How to Access Output Parameters from Azure ARM in next Tasks? - azure

I am writing ARM scripts for my Azure infra. I have sample output variable in my ARM
"OutputVariables": [{
"description" : "This is the description of my output variable."
"description" : "Description can contains markdown [vsts-tasks]("
I want to access these ARM output variables in the next task of my VSTS release tasks.
I am not able to access variable MY_OUTPUTVARIABLE_1.
Please suggest how to use ARM output variables.

This article shows you how to parse the output variables in VSTS. You need to make sure you define them as outputs of the task so VSTS knows what to look for. This can be found in the Output Variables section at the bottom of the task.
If it isn't initialised in the pipeline it can't be found. Also it's worth noting the ARM template you have provided doesn't actually set a value for the parameter. The ARM documentation shows the correct way of setting output variables.
"outputs": {
"resourceID": {
"type": "string",
"value": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses', parameters('publicIPAddresses_name'))]"
Hope that helps.


Azure Data Factory not interpreting well an array global parameter

We have an Azure Data Factory using Global Parameters, it's working fine on our Dev environment, but we when try do deploy it to QA environment using an Azure DevOps pipeline, it seems it's not understanding the only Global Parameter with type = array; even though all of the other parameters are good.
This is the guide we're using to build the CI/CD pipelines.
We have something similar to this in the Global Parameters JSON file:
"FilesToProcess": {
"type": "array",
"value": [
"EmailLogicAppUrl": {
"type": "string",
"value": "URL
All of the paremeters are deployed fine, except for the array one, and we're getting this:
We have debugged the PS script to update the Global Parameters, and it seems it's understanding well the array, so it has to be something else.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Azure ARM Template - conditional input parameter

In Short:
Is it possible to have condition field (or something else to achieve this functionality), inside a parameter, so that this parameter input will be asked to the user, only based on another parameter's value.
i.e., Only if user selects Create New on a parameter, the input for the name of that parameter should be asked.
In Detail:
I have a parameter virtualNetworkCreateNewOrUseExisting which will accept two values - Create New and Use Existing.
"parameters": {
"virtualNetworkCreateNewOrUseExisting": {
"type": "string",
"defaultValue": "Create New",
"allowedValues": [
"Create New",
"Use Existing"
// Other parameters
I am trying to create a Virtual Network based on an input from user.
If user selects Create New, it will be created, and if they select Use Existing, it will be skipped. I see that this is achievable by using condition field inside the resource.
"resources": [
"condition": "[equals(parameters('virtualNetworkCreateNewOrUseExisting'), 'Create New')]",
// Other fields
// Other resources
Now, my question here is that,
Similar to this, is it possible to have condition field, inside another parameter, so that this parameter input will be asked to the user, only based on the previous parameter value.
i.e., Only if user selects Create New, the input for Virtual Network Name should be asked.
Something like this, by using a condition field:
"parameters": {
"virtualNetworksName": {
"condition": "[equals(parameters('virtualNetworkCreateNewOrUseExisting'), 'Create New')]",
"defaultValue": "vn-1",
"type": "string"
// Other parameters
But, I see that condition field, is not supported inside parameters (at least as of now).
Or, is it at least possible to have, if statements, like this (So that, the value of the field will be displayed empty by default if user selects Use Existing.):
"parameters": {
"virtualNetworksName": {
"defaultValue": "[if(equals(parameters('virtualNetworkCreateNewOrUseExisting'),'Create New'), 'vn-1', '')]",
"type": "string"
// Other parameters
Or, any other way to achieve this goal?
You can't do this natively in the template file, but in the portal user experiences for deploying the template you can... See:
You don't have to use a templateSpec or managedApp (see the "Deploy to Azure button here: )
but templateSpec or managedApp will give you a better experience if that's an option.
As per the current Azure documentation, we cannot add conditions to parameters in parameters block.
As a side note you can use PowerShell parameter inline functions while deploying the template.
We see that there is a feature request already in place to add Support functions within the definition of parameters... ยท Community ( We would suggest you to make a comment & Upvote on the exiting feedback request .

Can I pull data from an existingAzure Storage Account table using ARM Templates?

I have an existing Azure Storage Account which has a table. This table has a few details that I would be needing to use in my mainTemplate.json ARM file. Can I pull these values directly in the ARM Template.
[concat(reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts',parameters('storageAccountName'))).primaryEndpoints.table, parameters('tableName'))]
I have been using the above statement in the outputs section and it returns me the table uri. Can I get the values inside that table by any way?
As suggested by Silent By referring this link
Try with using DeploymentScriptOutputs
The script takes one parameter, and output the parameter value. DeploymentScriptOutputs is used for storing outputs.
"outputs": {
"result": {
"value": "[reference('runPowerShellInlineWithOutput').outputs.text]",
"type": "string"
In the outputs section, the value line shows how to access the stored values. Write-Output is used for debugging purpose. To learn how to access the output file, see Monitor and troubleshoot deployment scripts
Thank you #silent for your suggestion

if condition in ARM Template resource

I have a resource in my Arm Template as follows:
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
"apiVersion": "2018-05-01",
"url": "[if(equals(parameters('env'),'prod'), parameters('prodparam'), parameters('nonprodparam'))]"
I see the url is always set to parameters('nonprodparam') even if parameters('env') = 'prod'. Is this if condition correct? Am I missing something?
Your if condition statement is correct, I tested it and got the correct result successfully.
You need to do the following steps to check where your problem is:
1. Check if your parameter definition is correct, especially as Stringfellow mentioned in the comment, to be case sensitive. It should be defined as follows.
2. Pay attention to whether to save after editing arm templates in the azure portal.
You can check the value of the parameter during the deployment process:

Is it possible to create a CompositeIndex of CosmosDB with ARM template

I find instructions for using ARM templates to create or make changes to CosmosDB, but none of them contain instructions on how to add a CompositeIndex to the template. I have also heard it is not supported in the template and has to be done with PowerShell or Azure CLI script, but have not been able to find a supporting content on the net. Can someone please shed light on this?
I've not tested this but according to the Microsoft.DocumentDB resource provider docs / template reference there is a Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/apis/databases/containers resource which may give you what you need.
Every container has an IndexingPolicy in the template schema, which has an array of IncludedPath objects which themselves have an array of Index objects as follows:
"includedPaths": [
"path": "string",
"indexes": [
"dataType": "string",
"precision": "integer",
"kind": "string"
It's treated as a separate resource from the database / account altogether. You may want to add this resource to your template with an appropriate dependsOn value to ensure it's deployed after your database.
You can add multiple paths therefore making a composite index.
Full schema is here:
If this doesn't do it, you may want to look at this too as the schema docs may be out of date and compositeIndexes may be supported:
