I am an excel noob with a massive and weirdly organized spreadsheet that contains several columns with hundreds of account number values.
I have identified 70 of these accounts that are "special" based on criteria not in this spreadsheet. I wish to select EVERY cell containing one of the 70 identified account ID's but I cant figure out how to do this. The Excel search function doesn't have any OR operator.
Is there a simple way to do this? If not can someone please be really specific when describing the hard way to do it? I'm sure this can be done somehow.
Thank you so much!
And in addition to Tim’s question: do you have the 70 accounts in a table somewhere? If so, you might be able to use VLOOKUP.
Well you can just press Shift and click on every cell you want to selec withaut stopping pressing it.
I have several excel files with a single column with thousands of rows with a time in each cell. I'm using them further in another program, but there are some errors in them. In some of the files there are two or more times matching each other, which corrupts my further progress.
I need to see if any cell matches any other cell in the entire spreadsheet. I need to delete any duplicates.
Does anyone need how to do that? I found ways to check column by column, but that's not what i want.
Thanks for all your help!
I think you should write some code to get all data from all of yours worksheet together and then clean your data. You can write a VBA script or use Power Query. Please give me some more detail so i will able to elaborate or give you the final solution.
I hope to explain what I need in the right way.
I have to work with a huge number of data.
Those dataset are ordered in the same way and I need to take the same info from all.
The problem is that I am not able to set the cell in the formulas without editing all the formulas.
In the picture you can see that the dataset start at the line 74 and it involved 7 lines total
the formula is easy: =max(79:85) but I am not able to find an automatic way to set the interval.
The first item is the line "(start_dataset_line+5)" and the last one is "(first_item_line+total_numer_line)"
The formula shoud be =max(C$"valueinthecellB74+5":C$"valueinthecellB74+5+valueinthecellC74")
but I do not know how to write the non fixed bold expression
Is it possible to set in automatically even with a macro?
you should use the INDIRECT function to calculate the range.
In your case
Buona fortuna con Excel :)
This would do:
Is there a quick/easy way to filter all unique items in an Excel 2013 column similar to the Google Docs "Unique" function?
This is not a pretty answer, but it works.
Paste this as an array formula into cell B2:
=LOOKUP(2, 1/((COUNTIF(B$1:B1, A:A)=0)*(A:A<>"")), A:A)
With the column that needs to be filtered in A:A
Then drag / copy it down as far as is required.
See it online in Google Spreadsheets
Does not retain original order (resulting order is in fact the reverse)
Does not automatically expand to cover all cells
Not fast, not pretty, not transparent
It is trivial to use IFERROR() to filter out the #N/A errors, but I've not done this to keep the answer concise
In the same vein the header of the column A is currently also returned. This can be fixed by changing A:A to A$2:$25 in all 3 locations
Original question was for Excel 2013, all of this should work there, but I wrote and tested it in Excel 2016
I would love to hear suggestions on how to make the formula automatically expand down as far as required.
Use the Unique records only feature in Advanced Filter.
Under the DATA tab there is this: "Remove Duplicates". It'll do what you want.
There isn't an equivalent to =unique() in Excel, and I hate having to work without it.
Without =unique() trying to find all of the unique values in a large array of data is impossible. Take a dozen columns of a hundred+ entries and see what the unique values are across the whole mess and pop them nicely into a new columns. I can't figure out how to do it in Excel, but in Gdocs it's simple:
Using Filters, or PivotTables, or whatever, just doesn't cut it, and I haven't been able to find any hacked together ridiculous excel formula to do anything similar.
filter your data in spreadsheets
This might prove to be of some help to you.
I have an excel sheet that looks like this:
dont ask me how this happened, but somehow things that should be columns are in this sheet as rows...
you can see the repeating Account numbers and the words in column c, imagine everything rotated 180 degrees. And insert blanks or nulls for the field that doesnt exist for that specific Account number.
In short it should end up looking like this:
I cant think of an easy way to do this inside of excel. But perhaps with some VBA code?
what would be the easiest solution? and how do I implement it?
I know this question isnt very clear, but if you leave some directing comments, I would be happy to edit this question till it makes sense. Thanks!
You don't need VBA for this :)
I am taking a selective example to show how you can proceed.
Let's say your data looks like this
Now, create a Pivot of your data. This will give you unique Account numbers. See the screenshot below.
Then create a table with the respective headers as shown in your screenshot and copy and paste the unique Account Number from your pivot there.
Now you are ready to pull up your data. So as per the above screenshots enter this formula in cell B13. Note this is an Array formula. You have to press CTL + SHIFT + ENTER
Simply do that for the rest :)
i have about 300,000 records in this spreadsheet. and there are a couple hundred columns!!
one of the columns is the social security number and i need to replace it with some random identifier. i cant really do a vlookup because that is too taxing so i think i am going to write a macro
can anyone please suggest to me how do i do this?
please note that the social security numbers appear multiplle times. so i need them to map correctly to the new unique identifier
Create a hash based on the current SSN.
An example is here using SHA1 hash. Plenty of other options exist, including creating your own.
Why not simply enter a Random number in the column in question, like =RAND(), double-click the bottom corner of the cell to copy the formula to the bottom of your sheet, then copy/paste special value the column on itself to get rid of the formula?