How to make sure Spark master node is using the worker nodes? (Google cluster) - apache-spark

I just created a Google Cloud cluster (1 master and 6 workers) and by default Spark is configured.
I have a pure python code that uses NLTK to build the dependency tree for each line from a text file. When I run this code on the master spark-submit I get the same execution time when I run it using my machine.
How to make sure that the master is using the workers in order to reduce the execution time ?

You can check the spark UI. If its running on top of yarn, please open the yarn UI and click on your application id which will open the spark UI. Check under the executors tab it will have the node ip address also.
could you please share your spark submit config.

Your command 'spark-submit' doesn't seem to send your job to YARN. To do such thing, you need to add the --master parameter. For example, a valid command to execute a job in YARN is:
./bin/spark-submit --master yarn python/ 1000
If you execute your job from the master, this execution will be straightforward. Anyway, check this link for another parameter that spark-submit accept.
For a Dataproc cluster (Hadoop Google cluster) you have two options to check the job history including the ones that are running:
By command line from the master: yarn application -list, this option sometimes needs additional configuration. If you have troubles, this link will be useful.
By UI. Dataproc enables you to access the Spark Web UI, it improves monitoring tasks. Check this link to learn how to access the Spark UI and other Dataproc UIs. In summary, you have to create a tunnel and configure your browser to use socks proxy.
Hope the information above help you.


How are spark jobs submitted in cluster mode?

I know there is information worth 10 google pages on this but, all of them tell me to just put --master yarn in the spark-submit command. But, in cluster mode, how can my local laptop even know what that means? Let us say I have my laptop and a running dataproc cluster. How can I use spark-submit from my laptop to submit a job to this cluster?
Most of the documentation on running a Spark application in cluster mode assumes that you are already on the same cluster where YARN/Hadoop are configured (e.g. you are ssh'ed in), in which case most of the time Spark will pick up the appropriate local configs and "just work".
This is same for Dataproc: if you ssh onto the Dataproc master node, you can just run spark-submit --master yarn. More detailed instructions can be found in the documentation.
If you are trying to run applications locally on your laptop, this is more difficult. You will need to set up an ssh tunnel to the cluster, and then locally create configuration files that tell Spark how to reach the master via the tunnel.
Alternatively, you can use the Dataproc jobs API to submit jobs to the cluster without having to directly connect. The one caveat is that you will have to use properties to tell Spark to run in cluster mode instead of client mode (--properties spark.submit.deployMode=cluster). Note that when submitting jobs via the Dataproc API, the difference between client and cluster mode is much less pressing because in either case the Spark driver will actually run on the cluster (on the master or a worker respectively), not on your local laptop.

Is there a way to submit spark job on different server running master

We have a requirement to schedule spark jobs, since we are familiar with apache-airflow we want to go ahead with it to create different workflows. I searched web but did not find a step by step guide to schedule spark job on airflow and option to run them on different server running master.
Answer to this will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
There are 3 ways you can submit Spark jobs using Apache Airflow remotely:
(1) Using SparkSubmitOperator: This operator expects you have a spark-submit binary and YARN client config setup on our Airflow server. It invokes the spark-submit command with given options, blocks until the job finishes and returns the final status. The good thing is, it also streams the logs from the spark-submit command stdout and stderr.
You really only need to configure a yarn-site.xml file, I believe, in order for spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client to work.
Once an Application Master is deployed within YARN, then Spark is running locally to the Hadoop cluster.
If you really want, you could add a hdfs-site.xml and hive-site.xml to be submitted as well from Airflow (if that's possible), but otherwise at least hdfs-site.xml files should be picked up from the YARN container classpath
(2) Using SSHOperator: Use this operator to run bash commands on a remote server (using SSH protocol via paramiko library) like spark-submit. The benefit of this approach is you don't need to copy the hdfs-site.xml or maintain any file.
(3) Using SimpleHTTPOperator with Livy: Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Apache Spark from anywhere. You just need to have REST calls.
I personally prefer SSHOperator :)

Airflow and Spark/Hadoop - Unique cluster or one for Airflow and other for Spark/Hadoop

I'm trying to figure out which is the best way to work with Airflow and Spark/Hadoop.
I already have a Spark/Hadoop cluster and I'm thinking about creating another cluster for Airflow that will submit jobs remotely to Spark/Hadoop cluster.
Any advice about it? Looks like it's a little complicated to deploy spark remotely from another cluster and that will create some file configuration duplication.
You really only need to configure a yarn-site.xml file, I believe, in order for spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client to work. (You could try cluster deploy mode, but I think having the driver being managed by Airflow isn't a bad idea)
Once an Application Master is deployed within YARN, then Spark is running locally to the Hadoop cluster.
If you really want, you could add a hdfs-site.xml and hive-site.xml to be submitted as well from Airflow (if that's possible), but otherwise at least hdfs-site.xml files should be picked up from the YARN container classpath (not all NodeManagers could have a Hive client installed on them)
I prefer submitting Spark Jobs using SSHOperator and running spark-submit command which would save you from copy/pasting yarn-site.xml. Also, I would not create a cluster for Airflow if the only task that I perform is running Spark jobs, a single VM with LocalExecutor should be fine.
There are a variety of options for remotely performing spark-submit via Airflow.
Apache-Livy (see this for hint)
Do note that none of these are plug-and-play ready and you'll have to write your own operators to get things done.

How can we set the execution parameters for an apache spark application

We have setup a multinode cluster for testing the Spark application with 4 nodes.
Each node has 250GB RAM,48 cores.
Running master on one node and 3 as slaves.
And we have developed a spark application using scala.
We use the spark-submit option to run the job.
Now here is the point we are struck and need more clarifications to proceed.
Query 1:
Which is the best option to run a spark job.
a) Spark as master
b) Yarn as master
and the difference.
Query 2:
While running any spark job we can provide option like number of executors,no of cores,executor memory etc.
Could you please advise what would be the optimal value for these parameters for better performance in my case.
Any help would be very much appreciated since it would be helpful for anyone who starts with Spark :)
Query1: YARN is a better resource manager and supports more features than Spark Master. For more you can visit
Apache Spark Cluster Managers
Query2: You can only assign resources at the time of job initialization. There are command line flags available. Also, if you don't wish to pass command line flags with spark-submit you can set them when creating spark configuration in the code.
You can see the available flags using
spark-submit --help
Fore more information visit Spark Configuration
Electing resources majorly depends on the size of data you want to process and the problem complexity.
Please visit 5 mistakes to avoid while writng spark applications

How can I verify that DSE Spark Shell is distributing across the cluster

Is it possible to verify from within the Spark shell what nodes if the shell is connected to the cluster or is running just in local mode? I'm hoping to use that to investigate the following problem:
I've used DSE to setup a small 3 node Cassandra Analytics cluster. I can log onto any of the 3 servers and run dse spark and bring up the Spark shell. I have also verified that all 3 servers have the Spark master configured by running dsetool sparkmaster.
However, when I run any task using the Spark shell, it appears that the it is only running locally. I ran a small test command:
val rdd = sc.cassandraTable("test", "test_table")
When I check the Spark Master webpage, I see that only one server is running the job.
I suspect that when I run dse spark it's running the shell in local mode. I looked up how to specific a master for the Spark 0.9.1 shell and even when I use MASTER=<sparkmaster> dse spark (from the Programming Guide) it still runs only in local mode.
Here's a walkthrough once you've started a DSE 4.5.1 cluster with 3 nodes, all set for Analytics Spark mode.
Once the cluster is up and running, you can determine which node is the Spark Master with command dsetool sparkmaster. This command just prints the current master; it does not affect which node is the master and does not start/stop it.
Point a web browser to the Spark Master web UI at the given IP address and port 7080. You should see 3 workers in the ALIVE state, and no Running Applications. (You may have some DEAD workers or Completed Applications if previous Spark jobs had happened on this cluster.)
Now on one node bring up the Spark shell with dse spark. If you check the Spark Master web UI, you should see one Running Application named "Spark shell". It will probably show 1 core allocated (the default).
If you click on the application ID link ("app-2014...") you'll see the details for that app, including one executor (worker). Any commands you give the Spark shell will run on this worker.
The default configuration is limiting the Spark master to only allowing each application to use 1 core, therefore the work will only be given to a single node.
To change this, login to the Spark master node and sudo edit the file /etc/dse/spark/ Find the line that sets SPARK_MASTER_OPTS and remove the portion -Dspark.deploy.defaultCores=1. Then restart DSE on this node (sudo service dse restart).
Once it comes up, check the Spark master web UI and repeat the test with the Spark shell. You should see that it's been allocated more cores, and any jobs it performs will happen on multiple nodes.
In a production environment you'd want to set the number of cores more carefully so that a single job doesn't take all the resources.
