how to make it in one line after onclick - node.js

I have a div in my html:
label(for="amount") Amount:
input(type="text", name="amount")
which is perfect as I expected. It displays in one line for both elements.
I have a radio button which have an onclick event for toggle the display of this div section.
function div_toggle() {
div_amount = document.getElementById('div_amount');
if (radio_value === 0) { = "block";
} else { = "none";
However, after click on the radio button, it always displays as two lines.
How could I fix it to always display in one line?

Please take a look at and try to include a reproducible example.
In bootstrap4, rows are displayed as flex, i.e., "display: flex;". So in your JavaScript if you change it to display as block, the columns within the row would be broken.
You can set its display to flex, like
if (radio_value === 0) { = "flex";
} else { = "none";
although setting HTML element styles in JavaScript is considered as bad practice IMO.


Scroll to the selected tab if the selected tab is hidden in p:tabview on initial tabview load

Assume that there are many tabs are there in p:tabview and scroll is being shown to navigate to all the tabs.
If the active tab whose contents are shown is the right most tab then it is not visible to the user on initial p:tabview load. If we navigate to the right most using scroll button then we could see the active tab highlighted indicating it is selected tab.
How to scroll to the active tab on load so that user able to see the selected tab always.
This can be done in the following way by overriding initScrolling method in primefaces p:tabview component JavaScript file i.e. tabview.js file.
initScrolling: function() {
if(':visible')) {
var overflown = (this.lastTab.position().left - this.firstTab.position().left) >
if(overflown) {
this.navscroller.css('padding-left', '18px');;;
activeTab = this.navContainer.children('.ui-tabs-selected');
viewportWidth = this.navscroller.innerWidth();
activeTabPosition = activeTab.position().left + parseInt(activeTab.innerWidth());
if(activeTabPosition > viewportWidth) {
var scrollStep = activeTabPosition - viewportWidth;
scrollStep = Math.ceil(scrollStep/100) * -100;
} else {
return true;
else {
return false;
I would have wished to override this single method by extending tabview component widget but it is not supported. So we should have our own tabview.js file with the above method modified.
This is done in primefaces 4.0 version, more, or less the changes will be same higher versions also.

Smooth scroll up menu on scroll up/down

I'm really struggling to get the same header effect of this website
I'm using Wordpress plugin myStickymenu but the results is not what I'm looking for and want to use jquery instead but I have no idea how to do it.
You need to check the 'scroll' event to get the scroll position. If the scroll position is below the height of the header, add a class. The class that gets added will have a different height value which will overwrite the default value.
function init() {
// Check scroll event
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e){
// Check scroll position
var distanceY = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
shrinkOn = 300,
header = document.querySelector("header");
// If the scroll position is a larger value than the chosen value (shrinkOn)
if (distanceY > shrinkOn) {
// Add class "smaller"
} else {
// Otherwise remove it
if (classie.has(header,"smaller")) {
window.onload = init();

Paste as plain text Contenteditable div & textarea (word/excel...)

I would like the to paste text in a contenteditable div, but reacting as a textarea.
Note that I want to keep the formatting as I would paste it in my textarea (from word, excel...).
1) Paste text in contenteditable div
2) I get the text from clipboard
3) I push my value from clipboard to my textarea, (dont know how??)
4) Get value from my textarea and place it in my contenteditable div
Any suggestions?
I'm CKEditor's core developer and by coincidence for last 4 months I was working on clipboard support and related stuff :) Unfortunately I won't be able to describe you the entire way how pasting is handled, because the tales of the impl are too tricky for me even after writing impl by myself :D
However, here're some hints that may help you:
Don't write wysiwyg editor - use one that exists. It's going to consume all your time and still your editor will be buggy. We and guys from other... two main editors (guess why only three exist) are working on this for years and we still have full bugs lists ;).
If you really need to write your own editor check out - it's the old impl, before I rewrote it, but it works everywhere where it's possible. The code is horrible... but it may help you.
You won't be possible to handle all browsers by just one event paste. To handle all ways of pasting we're using both - beforepaste and paste.
There's number (huge number :D) of browsers' quirks that you'll need to handle. I can't to describe you them, because even after few weeks I don't remember all of them. However, small excerpt from our docs may be useful for you:
Paste command (used by non-native paste - e.g. from our toolbar)
* fire 'paste' on editable ('beforepaste' for IE)
* !canceled && execCommand 'paste'
* !success && fire 'pasteDialog' on editor
Paste from native context menu & menubar
(Fx & Webkits are handled in 'paste' default listner.
Opera cannot be handled at all because it doesn't fire any events
Special treatment is needed for IE, for which is this part of doc)
* listen 'onpaste'
* cancel native event
* fire 'beforePaste' on editor
* !canceled && getClipboardDataByPastebin
* execIECommand( 'paste' ) -> this fires another 'paste' event, so cancel it
* fire 'paste' on editor
* !canceled && fire 'afterPaste' on editor
The rest of the trick - On IEs we listen for both paste events, on the rest only for paste. We need to prevent some events on IE, because since we're listening for both sometimes this may cause doubled handling. This is the trickiest part I guess.
Note that I want to keep the formatting as I would paste it in my textarea (from word, excel...).
Which parts of formatting do you want to keep? Textarea will keep only basic ones - blocks formatting.
See up to line 123 - this is the last part of the task - inserting content into selection.
Current solution works perfect in IE/SAF/FF
But still i need a fix for "non" keyboard events, when pasting with mouse click...
Current solution for keyboard "paste" events:
$(document).ready(function() {
function bind_paste_textarea(){
var activeOnPaste = null;
var code = e.which || e.keyCode;
if((code == 86)){
activeOnPaste = $(this);
if(activeOnPaste != null){
activeOnPaste = null;
<div id="mypastediv" contenteditable="true" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid orange;">
<textarea id="mytextarea" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid red;"></textarea>
I have achieved this using rangy library to save and restore selections.
I also perform some other work using the library in the same functions, which I have stripped out of this example, so this is not optimal code.
<div><div id="editor"contenteditable="true" type="text"></div><div>
var inputArea = $element.find('#editor');
var debounceInterval = 200;
function highlightExcessCharacters() {
// Bookmark selection so we can restore it later
var sel = rangy.getSelection();
var savedSel = sel.saveCharacterRanges(editor);
// Strip HTML
// Prevent images etc being pasted into textbox
// Restore the selection
sel.restoreCharacterRanges(editor, savedSel);
// Event to handle checking of text changes
var handleEditorChangeEvent = (function () {
var timer;
// Function to run after timer passed
function debouncer() {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
return function () {
if (timer) {
// Pass the text area we want monitored for exess characters into debouncer here
timer = $timeout(debouncer, debounceInterval);
function listen(target, eventName, listener) {
if (target.addEventListener) {
target.addEventListener(eventName, listener, false);
} else if (target.attachEvent) {
target.attachEvent("on" + eventName, listener);
// Start up library which allows saving of text selections
// This is useful for when you are doing anything that might destroy the original selection
var editor = inputArea[0];
// Set up debounced event handlers
var editEvents = ["input", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "cut", "copy", "paste"];
for (var i = 0, eventName; eventName = editEvents[i++];) {
listen(editor, eventName, handleEditorChangeEvent);

SharePoint Change OK button text to Submit in newitem.aspx of lists

I have a problem with the sharepoint lists. I need to change the OK button to display as Submit. Anyone has any ideas how to do that?
1) In your URL box, after NewForm.aspx (or EditForm.aspx,) add this text: ?toolpaneview=2
Your url should look like ""
2) Hit enter. The page will open in Shared editing mode. Choose "Add a Web Part" anywhere on the page.
3) Add a Content Editor Web Part. In the Text Source of the Content Editor Web Part, paste the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeOKButtons()
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(i = 0; i<inputs.length; i++)
if(inputs[i].type == "button" && inputs[i].value == "OK")
inputs[i].value = "Submit";
If you can, use the jQuery equivalent of zincorp's code:
function changeButton()
$("input").each(function() {
if ($(this).attr("value") === "ButtonName") {
$(this).attr("value", "NewButtonName");
And if you have jQuery 1.6 or greater, use "prop" instead of "attr".

Allow only Copy/Paste Context Menu in System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser Control

The WebBrowser control has a property called "IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled" that disables all ability to right-click on a web page and see a context menu. This is very close to what I want (I don't want anyone to be able to right-click and print, hit back, hit properties, view source, etc).
The only problem is this also disables the context menu that appears in TextBoxes for copy/paste, etc.
To make this clearer, this is what I don't want:
This is what I do want:
I would like to disable the main context menu, but allow the one that appears in TextBoxes. Anyone know how I would do that? The WebBrowser.Document.ContextMenuShowing event looks promising, but doesn't seem to properly identify the element the user is right-clicking on, either through the HtmlElementEventArgs parameter's "FromElement" and "ToElement" properties, nor is the sender anything but the HtmlDocument element.
Thanks in advance!
have you considered writing your own context menu in javascript? Just listen to the user right clicking on the body, then show your menu with copy and paste commands (hint: = "block|none"). To copy, execute the following code:
CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();
And to paste:
CopiedTxt = document.selection.createRange();
NOTE: This only works in IE (which is fine for your application).
I know its not bulletproof by any means, but here is a code sample that should get you started:
<script type = "text/javascript">
var lastForm = null;
window.onload = function(){
var menu = document.getElementById("ContextMenu");
var cpy = document.getElementById("CopyBtn");
var pst = document.getElementById("PasteBtn");
document.body.onmouseup = function(){
if (event.button == 2)
{ = event.clientX + "px"; = event.clientY + "px"; = "block";
return true;
} = "none";
cpy.onclick = function(){
copy = document.selection.createRange();
return false;
pst.onclick = function(){
if (lastForm)
copy = lastForm.createTextRange();
return false;
<body oncontextmenu = "return false;">
<div id = "ContextMenu" style = "display : none; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #aaa; position: absolute;
width : 75px;">
<input type = "text" onfocus = "lastForm = this;" />
function cutomizedcontextmenu(e)
var target = window.event ? window.event.srcElement : e ? : null;
if( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") != -1 )
if (target.type != "text" && target.type != "textarea" && target.type != "password")
return false;
return true;
else if( navigator.product == "Gecko" )
return false;
document.oncontextmenu = cutomizedcontextmenu;
I hope this will help you Anderson Imes
A quick look at the MSDN documentation shows that none of the mouse events (click, button down/up etc) are supported to be used in your program. I'm afraid its either or: Either disable conetxt menus, or allow them.
If you disable them, the user can still copy & paste using keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V). Maybe that gives you the functionality you need.
We ended up using a combination of both of the above comments. Closer to the second, which is why I gave him credit.
There is a way to replace the context menu on both the client-side web code as well as through winforms, which is the approach we took. I really didn't want to rewrite the context menu, but this seems to have given us the right mix of control.
