Unable to use variable outside of class in the class - node.js

I am making a simple note taking app to learn node and ES6. I have 3 modules - App, NotesManager and Note. I am importing the Note class into the NotesManager and am trying to instantiate it in its addNote function. The problem is that even though the import is correct, it turns out to be undefined inside the class definition. A simpler solution would be to just instantiate the NotesManager class and add the Note class to its constructor however, I want to have NotesManager as a static utility class.
Here is my code.
class Note {
constructor(title, body) {
this.title = title;
this.body = body;
module.exports = Note;
const note = require("./Note");
console.log("Note: ", note); //shows correctly
class NotesManager {
constructor() {}
static addNote(title, body) {
const note = new note(title, body); //Fails here as note is undefined
static getNote(title) {
if (title) {
console.log(`Getting Note: ${title}`);
} else {
console.log("Please provide a legit title");
static removeNote(title) {
if (title) {
console.log(`Removing Note: ${title}`);
} else {
console.log("Please provide a legit title");
static getAll() {
//console.log("Getting all notes ", NotesManager.notes, note);
NotesManager.notes = []; //Want notes to be a static variable
module.exports.NotesManager = NotesManager;
console.log("Starting App");
const fs = require("fs"),
_ = require("lodash"),
yargs = require("yargs"),
{ NotesManager } = require("./NotesManager");
console.log(NotesManager.getAll()); //works
const command = process.argv[2],
argv = yargs.argv;
switch (command) {
case "add":
const title = argv.title || "No title given";
const body = argv.body || "";
NotesManager.addNote(title, body); //Fails here
case "list":
case "remove":
case "read":
Is it possible for me to create a strict utility class which I can use without instantiating like in Java? Pretty new here and have tried searching for it without any luck. Thank you for your help.

When you do this:
const note = new note(title, body);
you redefine note shadowing the original note from the outer scope. You need to pick a different variable name.
Something like this should work better:
static addNote(title, body) {
const some_note = new note(title, body); //Fails here as note is undefined


NodeJS: call func from inside another func in same file

I have NodeJS program.
In one class, I have various utility methods. One function, safeGithubPush, calls safeString, another func in the same class
module.exports = {
safeString(stringToCheck) {
console.log(validator.isAscii(stringToCheck), validator.matches(stringToCheck, /^((\w)*[-.]?(\w)*)*$/))
return (
validator.isAscii(stringToCheck) &&
validator.matches(stringToCheck, /^((\w)*[-.]?(\w)*)*$/)
safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (
!currentJob ||
!currentJob.payload ||
!currentJob.payload.repoName ||
!currentJob.payload.repoOwner ||
) {
`${' (sanitize)'.padEnd(15)}failed due to insufficient job definition`
throw invalidJobDef;
if (
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoName) &&
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoOwner) &&
) {
return true;
throw invalidJobDef;
While this.logIn(), another func in the utility class, works just fine, I get the error for safeString:
Error caught by first catch: TypeError: this.safeString is not a function
I followed a solution offer by another SO post:
safeString: function(stringToCheck){
safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoName) &&
this.safeString(currentJob.payload.repoOwner) &&
) {
return true;
But this also gets a, TypeError: this.safeString is not a function.
I'm not using arrow functions, which is the explanation for this error on a different SO post
I don't think the reason is determinable with the code you are currently presenting. It likely has something to do with how you are calling safeGithubPush. If you do something that would change the this binding the this.safeString is going to fail.
const foo = {
fizz() {
buzz() {
// "this" is correct
// "this" has no fizz to call
const myFizz = foo.buzz;
Considering you are attaching these to module.exports I am going to guess that you pull these functions off in a require call and then try to use them bare which makes the problem obvious after looking at my example above:
// Ignore these 2 lines, they let this look like node
const module = {};
const require = () => module.exports;
// Ignore above 2 lines, they let this look like node
// Your module "some.js"
module.exports = {
safeString(str) {
return true;
safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (!this.safeString("some")) {
throw new Error("Not safe");
return true;
try {
// Some consumer module that doesn't work
const {safeGithubPush} = require("./some.js");
const isItSafe = safeGithubPush();
console.log(`Safe? ${isItSafe}`);
} catch (err) {
console.error("Didn't bind right \"this\"");
try {
// Some consumer module that DOES work
const someModule = require("./some.js");
const isItSafe = someModule.safeGithubPush();
console.log(`Safe? ${isItSafe}`);
} catch (err) {
I would restructure this code. You say these are utility functions which makes me think you don't really want to have to structure them with this in mind.
Instead of attaching them all to module.exports at their definition, define them outside and directly reference the functions you want to use, then attach them to exports so other modules can use the functions:
function safeString(stringToCheck) {
return true;
function safeGithubPush(currentJob) {
if (!safeString("some")) {
throw new Error("Not safe");
return true;
module.exports = {

Overriding util.format affects util.(other)

Exploring NodeJS..
const util = require("util");
class BaseClass {
constructor() {
this.util = util;
init() {
console.log( util.format( "%s", "baseclass format" ) );
console.log( util.isArray( [1,2,3] ) );
util.log( "baseclass log" );
module.exports = BaseClass;
const BaseClass = require("./BaseClass");
class SubClass extends BaseClass {
constructor() {
init() {
this.util.format = function() { return "subclass format"; }
this.util.isArray = function() { return "subclass isArray"; }
this.util.log = function() { console.log( "subclass log" ); }
new SubClass();
Output (of node SubClass.js):
subclass format
subclass format
subclass format
Hmm. Comment out util.format override in SubClass.js:
// this.util.format = function() { return "subclass format"; }
Try again. Output (of node SubClass.js):
baseclass format
subclass isArray
subclass log
Can someone tell me why this is happening? I'd've guessed that isArray and log call format within the util module but I'm not sure where to look to verify this. node_modules/node/index.d.ts isn't really enlightening me.
Your intuition is correct. The easiest place to verify this is the docs for console.log (emphasis mine):
console.log([data][, ...args])
Added in: v0.1.100
data <any>
...args <any>
Prints to stdout with newline. Multiple arguments can be passed, with the first used as the primary message and all additional used as substitution values similar to printf(3) (the arguments are all passed to util.format()).
In the Node.js source you can see where this happens in lib/console.js (line 140).
In your code, this.util is a reference to the object returned by require('util'), so when you replace this.util.format you're replacing it for all code, not just the code inside your class.

Case sensitive issue in node.js

I have 2 files,
class ExtendableError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
this.name = this.constructor.name
this.message = message
if (typeof Error.captureStackTrace === 'function') {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor)
} else {
this.stack = new Error(message).stack
module.exports = ExtendableError
const ExtendableError = require('./ExtendableError')
class DuplicatedError extends ExtendableError {
constructor(message) {
module.exports = DuplicatedError
Below is my testing code,
const DuplicatedError = require('./duplicatedError');
const ExtendableError = require('./ExtendableError');
const ExtendableError1 = require('./extendableError');
throw new DuplicatedError('hahah');
console.log(err instanceof ExtendableError); // true
console.log(err instanceof ExtendableError1); // false
The test is on my mac book, why is that happen? Only the 1st charater was uppercase has different results. i don't understand.
Macs are based on BSD UNIX, so the file system is case sensitive.
As a side note, it’s common to not use camecase for file names, eg:
var extendableError = require(‘./extendable-error’)
Firstly, for compatibility reason, macOS chose a case-insensitive file system. But it doesn't mean you have to bear it, Disk Utility can be used to reformat the partition to case-sensitive mode. If You do that, node.js will report error to you because of the wrong module name you are trying to require.
Then, let's talk about your test result. The key issue is which one you require in duplicatedError.js, if you change it a little bit:
//change the required name to lowercase extendableError
const ExtendableError = require('./extendableError')
class DuplicatedError extends ExtendableError {
constructor(message) {
module.exports = DuplicatedError
The test result will be:
You can even try to modify duplicatedError.js like below:
//change the required name to extENDableError
const ExtendableError = require('./extENDableError')
class DuplicatedError extends ExtendableError {
constructor(message) {
module.exports = DuplicatedError
The result shall be
So i think it's not about module caching, you have two things to be clear here:
macOX is case-insensitive file system by default
even you have only one file extendableError.js, but you require twice with different names, like: require(./extendableError), require(./ExtendableError), require(./extENDableError), trey will be treated as three modules.

Node + ES6 classes: Setting up a set of cached objects

I've tried to search for instance caching and singletons on Google and StackOverflow without success, seeing only posts about module.exports, if you know a post that answers this question, feel free to reference it. Thank you!
I have an application that needs to work on a set of objects that rarely change, and hence need to be cached for performance optimisation.
Here is a toy example where a single property is set directly.
When I call the application, I export an object that will contain the set of cached objects in assets_cached.js:
const Assets = {};
module.exports.Assets = Assets;
In another module of the application I have an ES6 class:
const _ = require('lodash')
const { Assets } = require('./assets_cached')
class Asset {
constructor(id, some_property) {
if (id in Assets) {
// Update instance data with cached properties
_.assign(this, Assets_cached[id]);
} else {
// If it's not cached, create a new object
this.id = id;
this.some_property = some_property;
// Cache this object
Assets_cached[id] = this;
getProperty() {
return this.some_property;
setProperty(value) {
this.some_property = value;
// Is there a way of avoiding having to do this double assignment?
Assets_cached[id].some_property = value;
module.exports = Asset;
How may I avoid having to set the some_property twice (in the current instance and the cache, while ensuring that other instances are updated in parallel)?
Ideally I'd like to do something like:
if (id in Assets) {
this = Assets.cached[id]
inside the constructor, but this is not possible.
What's the most elegant and correct way of making this work?
Ideally I'd like to do something like this = Assets.cached[id] inside the constructor
The magic keyword here is return. You can just return an arbitrary object from the constructor and it will be used instead of this.
constructor(id, some_property) {
if (id in Assets) {
// use cached instance instead of creating a new one
return Assets_cached[id];
} else {
this.id = id;
this.some_property = some_property;
// Cache this object
Assets_cached[id] = this;
Here is the approach to the comment that was made some half an hour ago ...
const { Assets_cached } = require('./assets_cached');
// const { AssetStore } = require('./assetstore');
class Asset {
constructor(id, some_property) { // clean/lean constructor.
this.id = id;
this.some_property = some_property;
getProperty() {
return this.some_property;
setProperty(value) {
this.some_property = value;
function isAsset(type) {
// poor man's approach ... change to something more feasible.
return (type instanceof Asset);
function createAsset(id, some_property) { // factory that also handles caching.
asset = Assets_cached[id];
// asset = AssetStore.get(id);
if (!(asset && isAsset(asset))) {
asset = Assets_cached[id] = (new Asset(id, some_property));
// AssetStore.put(id, (asset = new Asset(id, some_property)));
return asset;
module.exports = {
create : createAsset,
isAsset : isAsset
One also should consider providing a minimal API to Assets_cached, something like put/set, get and delete instead of Assets_cached being an entirely exposed, plain key-value store.

Singleton Inheritance Buggy Behavior

I have spotted buggy behavior in javascript es6 inheritance using Singleton pattern.
Code is:
let instanceOne = null;
class One {
constructor() {
if (instanceOne) return instanceOne;
this.name = 'one';
instanceOne = this;
return instanceOne;
method() {
console.log('Method in one');
let instanceTwo = null;
class Two extends One {
constructor() {
if (instanceTwo) return instanceTwo;
this.name = 'two';
instanceTwo = this;
return instanceTwo;
method() {
console.log('Method in two');
const objOne = new One();
const objTwo = new Two();
Display is:
Method in one
Method in one
The inheritance get fucked up somehow. Here the attributes get overridden but not the object methods.
My question is why is it working (like now throw) and can you explain this behavior?
It appears that new objects need brand new object as parent (see solution below).
If you encounter the same problem, here is my solution:
let instanceOne = null;
class One {
constructor(brandNewInstance = false) {
if (instanceOne && !brandNewInstance) return instanceOne;
this.name = 'one';
if (brandNewInstance) return this;
instanceOne = this;
return instanceOne;
method() {
console.log('Method in one');
let instanceTwo = null;
class Two extends One {
constructor() {
if (instanceTwo) return instanceTwo;
this.name = 'two';
instanceTwo = this;
return instanceTwo;
method() {
console.log('Method in two');
I use node.js v6.9.1
This happens because of this line:
if (instanceOne) return instanceOne;
One constructor runs twice in the code above. Second One call is super(), in this case this is created from Two.prototype, and object method is Two.prototype.method.
Return statement from super() substitutes this with One singleton, and then Two constructor just modifies One singleton instance.
Static property can be used instead to hold instances:
constructor() {
if (this.constructor.hasOwnProperty('instance'))
return this.constructor.instance;
this.constructor.instance = this;
this.name = 'one';
Or if sharing an instance with descendant classes is the expected behaviour,
constructor() {
if ('instance' in this.constructor)
return this.constructor.instance;
this.name = 'one';
this.constructor.instance = this;
In this case all singleton mechanics is done by One constructor, Two just needs to call super:
constructor() {
this.name = 'two';
Also, ending return statement is redundant. this doesn't have to be returned explicitly.
You are doing something a bit strange. Constructors and subclasses in ecmascript 6 do not work in the way you think they do. You may wish to read this blog post (particularly section 4) to learn more.
Taking from that article, your code looks like this under the hood:
let instanceOne = null;
function One() {
// var this = Object.create(new.target.prototype); // under the hood
if (instanceOne) return instanceOne;
this.name = 'one';
instanceOne = this;
return instanceOne;
One.prototype.method = function() { console.log('Method in one'); }
let instanceTwo = null;
function Two() {
var that = undefined;
that = Reflect.construct(One, [], new.target);
if (instanceTwo) return instanceTwo;
that.name = 'two';
instanceTwo = that;
return instanceTwo;
Two.prototype.method = function() { console.log('Method in two'); }
Object.setPrototypeOf(Two, One);
Object.setPrototypeOf(Two.prototype, One.prototype);
const objOne = Reflect.construct(One, [], One);
const objTwo = Reflect.construct(Two, [], Two);
(new.target is the value passed as the third argument of Reflect.construct)
You can see that for the Two class, no new object is being created and Two.prototype is not used. Instead, the One singleton instance is used and mutated.
