populating multiple fields with same label via DocuSign API - docusignapi

We have several templates that take advantage of using same named labels to populate the data entered in one field to others with the same label throughout envelope documents.
According to API method Envelopes::EnvelopeRecipientTabs, in order to make this work via the API, I needed to add \\* (two back slashes) prior to the label name so that data pushed to a field would populate all and not just the first occurrence of a field with that label.
example: "tabLabel": "\\*Contract_Number"
This seemed to do the trick.
However, now I'm finding this works like a wild card. I have another field labeled "existing_contract_number" and the data for \\*contract_number populates this field.
I know I can change the name of the field so that the ending doesn't match, but there are many fields and many templates I will need to sift through to see if this is an issue elsewhere AND to fix this particular occurrence.
Is there something I am missing? Can I get the data to populate in all fields that exactly match the tabLabel without using essentially a wildcard?
Thank you.

I suggest listing the template's tabs or the envelope's tabs using a method such as EnvelopeRecipientTabs::list -- Note its include_anchor_tab_locations query parameter if you're using anchor tabs.
Once you have the entire list of tabs, update the values of just the desired tabs.
This may be more work than changing the template but will probably be a more generalized solution for your app.


LotusScript - Why do we use array index to access value of text field

I am working on some LotusScript code and came across this syntax to access a text field value: textField(0). I checked this field's properties in the design and it has the type of Text and doesn't allow multiple values. But why do we use the index to access this field value? I need to describe what the code is doing so it makes a difference between "get the value of textField then do something" vs. "get the first element of textField then do something".
The LotusScript expression document.textField is a shorthand form of document.GetItemValue("textField"). As explained in Designer Help, this expression always returns an array of strings for text or text list fields. That's why one has to use document.textField(0), or document.GetItemValue("textField")(0) for that matter, to access the first (and possibly only) element in the returned array.
An important thing to remember is that just because the field properties say that multiple values aren't allowed today, they might have been allowed in the past. Nothing gets "fixed up" in old documents if you change the properties in Domino Designer. Your code always has to consider that possibility.
And for that matter, even when the field properties do say that multiple values aren't allowed, those properties only apply when a user is editing the document using the defined form. An agent or code using any of the Notes APIs can always store multiple values in any text field.
That's why you always access item values through an array. It's not just a matter of "that's how the API works". It's a matter of how the underlying storage works.
And remember: Notes is schemaless. You have to always assume the following:
The item that corresponds to the field might not exist.
The item might be empty even if there's a validation formula that requires it to be filled in.
The item that corresponds to a text field might not actually be a text item.
The item can contain a list even if the multi-values property is not checked.

Is there a way to search multiple keywords in a Saved Search on NetSuite?

I am creating a Saved Search for my team where users can filter by different parameters but the most important one is a ‘Keyword’ field where we have multiple text strings separated by commas. Eg: One could be (Horses, Apples, Cows, Carrots, Balloons) and another could be (Apples, Cake, Silver, Horses, Bananas)
I want to be able to use the free text search field to look up all rows where I can find a relevant entry.
Eg. Let’s say I type “Apples” and “Horses”. I want to see all entries where these are found together.
I have tried setting the criteria to “Contains” but can’t seem to use operators in the input field. I have also tried to use expressions but got You cannot use an expression builder criteria filter as an available filter" as an error.
I’m not familiar with NetSuite but willing to learn. I was able to create this in Google Sheets. Since we already store our information on NS already, I want to find a way to do it there. Is there a way to achieve this?
Thank you.
When you create the saved search, you can just specify a default value that will be used in the initial search load (e.g. contains Apples). In the Available Filters tab, select the same filter and check Show in Filter Region.
When users run the saved search, they can change the criteria by typing into the field and pressing Tab after (if you press Enter instead of Tab, the results will be downloaded into a CSV file instead of being displayed in the page). In your example, they should type 'apples%horses' then press Tab.
Additional reference: https://www.sikich.com/insight/using-formula-values-as-available-filters-in-netsuite-saved-searches/
Use 'has keywords' instead of 'contains' in the filter. When viewing the results, separate keywords with a comma. Example: 'apples, horses'

Autocomplete lotus notes field based on column in view

I making a form which represents project. I'd like to make a field with autocomplete option, for example when I make new project and entering the name of the project lotus will look in existing projects (specified column in view) and suggests name. I need it to prevent creating two projects with same or similar name in user friendly form.
Thank you.
You can do that by adding field with type: Dialog List (with option Allow values not in llist) and as a possible values put
#DbColumn(""; ""; view_name; column_number)
If you want to avoid duplicate names, #dmytro's solution will actually suggest to enter existing names, what may be confusing to users.
What I would do is to lookup similar project names (anyone remembering #Soundex?) and show in computed for display field under the editable field. Only caveat: it will not refresh as user types in, and you need to refresh form to trigger the lookup.
You should also validate your form and do not allow to save it with existing project name (unless it is the same document - compare looked up UNIDS).

Joining sharepoint 2007 lists in a web view based on a common key field

So - I'm making a data view that is to contain a list. This list has a field that will be used to match up against two other lists. If there is an entry for this value, it should show the value from the other list, otherwise show a link to add a new one.
So, what I need to do is make a data source consisting of the rows from list 1, and fill in the Ticket field with a value from the Tickets table matching the ID value from list 1. The same should be done for the Change Type field.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this? I've found a few tutorials, but they seem to be for showing all the data together and not match up on any specific columns for linkage.
Thank you
What you are aiming at is not available in SharePoint out of the box.
There are two approaches you can look at:
Create your own custom lookup field template for single/multiple field
selection with some sort of field
editor. Create your own controls and
program the associated code behind
Use some existing custom solutions. One such sample is on codeplex:
SharePoint Filtered Lookup Field

Sharepoint: Person column in custom list

I have a Person field in my custom list. I want to have a view that will show multiple fields from that Person instead of the one I had to choose when creating the Person column.
So basically I want to have one column for Person and then in the view see Name, title, email, phone. All of those are valid choices but I can only pick one right now.
I really want to avoid typing in the username lookup for each column I choose to display.
This is SP 2007
It sounds like you need to create a custom fieldtype (with a fieldcontrol) that inherits from the userfield but in viewmode renders out the different columns you need. Is that something along the lines you are looking for?
Note: This link is broken
You probably want a Computed Field. Note that this is not a Calculated Column. A Computed Field is what is used to display the same data is different ways. In SharePoint there is a Title field, but there is also a "Title (linked to item with edit menu)" computed field as well as a "Title (linked to item)" computed field.
See midway down this link for more details. I'm not sure if it will have all of the power that you need, but if it does it is almost certainly what you are looking for if you don't mind getting into the Schema XML file a little.
Could you use a DataView web part for this? If it's just a question of viewing the data that might be suitable.
Came across this thread and thought I'd add a tip. This suggestion is clearly not for every use case, but may work well in situations where you're managing a list rather than allowing manual inputs (verified to work with SP 2013):
Create a spreadsheet with columns to match your SharePoint list that contains multiple profile fields. (for example: name, phone number, email address)
In the spreadsheet, enter the same email address in all of the person/group field types in that row. (e.g., boss#company.com, boss#company.com, boss#company.com)
Select and copy the row(s) you wish to transfer to SharePoint.
In SharePoint, change the list view to "Quick Edit" and paste the row(s) into the grid.
SharePoint will process each field and convert the email address to the profile value you selected during the list setup.
