selectize.js Avoid automatic sort options - selectize.js

I try to use selectize dynamically via AJAX
So I fetch the needed data and then push them to selectize. But my data have been ordered already and I don't change order. So I use next code
data # array with payload
new_opts = []
$.each data.recipients, (_, value) ->
new_opts.push({text: value[1], value: value[0]})
selectize = $('#user_ids')[0].selectize
selectize.renderCache['option'] = {}
selectize.renderCache['item'] = {}
How can I avoid sorting process inside selectize ?


How to combine and sort key-value pair in Terraform

since the last update of the Logicmonitor provider in Terraform we're struggling with a sorting isse.
In LogicMonitor the properties of a device are a name-value pair, and they are presented alfabetically by name. Also in API requests the result is alphabetical. So far nothing fancy.
But... We build our Cloud devices using a module. Calling the module we provide some LogicMonitor properties specially for this device, and a lot more are provided in the module itself.
In the module this looks like this:
custom_properties = concat([
name = "host_fqdn"
value = "${}.${var.dns_domain}"
name = "ocid"
value =
name = "private_ip"
value = oci_core_instance.server.private_ip
name = "snmp.version"
value = "v2c"
The first 4 properties are from the module and combined with anyting what is in var.logicmonitor_properties. On the creation of the device in LogicMonitor all properties are set in the order the are and no problem.
The issue arises when there is any update on a terraform file in this environment. Due to the fact the properties are presented in alphabetical order, Terraform is showing a lot of changes if finds (but which are in fact just a mixed due to sorting).
The big question is: How can I sort the complete list of properties bases on the "name".
Tried to work with maps, sort and several other functions and examples, but got nothing working on key-value pairs. Merging single key's works fine in a map, but how to deal with name/value pairs/
I think you were on the right track with maps and sorting. Terraform maps do not preserve any explicit ordering themselves, and so whenever Terraform needs to iterate over the elements of a map in some explicit sequence it always do so by sorting the keys lexically (by Unicode codepoints) first.
Therefore one answer is to project this into a map and then project it back into a list of objects again. The projection back into list of objects will implicitly sort the map elements by their keys, which I think will get the effect you wanted.
variable "logicmonitor_properties" {
type = list(object({
name = string
value = string
locals {
base_properties = tomap({
host_fqdn = "${}.${var.dns_domain}"
ocid =
private_ip = oci_core_instance.server.private_ip
"snmp.version" = "v2c"
extra_properties = tomap({
for prop in var.logicmonitor_properties : => prop.value
final_properties = merge(local.base_properties, local.extra_properties)
# This final step will implicitly sort the final_properties
# map elements by their keys.
final_properties_list = tolist([
for k, v in local.final_properties : {
name = k
value = v
With all of the above, local.final_properties_list should be similar to the custom_properties structure you showed in your question except that the elements of the list will be sorted by their names.
This solution assumes that the property names will be unique across both base_properties and extra_properties. If there are any colliding keys between both of those maps then the merge function will prefer the value from extra_properties, overriding the element of the same key from base_properties.
First, use the sort() function to sort the keys in alphabetical order:
sorted_keys = sort(keys(var.my_map))
Next, use the map() function to create a new map with the sorted keys and corresponding values:
sorted_map = map(sorted_keys, key => var.my_map[key])
Finally, you can use the jsonencode() function to print the sorted map in JSON format:

Where is my error with my join in acumatica?

I want to get all the attributes from my "Actual Item Inventry" (From Stock Items Form) so i have:
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Current<InventoryItem.noteID>>>
>.Select(new PXGraph());
But, this returns me 0 rows.
Where is my error?
My loop is like this:
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
... but i can not go inside foreach.
Sorry for the English.
You should use an initialized graph rather than just "new PXGraph()" for the select. This can be as simple as "this" or "Base" depending on where this code is located. There are times that it is ok to initialize a new graph instance, but also times that it is not ok. Not knowing the context of your code sample, let's assume that "this" and "Base" were insufficient, and you need to initialize a new graph. If you need to work within another graph instance, this is how your code would look.
InventoryItemMaint graph = PXGraph<InventoryItemMaint>.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Current<InventoryItem.noteID>>>>>
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
However, since you should be initializing graph within a graph or graph extension, you should be able to use:
.Select(this) // To use the current graph containing this logic
.Select(Base) // To use the base graph that is being extended if in a graph extension
Since you are referring to:
...but are using "new PXGraph()" then there is no "InventoryItem" to be in the current data cache of the generic base object PXGraph. Hence the need to reference a fully defined graph.
Another syntax for specifying exactly what value you want to pass in is to use a parameter like this:
var myNoteIdVariable = ...
InventoryItemMaint graph = PXGraph<InventoryItemMaint>.CreateInstance<InventoryItemMaint>();
PXResultset<CSAnswers> res = PXSelectJoin<CSAnswers,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<CSAnswers.refNoteID, Equal<Required<InventoryItem.noteID>>>>>
.Select(graph, myNoteIdVariable);
foreach (PXResult<CSAnswers> record in res)
CSAnswers answers = (CSAnswers)record;
string refnoteid = answers.RefNoteID.ToString();
string value = answers.Value;
Notice the "Required" and the extra value in the Select() section. A quick and easy way to check if you have a value for your parameter is to use PXTrace to write to the Trace that you can check after refreshing the screen and performing whatever action would execute your code:
PXTrace.WriteInformation(myNoteIdVariable.ToString()); see if there is a value in myNoteIdVariable to retrieve a result set. Place that outside of the foreach block or you will only get a value in the trace when you actually get records... which is not happening in your case.
If you want to get deep into what SQL statements are being generated and executed, look for Request Profiler in the menus and enable SQL logging while you run a test. Then come back to check the results. (Remember to disable the SQL logging when done or you can generate a lot of unnecessary data.)

DynamoDB: scan() with FilterExpression that combines multiple attributes

Items in my DynamoDB table have the following format:
'id': 1,
'last_check': 1234556,
'check_interval': 100,
Now I'd like to scan the table and find all items where last_check + check_interval is less than some given value last_check_time. I did not find a way to create a FilterExpression that combines two attributes so I'm currently doing it the following way:
last_check_time = time.time()
response = status_table.scan(
ProjectionExpression='id, last_check, check_interval',
FilterExpression = Attr('last_check').lt(last_check_time)
# manually filter the items and only preserve those with last_check + check_interval < last_check_time:
for item in response['Items']:
if item['last_check'] + item['check_interval'] < last_check_time:
# This is one of the items I'm interested in!
# Not interested in this item. And I'd prefer to let DynamoDB filter this out.
Is there a way to let DynamoDB do the filtering and therefore make the for loop in the example above obsolete?
Unfortunately it is currently not possible to request DynamoDB to perform a filtered calculation for you, but you could create another attribute which is the sum of the two attributes, and you have a couple of approaches to achieve that;
Potentially compute an additional attribute (last_check + check_interval) in code when writing the item to DynamoDB.
Use DynamoDB Triggers to create an additional attribute (last_check + check_interval)
You can use either option to create a new attribute on the item to filter on.

Get the label of a MathJax equation

How can I get the label of an equation? I'm attempting to reprocess an equation with a label, but I have to delete the label from MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSmath"].labels first, for which the label must be known...
I know I can scan through the source text for the label MathJax.Hub.getAllJax("mathDiv")[0}.SourceElement().find("\label(") (...), but this seems needlessly complicated. Is there a better way?
There's no built-in API for this.
If you don't need to keep labels, then the reset in the comment above is probably the best way to go about it:
MathJax.Extension["TeX/AMSmath"].labels = {}
A quick and dirty way to get the IDs is to leverage the fact that they end up in the output. So you can just get all the IDs in the output, e.g.,
const math = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax()[0];
const nodesWithIds = document.getElementById(math.root.inputID).previousSibling.querySelectorAll('[id]');
const ids = [];
for (node of nodesWithIds) ids.push(;
A cleaner and perhaps conceptually easier way would be to leverage MathML (which is essentially the internal format): the \label{} always ends up on an mlabeledtr. The trouble is that you'd have to re-parse that, e.g.,
const temp = document.createElement('span');
temp.innerHTML = math.root.toMathML();
const nodesWithIds = temp.querySelectorAll('mlabeledtr [id]');
const ids = [];
for (node of nodesWithIds) ids.push(;
This will make sure the array only has relevant IDs in them (and the contents of the nodes should correspond to \label{}.
I suppose with helper libraries it might be easier to dive into the math.root object directly and look for IDs recursively (in its data key).

The ability to create Doc element of hypertext in Websharper.UI.Next

I have the string with html markup, an I want to cretae Doc elment from it like this:
Doc.FromHtm "<div><p>.....</p>.....</div>"
As I understand that this is not possible right now. Ok, what is not possible to accurately sew, I tried to roughly nail using jquery:
JQuery.JQuery.Of( "." + class'name ).First().Html(html'content)
But to call this code, I need to specify an event handler for the Doc element. But it is not implemented in UI.Next.
I tried to track changes of a model with a given CSS class asynchronously:
let inbox'post'after'render = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun agent ->
let rec loop (ids'contents : Map<int,string>) : Async<unit> = async {
// try to recive event with new portion of data
let! new'ids'contents = agent.TryReceive 100
// calculate the state of the agent
let ids'contents =
// merge Map's
( match new'ids'contents with
| None -> ids'contents
| Some (new'ids'contents) ->
new'ids'contents # (Map.toList ids'contents)
|> Map.ofList )
|> Map.filter( fun id content ->
// calculate CSS class name
let class'name = post'text'view'class'name id
// change it's contents of html
JQuery.JQuery.Of( "." + class'name ).First().Html(content).Size() = 0)
// accept the state of the agent
return! loop ids'contents }
loop Map.empty )
and then, for example for one element:
inbox'post'after'render.Post [id, content]
But it is too difficult, unreliable and not really working.
Please give me an idea how to solve the problem if possible. Thanks in advance!
Just in case someone needs to use static HTML in WebSharper on the server (I needed to add some javascript to the WebSharper generated HTML page), there is fairly new Doc.Verbatim usable e.g. like
let Main ctx action title body =
title = title,
menubar = MenuBar ctx action,
body = body,
my_scripts = [ Doc.Verbatim JavaScript.Content ]
Already answered this on but copying my answer here:
If all you want is to create a UI.Next Doc from static html you can do the following:
let htmlElem = JQuery.JQuery.Of("<div>hello</div>").Get(0)
let doc = Doc.Static (htmlElem :?> _)
This is not very nice but should work and I don't think there's a better way to do it at the moment. Or maybe you could use templating but that's not documented yet and I'm not sure it would fit your use case.
Obviously if you want to change the rendered element dynamically you can make it a Var and use Doc.EmbedView together with Doc.Static.
