static DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule InitializeDependencyTracking(TelemetryConfiguration configuration)
var module = new DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule();
// prevent Correlation Id to be sent to certain endpoints. You may add other domains as needed.
// enable known dependency tracking, note that in future versions, we will extend this list.
// please check default settings in
// initialize the module
return module;
Based on the MSDOC Azure Monitor Application Insights Agent currently supports ASP.NET 4.x only.
For more information please refer the below links:
MS DOC: Application Insights for .NET console applications(Source code) & Automatically dependency tracking
GitHub : LINK1 & LINK2

How can I add tracing / logging messages for a Blazor Server Side App on Azure? (Preferred with App Service Logs)

I have a Blazor Server Side App that runs on Azure. I want to add tracing / logging messages (_logger.LogInformation()). I would prefer to use Azue App Service Logs. But, I am open to other options.
I was able to get tracing / logging messages working with an API written in .Net Core that runs on Azure. These logs are written to Azure App Service Logs. Their type are Application.
For my Blazor App, I followed the same steps setting up tracing / logging as I did with my API. However, when I check the log files in Cloud Explorer no Application folder, under the LogFiles folder is created.
I made sure I turned Azure App Service Logs and set the correct Level. See below.
My Program.cs uses the default setting. Which I read should automatically set up logging. (It did from my API) See below.
Below is the example of the code I added to do the tracing / logging.
public class VpbDelegateAdminService : IVpbDelegateAdminService
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
private readonly IJsonSerializerWrapper _jsonSerializerWrapper;
private readonly TokenProvider _tokenProvider;
private readonly ILogger<VpbDelegateAdminService> _logger;
public VpbDelegateAdminService(HttpClient httpClient, IJsonSerializerWrapper jsonSerializerWrapper, TokenProvider tokenProvider, ILogger<VpbDelegateAdminService> logger)
_httpClient = httpClient;
_jsonSerializerWrapper = jsonSerializerWrapper;
_tokenProvider = tokenProvider;
_logger = logger;
public async Task<VpbDelegateListVm> GetVpbDelegatesAsync(int pageNo, string searchText)
_logger.LogInformation($"Argument(s)- pageNo: {pageNo}, searchText: {searchText ?? "null"}");
As I mentioned above, I would prefer to use Azure App Service Logs. But, if that is not possible with Blazor or if someone has had success with other options to use with Blazor, I am interested to hearing about them.
Thanks for your help.
I figured it out myself.
I was able to get Logging / Tracing working with my Blazor server side app using App Service Logs by following the steps here: Related to steps for: AzureAppServices
Steps: (Note: There steps are only for filesystem / filestream. I didn't set up blob):
1. Update appsetting with:
"AzureAppServicesFile": {
"IncludeScopes": true,
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Warning"
2. Install nuget packages for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.AzureAppServices
3. Update the Program.cs with the following code:
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddAzureWebAppDiagnostics())
.ConfigureServices(serviceCollection => serviceCollection
.Configure<AzureFileLoggerOptions>(options =>
options.FileName = "diagnostics-";
options.FileSizeLimit = 50 * 1024;
options.RetainedFileCountLimit = 5;
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
4. Turned on App Service Log for Application Logging (Filesystem)
5. Set the Level to Information
And my logs / tracing (see below) started showing up in Cloud Explorer
_logger.LogInformation($"Argument(s)- pageNo: {pageNo}, searchText: {searchText ?? "null"}");
I hope these steps help someone else.
I would recommend using Application Insights, for .NET based apps it provides an excellent way for you to do complete APM. If you want to use with ILogger then please take a look here. If you want to get started without ILogger then take a look here.

How to Publish ASP.NET Core WEB API Project on Local IIS in Visual Studio 2017 Community RC?

I want to publish ASP.NET Core WebAPI Project with swagger on IIS. i want to run the Project on local machine with IP Address.
Configuration of My PC is:
Visual Studio 2017 Community RC
Windows 10
Please help me.
Have you tried "this one ("?
It helped for me. Don't forget to configure authentication and access to your site physical path for application pool identity you are going to use.
UPD (reply to comment):
In case you're using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore package you can try somethig like this in your ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services):
// Register the Swagger generator, defining one or more Swagger documents
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
var info = new Info
Title = "My web API",
Version = "v1.0",
Contact = new Contact()
Email = "",
Name = "Denis",
Url = ""
Description = "My API"
c.SwaggerDoc("v1.0", info);
var basePath = AppContext.BaseDirectory; // this is not equal to wwwroot folder due to WebHostBuilder settings
var xmlPath = Path.Combine(basePath, "MyApi.xml");
And in Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory):
// Enable middleware to serve generated Swagger as a JSON endpoint.
// Enable middleware to serve swagger-ui (HTML, JS, CSS etc.), specifying the Swagger JSON endpoint.
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1.0/swagger.json", "My web API v1.0");

How to deploy Asp.Net Core apps on Azure Service Fabric using subpaths sharing same port on the cluster

The Service Fabric samples like wordcount the web app listen on a port in a subpath like this:
The code for this configuration is: (See the file on GitHub
protected override IEnumerable<ServiceInstanceListener> CreateServiceInstanceListeners()
return new[]
new ServiceInstanceListener(initParams => new OwinCommunicationListener("wordcount", new Startup(), initParams))
With this configuration we can deploy other web apps on the same cluster using the same port (8081)
And so on.
But the Asp.Net Core project template is different and I don't know how to add the subpath on listener configuration.
The code below is what we have in the project template (Program.cs class WebHostingService):
protected override IEnumerable<ServiceInstanceListener> CreateServiceInstanceListeners()
return new[] { new ServiceInstanceListener(_ => this) };
Task<string> ICommunicationListener.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var endpoint = FabricRuntime.GetActivationContext().GetEndpoint(_endpointName);
string serverUrl = $"{endpoint.Protocol}://{FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().IPAddressOrFQDN}:{endpoint.Port}";
_webHost = new WebHostBuilder().UseKestrel()
return Task.FromResult(serverUrl);
The semantic is a bit different, but all ends up in the same point.
The problems is that even I add the subpath at the end of serverUrl it does't work and the web apps always responds on the root http://localhost:8081/
See how I've tried in the code snippet below:
string serverUrl = $"{endpoint.Protocol}://{FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().IPAddressOrFQDN}:{endpoint.Port}/app1";
How to achieve the same result as "classic" web app using core?
The goal is to publish on azure on port 80 to let users with a better experience like:
Thank you a lot!
As #Vaclav said is necessary to change UseKestrel by UseWebListener.
But the problem is that WebListener binding to the address is different.
Look this thread to more details
Is necessary to use + instead of localhost or other machine names on the serverUrl.
So, change de template code from:
Task<string> ICommunicationListener.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var endpoint = FabricRuntime.GetActivationContext().GetEndpoint(_endpointName);
string serverUrl = $"{endpoint.Protocol}://{FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().IPAddressOrFQDN}:{endpoint.Port}/service1";
_webHost = new WebHostBuilder().UseKestrel()
return Task.FromResult(serverUrl);
Task<string> ICommunicationListener.OpenAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var endpoint = FabricRuntime.GetActivationContext().GetEndpoint(_endpointName);
string serverUrl = $"{endpoint.Protocol}://+:{endpoint.Port}/service1";
_webHost = new WebHostBuilder().UseWebListener()
return Task.FromResult(serverUrl);
And it workd very well.
Kestrel doesn't support URL prefixes or port sharing between multiple applications. You have to use WebListener instead:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
_webHost = new WebHostBuilder().UseWebListener()
I've not done this yet, but is this GitHub repository useful?
About The Sample
This sample demonstrates:
1.How ASP.NET Core can be used in a communication listener of stateless/stateful services. Today the scenario we've enabled is to host ASP.NET Core web application as a stateless service with Service Fabric. We wanted to light up the scenarios that people also can use ASP.NET Core as communication listeners in stateless services and stateful services, similar to what the OwinCommunicationListener does.
2.How to build an API gateway service to forward requests to multiple microservices behind it with the reusable and modular component. Service Fabric is a great platform for building microservices. The gateway middleware (Microsoft.ServiceFabric.AspNetCore.Gateway) is an attempt to provide a building block for people to easily implement the API gateway pattern of microservices on Service Fabric. There are a couple good articles elaborating the API gateway pattern, such as,, etc. For more information about microservices, check out,
#Nick Randell
With the sample approach is possible to run several Services on the same port using their names like:
http://localhost:20000/service1 <--- Svc in Application1
http://localhost:20000/service2 <--- Svc in Application1
This is possible because is there a Gateway service that maps the addresses service1 and service2 in the URI to the correct services.
But I couldn't find a way to have 2 different Applications running on the same port.
Is it possible?
http://localhost:20000/service1 <--- Svc in Application1
http://localhost:20000/service2 <--- Svc in Application2

ASP.NET Core Identity Implementation using Cassandra Database

I am building an ASP.NET Core MVC application using the Cassandra Database on Windows.
I need help implementing ASP.NET Core Identity with Cassandra.
On Google I found AspNet.Identity.Cassandra in the version, but it's not compatible with ASP.NET Core 1.0.
I'm working on data store adapter for ASP.NET Core Identity
which allows you to build ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data. With this library, you can store your user's membership related data on Apache Cassandra.
Please note the library is in alpha version and needs to be finished
If you want to try it, follow these steps:
1 - Run the following command from the package manager console to install Cassandra identity provider.
Install-Package AspNetCore.Identity.Cassandra -Version 1.0.0-alpha1
2 - Add settings to appsettings.json
"CassandraNodes": [
"CassandraOptions": {
"KeyspaceName": "identity",
"Replication": {
"class": "NetworkTopologyStrategy",
"datacenter1": "1"
3 - Configure services in Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// CassandraOptions configuration
// Cassandra ISession initialization
services.AddCassandraSession<Cassandra.ISession>(() =>
var cluster = Cassandra.Cluster.Builder()
.AddContactPoints(Configuration.GetSection("CassandraNodes").GetChildren().Select(x => x.Value))
var session = cluster.Connect();
return session;
// Added custom Cassandra stores
services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>()
// Other code omitted
4 - And finally initialize DB in Program.cs
public static class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
.InitializeIdentityDb<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>();
For more information check project site at github.
Few Option
Try implement your own cassandra identity for core, there is many sample how to create your Custom IdentityUser for (using Google) then make it work with Cassandra
Fork / Update the AspNet.Identity.Cassandra project to .net core (open source, so makes easy to implement your own)
Use another provider, instead of Cassandra Database
Request update on github (link on section 2.)
