Evaluating variable - output json file contents [duplicate] - linux

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File content into unix variable with newlines
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
In the bash shell, I'm trying to read the json file and load to a variable
eri#xyz:~/Documents/inbound>e1=$(eval echo $(cat ./deploy/request.json))
Upon fetching the output of that variable, I'm seeing -bash - command not found along with the actual contents of the .json file
-bash: { type:Pipeline, category:Software, risk:4, short_description:sample short description text, description:sample detailed description text, assignment_group: Services - Retail Services, cmdb_ci:Retail Service, u_version:1.0, start_date:2017-01-04 18:00:00, end_date:2017-01-04 19:00:00, backout_plan:see department for standard backout plan, implementation_plan:sample implementation plan, test_plan:sample text plan, production_system:false }: command not found
Is there a way to suppress the -bash - command not found in the output?.

No need for eval - just e1=$(< ./deploy/request.json) should do the trick. (Thanks to #shellter for the syntax — you don't even need to use cat!)
To show the variable, you want
echo "$e1"
instead of just "$e1". "$e1" by itself on the command line does not print out the value of $e1, unlike many programming-language REPLs. Instead, it tells bash to try to interpret the entire contents of $e1 as the name of a command. It isn't the name of a command, so bash tells you a command by that name cannot be found.


parsing the JSON string with only mandatory POSIX tools [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Parsing JSON with Unix tools
(45 answers)
Closed 24 days ago.
I have json string like this
I need to get "state" and "config" keys content to a shell custom variable or to a file.
tried with a command:
$RESPONSE is the API response, the above json string
echo $RESPONSE | sed 's/{"$state":"*\([0-9a-zA-Z]*\)"*,*.*}/\1/'
this prints nothing but suppose to get this output:
Tried with saving the response to tmp file and executed this command
cat /tmp/a.json | grep -o -e "{"state":.*}"
this also print empty string but expected result:
Am new to shell script and trying with various options available in the internet, please help me to write the command for the same.
This uses any sed:
$ sed 's/.*"state":\({[^}]*}\).*/\1/' file
That will work for your posted input but fail given other json input (e.g. with "state" as a value or with } inside a value), just like any other solution that uses mandatory POSIX tools as none of them have a JSON parser (unless you write one with awk, but I expect that's more work than you or anyone here would put into this).

Bash substring extraction purpose in "ls -lashtg ${1:-.}" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Usage of :- (colon dash) in bash
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I ran across the following Bash function which was suggested as a useful alias to add to the .bashrc file. It lists the last 13 files in a directory that were modified.
I don't understand what is being done with the ${1:-.} argument, though. It looks like some kind of substring extraction, but I couldn't find the meaning of -. in the Advanced Bash Scripting Manual.
I tried the command in a few directories and didn't notice any difference between the output when I removed this argument. My guess is that it's there to prevent an error when encountering some specific type of file or file name. What is it doing? And what is the purpose of including it in the command?
function lst()
ls -lashtg ${1:-.} | head -13
$1 is the first command line argument. Im sure you know.
${1:-.} simply puts a . when no first line argument is given.
Translates to
ls -lashtg . | head -13
It would workout without the substitution I guess. But I also guess that this is just there as a best practice

How to output bash multiline EVAL statement to temp file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to substitute shell variables in complex text files
(12 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Trying to variable replace a templated yaml file.
I'm using eval to take the environment shell variables and replace whats in the file dynamically. I can't figure out how to take the output of this and save to a file.
I just want to take the evaluated output and save to a file.
eval "cat <<EOF
Exmaple test.yaml
value: ${PORT}
Bash environment variable:
output temp.test.yaml
value: 8888
Right now the code will just print the evaluated text to the console.
I've tried.
eval "cat <<EOF
EOF" > $newBaseFileName
but no joy. Didn't even create the file.
The reason I'm not using sed is because the file could have unlimited variable decelerations, and I want to replace any value matching a defined bash variable or environment variable. This is part of a template engine. For the life of me I can't remember how I did it before with pure bash.
It didn't work for me but what I did is this
renderTemplate() {
eval "cat <<EOF
baseFileName=$(basename $fileName)
templateOutput=`renderTemplate ${baseFileName}`
echo "${templateOutput}"
I'm using this as a temp file anyways so what I'll do is save to variable and then pump that variable in to the command to apply the template as a file. That way it's only ever stored in memory. This is a middleware cli to another cli to add variable replacement to in-memory web hosted files before applying them.
Thanks for your help.

Append text to a file with pattern matched name in bash [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
In bash, how do I expand a wildcard while it's inside double quotes?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to add a line to a specific file which matches a pattern in its name.
e.g. I am trying to append text STATUS PASSED to a file whose name contains 2018_09_26_04_51_30.
echo "STATUS PASSED" >> "/test_dir/*$date*.txt"
Above said commands are creating new file named *2018_09_26_04_51_30*.txt which is not serving my purpose!
Let's assume that there are several other files with *.txt extension, but none of these files contains $date in their names.
The test_dir directory contains:
So, here file test3-2018_09_26_04_51_30_51S.txt is unique.
P.S. I have to execute this script in both Linux and AIX.
Any help will be appreciated!
Try like this,
#cd /test_dir
echo "STATUS PASSED" >> $(ls /test_dir/*$date*.txt)

How to pass arguments/parameters when executing bash/shell script from NodeJS [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Execute an shell program with node.js and pass node variable to the shell command [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have the following code:
exec('sh cert-check-script-delete.sh', req.body.deletedCert);
The console log correctly shows the req.body.deletedCert is non-empty.
And in cert-check-script-delete.sh I have:
certs.json="./" # Name of JSON file and directory location
echo -e $1 >> certs.json
But it's just writing an empty line to certs.json
I've also tried:
exec('sh cert-check-script-delete.sh' + req.body.deletedCert)
But neither formats work
Use execFile(), and pass your arguments out-of-band:
child_process.execFile('./cert-check-script-delete.sh', [req.body.deletedCert])
That way your string (from req.body.deletedCert) is passed as a literal argument, not parsed as code. Note that this requires that your script be successfully marked executable (chmod +x check-cert-script-delete.sh), and that it start with a valid shebang.
If you can't fix your file permissions to make your executable, at least pass the arguments out-of-band:
child_process.execFile('/bin/sh', ['./check-cert-script-delete.sh', req.body.deletedCert])
