Adding custom attribute in all spring integration component - spring-integration

I need to add custom attribute to all spring integration component for example - need to add 'description' attribute to all inbound and outbound gateway.
Once we are able to add the custom attribute, I need to log the newly added attribute - 'description'.
Can you please suggest the approach for this.

I've explained you how it isn't going to be possible because if Java nature. Now let's try to imagine what we could do on the matter. You can register some additional support beans in the application context and have their relationship to the integration components. For example through some id pattern or key-value store like simple HashMap. So, this way you always will be able to extract that additional information whenever you get access to the original component: or rely on its id or call the map registry.


Customize Controller from commercewebservices in SAP Commerce Cloud

From what I understand, from SAP Commerce Cloud 2005 onward the way to customize the REST-endpoints within SAP Commerce Cloud for Spartacus is to use commercewebservices (non-template) and then add own occ-extensions with your REST-endpoints.
That works fine for new endpoints, but what if I want to customize an existing controller from within commercewebservices? Since I am not using the template anymore commercewebservices cannot be modified anymore. I don't see a way how I could for example customize de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.v2.controller.CartsController.
Swapping out commercewebservices with your own extension generated from the template does not work since multiple OOTB (e.g. cmsocc) extensions depend on commercewebservices hence it will always be loaded and clash with our own extension derived from commercewebservices.
Customizing commercewebservices with an addOn also does not solve the problem since, as I understand, it is not possible to add your own controller and bind it to the a url-pattern already used from a controller within commercewebservices
If you want to override an existing API endpoint (CartsController in our case), you can do so with the #RequestMappingOverride annotation.
Using this annotation, you can "shadow" the existing request mapping of the out-of-the-box controller with your custom controller in your own OCC extension.
You can find more details and an example here:
Overriding the REST API []
And let's not forget:
All of the action happens in the facades anyway, and you can also extend the API responses without overriding the Controller using the WsDTO concept plus additional converters. (see Extending Data Objects[] for more details)
Thanks for the response.
The annotation RequestMappingOverride works fine. There is one problem with this approach, lets assume I do following:
Introduce an new called MyController extending the CartsController
Override a single method and annotated this method with RequestMappingOverride
Starting up the system I do get now ambiguous mappings on all mappings of CartsController which I did not override
The reason is, I have now two Controllers registered with the same mappings. The CartsController and MyController which inherits all the methods which are not overriden from CartsController. The only solution I found is to override every single method of the CartsController, annotate all methods with RequestMappingOverride and then just do a super call. That is a bit clumsy and leads to a lot of boilerplate code. I wish the annoation RequestMappingOverride would work on class-level rather than only on method level

How to retrieve post data, validate it in controller and save it in database using GORM in Micronaut?

I come from Grails background and have recently started a project in Micronaut using GORM.
I tried to find required information in documentation but its not clear how we retrieve post data in controller, validate it similar to Command Objects offered in Grails and save it into database using interface service provided in documentation
PS : I know I can map every field to action argument in controller, and also declare a interface method specifying each argument as property but that does not seems right thing to do as my domain class has so many properties.
Making the action #Transactional or any method would work for saving data as far as I know but I want to know the proper way in Micronaut.
My requirement is simple, save post data in database using GORM in Micronaut.
If I were you I would look back at the documentation, sections 6.4 to 6.11:
Micronaut is very annotation based, unlike Grails which uses convention over configuration. However in Grails 4, Micronaut will toke over the application context, giving you some of the benefits of Micronaut, but still maintaining the convention over configuration.

spring integration multiple stored procedure enricher pattern

I am new to spring integration. I have very specific requirement.
I have two Database to fetch.
Created two SP.
I have to get the data calling their respective stored procedure and create a JAXB object to make webservice call.
I am able to call one SP but not able to call 2nd SP. I think I can use enricher pattern but dont know how to configure.
Please help.
Well, trying to answer to your so broad question I only may suggest:
Configure <int-jdbc:stored-proc-outbound-gateway> to call first SP
Configure <int:enricher> with a request-channel for sub-flow to call the second SP similar way like a previous one
with this <int:enricher> you will be able to store additional info in some your Customer model property (which is payload) or headers
And so on until WS call.
Everything rest you can find in the Spring Integration Reference Manual and samples project.
I still need help.
Since it looks like you still don't understand Spring Integration principles properly, I'd suggest you to have one <service-activator> and call both stored procedures in custom code using Spring JDBC directly.
Eventually with an experience you will be able to refactor it really to separate components with the <enricher> on board.
OTOH your scenario recalls me Scatter-Gather pattern.

Apply IHasRequestFilter to Plugin registered service dynamically

I have a set of Services that I want to use in various ServiceStack projects (okay, two) so I have created a ServiceStack Plugin that registers them.
However I want to allow users to determine their own method of securing access to these services.
Currently I have an IHasRequestFilter in one my projects that can determine which services a user should be able to access. I do not want a reference to this in the Plugin project, so I want to add this dynamically after the fact.
I want to somehow get a reference to the Service Definition in AppHost to add this IHasRequestFilter to the pipeline for a specific set of services.
Ideally I should be able to do something like this:
new CustomPlugin(new CustomPluginParams {
RestrictTo = CustomRestrictions,
RequestFilters = [],
ResponseFilters = []
This should use those properties to configure their services without having a previous typed reference.
Investigating further it appears that the IHasRequestFilter and IHasResponseFilters are only parsed once, in the ServiceExec<TService> class. I could get round this by creating my Services with a Proxy which adds the attribute I require to the MemberInfo of the operations, however I don't regard that as a clean approach.
Does anyone have recommendation?
In ServiceStack all configuration should happen within AppHost's Configure() method and remain immutable thereafter.
Lifecycle Events
To help with LifeCycle events there are IPreInitPlugin and IPostInitPlugin Plugin Interfaces which your Plugins can implement so they will get called back before and after all plugins are registered.
There's also an IAppHost.AfterInitCallbacks plugins can use to get called back after the entire AppHost has finished initialiazing.
Typed Request/Response Filters
Attributes are typically statically defined on Services, to dynamically add logic that apply to specific Request/Responses you can use a typed Request/Response filter.
The nice thing about ServiceStack Filters is that they share the same API (IRequest, IResponse, object) which makes them easily composable, e.g:
RegisterTypedRequestFilter<CustomRequest>(new RequestAttributeFilter().Execute);
Dynamically adding Attribute filters
As all ServiceStack libraries use ServiceStack.Text's Reflection API's you're able to extend ServiceStack's attribute-based code-first API dynamically by adding attributes to types or properties at runtime, e.g:
.AddAttributes(new RuntimeAttributeRequestFilter());
This can be done for most of ServiceStack's code-first API's inc. Request/Response Filters.
Route attributes and Action Filters
There is sometimes an issue for Services Route attributes and Action filters that already pre-configured and autowired before the AppHost's Configure() is called.
One solution is to add them in the AppHost constructor (or by overriding AppHost.OnBeforeInit) so they're added before the Services are configured. Otherwise you can reset the action filter caches by calling the AppHost's ServiceController.ResetServiceExecCachesIfNeeded().

Liferay model listener ordering

Following is my requirement :
Whenever site is created, with help of GroupListener we are adding some custom attributes to created site.
So assume that you are crating "Liferay Test" site then it will have some fix custom attribute "XYZ" with value set in GroupListeners onAfterCreate method.
I can see this value in custom fields under site settings.
Now based on this values, we are creating groups in another system(out of liferay, using webservices).
So far so good.
Whenever we are deleting the site we need to remove the equivalent groups from other system via web service.
But while deleting site, in GroupListener we are not able to retrieve the custom attributes.
On further debug by adding expando listener, I observed that Expando listeners are getting called first and then delete method of GroupLocalService/GroupListener.
And hence we are not able to delete the groups present in another system.
So I was wondering if we can have ordering defined for listeneres.
Note: Since we were not getting custom attributes in listeners we implemented GroupLocalServiceImpl and with this we are getting custom attributes in delete method on local environment but not on our stage environment which has clustering.
You shouldn't use the ModelListeners for this kind of change, rather create ServiceWrappers, e.g. wrap the interesting methods in GroupLocalService (for creation as well as deletion).
This will also enable you to react to failures to create records in your external system etc.
