NodeJS MongoDb updateMany() with a condition? - node.js

I want to update a MongoDb collection with an Array of JSON objects.
However, I want the update to ignore any objects that already exist in the DB.
Sounds easy, but the key that allows me to know if the object exists is not the '_id', but a different 'id' (or other key).
Is that possible ?
Currently I am using it like this:
where 'contents' is the Array of JSON objects.
Thanks in advance

The following operation updates all documents where violations are greater than 4 and $set a flag for review:
try {
{ violations: { $gt: 4 } }, //Your Condition
{ $set: { "Review" : true } } //YOUR JSON contents
} catch (e) {
Change the condition accordingly.


Update a value inside array of objects, inside a document in MongoDB

Here is what my collection looks like
Now suppose I have to update count of 2nd document whose reportTypes.reasonId is 300. I have access to _id as well as reasonId to update the count. I am using Mongoose to query things in my Node application.
What can I try to solve this?
You can do it via arrayFilters:
arrayFilters:[{"x.reasonId":300 }]
Specify the matching document in the query part and create arrayFilter "x" matching the correct reportTYpes array subdocument , in the update part use the $inc operation to increment the count value in the example with 1
you should use dot notation and the $ update operator to do this:
(I'm assuming your collection is called Reason)
var conditions = {
'_id': '6244........',
'reasonTypes.reasonId': 300
var update = {
$inc: {
'reasonTypes.$.count': 1
Reason.update(conditions, update, function(err) {
// Handle error here
You can find more on the operator here mongo $ update operator

mongodb update two array values based on array unique id's

this is my mongodb document. i want to update comment and likerName field at one query based on comments.user and likerName.likerId. i have done so far this
// res.send(data);
it updates very well comment field. but i also want to update likerName field same like this.
do u mean?

How to improve the performance of query in mongodb?

I have a collection in MongoDB with more than 5 million documents. Whenever I create a document inside the same collection I have to check if there exists any document with same title and if it exists then I don't have to add this to the database.
Example: here is my MongoDB document:
"title":"Lost in space",
"desc":"this is description"
Now whenever a new document is being created in the collection, I want to check if the same title already exists in any of the documents and if it does not exists, then only I want to add it to the database.
Currently, I am using findOne query and checking for the title, if it not available only then it is added to the database. I am facing the performance issue in this. It is taking too much time to do this process. Please suggest a better approach.
async function addToDB(data){
let result= await db.collection('testCol').findOne({title:data.title});
await db.collection('testCol').insertOne(data);
console.log("already exists in db");
You can reduce the network round trip time which is currently 2X. Because you execute two queries. One for find then one for update. You can combine them into one query as below.
{ $setOnInsert: { <field1>: <value1>, ... } },
{ upsert: true }
It will not update if already exists.
{ $setOnInsert: { "key":"2"} },
{ upsert: true }
It looks for document with key1 is 1. If it finds, it skips. If not, it inserts using the data provided in the object of setOnInsert.

Mongoose, Nodejs - replace many documents in one I/O?

I have an array of objects and I want to store them in a collection using only one I/O operation if it's possible. If any document already exists in the collection I want to replace it, or insert it otherwise.
These are the solutions that I found, but doesn't work exactly as I want:
insertMany(): this doesn't replace the document that already exists, but throws exception instead (This is what I found in the Mongodb documentation, but I don't know if it's the same as mongoose).
update() or ‎updateMany() with upsert = true: this doesn't help me as well, because here I have to do the same updates to all the to stored documents.
‎There is no replaceMany() in mongodb or mongoose.
Is there anyone how knows any optimal way to do replaceMany using mongoose and node.js
There is bulkWrite (, which makes it possible to execute multiple operations at once. In your case, you can use it to perform multiple replaceOne operations with upsert. The code below shows how you can do it with Mongoose:
// Assuming *data* is an array of documents that you want to insert (or replace)
const bulkData = => (
replaceOne: {
upsert: true,
filter: {
// Filter specification. You must provide a field that
// identifies *item*
replacement: item
You need to query like this:
/Your Condition/
}, {
$set: {
"New Key": "Value"
}, {
multi: true,
upsert: true
It fulfils your requirements..!!!

Not able to delete a field using findAndModify query

I am trying to update existing mongodb document using findAndModify query in node.js. I want to add product_category_ids field & remove error_state field. I want to do these two updates in single query. If I specify only $set it is working fine but if I specify both $set & $unset, it sets product_category_ids to null value.
my query is as follows:
conn.collection('error_import').findAndModify({_id:o_id},[['_id',1]],{ $set: {"product_category_ids":sss.category}}{ $unset: {"error_state":""}},{new:true},function(err,result) {
if ( err )
else {
conn.collection('product_import').insert({"tags":result.value.tags, "category_hierarchy":result.value.category_hierarchy, "error_state":result.value.error_state});
Please help me with this.Thanks in advance.
try using
{ $set: {"product_category_ids":sss.category}, $unset: {"error_state":""}}
instead of
{ $set: {"product_category_ids":sss.category}}{ $unset: {"error_state":""}}
