Run PyCharm with more memory limit - linux

I have problems running PyCharm with bigger memory size on Linux Mint Sylvia 18.3. I have a script that requires a lot of memory and pycharm does only allow to edit this via config file.
Problem is that I have PyCharm installed via snap, and snap installations are monted as RO file systems and I can not edit that config. Is there any easy way around this?
Also tried this remounting but does not seem to work for me:

For anyone coming across this in 2023, PyCharm now allows to configure the Memory Heap using the UI:


What is the best practice to code when the project is on a Guest OS (Virtualbox)?

I have a project and the files are on Guest OS (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) with Virtualbox, my host OS is Mac OS. I used to coding right in RHEL with editor Atom. But my boss told me that it's inefficient to code in a Guest OS, well, it makes sense because Mac OS or Windows is more responsive than linux, so I changed my way:
Copy the whole project located on RHEL to a share folder between Mac OS and RHEL using rsync
Code with Atom in Mac OS
Copy back the project in share folder to the original project in RHEL by rsync
I'm using Atom (not vim in RHEL) because it can edit the whole project in one window which is convenient for my situation. But there is a problem: after copying back the project in Step 3, git status shows everything has been changed even though I just edited only a few files. That is a little annoying.
Is there any better way to code in such environment? any advice is appreciated.
BretzL's suggestion to use shared folders is a good one, but I think it's important to address the underlying issue: your boss' assumption about coding being inefficient or slow just because you're working on a VM is simply not true.
It sounds like your new workflow, which was instituted as a result of his/her advice, is causing you to have a harder time developing that you did on the VM. The shared folders will help with that, but if you have the VM configured to have access to enough cores and memory, then its performance for most tasks will be fine, and there may not be any problem with developing on the VM directly. I do a significant amount of development on a VM, and haven't had any issues. You may experience slower builds on the VM if you're building whole kernels or other large projects, but if that's not the case, it should be fine.
If you didn't have any performance or productivity problems before forcing yourself to work outside of the VM, then... it wasn't a problem.
(I also have an issue with the assumption that Linux is always less responsive than Windows or Mac OS, but that's a debate for a different day.)
VirtualBox supports shared folders, so you dont need to rsync back and forth. Just mount the shared folder into where your application server on RHEL guest expects the code.
I also recommend you take a look at for managing developer VMs.

windows 7 does not boot after debian install

I installed linux debian as a 2nd system and it works fine, however when I choose Windows in loader(lilo) to boot, it stops on a windows logo.
I tried to boot in safe mode, and it stops on classpnp.sys driver.
I'm not sure whether the problem is in classpnp or in some other driver which is failed to load after it.
I also tried to boot with bootlog (ntbtlog), however it is not created (I check C:\Windows).
It seems like smth is wrong with hard drive configuration with several partitions.
I've googled a lot of similiar issues with classpnp.sys, but none of the solutions helped:
-I tried to change bios SATA coniguration from IDE to AHCI,
-restore backup configuration files (SAM, DEFAULT, SECURITY etc).
If anyone knows what else can I do with this, please help.
This belongs on super user, but you need to press F8 and select safe mode. There you can fix your problems

Bad JetBrains Intellij IDEA and Android Studios CPU usage on Ubuntu

As an Android developer I've been moving away from Eclipse to Intellij IDEA for production code in anticipation of Google's Android studios which shares a code base with IDEA.
My experience has been a good one up to this point. I've only been using IDEA at the office, where I have a 4x core Intel i7 machine running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Sun JDK/JRE), up to this point and I've never noticed what the performance of IDEA really is.
Now however after setting IDEA up on my personal computer at home the performance is abysmal. Memory usage is normal, but the constant CPU usage bounces between 80%-100% (over the whole application lifecycle). And that is when nothing else is running on the machine and no work is being done, by me or visually by the IDE.
This makes IDEA unusable when working on it, and I can forget about having anything else running along side it.
My home specs and software are:
Intel Core 2 duo 3GHz
Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS (3.8.0-35-generic) running of SSD SATA
Intellij IDEA 13.0-0ubuntu1 build: IC-133.193
Tried both OpenJDK and Sun
And the strange thing is that this happens as well with Android Studios.
All help in trying to debug this behaviour would be appreciated.
#Edit 1:
Noticed that the CPU load falls down to 20% when bringing up dialogs (Project structure, Settings, etc) and then goes right back up when dismissing them.
#Edit 2:
I tested simply getting the tarball straight from JetBrains, instead of using the one in Canonical's ppa. The performance was significantly better for at least an hour (20-30% CPU usage while idle). Seems that the native file watcher in C-PPA wasn't working properly and was indexing the whole filesystem.
However the performance became worse after the first hour or so, going back to 90-100% CPU.
The issue turned out to be the native-file watcher being out-of-date. IntelliJ was re indexing my whole drive it seems. Was fixed by uninstalling the version gotten from Canonical's ppa and installing directly from JetBrain's own webpage.
Are you using any plugins outside of the included ones which might cause issues.
I don't run Ubuntu anymore but can't recall any issues with high CPU-usage when i did. (I use Fedora with KDE a colleague uses Fedora with GNOME though. )
Does this always happen or only when you have a project open?
I'm thinking if this might have something to do with the background-compile that IDEA does.
Might be worth trying to turn this off.
Found under Project Settings -> Compiler -> Make Project Automatically
worst case it is a Unity-integration issue or something. Haven't used unity so can't say.
Usualy I manage to fix it by deleting IDE's index files rm -rf ~/.RubyMine60/system,
don't forget to change .RubyMine60 to IDEA's config folder
If you're willing to do some sleuthing, you could run the Oracle JVM and use the VisualVM profiler to see where the IDE is spending all its time, presuming it's a Java-based process that's actually eating your CPU cycles.

Cygwin vs Linux Virtual Machine for Development?

< skippable part >
I work in IT (mostly desktop support and network administration) in a Windows environment, and I occasionally program.
A couple weeks ago, I decided I couldn't be as effective as I want to be without a Bash environment for my command prompt needs. This is especially true when I am using Ruby and git. I used Msysgit for a while, but I just didn't like how it wasn't extensible like Linux. So, I installed Cygwin and played around with that for a couple weeks.
As great as Cygwin is, it seems like it is meant to be a suped up command prompt, and its compatibility with Linux is just a pleasant side effect. This especially became evident when I tried to upgrade Ruby to 1.9.3 (it worked, but it wasn't straightforward), install rvm (never worked), and install RMagick (may or may not work, but looks like a headache).
So, now I'm considering running Linux in a virtual machine. But I'm worried that might be another can of worms and I'll have wasted hours before I find that out. I like that Cygwin runs in Windows and I get to use my IDE, user folder, and more with it. But I don't like that support for it is not as thorough as for a major distro.
< /skippable part >
Does anyone here have insight on using Cygwin vs running a Linux virtual machine?
Any advice on setting up a Linux development environment in a virtual machine within Windows?
I have faced common issues before, and the best solution according to my experience is just 2 workstations :).
Apart from that having Linux running in a virtual environment is way better.
First of all, you will have full Linux capabilities (except 3d acceleration, but you probably don't need that).
You will have the capability of creating snapshots and revert back to them when things go wrong!
You can start multiple environment using templates, which is very convenient.
The only downfall I can think of is performance issues of the host machine.
If it's a normal workstation/PC, an IDE + one virtual machine + a 100+tabs browser just makes it slow.
1: cygwin is good for quick hacks, and for being able to acces host-os resources(you can run IE for example in a bash script). For something tightly integrated and some "real" word, go to a vm. It will emulate everything and separate development from the real machine, and this may be a good thing in some cases... as a plus it simulates a real server:)
2: in virtualbox at least, you have shared folders, and you can share a local folder, and see it in the vm as a local folder(local or as a windows actually depends). Then you can use that "entry point" to symlink stuff into the vm, and do the things you need with the real files being located in the real(host) machine
SSH into a linux box. This is what everyone does. Why isn't this the answer?
There is something I have heard of called Cooperative Linux. It runs Linux alongside with Windows kernel so you can use them at the same time. I've never used it, but here:
What I think now is getting the pros of 2 options is using
, it is giving you cygwin simplicity and VM functionality with better performance.
Linux in a virtual machine will give you the experience you want more than cygwin or any mock shell as I like to call them.
Running VM's though require a lot of ram depending on whether you want a desktop version of linux or just a command line version.
Myself in work I have a pc with 8gb of ram and I run ubuntu 64bit as main OS, two ubuntu servers (these are for dev environments two different projects) and a windows 7 VM and a win XP VM.
I can run the two ubuntu servers and one other VM at the same time, key here is more ram if you want to be able to do VM's.
If you're going to be working with Ruby then get an Ubuntu virtual machine up and running :) I've not tried Ruby, etc on Windows but I have heard that it is a pain to setup and configure. I use a Mac for all my Rails development so I cannot comment on the Windows side for that.
As for virtual machine creation, I prefer VMware Workstation, however there are free alternatives such as Virtualbox and VMware Server.
I'm using a Linux VM within a Windows seven environment as this VM is as representative as possible of the final production environment. The whole setup is binded to the Eclipse IDE under ms-Windows seven. So this is really great for local full testing, before committing or tagging the tested version to the production servers.
As you mentioned as well, this takes some time to get properly setup and fully configured. So if your need is only for little tricks or tasks, you may keep using cygwin. For example, I faced significant issues to configure perl and compile mysql within cygwin. So it's ok for basic usages, but not to fully take advantage of a full linux environment.
Your choice strongly depends on the final server setup purpose. A VM will do it whatever your need is. The setup cost for it is higher, so this time investment must be used often to get returned.

Make gdb use less memory

gdb uses way too much memory on my Linux machine - I've allocated 2GB to this LXC virtual machine, but that's not enough.
Is there anything I can do apart from selectively uninstalling -debuginfo packages, which will effectively blind me if a problem turns out to involve those packages?
This was due to an issue in a CVS version of gdb. Downgrading gdb solved it.
