Value in xp:confirm is not being updated after partial refresh. Why? - xpages

On an xpage I calculate the message for an xp:confirm control:
var arr = viewScope.get("attachmentsAll");
return "";
return arr.length + " Are you sure want to upload the file?";
the viewScope is being updated after the event has been executed. I check this via a xp:text and I notice that this assumption is true.
<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"><xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var arr = viewScope.get("attachmentsAll")
return arr.length + " number?"}]]></xp:this.value></xp:text>
The xp:confirm and xp:text reside in the same panel that is being partially updated after the event.
Can anyone explain me why the value for the viewScope variable is updated in the xp:text control and not in the xp:confirm control?

The main idea of my answer to your previous question was to put hidden input with computed value. What if you try to use <xp:this.script> instead of xp:confirm, and get the confirmation message from that hidden input the same way?
The reason and the alternative solution that does not require to make any changes to existing xpage
It came out that the back-end instance of xp:confirm evaluates the new message correctly. The new value is even being sent to the browser with the response to ajax request. But one of the functions of XSP client module is built so that it won't update the querySubmit listener function if there already exists one with the same name. So, we are stuck with the old confirmation function that contains the old message. There is a way to override this behavior without breaking any other features. I have tried this and it works for me.
Create a new JavaScript library (client-side). Add the code:
if (!XSP._pushListenerTuned) {
XSP.__pushListener = XSP._pushListener;
XSP._pushListener = function x__pl(listeners, formId, clientId, scriptId, listener) {
if (scriptId && scriptId.endsWith("_confirm")) {
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (scriptId == listeners[i].scriptId) {
listeners.splice(i, 1);
listeners.push(new this._SubmitListener(formId, listener, clientId, scriptId));
} else {
XSP.__pushListener(listeners, formId, clientId, scriptId, listener);
XSP._pushListenerTuned = true;
Attach your new library as resource globally via theme or as page resource on required page. I guess placing the above code as scriptBlock on a required page should also work. Now, any xp:confirm component on any page (if you used theme resource), or on particular page and everywhere after visiting this page (if you used page resource or scriptBlock), will work as naturally expected.


How to prevent full refresh using onChange event SSJS

(You may be able to figure out an answer by ONLY reading the last question by itself, but I included everything for reference if necessary)
The onChange of one field is causing displayErrors to show validation results prior to when I need it to do that.
On an xpage, I have these two comboboxes:
1.) locationType
2.) locationEtc
Choices for locationEtc are dependent on what was selected in locationType field.
In the locationEtc field, the choices are using one computed value with this code:
var locType = getComponent("locationType").getValue();
var key = '';
switch(locType) {
case 'Commuity Service Center':
key = 'loc_cso';
case 'RYDC':
key = 'loc_rydc';
case 'YDC':
key = 'loc_ydc';
case 'HQ':
key = 'loc_hq';
key = 'facilities';
var luChoices = #DbLookup('','keywords', key, 'choices');
luChoices.unshift("Select one|''");
return luChoices;
The choices were NOT changing for locationEtc whenever I pick a locationType, but then they do when I add code to clear the location field whenever locationType changes, using a simple action for onChange event of locationType field:
This is great, but when it all refreshes, my displayErrors control appears (yellow background area) showing required field validation results, and a lot of the fields are not filled in yet by design.
How can I make the displayErrors to show ONLY when tying to submit?
Thanks everyone who can help.
Set disableValidators="true" on the simple action that you created

How to prevent global event handlers from firing caused by an API call

I have a custom module that uses Kentico API (DocumentHelper) to update certain fields of my document and then publish but I do not want it to trigger the event handlers that are linked to my document page type. I tried adding comments to .Publish("admin_edit") hoping that I can catch it from the WorkflowEventargs parameter but the VersionComment property always return null. Is there a way to accomplish this in Kentico?
update field:
var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentID, tree);
var workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);
var workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(document);
if (workflow != null)
document.SetValue("SomeFIeld", "some value");
event handler:
public override void Init()
WorkflowEvents.Publish.After += Publish_After;
private void Publish_After(object sender, WorkflowEventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.VersionComment) &&
You always get null for Version information, because that is related to the 'Page versioning' events, specially for 'SaveVersion'. You can find more about that on this link. If you expand 'Properties' you will see which properties are populated for the specific event. In your case, you can try something like this, to add your message for last version and then check for that comment on 'Publish_After' event, see code bellow:
var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentID, tree);
var workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);
var workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(document);
if (workflow != null)
document.SetValue("SomeFIeld", "some value");
document.CheckIn(versionComment: "admin_edit");
and then, in event handler, take last version and check for comment like this:
if (e.PublishedDocument?.VersionHistory?.Count > 0)
var lastVersion = e.PublishedDocument.VersionHistory[0] as VersionHistoryInfo;
if (lastVersion.VersionComment.Equals("admin_edit"))
NOTE: In case that you have a lot of concurrent content editors, there is a chance that your last version is not version from API (someone changed content and saved it right after your API call made change). There is a low chance for that, but still is possible. If this is something that you will use often, you must take it in consideration. This code is tested for Kentico 11.

JSON-RPC and handle to current document

Good day folks!
I have a call (CSJS) to a JSON-RPC service in my XPage to get the value of a viewScope variable. I use this call to cycle through my field names (dynamically) and validate them.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to get a handle to the datasource (document1 in my case) to which these fields are bound, from the RPC service.
Here's the call:
// Use the JSON-RPC Service to get the number of asset item rows
// from the viewScope variable
var deferred = myRPCService.getScopeVar();
alert(result); // <-- viewScope variable value
// get the dynamic field names for the asset items based on row #
var itemname = '';
for (var i = 1; i < result; i++) {
var itemname = 'replace'+(i < 10? '0':'')+ i
if (document1.getItemValueString(itemname) == ""){
// do this
} else{
// do that
I do get back the value of the viewScope variable from the RPC call but I can't get beyond that. Any pointers/examples would be appreciated.
PS: See my comment below ...
You don't say what calls the JSON-RPC event, so I will guess and say it is a button. You will have to have an additional serverside event set the viewScope variable to the value of document1.getItemValueString(itemname) which you can then retrieve in the RPC.
Your SSJS event code will look something like:
viewScope.result = document1.getItemValueString(itemname);
The additional event can be onmouseover (not recommended) or onkeypress. I assume you are using onclick clientside for this code, you can't use the onclick serverside because this code would need to run prior to your clientside. You will want the viewScope to contain fresh data, hence this suggestion. If the data doesn't need to be fresh, then set it on page load.
Another idea would be to call two RPC's. The first one can set the viewScope variable and the second can use it. The first one won't need a callback, and just calls a java or SSJS function that sets the viewScope. Personally I like this better than my first suggestion.

Multithreading in flex web application

I am working on web application. In which i am stuck with some issue.
When i call some server function it will take time to get response. When response have high number of data. It will get data, process on that data and update GUI in background.
Upto that my application GUI freeze. I can not click on any part. I see some where that ActionScript support multithreading. I found some tutorial for that which is here. But, it is for desktop application only.
Is there any way i can handle this freezing of application/GUI in web application. It will decrease my application performance and looks very bad.
If i have list of data with checkbox and on checkbox click there is some process. Now, there is one button called "Select All". Now, if i click on "select all" then all check box selected and process on check selection is going and freeze the application upto process done.
like: I have following list
<s:List id="tempList" itemRenderer="CustomItemRenderer"
dataProvider="{someList}" useVirtualLayout="false"/>
ItemRenderer have label and checkbox as following.
<s:CheckBox id="cCheckId" selected="{data.selected}"
change="onChangeHandler(event)" />
<s:Label id="lblTest" />
protected function onChangeHandler(event:Event):void
data.selected = !data.selected;
Now, on button Select all will select all check box.
<s:Button id="btnSelectAll" label="Select All" click="selectAllHandler(event)" />
protected function selectAllHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
for(var i:int = 0;i<someList.length;i++)
someList[i].selected = true;
Now, if someList have lots of data then it will freeze the screen.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
The main idea behind the list and itemrenderers that you have a list (or datagrid) that displays like 30 items and then you can scroll to see the rest. Then you will only have 30 Itemrenderers that would be updated at once.
If you don't want to scroll you will need to distribute your item selection over several frames, something like that (untested, but you get the idea)
private static const ITEMS_AT_ONCE:int = 5000;
private var _currentIndex:int;
protected function selectAllHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
_currentIndex = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); // this will call the onEnterFrame method on each frame rendered
private function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void
// make sure we don't run out of bounds of the dataprovider's length
var maxIndex:int = Math.min(_currentIndex + ITEMS_AT_ONCE, someList.length);
// set selection for the current bunch
for (var i:int = _currentIndex; i < maxIndex; i++)
someList[i].selected = true;
if (maxIndex == someList.length)
// We are done, remove enterframe listener
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
// I'm not sure but don't you need to refresh the dataprovider to reflect the changes in the ItemRenderers ?
// (someList.dataProvider as ArrayCollection).refresh();
// update the _currentindex so we continue after this item on the next frame
_currentIndex = maxIndex;
Another possible solution - if you display all of them anyways - you might try to switch to a VGroup that will hold custom UIComponents (without MXML) for the items - this should speed up the rendering.

Kohana 3: How can I pass full control to another action within my controller?

In my controller, I have a before() function that calls parent::before() and then does some additional processing once the parent returns. based on a specific condition, I want to "save" the original request and pass execution to a specific action. Here is my before() function.
public function before() {
$this->uri = Request::Instance()->uri;
$match = ORM::factory('survey_tester')
if (!$match->loaded()) {
And the action that is being called..
public function action_tester($op=null,$user=null) {
$testers = ORM::factory('survey_tester')->find_all();
$tester = array();
$this->template->title = 'Some new title';
$this->template->styles = array('assets/css/survey/survey.css' => 'screen');
$this->template->scripts = array('assets/js/survey/tester.js');
$tester['title'] = $this->template->title;
$tester['user'] = $this->template->user;
switch ($op) {
case "add":
$tester = ORM::factory('survey_tester');
$tester->name = $user->displayname;
$tester->email = $user->mail;
$tester->division = $user->division;
$tester->eid = $user->samaccountname;
if ($tester->save()) {
$this->template->content = new View('pages/survey/tester_add', $admin);
} else {
$this->template->content = new View('pages/survey/tester_error', $admin);
This all seems to work fine. This is designed to prompt the user for a specific piece of information that is not provided by $user (populated by LDAP) if this is the first time they are hitting the controller for any reason.
The problem is the views are not rendering. Instead control passes back to whatever action was originally requested. This controller is called survey. If i browse to and login with new user info, the record gets written and i get the action_index views instead of my action_tester views.
I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong here. Any ideas will be appreciated. Thank you.
EDIT: I managed to get this working (sort-of) by using $this->request->action = 'tester'; but I'm not sure how to add/set new params for the request yet.
The issue is that you are calling your method (action_tester), but then Kohana is still going to call the original action after the before method is called, which is going to change the response content overwriting the changed made in action_tester().
You can change the action being called (after before is called) inside your before() method:
After the before method is called, it should then call the new Action (action_tester) rather than the old one, but then you need to do something about the way you are passing your parameters then.
Or you could just redirect the request upon some condition:
if($something) {
This doesn't seem like a nice way to do it anyway.
