How to authenticate Databrics API using .netrc file - databricks

I have created ".netrc " file on my machine and trying below databricks rest api call. But it always giving an unauthorized error. How to create .netrc file in Databricks?
curl -n -X GET https:///api/2.0/token/list
How to use .netrc file with databricks api?

My .netrc file looks like this:
login token
password dapicxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Machine should be the region where your workspace is deployed, login is always token and the password the token created for your user.
See Databricks documentation how to create the token.

Easier way to configure databricks cli is to install databricks-cli package using the below command
pip install --upgrade databricks-cli
databricks configure --token (enter hostname/auth-token at prompt)
Instructions are available at


Windows Azure uthentification via curl

In our enterprise, we use Azure AD for the authentification.
I want now to do some curl commands for testing, but the command:
curl -u myuser:mypassword -L
doesn't do the trick. Apparently, I'm stuck at the login windows.
Has anyone else a solution to do the Azure authentification from curl?
EDIT: as suggested by #SaiSakethGuduru-MT, adding --ntlm didn't work

How to push and pull docker images from Gitlab with access token

I am trying to push an image to a gitlab registry with two factor authentication. It gives me this error message:
unauthorized: HTTP Basic: Access denied\nYou must use a personal access token with 'api' scope for Git over HTTP
I tried to use this command to login but it still says access denied:
docker login -u my_user_name -p my_public_key
What am I doing wrong? How can I push and pull images with the public key?
Ok I found my error I was using my_public_key but I should have used a gitlab access token instead generated as the instructions in the link say.
So the correct command is :
docker login -u my_user_name -p my_gitlab_token
Or better yet for security purposes provide the password not in the command but when prompted after the command like this:
docker login -u my_user_name

How to get the list of docker images from Azure private registry

I have a linux system where I have installed dockers. I also have a registry on azure for which I have the user name and password. To get a list of docker images from a private registry we can simply use curl command like below:
curl localhost:5000/v2/_catalog
This command I tested when I installed private registry on my machine and it was giving me the list of images which I have in the registry. Now I have azure registry. I can login to it successfully but don't know what command I can run to get the list of docker images. Is this possible.? For example, if I run:
It shows:
<head><title>301 Moved Permanently</title></head>
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How do I get the list of images stored in azure registry from my linux machine
You can use the container registry cli for azure:
az acr repository list --name <acrName> --output table
It is important to understand how docker lists the images in the registry.
Docker CLI provides command to pull/push/delete images from a private Azure Registry like after the user authenticates itself using docker login command but the docker CLI does not provide any command to list the images in the private registry.
It is important to understand that the docker image ls only lists the images present on the local machine and not in a registry.
There are multiple answers that describe the Docker HTTP API V2 (Refer here) to list the images present in the registry. The HTTP v2 API v2/_catalog and other only work with local registry created on-premise but when user wants to list the images present in the Private Azure Registry one needs to use Azure CLI
What is Local Registry ?
The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute Docker images. The Registry is open-source, under the permissive Apache license. Local Registry can be created to store and distribute images in house or on-premise.
Refer here : . One can create a private registry,push and pull image from there using Dokcker HTTP API V2.
Azure CR is a special type and inorder to list the images there is no other option to Azure CLI.
Use Case
- List the top three images present in the registry
The command for the same can be
az acr repository show-tags -n <RegistryName> --repository <RepositoryName> --orderby time_desc --output table | select -First 5
Not used to Azure I accidentally got stuck on the idea that I needed the Azure credentials to access the API, these answers strengthening that perception, but given you have the u/p you should be able to access it with curl in a simple:
curl -L --user <username>:<password>
{"repositories":["name1", "name2", "nameN"]}
As yamenk said, you could use Azure CLI 2.0 to get your registry on azure.
Azure Cli 2.0 works on linux and docker, so I think it could work your linux machine.
Also, you could use Azure Rest APi to get registry on azure.
GET<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<rg>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/<registry name>?api-version=2017-10-01
For get token, please refer to this link.
Using API like below:
curl -X "GET" "********/resourceGroups/shuiapp/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/shuitest?api-version=2017-10-01" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

How to create database and user in influxdb programmatically?

In my use case I am using single ec2 instance [not a cluster]. I want to create a database and an user with all privileges programmatically? Is there a config file which I can edit and copy to the right location after influxdb is installed.
Could someone help me with this?
There isn't any config option that you can use to do that with InfluxDB itself. After starting up an instance you can use the InfluxDB HTTP to create the users. The curl command to do so would be the following:
curl "http://localhost:8086/query" --data-urlencode "q=CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypass' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES"
Just run this command for each of the users you'd like to create. After that, you'll need to enabled the auth value of the [http] section of the config.
you can use ansible to setup influxb with your own recipe.
here's the ansible module documentation that you can use
or, any config/deploy manager that you prefer. i'd do this anyday instead of some ssh script or who knows what.
and also, you can use any of the above config managers to provision/manipulate your ec2 instance(s).
Use the admin token and this command (InfluxDB 2.3 CLI)
.\influx.exe user create -n yourusername -p yourpassword -o "your org name" --token admintokengoeshere

Testing Artifactory Credentials

Is there a way to test artifactory credentials and if I can successfully access a repository? running from the command line I cannot see if the credentials are used and from a browser with the ?trace appended to the url denies the anonymous user access.
You could make use of the Artifactory REST API to test your credentials. Access it from the command line via the curl command:
curl -u myUser:myP455w0rd! -X GET "http://<artifactory-url>:8080/artifactory/api/build"
If your credentials are correct, this should show you all builds in Artifactory.
