Ember Server: "Port 4200 is already in use", when no process runs on 4200 - node.js

When running my ember application with ember serve -e local I get:
Port 4200 is already in use.
Which is weird because no application is running on 4200. I tried to open a dummy HTTP server on 4200 with http-server and it works just fine. It also works when I specify the port via a command line flag ember serve --port 4200.
Some things I've tried:
Restarted my computer.
Removed the node_modules.
Remove the ember tmp directory.
Disabled my firewall.
Tried with disabled wi-fi.
Any thoughts?
I'm running on masOS High Sierra 10.13.6 with the following versions:
node: 8.11.3
ember-cli: 2.18.2
npm: 5.6.0 (also tried with 6.3.0)
Also useful to know:
I have other ember applications running on my computer just fine.
I started to have this problem only recently.
In the past, macOS would keep asking me about authorizing incoming traffic whenever an app was opened, but now it stopped asking me.

I had this issue and tracked it down to using a string vs. integer for port in .ember-cli.
// .ember-cli
"port": 8080, // works
"port": "8080", // throws the error mentioned above
Not sure if this is the cause for others with this error. As mentioned, first thing is to make sure nothing else is actually running on that port. But OP had already checked that, and so had I.

After further investigation, it seems that the problem is not coming from macOS, but from something messed up in the dependencies causing ember-cli to fail...
It's not quite clear what is causing this, and I will try to post any additional information here, but for now if you happen to encounter this problem, just pass the port value directly to ember-cli like so:
ember serve --port 4200


How does a react app can be set up on server

I'm trying to understand what needs to be done to put my react app online.
Until now, I launched it on my mac using npm start, and accessing localhost:3000 or
So I currently have bought a small server, installed everything (last version of node and npm, git and other necessary things), cloned my repo, and installed all dependencies.
When I do npm start on the server, it says it's available on port 3000. But when I go in my server's ip with the following :3000, it times out.
I don't really understand what need to be done to do this, I found some things about configuring apache on the server, others about using pm2 so have a node script running even after leaving the terminal, but that would be my next step I guess.. And other about configuring things with express (but do I need node+ express here ? As it's a simple front end react page ?).
if you are using webpack devserver, use it for development only
The tools in this guide are only meant for development, please avoid using them in production!
back to your question, there is a difference between binding to or binding to
try changing the devserver to listen to
module.exports = {
devServer: {
host: ''
Usage via the CLI
webpack-dev-server --host
also note, that you will need to allow ingress rules (incoming connections). that is, allow a request from the internet to reach your server
There are a lot of configurations you will have to do when you deploy your application on a server. Building the app, Nginx, pm2 and even ssl certification. This video is 20min and has all you need. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oykl1Ih9pMg&t=1s

Getting 404 on sails project when reaching through machine name

I am pretty new to sails module on node.js
I created a basic web-app and it launches good on
but when I try to access with my machine name like
it goes 404 page. I also tried to access from another PC in same domain and same 404 error.
I expect both requests should return 200 response.
Am I missing something?
Here is a little information and some suggestions. Here I am on MAC OS X.
First, yes it should work out of the box:
$ sails new app && cd $_ && npm install
$ sails lift --port 1338
are all equivalent (loopback, my local IP, my local machine name respectively).
Try a port scan and see if the port you think it is running on is actually running or else already occupied.
On Mac OS X.
lsof -i :1337
Perhaps try starting on a different port:
sails lift --port 1338 (i did this for the above)
Did you install sails globally? If so, you could try uninstalling and reinstalling:
npm uninstall -g sails
npm install -g sails
If you are still having problems, they are local and very unlikely specific to SailsJS. Do usual troubleshooting for network / port related issues locally etc.
Finally, to gain access for other users to your local machine, i usually use ngrok. Ngrok exposes your localhost to the web - example:
$ npm install ngrok -g
$ ngrok http 1338
See this example usage:
In the above example, the locally running instance of sails at: localhost:1338 is now available on the Internet served at: http://840fa6c4.ngrok.io

localhost:3000 connection refused after app.js is set (Windows 7)

I've followed this manual of installing MEAN stack https://thecodebarbarian.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/introduction-to-the-mean-stack-part-one-setting-up-your-tools/
and I got stuck on the point where I should be able reach for localhost:3000 successfully, but instead I get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. I checked the ports using
netstat -an
and it seems my port 3000 is not even open. My Apache is working on port 80 and after reaching for localhost:80 everything works fine (I even checked if closing the Apache helps). The only thing I changed in the manual is that I installed both express and express-generator thanks to this install express with npm.
Can anybody tell me what should I do additionally so my port 3000 responds?
EDIT: I also checked the host files in system32, the only localhost address I have is (three times, though!)
EDIT2: Solved, same issue as here: Express Node.js doesn't work
Remember to change the app.js file in the folder you are currently working in!

Error: listen EADDRINUSE when trying to run an Express.js application?

When I try to run my application an Express.js server, the first time with a new port works fine, but then when I try to run it again on that port, I get the "Error: listen EADDRINUSE" error.
I already tried killing all the possible node/gulp processes, also, checked netstat and I do not see port 8080 being used by anything.
What could be the culprit?
This usually happens if the node process is still running your app when you go to run it again. Express will try to bind to the same port but it's already being use by the last node instance you created.
Kill all node processes and try again.
I know that this post is very old. But right now I saw something.
When I was in the same situation as you are in, I opened the console in my browser and I can see some errors. When I solved those errors, everything works fine.

socket.io example not working - Windows

Im using Node.js 0.6.2 on Windows 7
I managed to get the dependencies solved on Win7 for socket io, now when i launch one of the example apps it doesnt throw any errors.
however, for the IP and listener it reports its listening on , when i launch that in the browser, the connection times out.
Any ideas?
I've tried setting app.listen to different ports and IP addresses, but no luck.
Just for reference, i've tried the famous "hello world" Node.js example which works fine.
Things i've already checked
Other services running on the same ports or same listener IP
Different IP addresses and ports
Firewall / Port blocking
Restarting of the machine
dependencies in node_modules
Different browsers
Telnetting to the listener port (which shows a response so the listener must be working?)
So this works for me (running msysGit and node.js, both latest versions; both Windows installers):
$ cd c:\msysgit\msysgit\cmd
$ git clone git://github.com/ry/node_chat.git
$ cd node_chat
$ "c:\progra~1\nodejs\node.exe" server.js
I can open now and run it. The fact that you have to cd into the directory is a bug in node_chat, same behavior is in OS/X.
I managed to solve this problem with some outside help.
I downloaded Node 0.6.3 which comes with NPM.
I created a test folder and then ran NPM Install socket.io express within the test folder and then tested the example app from the Socket IO website in the how-to-use section.
Socket IO emitted the events fine and it all seems to be working well. Thanks everyone for the help and guidance.
