Unrecognized VM option 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError' when starting Presto - presto

I was following the installation manual for presto.
But when I lanched the presto server from the command line I got this error:
$ bin/launcher run
Unrecognized VM option 'ExitOnOutOfMemoryError'
Did you mean 'OnOutOfMemoryError=<value>'?
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

Per #kavehmb's answer on another question, as of June 2019 the way to work around this issue is:
brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
brew cask install adoptopenjdk8

I suspected the java version was wrong and checked it. I had Java 1.8.0_65-b17.
The documentation for the installation did not mention anything about needed java version. It was hard to find out the needed Java version for the newest Presto version (v0.208)
I updated to the currently newest Java8 version using brew (on Mac).
brew cask install java8
After successful upgrading of Java I had version 1.8.0_181-b13.
Then prestodb could start.


While upgrading ES to version 5.6.16 throws error plugin [repository-s3] is incompatible with version [5.6.16]; was designed for version [5.2.0]

While upgrading ES to version 5.6.16, did a system restart for the new version to take effort.
Tried to get ES version, for which it said connection refused.
Then when I manually start elastic search throws error
plugin [repository-s3] is incompatible with version [5.6.16]; was designed for version [5.2.0]
This repository plugin is used for snapshot/restore solution. To run it please upgrade plugin also to 5.6.16 version
sudo ./elasticsearch-plugin install -b file:///pathToPluginZipFile/repository-s3-5.6.16.zip
What worked for me is that I uninstalled the repository-s3
Then reinstalled it. Then I manually started the ES and it worked.

Unable to locate package libsystemd-dev during installation ScyllaDB on ubuntu 14

During installation Scylla from https://github.com/scylladb/scylla on ubuntu 14 during sudo ./install-dependencies.sh I get E: Unable to locate package libsystemd-dev. I tried to sudo apt-get install libsystemd-daemon-dev and many other methods but nothing works. Any ideas how can I solve this?
There is a bug in install-dependencies.sh script that causes this error.
The problem, as rightly mentioned in the comments to your post, is that Ubuntu 14.0 lacks the libsystemd-dev package: https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/issues/3515
This is not the only issue though as latest ScyllaDB code requires GCC 7.3 to be built and install-dependencies.sh enforces it.
It is possible to install the tools for building Scylla from ScyllaDB PPA: https://launchpad.net/~scylladb/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
Note that you'll need to pass information about the location of those tools manually to the configure.py script. Unfortunately, today install-dependencies.sh doesn't do this all for Ubuntu: https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/issues/3379
As an alternative, you can try using the packaging script from Scylla. It is well explained here: https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/wiki/Building-.deb-package-for-Ubuntu-Debian

Apache version upgrade issue

At present we are on Apache/2.2.15 (UNIX) version. To fix the vulnerabilities we are suggested to upgrade to new version. I got new version from online using "wget" command and followed steps mentioned on this link http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/install.html#download.
Once I am done, checked version using httpd -v. It gives me old version Apache/2.2.15 (UNIX). If I check using /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd - v. It gives me new version. Did I successfully upgraded the version or not? If not what should I do?
I tried "yum install httpd" - It says "Nothing to do".
You now have two versions of Apache installed. You have the one installed with the system package manager (yum) in /usr/sbin/httpd. You have one installed manually in /usr/local/apache2/....
Which one you get will be determined entirely by which path you use.
In general, mixing system-managed packages with manually installed packages is a recipe for trouble. If you want to stick with the newer version in /usr/local, you should remove the system version, and realize that you will lose some manageability. For example, you will no longer be able to use yum install ... to install new Apache modules, and you will not be able to verify the installed files using tools like rpmverify.
If your distribution currently has Apache 2.2.x, that suggests your distribution is fairly old. For example, RHEL (and CentOS) 7 (and similar variants) have version 2.4.6 packaged, so you may want to update your host to something newer than whatever you're running now.
Yes, its successfully upgraded as per the screenshot.
httpd 2.2.15 is the version with RHEL 6 repository, here HTTPD_HOME is /etc/httpd (Highest version provided for HTTPD via RPM RHEL 6 is 2.2.15)
httpd 2.4.6 is the version with EPEL-HTTPD24 repository, here HTTPD_HOME is /usr/local/apache2/

Postgres Update - version mismatch error when running commands

I recently updated Postgres from version 9.3 to 9.6. After the update all of my commands (such as pg_dumpall) all point to version 9.3. I get the error of version mismatch.
I found that if I change my symlink in /usr/bin to point to 9.6 it seems to work. Is there a better way to point my commands to version 9.6? Thanks you for your help!
The best way to do it is using the package manager of your linux distro: it ensures all symlinks are changed to the newer version.
From your question it is possible to infer that the upgrade was done without using the package manager. I suggest to try to install Postgres with the package manager or give a little more information about your system so we can give you a more accurate answer.

Clearcase client installation issue- Linux RHEL5

I am not sure if it is the right place to ask this question. I have been trying to install clearcase client 8015 on a new machine with RHEL5u8 image. Tried googling a lot but could not resolve the issue as per suggestions on other forums.
It gets installed successfully. (As per the prompt)
listing of the views is done properly. (cleartool lsview)
When I do cleartool mount -all,
cleartool: Error: The MVFS file system is not installed or not loaded,
or the 'viewroot' is not mounted or is inaccessible: not a ClearCase
logging in as root then starting clearcase, executing "/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase start"
ClearCase is stopped Starting ClearCase ClearCase daemons: albd_server
FATAL: Error inserting mvfs
(/lib/modules/2.6.18-308. Unknown
symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) Loading the MVFS
was unsuccessful(8:1) /opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase: Loading
MVFS failed
---- Please review /var/log/messages for information on the problem.
---- You may need to rebuild your kernel, rebuild your mvfs module,
---- and reboot your system. Information on how to do this can be found in
---- your Release Notes and file /var/adm/rational/clearcase/mvfs/mvfs_src/README.txt.
I have followed all the steps in /var/adm/rational/clearcase/mvfs/mvfs_src/README.txt but still cannot achieve anything.
Uninstallation also fails as:-
ERROR: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected
1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system.
java.io.IOException: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0;
expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on
this system.
00:01.33 ERROR [main]
com.ibm.cic.agent.core.application.HeadlessApplication run
Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0.
Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system.
java.io.IOException: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0;
expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on
this system. java.io.IOException: Installation data has incompatible
version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation
Manager was used on this system.
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistryParser.parse(InstallRegistryParser.java:160)
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistry.load(InstallRegistry.java:679)
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistry.openFile(InstallRegistry.java:485)
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistry.open(InstallRegistry.java:429)
Cannot proceed with installation, cannot uninstall either to try another version of clearcase, tried googling for the version mismatch of IBM installation manager but could not find anything addressing the issue properly for Linux.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? I am new to clearcase tool.
Usually, when I see only snapshot views are supported, and MVFS (for dynamic views) hasn't installed properly, I uninstall everything and try the all process from the start again.
In your case, that means installing or downgrading the IBM IM Installation Manager to the right version (similar to this issue).
It can be an IM update issue, as seen in this technote.
Further to #VonC's comment re: incompatible IM install,
review the following doc: MVFS not loading after kernel upgrade or is missing after installation on Linux.
I encountered a similar problem after an incompatible kernel path / ClearCase version. In my case, the error was similar to what is documented here in the post MVFS not installed - RHEL6 and I had to edit the kernel source to the same as the patch and rebuild. Then things stared up fine.
Review also the link How to manually restore a pre-built MVFS on Linux.
If the corresponding kerenl level is not provided it will not start and you will have to patch and make your own.
