Run File One After The Other - inno-setup

I'm trying to install a couple executable files from the run section within an inno setup file.My File Section looks like this.
#if GNTCChecked == "True"
Filename: "{tmp}\Utilities\SDK\setup.exe"; Description: "Install Foo"; Flags: nowait postinstall shellexec
Filename: "{tmp}\Utilities\SDK\foobar.exe"; Description: "Install Foo Update";
Flags: nowait postinstall shellexec
The 1st file needs to be installed in order for 2nd file to install.Basically if the first file is not installed, the 2nd will throw an error explaining that the core files are not on the system and therefore cant be installed.At the moment, the first file is executing, and the 2nd one straight after it before the 1st one has completed installing.

Here is what I had to do in order to execute one file after the other only when the first task had completed.
#if GNTCChecked == "True"
Filename: "{tmp}\Utilities\SDK\setup.exe"; Description: "Install Foo";
Flags: postinstall shellexec waituntilterminated
Filename: "{tmp}\Utilities\SDK\foobar.exe"; Description: "Install Foo Update";
Flags: postinstall
Here was the information that I read that lead me to the answer.
This flag is required if Filename is not a directly executable file (an .exe or .com file). When this flag is set, Filename can be a folder or any registered file type -- including .chm, .doc, and so on. The file will be opened with the application associated with the file type on the user's system, the same way it would be if the user double-clicked the file in Explorer.
By default, when the shellexec flag is used it will not wait until the spawned process terminates. If you need that, you must add the flag waituntilterminated. Note that it cannot and will not wait if a new process isn't spawned -- for example, if Filename specifies a folder.


Launching App from Inno Setup so that setup process closes

What is the procedure to run/launch an application after a silent setup, so that the Setup installer closes and returns the exit code?
I need this behavior for launcher scripts to detect if setup passed/failed, while the end-user may start to use the app already.
Use nowait flag:
Filename: "{app}\check.exe"; Flags: nowait

Elegantly using try / catch with dotnet constants in Inno [Run] section [duplicate]

I have a .NET DLL. It can be registered by RegAsm .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.5.
I use this codes in my setup script:
Filename: "{dotnet40}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: "my.dll"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: "Registering Controls."
Filename: "{dotnet4064}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: "my.dll"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: "Registering Controls."
Filename: "{dotnet20}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: "my.dll"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: "Registering Controls."
Filename: "{dotnet2064}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: "my.dll"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist; StatusMsg: "Registering Controls."
It works well if .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.5 is installed on the target machine
I have a function in my script to checking .net in InitializeSetup. So I know one of these versions are installed on the system: v3.5 v4 v4.5
we get error in some cases like this: if we have not .NET 3.5 on the target machine
I guess the error reason is:
.NET Framework version 2.0 root directory. {dotnet20} is equivalent to {dotnet2032} unless the install is running in 64-bit
mode, in which case it is equivalent to {dotnet2064}.
An exception will be raised if an attempt is made to expand this constant on a system with no .NET Framework version 2.0 present.
My question is how can I handle and ignore this exception and prevent setup rollback:
Internal error: .Net Framework version 2.0 not found.
If you want to stick to the [Run] section and do not write this in a scripting code, then I think you don't have many options to choose from. An exception is raised whenever a constant cannot be expanded, and that is just this case. The only option I can think of is adding a Check function that will attempt to expand the constant in a protected try..except block and prevent the entry to be processed when an exception is raised. Something like follows (based on your code, shortened):
Filename: "{dotnet20}\RegAsm.exe"; Parameters: "File.dll"; Check: RegAsmDotNet20Exists
function RegAsmDotNet20Exists: Boolean;
// process the entry only if the target binary could be found (and so the
// folder constant could have been properly expanded)
Result := FileExists(ExpandConstant('{dotnet20}\RegAsm.exe'));
// this is the fallback in case the folder constant could not be expanded,
// or something unexpected happened when checking if the binary file to be
// executed exists; in such case, don't process the entry
Result := False;
Another, quite cleaner and a bit safer option would be doing your assembly registration purely from [Code] section in some of the postinstall events. Even though you'd still need to catch exceptions when using those constants, you would get more control over that tool (e.g. you could get the exit code to obtain an error reason if that tool uses it).

How to get current setup directory for the script section?

Under the [Run] section I want to change the working directory to the directory from which the installer was executed. For example, if the setup was executed from the Desktop, I want the working directory to point to the Desktop:
Filename: "{app}\setup.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: skipifsilent
Use the {src} constant. The documentation describes it as:
The directory in which the Setup files are located. For example: If
you used {src}\MYPROG.EXE on an entry and the user is installing from
"S:\", Setup will translate it to "S:\MYPROG.EXE".
In your case you can use it like:
Filename: "{app}\setup.exe"; WorkingDir: "{src}"; MinVersion: 0.0,6.0; Flags: skipifsilent

Installing MS SQL Server Express 2017 with Inno Installer

I'm desperately trying to install SQL Server Express 2017 with Inno Installer.
Within my installer I include the extracted installer files.
That means that I already executed the common SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe, to avoid the "extract-temp-folder" prompt while my installer is running.
I execute the following on the cmd:
{somePath}\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU\setup.exe /ACTION=Install /Q /SKIPRULES=RebootRequiredCheck /SUPPRESSPRIVACYSTATEMENTNOTICE=1 /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms=1 /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD=secretPW /ConfigurationFile=ConfigurationFileExpr.ini
The install succeeds.
But when I do the same within my InnoInstaller-File like this:
Source: "SQLEXPR_x64_ENU\*"; DestDir: "{tmp}\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU"; Check: not SQLExpress_Check; Flags: recursesubdirs;
Filename: "{tmp}\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU\setup.exe"; Description: "Installing SQL Server Express 2017..."; StatusMsg: "Installing SQL Server Express 2017..."; \
Parameters: "/ACTION=Install /Q /SKIPRULES=RebootRequiredCheck /SUPPRESSPRIVACYSTATEMENTNOTICE=1 /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms=1 /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD=secretPW /ConfigurationFile=ConfigurationFileExpr.ini"; Check: not SQLExpress_Check; Flags: runascurrentuser;
SQL Installer fails with the following error:
Exception type: System.MissingMethodException
Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.RoleService.Initialize(Microsoft.SQL.Chainer.Product.RolesType)'.
HResult : 0x80131513
DisableWatson = true
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.BootstrapExtension.InitializeRoleServiceAction.ExecuteAction(String actionId)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Chainer.Infrastructure.Action.Execute(String actionId, TextWriter errorStream)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.<>c__DisplayClasse.<ExecuteActionWithRetryHelper>b__b()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Setup.Chainer.Workflow.ActionInvocation.ExecuteActionHelper(ActionWorker workerDelegate)
Is this a permission error?
I do not have a clue.
On cmd-shell it works, but not on InnoInstaller.
Thanks in advance for your efforts and have a nice day.
Solution for me was provided by Gavin Lambert on the Inno Setup Forum :
If you're [installing from the directory of unpacked files], you need to use {sd}\shortname as the DestDir (usually combined with deleteafterinstall) -- you can't put the files in {tmp} or any similar path as the files are very deeply nested and the db installer ends up failing to access some files because the path is too long.
If you use an unpacked installer file, here is what should work absolutely perfect.
SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe /x:%temp%\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU\ /QS /ACTION=Install /SKIPRULES=RebootRequiredCheck /SUPPRESSPRIVACYSTATEMENTNOTICE=1 /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms=1 /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD=secretPW /ConfigurationFile=ConfigurationFileExpr.ini
In the above command, /x:%temp%\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU\ is the very important switch where it describes the extraction location and with combination to /QS it will show you the progress on screen but will not ask for any input.
You may have to change %temp% to appropriate command to grab a windows temporary folder in your installer. The command I have posted is good for command-line execution.
Enjoy! :)

cscript.exe launched by inno setup installer says cannot find file while it is right there

In my Inno setup script, I have this line:
Source: "C:\my.vbs"; DestDir: "C:\folder"; Flags: ignoreversion
Filename: "cscript.exe C:\folder\my.vbs"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,my}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent runascurrentuser
but when the the installation is finished, it pop up an error saying:
Unable to execute file:
cscript.exe C:\folder\my.vbs
Create process failed; code 2.
the system cannot find the file specified.
When I go to C:\folder, the my.vbs is right there, why would it say it can't find the file?
The Filename parameter, as the name says, is a path to a (executable) file to execute. What in your case is cscript.exe.
The rest are parameters of that executable, which go to the Parameters parameter.
Filename: "cscript.exe"; Parameters: "C:\folder\my.vbs"; \
Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,my}"; \
Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent runascurrentuser
