VSTS - Build a Docker Image - azure

I have a .NET Core repo in VSTS. I'm trying to create a Build pipeline that builds a Docker image and adds it to my Azure Container Registry. My Build pipeline has a Docker task. This task has the "Build an image" action selected. This action relies on my Dockerfile, which looks like this:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1.2-runtime-nanoserver-1803
# Install .NET Core
When my Build pipeline runs, I get an error that says:
failed to register layer: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: ProcessUtilityVMImage \\?\C:\ProgramData\docker\windowsfilter\82aba535faccd8bf0e5ce3c122247672fa671214000a12c5481972212c5e2ca0\UtilityVM: The system cannot find the path specified.
##[error]C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe failed with return code: 1
Why am I getting this error? How do I fix it?

It should be the same issue with this one : https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-tasks/issues/6510
Seems it still have some issues with nanoserver-1803
Just try to setup and host a custom agent on Azure VM, then check it again.
I found maybe an explication about this error: VSTS agents seem not
support nanoserver-1709 actually. Maybe this will change with the next
version 1803.
See details here: Microsoft/vsts-agent#1393
When I setup and host a custom agent on a machine on Azure, it's
working. So it's not a bug with this task. I close this issue. Thanks!


GenerateEFSQLScripts fails when trying to publish to IIS using Web Deploy from TeamCity

Running into a total dead-end here.
I've created a Publish Profile for a .net6 application that we want to publish to IIS with Web Deploy. In the Entity Framework Migration section, the option to "Apply this migration on publish" is selected.
When manually clicking publish, everything works. However, we want to automate this in TeamCity using the .NET build runner. The publish step fails at:
Generating Entity Framework SQL Scripts...
Executing command: dotnet ef migrations script --no-build --idempotent --configuration Release --output "C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\cbf95cc2b4413601\MySolution.Api\obj\Release\net6.0\PubTmp\EFSQLScripts\MySolution.Data.MyContext.sql" --context MySolution.Data.MyContext
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.400\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish\targets\TransformTargets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.TransformFiles.targets(221,5): error : Entity Framework SQL Script generation failed
Internal error message details: BuildMessage1 0 Text DefaultMessage ERROR 400682522803500 tags:'tc:parseServiceMessagesInside'
Error message is logged
I cannot find any specific error messages anywhere in any log. Looking in the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.TransformFiles.targets file shows that it's failing on GenerateEFSQLScripts - an MSBuild command that executes dotnet ef under the covers.
I thought this might be a case of dotnet ef not being installed on the build agent. But when I manually run the command myself from C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\cbf95cc2b4413601\MySolution.Api, it succeeds, and the SQL scripts are successfully created.
I also thought it might just be a case of the command being run in the wrong directory (i.e. in the root MySolution folder rather than the MySolution.Api folder), but explicitly setting the working directly fails at the same point, with the same error.
Has anyone seen this before? Or could point me to where an actual error might be located?

What means Range error on my Release pipelines?

When the release pipeline run end up with this error
RangeError [ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE]: The value "4294967295" is invalid for option "size".
I don't know what means this error
task failed
Log of the task failed when release run
Same issue for me using Web Deploy to a nodejs app service.
Web Deploy worked at first, until we added some packages in our package.json (e.g. "#fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons")
Then our release pipeline suddenly outputs "64-bit = +" in the deployment log.
If we remove the packages, the "64-bit = +" is gone, and our Web Deploy works again.
Image of log from Release pipeline
Not sure how to resolve it, but in our case we used Zip Deploy instead like #Ari Gunawan recommended.
I had the same issue when trying to deploy a node app to Azure App Service from release pipeline. Not sure what the error means as there are no further details about it but I resolved it by using "Zip Deploy" deployment method and "Continue on error"

Azure CD pipeline can't find build artifacts

Below is Azure error log from the Azure release pipeline.
2020-07-24T05:17:13.7712974Z ##[section]Starting: Deploy Azure App Service
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0464143Z ==============================================================================
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0465719Z Task : Azure App Service deploy
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0469391Z Description : Deploy to Azure App Service a web, mobile, or API app using Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python, or Ruby
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0469849Z Version : 3.163.5
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0470410Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0470921Z Help : https://aka.ms/azureappservicetroubleshooting
2020-07-24T05:17:14.0471274Z =============================================================================
2020-07-24T05:17:16.0650643Z Got connection details for Azure App Service:'XXXXX'
2020-07-24T05:17:17.6576087Z (node:764) Warning: Use Cipheriv for counter mode of aes-256-ctr
**2020-07-24T05:17:17.6627737Z ##[error]Error: No package found with specified pattern: D:\a\r1\a\Drop<br/>Check if the package mentioned in the task is published as an artifact in the build or a previous stage and downloaded in the current job.**
2020-07-24T05:17:22.9168975Z Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : XXXXX
2020-07-24T05:17:24.8686063Z Successfully updated deployment History at https://XXXXX.scm.azurewebsites.net/api/deployments/231595567842919
2020-07-24T05:17:24.8933576Z ##[section]Finishing: Deploy Azure App Service
P.S. I have checked build pipeline, I can download build Artificats, but it displays below warning.
[warning]Directory 'D:\a\1\a' is empty. Nothing will be added to build artifact 'drop'.
Assuming you meant you have solved the build artifact empty issue, but the release pipeline still had issue in Azure App Service deploy task.
As the error mentioned, there is "No package found with specified pattern: D:\a\r1\a\Drop", you need to check how you define the package, try format $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.zip instead of $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Drop.
As task "Publish Build Artifact" publish artifact from $(build.artifactstagingdirectory), so we need add a task "Copy files" to copy your files ** from $(system.defaultworkingdirectory) to $(build.artifactstagingdirectory) **. which copied my build to stagingdirectory.

Unable to use mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc when building from azure cloudshell (powershell)

This works perfectly when I build locally, but to avoid having to move images to the azure container registry I am trying to build in the cloud.
Dockerfile contains:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc AS build-stage1
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
Step 5/37 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc AS build-stage1
manifest for mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
2019/10/01 14:32:28 Container failed during run: build. No retries remaining.
failed to run step ID: build: exit status 1
Run ID: ch1k failed after 7s. Error: failed during run, err: exit status 1
And yet the same base image works fine when I build from a locally hosted powershell.
I'm not clear how do you build the image successfully. But I recommend you take a look at the image mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore in the docker hub. And it also gives out the available tags here. There is no tag as ltsc. You need to choose one in the available tags. For example, mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019.
I can reproduce the same issue as you got, then I add the parameter --platform windows and it works perfectly. I recommend you take a try. Hope it helps.

Could not build Docker image WindowsServerCodre on Azure DevOps

I'm trying to build some Windows docker images on Azure Devops. However, during the last step I get:
re-exec error: exit status 1: output: time="2018-10-29T14:26:32Z" level=error msg="hcsshim::ImportLayer failed in Win32: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3) layerId=\\?\C:\ProgramData\docker\windowsfilter\e5d6a8d03464d02106a603b183b1ea47ad9fdd910a7dc1fdf19f605ec343b9cb flavour=1 folder=C:\ProgramData\docker\tmp\hcs934975059"
2018-10-29T14:26:34.2133323Z hcsshim::ImportLayer failed in Win32: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3) layerId=\?\C:\ProgramData\docker\windowsfilter\e5d6a8d03464d02106a603b183b1ea47ad9fdd910a7dc1fdf19f605ec343b9cb flavour=1 folder=C:\ProgramData\docker\tmp\hcs934975059
The weird thing is that I have the exactly same branch on my personal account and it works! It only fails for conan-io organization!
What I could do to fix it?
It's possible to check all windowsservercore here. I can't use 1709 or 1803 because of my environment.
Logs are available here:
[success] https://dev.azure.com/uilianr/conan-devops/_build/results?buildId=92&view=logs
[failing] https://dev.azure.com/conanio/conan-docker-tools/_build/results?buildId=28&view=logs
Docker recipes are here (same file on both repositories):
[uilianries] https://github.com/uilianries/conan-docker-tools/blob/feature/docker-windows/msvc_14/Dockerfile
[conan-io] https://github.com/conan-io/conan-docker-tools/blob/feature/docker-windows/msvc_14/Dockerfile
