Inno Setup Disable Next Button if user does not replace 'Enter' with anything else [duplicate] - inno-setup

This question already has answers here:
Inno Setup Disable Next button when input is not valid
(1 answer)
How to disable NextButton when file is not selected on InputFilePage (CreateInputFilePage)?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
How do I prevent user from moving on if 'Enter' is not overwritten with anything else. Instead of 'Enter', I can also just make it blank. Regardless, the user must put something in there in order to enable the Next button. This is the second window after the welcome page that I need to do this with.
SettingEnv: TInputQueryWizardPage;
procedure InitializeWizard;
SettingEnv := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome,
'User Input', '', 'Enter SettingEnv, then click Next.');
SettingEnv.Add('', False);
SettingEnv.Values[0] := 'Enter';

I suggest you use:
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
From the documentation:
Called when the user clicks the Next button. If you return True,
the wizard will move to the next page; if you return False, it will
remain on the current page (specified by CurPageID).
Note that this function is called on silent installs as well, even
though there is no Next button that the user can click. Setup instead
simulates "clicks" on the Next button. On a silent install, if your
NextButtonClick function returns False prior to installation starting,
Setup will exit automatically.
There is a related answer to a similar question which has code. This will help.


Inno Setup: add fields to InputQueryPage depending on components selected

I have an input query page, which asks the user for ports depending on what components are selected.
procedure InitializeWizard;
{ Create the page }
ConfigPage :=
wpSelectComponents, 'User input', 'User input',
'Please specify the following information, then click Next.');
{ Add items (False means it's not a password edit) }
if IsComponentSelected('broker') then
ConfigPage.Add('MQTT Broker port:', False);
{ Set initial values (optional) }
ConfigPage.Values[0] := ExpandConstant('1883');
The issue I am finding here is that InitializeWizard is always called prior to component selection, so IsComponentSelected('broker') is always called.
Is there any way around this? How can I achieve this?
It's not easy. For a really generic solution, you would have to create the custom page only when leaving the components selection page (e.g. in NextButtonClick with CurPageID equal wpSelectComponents). That's doable, but Inno Setup allows user to go back to the components page. When the user does that, you would have to remove the custom page, re-creating it later. But you would lose the data the user might have entered on the custom page. So you would have to persist the data somehow. All that is doable, but lot of work.
If it is about few input boxes only, consider instead disabling the boxes that are not relevant for the current components selection:
procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
if CurPageID = ConfigPage.ID then
ConfigPage.Edits[0].Enabled := IsComponentSelected('foo');
ConfigPage.PromptLabels[0].Enabled := ConfigPage.Edits[0].Enabled;
ConfigPage.Edits[1].Enabled := IsComponentSelected('bar');
ConfigPage.PromptLabels[1].Enabled := ConfigPage.Edits[1].Enabled;
A step further would be to hide the boxes instead of disabling them (use Visible instead of Enabled). But then you would have to rearrange the boxes. But that's still easier then re-building the page.

Inno Setup: How to display license page before custom page shows from procedure InitializeWizard();

I am using LicenseFile=D:\authorized\Builds\Integration\License.rtf to display license page and procedure InitializeWizard();.
The Problem is that the license page is displayed after the procedure InitializeWizard();. Is there any way we can display it before?
procedure InitializeWizard;
{ Create the pages }
UsagePage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpWelcome,
'App setup information', 'How would you like to install App?',
'Would you like to install App as a service?.',
True, False);
UsagePage.Values[0] := true;
It's a misunderstanding. The InitializeWizard function does not display anything. It just creates the custom page(s), it does not display them.
Try adding a MsgBox call at the end of the function. You will see that the message displays before the wizard form even pops up.
The order of the custom pages is determined by the AfterID parameter (the first one) of the Create*Page functions.
If you want the custom page to show after the license page, use wpLicense, instead of wpWelcome.
UsagePage := CreateInputOptionPage(wpLicense, ...);

Show the download progress by default and no hide button

When starting to download files from my setup, it only appears total progress and the button details to show what appears in the next image:
What I want to do is to have that step by default without hitting details button and not showing the hide button.
I assume, that we are talking about this Inno Download Plugin. On its source code page I found the idp.iss script file which seems to be an interface to the library. It contains the idpShowDetails function which if you call with the show parameter set to True will show the detail components, that you can see by clicking the details button. What remains then is hiding that details button, which in the script is accessible through the IDPForm record variable's DetailsButton member. Through this member you can set the Visible property to False to hide that button.
To realize this without modifying the original scripts you can include the following piece of code into your existing script:
procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
// if the downloader page was just shown, then...
if CurPageID = IDPForm.Page.ID then
// show the detail components
// and hide the details button
IDPForm.DetailsButton.Visible := False;
And a screenshot:

cancel button not displayed for wizard page created with wpInfoAfter in inno setup

I have created a custom wizard page in inno, which needs to be shown after installing the files to {app} folder. This is achieved by giving the wpInfoAfter.
The problem is, its showing only the 'next' button, there is no cancel/back button, also the dialog's closing button on top right is also disabled. I understand that the back button isn't needed, as it needs to remove the files which are installed. Is there anyway the 'cancel' button can be displayed?
The Cancel button has no functionality at the after install stage, because InnoSetup doesn't expect to do further actions, that would require cancel, after the installation process is done. So, even if you show the button against that fact, you would get a button without any action.
Personally I would prefer to collect the information needed to setup your database before the installation starts, because consider the situation when the user installs your application and simply cancel the after installation wizard (what can easily happen). Doing it before, you'll be able to force your users to fill what you need before they actually get to the application itself. But if you still want to do it after install, here is a workaround for that missing cancel button.
As a workaround, you can create your own custom button, that will be on a same position with the same functionality. Here is a sample script, simulating a cancel button and showing it only on the custom page which is laying after the installation process. It's just a workaround, because you'd need at least fix this:
enable the closing cross of the wizard form (it's disabled after the installation stage is done)
handle the ESC key shortcut somehow (it invokes the exit prompt dialog too, but I couldn't find a way how to workaround this)
AppName=My Program
DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
procedure ExitProcess(uExitCode: UINT);
external 'ExitProcess#kernel32.dll stdcall';
CustomPage: TWizardPage;
CancelButton: TNewButton;
procedure OnCancelButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
// confirmation "Exit setup ?" message, if user accept, then...
if ExitSetupMsgBox then
// stop and rollback actions you did from your after install
// process and kill the setup process itself
procedure InitializeWizard;
// create a custom page
CustomPage := CreateCustomPage(wpInfoAfter, 'Caption', 'Description');
// create a cancel button, set its parent, hide it, setup the bounds
// and caption by the original and assign the click event
CancelButton := TNewButton.Create(WizardForm);
CancelButton.Parent := WizardForm;
CancelButton.Visible := False;
CancelButton.Caption := SetupMessage(msgButtonCancel);
CancelButton.OnClick := #OnCancelButtonClick;
procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
// show your fake Cancel button only when you're on some of your after
// install pages; if you have more pages use something like this
// CancelButton.Visible := (CurPageID >= FirstPage.ID) and
// (CurPageID <= LastPage.ID);
// if you have just one page, use the following instead
CancelButton.Visible := CurPageID = CustomPage.ID;

Is it appropriate to create controls in the CurPageChanged procedure?

I have code in CurPageChanged that adds a button to the license window. My CurPageChanged starts like this:
procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
var Button123 TButton;
if CurPageID = wpLicense then begin
Button123 := TButton.Create(WizardForm.LicenseMemo.Parent);
My question is wouldn't that create a button each time the page is changed to the wpLicense page? So if a user clicks past the license dialog, then goes back to it, wouldn't that create another button? How can I ensure that only one button is created? What I'm looking for is the most appropriate procedure from which to add a control --once-- to an existing wp. Thanks
My question is wouldn't that create a button each time the page is changed to the wpLicense page? So if a user clicks past the license dialog, then goes back to it, wouldn't that create another button?
Yes, it would create multiple buttons each time. Because the pages do not get destroyed, the controls on them do not get destroyed. But you can actually take advantage of that fact to create a single control and then show/hide it when necessary.
To start, modify the InitializeWizard method, which is called only once before the wizard is displayed. Create the button in here, like so:
procedure InitializeWizard();
MyButton: TButton;
MyButton := TButton.Create(WizardForm.LicenseMemo.Parent);
MyButton.Parent := WizardForm.LicenseMemo.Parent;
MyButton.Top := 0;
MyButton.Left := 0;
MyButton.Caption := 'My Custom Button';
