I am new in doing an activity and currently, I am trying to draw one based on given description.
I enter into doubt on a particular section as I am unsure if it should be 'split'.
Under the "Employee", the given description is as follows:
Employee enter in details about physical damage and cleanliness on the
machine. For the cleanliness, there must be a statement to indicate
that the problem is no longer an issue.
As such, I use a foreach as a means to describe that there should be 2 checks - physical and cleanliness (see diagram in the link), before it moves on to the next activity under the System - for the system to record the checks.
Thus, am I on the right track? Thank you in advance for any replies.
Your example is no valid UML. In order to make it proper you need to enclose the fork/join in a expansion region like so:
A fork/join does not accept any sematic labels. They just split the control flow into several parallel ones which join at the end.
However, this still seems odd since you would probably have some control for the different inspections being entered. So I'd guess there's a decision which loops through multiple inspection entries. Personally I use regions only for handling interrupts. ADs are nice to a certain level. But sometimes a tabular text (like suggested by Cockburn) is just easier to write and read. Graphical programming is not the ultimate answer (unlike 42).
First, the 'NO' branch of the decision node must lead somewhere (at the end?).
After, It differs if you want to show the process for ONE or MULTIPLE inspections. But the most logical way is to represent the diagram for an inspection, because you wrote inspection without S ! If you want represent more than one inspection, you can use decision and merge node to represent loop that stop when there is no more inspection.
I want to sanity check myself on a view projection, in regards to if an intermediary concept can purely exist in the read model while providing a bridge between commands.
Let me use a contrived example to explain.
We place an order which raises an OrderPlaced event. The workflow then involves generating a picking slip, which is used to prepare a shipment.
A picking slip can be generated from an order (or group of orders) without any additional information being supplied from any external source or user. Is it acceptable then that the picking slip can be represented purely as a read model?
PlaceOrderCommand -> OrderPlacedEvent
OrderPlacedEvent -> PickingSlipView
The warehouse manager can then view a picking slip, select the lines they would like to ship, and then perform a PrepareShipment command. A ShipmentPrepared event will then update the original order, and remove the relevant lines from the PickingSlipView.
I know it's a toy example, but I have a conceptually similar use case where a colleague believes the PickingSlip should be a domain entity/aggregate in its own right, as it's conceptually different to order. So you have PlaceOrder, GeneratePickingSlip, and PrepareShipment commands.
The GeneratePickingSlip command however simply takes an order number (identifier), transforms the order data into a picking slip entity, and persists the entity. You can't modify or remove a picking slip or perform any action on it, apart from using it to prepare a shipment.
This feels like introducing unnecessary overhead on the write model, for what is ultimately just a transformation of existing information to enable another command.
So (and without delving deeply into the problem space of warehouses and shipping)...
Is what I'm proposing a legitimate use case for a read model?
Acting as an intermediary between two commands, via transformation of some data into a different view. Or, as my colleague proposes, should every concept be represented in the write model in all cases?
I feel my approach is simpler, and avoiding unneeded complexity, but I'm new to CQRS and so perhaps missing something.
Edit - Alternative Example
Providing another example to explore:
We have a book of record for categories, where each record is information about products and their location. The book of record is populated by an external system, and contains SKU numbers, mapped to available locations:
Book of Record (Electronics)
SKU# Location1 Location2 Location3 ... Location 10
XXXX Introduce Remove Introduce ... N/A
YYYY N/A Introduce Introduce ... Remove
Each book of record is an entity, and each line is a value object.
The book of record is used to generate different Tasks (which are grouped in a TaskPlan to be assigned to a person). The plan may only cover a subset of locations.
There are different types of Tasks: One TaskPlan is for the individual who is on a location to add or remove stock from shelves. Call this an AllocateStock task. Another type of Task exists for a regional supervisor managing multiple locations, to check that shelving is properly following store guidelines, say CheckDisplay task. For allocating stock, we are interested in both introduced and removed SKUs. For checking the displays, we're only interested in newly Introduced SKUs, etc.
We are exploring two options:
Option 1
The person creating the tasks has a View (read model) that allows them to select Book of Records. Say they select Electronics and Fashion. They then select one or more locations. They could then submit a command like:
GenerateCheckDisplayTasks(TaskPlanId, List<BookOfRecordId>, List<Locations>)
The commands would then orchestrate going through the records, filtering out locations we don't need, processing only the 'Introduced' items, and creating the corresponding CheckDisplayTasks for each SKU in the TaskPlan.
Option 2
The other option is to shift the filtering to the read model before generating the tasks.
When a book of record is added a view model for each type of task is maintained. The data might be transposed, and would only include relevant info. ie. the CheckDisplayScopeView might project the book of record to:
Category SKU Location
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) XXXX Location1
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) XXXX Location3
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) YYYY Location2
Electronics (BookOfRecordId) YYYY Location3
Fashion (BookOfRecordId) ... ... etc
When generating tasks, the view enables the user to select the category and locations they want to generate the tasks for. Perhaps they select the Electronics category and Location 1 and 3.
The command is now:
GenerateCheckDisplayTasks(TaskPlanId, List<BookOfRecordId, SKU, Location>)
Where the command now no longer is responsible for the logic needed to filter out the locations, the Removed and N/A items, etc.
So the command for the first option just submits the ID of the entity that is being converted to tasks, along with the filter options, and does all the work internally, likely utilizing domain services.
The second option offloads the filtering aspect to the view model, and now the command submits values that will generate the tasks.
Note: In terms of the guidance that Aggregates shouldn't appear out of thin air, the Task Plan aggregate will create the Tasks.
I'm trying to determine if option 2 is pushing too much responsibility onto the read model, or whether this filtering behavior is more applicable there.
Sorry, I attempted to use the PickingSlip example as I thought it would be a more recognizable problem space, but realize now that there are connotations that go along with the concept that may have muddied the waters.
The answer to your question, in my opinion, very much depends on how you design your domain, not how you implement CQRS. The way you present it, it seems that all these operations and aggregates are in the same Bounded Context but at first glance, I would think that there are 3 (naming is difficult!):
Order Management or Sales, where orders are placed
Warehouse Operations, where goods are packaged to be shipped
Shipments, where packages are put in trucks and leave
When an Order is Placed in Order Management, Warehouse reacts and starts the Packaging workflow. At this point, Warehouse should have all the data required to perform its logic, without needing the Order anymore.
The warehouse manager can then view a picking slip, select the lines they would like to ship, and then perform a PrepareShipment command.
To me, this clearly indicates the need for an aggregate that will ensure the invariants are respected. You cannot select items not present in the picking slip, you cannot select more items than the quantities specified, you cannot select items that have already been packaged in a previous package and so on.
A ShipmentPrepared event will then update the original order, and remove the relevant lines from the PickingSlipView.
I don't understand why you would modify the original order. Also, removing lines from a view is not a safe operation per se. You want to guarantee that concurrency doesn't cause a single item to be placed in multiple packages, for example. You guarantee that using an aggregate that contains all the items, generates the packaging instructions, and marks the items of each package safely and transactionally.
Acting as an intermediary between two commands
Aggregates execute the commands, they are not in between.
Viewing it from another angle, an indication that you need that aggregate is that the PrepareShippingCommand needs to create an aggregate (Shipping), and according to Udi Dahan, you should not create aggregate roots (out of thin air). Instead, other aggregate roots create them. So, it seems fair to say that there needs to be some aggregate, which ensures that the policies to create shippings are applied.
As a final note, domain design is difficult and you need to know the domain very well, so it is very likely that my proposed solution is not correct, but I hope the considerations I made on each step are helpful to you to come up with the right solution.
UPDATE after question update
I read a couple of times the updated question and updated several times my answer, but ended up every time with answers very specific to your example again and I'm most likely missing a lot of details to actually be helpful (I'd be happy to discuss it on another channel though). Therefore, I want to go back to the first sentence of your question to add an important comment that I missed:
an intermediary concept can purely exist in the read model, while providing a bridge between commands.
In my opinion, read models are disposable. They are not a single source of truth. They are a representation of the data to easily fulfil the current query needs. When these query needs change, old read models are deleted and new ones are created based on the data from the write models.
So, only based on this, I would recommend to not prepare a read model to facilitate your commands operations.
I think that your solution is here:
When a book of record is added a view model for each type of task is maintained. The data might be transposed, and would only include relevant info.
If I understand it correctly, what you should do here is not create view model, but create an Aggregate (or multiple). Then this aggregate can receive the commands, apply the business rules and mutate the state. So, instead of having a domain service reading data from "clever" read models and putting it all together, you have an aggregate which encapsulates the data it needs and the business logic.
I hope it makes sense. It's a broad topic and we could talk about it for hours probably.
We are using an event store that stores a single aggregate - a user's order (imagine an Amazon order than can be updated at any moment by both a client or someone in the e-commerce company before it actually gets dispatched).
For the first time we're going to allow our company's employees to see the order's history, as until now they could only see its current state.
We are now realizing that the events that form up the aggregate root don't really show the intent or what the user actually did. They only serve to build the current state of the order when applied sequencially to an empty order. The question is: should they?
Imagine a user that initially had one copy of book X and then removed it and added 2 again. Should we consider this as an event "User added 1 book" or events "User removed 1 book" + "User added 2 books" (we seem to have followed this approach)?
In some cases we have one initial event that then is followed by other events. I, developer, know for sure that all these events were triggered by a single command, but it seems incredibly brittle for me to make that kind of assumptions when generating on the fly this "order history" functionality for the user to see. But if I don't treat them, at least in the order history feature as a single action, it will seem like there were lots of order amendments when in fact there was just one, big one.
Should I have "macro" events that contain "micro events" inside? Should I just attach the command's id to the event so I can then easily inferr what event happened at the same and which ones not (an alternative would be relying on timestamps.. but that's disgusting).
What's the standard approch to deal with this kind of situations? I would like to be able to look at any time to the aggregate's history and generate this report (I don't want to build the report incrementally every time the order is updated).
Command names should ideally be descriptive of intent. Which should mean it's possible to create event names which make the original intent clear. As a rule of thumb, the events in the event stream should be understandable to the relevant members of the business. It's a good rule of thumb. It should contain stuff like 'cartUpdated' etc.
Given the above, I would have expected that the showing the event stream should be fine. But I totally get why it may not be ideal in some circumstances. I.e. it may be too detailed. In which case maybe create a 'summeriser' read model fed the events.
It is common to include the command’s ID in the resulting events’ metadata, along with an optional correlation ID (useful for long running processes). This then makes it easier to build the order history projection. Alternatively, you could just use the event time stamps to correlate batches in whatever way you want (perhaps you might only want one entry even for multiple commands, if they happened in a short window).
Events (past tense) do not always capture human - or system - user intent. Commands (imperative mood) do. As all command data cannot always be easily retraced from the events it generated, keeping a structured log of commands looks like a good option here.
Disclaimer: I know that it is bad to not use an 'ORDER BY' in SQL when sorted data is required.
I am currently supporting a Pro*C program which is having a wierd-problem.
One of the possible causes of the wierd-problem may be that the original developers (from a long time ago) have not used ORDER BY in their SQL even though the program logic depends on it!
The program has been working fine all these years and started showing problems only recently.
We are trying to pin the wierd-problem to the ORDER BY mistake (there are other cause candidates like a recent port from Solaris to Linux which took place).
What shadowy things on the database end should we look at that may have changed the old sort order? Things like data files etc?
Anybody have any experience with Pro*C on Solaris magically sorting the result-set?
Since you know that the program cares about the order in which results are returned and you know that the query that is submitted is missing an ORDER BY clause, is there a reason that you don't just fix the problem rather than looking to try to figure out whether the actual order of results may have changed? If you fix the known ORDER BY problem and the "weird problem" you have disappears, that would provide some pretty good evidence that the "weird problem" is, in fact, caused by the missing ORDER BY.
Unfortunately, there are lots of things that might have caused the order of results to change many of which may be impossible to track down. The most obvious cause would be a change in the execution plan. That, in turn, may have been caused either because statistics changed or because statistics didn't change enough or because of a patch or because of an initialization parameter change or because of a client configuration change among other things. If you are licensed to use the AWR (Automatic Workload Repository), you might be able to find evidence that the plan has changed by looking to see if there are multiple PLAN_HASH_VALUE values for the SQL_ID in DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT over different days. If there are, you'd still have to try to figure out whether the different plans actually caused the results to be returned in a different order. Beyond a query plan change, though, there are dozens of other possible causes. The physical order of data on disk may have changed because someone reorganized the table or because someone moved data files around on the disk or because the SAN automatically rebalanced something by moving data around. Some data may have been cached (or may not have been cached) in general in the past that is now cached. An Oracle patch may have been applied.
I suggest that change your physical table with view and make your required order in that view.
For response to comment:
According to this question and Ask Tom's Answer, it seems that since Oracle does not guarantee a default sorting if you do not use "ORDER BY", they are free to change it. They are absolutely right of course. If you need sorting, use Order By.
Other than that we can not say anything about your code or default ordering.
I have an aggregate root 'Order', and it has a number of methods on it which internally set its 'Status' field:
Place On Hold
Take Off Hold
The available actions are dependent upon the current Status of the order (e.g. it can't be put on hold if it's already on hold). The problem is that I need to provide a query to tell the UI which commands are are available so I can hide the operations that would otherwise throw an InvalidOperationException.
How do I do this with minimal DRY violation?
The simplest solution is to project current status along with available transitions to read/query model and select it along with the data to display.
PlaceOnHoldCommand results in OrderPlacedOnHoldEvent which (besides being put in EventStore) is published and handled by OrderTransitionsEventHandler which denormalizes available transitions to a DB table associated with Order. The client selects available transitions and acts accordingly (hides unavailable buttons or sth. like that).
This is of course one of options. Don't expect however that there will be no duplication whatsoever. CQRS helps to manage complexity and sometimes this means slight violations of DRY occur.