Azure Ethereum(PoW) Blockchain issues - azure

I'm trying to run Ethereum Blockchain network with Azure Blockchain Service but I stuck with some issues.... And below I described one of them.
I will realy apreciate any advice and help from people who alredy has experience with Azure Blockchain Service.
Could you please help me to eliminate this error:
"Error: Contract transaction couldn't be found after 50 blocks"
I create new Ethereum blockchain network and it's working fine approximately 1 day (24 hours) but after this period I'm not able to deploy my smart-contract and getting this error. When I restart my virtual machines (mining and transaction nodes) it's start working for a while but later on it's failing again.
What could be the cause of this error: "Error: Contract transaction couldn't be found after 50 blocks"? I tried increasing gasPrice but it didn't help.
What the recomended server hardware configuration for mining and transaction nodes to run Azure Ethereum Blockchain Service? Maybe my virtual machines run out of the RAM or SSD?
Also could you tell me please where can I see some error log related to my blockchain network in Azure?

Please take a look at this GitHub issue detailed in the Truffle Suite (issue) repository. The issue you are experiencing is cause by Truffle Suite, and can be quickly explained as:
... now believe this may be caused by Infura closing the connection while truffle-hdwallet-provider continues to try to poll them.
Contract transaction couldn't be found after 50 blocks
using infura in truffle and get Error: Invalid JSON RPC response:""


ESP32 Setting incorrect or missing a cyper for ssl

I've been trying to setup ESP32 to post to Google Cloud IoT core and use the Pub/Sub core to receive/transmit messages. However, there is a very strange issue I am facing.
I have my laptop which I have been using for development. When I program the ESP32 with the laptop, it would work fine for a few number of times and then suddenly the connection with Google Cloud will break and it will say "Setting incorrect or missing a cyper for ssl".
This is very inconvenient as a lot of data is missed during this disconnect and reconnect phase.
Can anyone help me resolve this issue? Is there any additional info required?

Block chain data will lose in Hyperleger composer network

I Just create a hyper ledger composer network in production level. There are many data(Participant and asset) is existing in my composer blockchain( That is on CouchDB). My main problem is I need to set up a hyper ledger explorer for my existing network. I already use But the issue is my network orderer port is not synced with explorer( I already post a question regarding this issue Hyperledger explorer starting problem- orderer port communication issue. Unfortunately no replay).
At this moment I decided to stop the running hyper ledger composer network and start again it without any data(participant and asset data) lose. Actually restart the network without data loss is possible...???
Have any other suggestion is available to resolve my issue..???
Any suggestion is much appreciated..
Thank you.
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
Composer: 0.19.16
Fabric: 1.1.0
When you stop your business network using under fabric-dev-servers (or fabric-tools). It will stop fabric Containers and after that run it will recreate new Containers from the Docker Images. Impact of this is that you lose all data(assets, participant, transaction etc) of your business network.
So if you want to stop and start your fabric without loss of existing data. Then follow below commands :
Need to change the directory where the docker-compose.yml(/home/<user>/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scripts/hlfv11/composer) file is, and
Run docker-compose stop to stop the Fabric then
Run docker-compose start to restart Fabric it will start your network with existing data. Make sure you are in the correct folder.
Hope, it will help you :)

Hypeledger Network Data

I have been developing blockchain applications using hypeledger fabric for the past 6 months and surprisingly I have used up about 15TB of network data. I do watch a lot of videos but 15TB is a lot, and this has never happened before. I use Ubuntu running on Oracle Virtual Box. My question is what does hypeledger composer rest server do in the background, I am aware that the playground and rest server do not work without internet connection hence why I am asking this question.

Deploying simpleStorage contract with Kaleido

I have been following this tutorial to connect the consortium i have created using the Kaleido UI to truffle: link . When i finally do : ./
it gets stuck in there, here is the output:
$ ./
+ truffle migrate --network supnode --reset Using network 'supnode'.
Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js Saving artifacts... Running
migration: 2_deploy_simplestorage.js Deploying SimpleStorage...
... 0xd6d9cfe1ab5b01abb759fb8280920d8f7ba0cef73340af22e47a9c7e40120c14
I don't understand where is the problem, i'm sure i have followed the tutorial carefully and i ve created the same scenario.. If anyone have any idea i would appreciate it. Thanks.
So I went through step by step in an attempt to recreate your scenario - 3 nodes running Quorum + Raft and a private transaction between nodes 1 & 3.
On the initial migration attempt I came across the same hung state as you observed. Inspection of the block explorer reveals that both contracts were actually deployed, however neither were invoked (i.e. no state was set for simple storage via the migration file).
I then changed the file to target the original privateFor node (3) and used the original targeted node (1) as the new privateFor recipient. This worked immediately. The question is why :)
Truffle is finicky sometimes, especially when using RAFT with private transactions.
I would suggest:
Check your block explorer to ensure that the connection to the network was successful and the contracts were deployed.
Kill the running migrate process and just kick it off again.
If that doesn't work, try the flip flop process I described.
I'm curious if there is a correlation with targeting the RAFT leader or if perhaps truffle just needs a few extra nudges sometimes. We will investigate.
FYI I tried originally with a public transaction and used a truffle.js file with only a single node. This also worked immediately. So my supposition is there is some nuanced approach for private transactions and RAFT.
In the meantime this should give you a potential workaround; you'll just have the original migration and simple storage contracts as orphans in your environment.

Debugging Composer Transaction processor?

I've no clue how can I debug the transaction processor in hyperledger composer ..
I did the steps below but there is nothing is showing up:
Start fabric network
Create connection profile
Develop sample application (model.cto, permission.acl, transaction processor or logic.js)
Create business network archive file (.bna)
Deploy .bna file on hyperledger fabric
Finally create the rest server and run our example
But sometimes during testing our contract we need to see some logs related to the contract execution. So we can find if there are any logical issues with the contract. I tried to check docker logs contract_container_id but I didn't find anything.
See this answer here -> Debugging Transaction Code
The correct link in the example is
can use console.log() as normal for messages etc.
See also:
