Borrowed value does not live long enough when adding to a binary tree built on RefCell - rust

I tried to implement an add operation in a binary tree:
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::cmp::PartialOrd;
type Link<T> = RefCell<Option<Box<Node<T>>>>;
struct Node<T> {
key: T,
left: Link<T>,
right: Link<T>,
struct Tree<T> {
root: Link<T>,
impl<T> Node<T> {
fn new(val: T) -> Self {
Node {
key: val,
left: RefCell::new(None),
right: RefCell::new(None),
impl<T: PartialOrd> Tree<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Tree {
root: RefCell::new(None),
fn add(&self, val: T) {
let mut next = self.root.borrow();
let node = Box::new(Node::new(val));
match next.as_ref() {
None => {
Some(root_ref) => {
let mut prev = root_ref;
let mut cur: Option<&Box<Node<T>>> = Some(root_ref);
while let Some(node_ref) = cur {
prev = node_ref;
if node.key < node_ref.key {
next = node_ref.left.borrow();
} else {
next = node_ref.right.borrow();
cur = next.as_ref();
if node.key < prev.key {
} else {
fn main() {}
I don't understand why the next variable doesn't live long enough:
error[E0597]: `next` does not live long enough
--> src/
36 | match next.as_ref() {
| ^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
60 | }
| - `next` dropped here while still borrowed
= note: values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are created
error[E0597]: `next` does not live long enough
--> src/
51 | cur = next.as_ref();
| ^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
60 | }
| - `next` dropped here while still borrowed
= note: values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are created
next lives for the entire scope of the add function and, in my opinion, other variables containing references to it are dropped before next has dropped.
The compiler says that "values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are created", suggesting that there is another way to declare variables and to solve this problem, but I don't know how.

The problem I see is that in order to update a leaf node of your tree you have to hold a reference to each intermediate step, not only its parent, because all the links up to the root node must be kept alive while you are updating the value. And Rust lifetimes just cannot do that.
That is, Rust cannot do that in a loop, but it can do that in a recursive function, and a tree is best implemented with a recursive function.
Naturally, your recursive struct is Node, not Tree, but something like this could work (there are many ways to get the borrows to work):
impl<T: PartialOrd> Node<T> {
fn add(&self, val: T) {
let mut branch = if val < self.key {
} else {
if let Some(next) = &*branch {
//Separated from the if let so that branch is not borrowed.
*branch = Some(Box::new(Node::new(val)));
And then, in impl Tree just relay the work to this one.
The code may be simplified a bit if, as other people noted, you get rid of the Tree vs Node and the RefCell...


Borrowing errors whilst mutating in for loop

I am having issues with the borrow checker and temporary values in rust.
I'm hoping to find a solution to this specific problem as well as better learn how to handle this kind of situation in the future. I originally started off with a for_each but ran into issues terminating early.
I considered moving the logic of check_foo into update_foo, however this wouldn't work well for my real world solution; the MRE focuses on the compilation issues vs what I'm trying to achieve in the whole program.
Edit: Is there a way for me to achieve this in a purely functional approach?
I want to iterate over a range of numbers, updating a Vec<Foo> and potentially returning early with a value. Below is a minimal reproducible example of my code with the same errors:
I tried tried implementing as:
fn run<'a>(mut foos: Vec<Foo>) -> Vec<&'a u32> {
let mut bar: Vec<&u32> = vec![];
for num in 0..10 {
for foo in &mut foos {
let checked_foo = check_foo(&foo);
if checked_foo.is_empty() {
bar = checked_foo;
/* `fn update_foo` and `fn check_foo` definitions same as below */
but this resulted in:
21 | for foo in &mut foos {
| ^^^^^^^^^ `foos` was mutably borrowed here in the previous iteration of the loop
To overcome this I added the use of Rc and RefCell to allow me to iterate over a reference whilst still being able to mutate:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Foo {
updated: bool,
fn run<'a>(foos: Vec<Rc<RefCell<Foo>>>) -> Vec<&'a u32> {
let mut bar: Vec<&u32> = vec![];
for num in 0..10 {
for foo in &foos {
update_foo(&mut foo.borrow_mut());
let checked_foo = check_foo(&foo.borrow());
if checked_foo.is_empty() {
bar = checked_foo;
fn update_foo(foo: &mut Foo) {
foo.updated = true
fn check_foo(foo: &Foo) -> Vec<&u32> {
if foo.updated {
vec![&0, &1, &2]
} else {
which results in:
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing temporary value
--> src/
26 | let checked_foo = check_foo(&foo.borrow());
| ------------ temporary value created here
33 | bar
| ^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing function parameter `foos`
--> src/
23 | for foo in &foos {
| ----- `foos` is borrowed here
33 | bar
| ^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0515`.
I'm not entirely sure what you plan to do with this, but it seems to me like a few of the references you're using should be owned. Here's what I came up with.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Foo {
updated: bool,
fn run(foos: &mut Vec<Foo>) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut bar: Vec<u32> = vec![];
for num in 0..10 {
for foo in foos.iter_mut() {
let checked_foo = check_foo(&foo);
if checked_foo.is_empty() {
bar = checked_foo;
fn update_foo(foo: &mut Foo) {
foo.updated = true
fn check_foo(foo: &Foo) -> Vec<u32> {
if foo.updated {
vec![0, 1, 2]
} else {
References should be used when you expect some other struct to own the objects you are referring to, but here you're constructing new vectors with new data, so you should keep the elements owned.

Iterate through a whole file one character at a time

I'm new to Rust and I'm struggle with the concept of lifetimes. I want to make a struct that iterates through a file a character at a time, but I'm running into issues where I need lifetimes. I've tried to add them where I thought they should be but the compiler isn't happy. Here's my code:
struct Advancer<'a> {
line_iter: Lines<BufReader<File>>,
char_iter: Chars<'a>,
current: Option<char>,
peek: Option<char>,
impl<'a> Advancer<'a> {
pub fn new(file: BufReader<File>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut line_iter = file.lines();
if let Some(Ok(line)) = {
let char_iter = line.chars();
let mut advancer = Advancer {
current: None,
peek: None,
// Prime the pump. Populate peek so the next call to advance returns the first char
let _ =;
} else {
Err(anyhow!("Failed reading an empty file."))
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
self.current = self.peek;
if let Some(char) = {
self.peek = Some(char);
} else {
if let Some(Ok(line)) = {
self.char_iter = line.chars();
self.peek = Some('\n');
} else {
self.peek = None;
pub fn current(&self) -> Option<char> {
pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<char> {
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let file = File::open("input_file.txt")?;
let file_buf = BufReader::new(file);
let mut advancer = Advancer::new(file_buf)?;
while let Some(char) = {
print!("{}", char);
And here's what the compiler is telling me:
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local variable `line`
--> src/
25 | let char_iter = line.chars();
| ---- `line` is borrowed here
37 | Ok(advancer)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
error[E0597]: `line` does not live long enough
--> src/
21 | impl<'a> Advancer<'a> {
| -- lifetime `'a` defined here
49 | self.char_iter = line.chars();
| -----------------^^^^--------
| | |
| | borrowed value does not live long enough
| assignment requires that `line` is borrowed for `'a`
50 | self.peek = Some('\n');
51 | } else {
| - `line` dropped here while still borrowed
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0515, E0597.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0515`.
error: could not compile `advancer`.
Some notes:
The Chars iterator borrows from the String it was created from. So you can't drop the String while the iterator is alive. But that's what happens in your new() method, the line variable owning the String disappears while the iterator referencing it is stored in the struct.
You could also try storing the current line in the struct, then it would live long enough, but that's not an option – a struct cannot hold a reference to itself.
Can you make a char iterator on a String that doesn't store a reference into the String? Yes, probably, for instance by storing the current position in the string as an integer – it shouldn't be the index of the char, because chars can be more than one byte long, so you'd need to deal with the underlying bytes yourself (using e.g. is_char_boundary() to take the next bunch of bytes starting from your current index that form a char).
Is there an easier way? Yes, if performance is not of highest importance, one solution is to make use of Vec's IntoIterator instance (which uses unsafe magic to create an object that hands out parts of itself) :
let char_iter = file_buf.lines().flat_map(|line_res| {
let line = line_res.unwrap_or(String::new());
Note that just returning line.chars() would have the same problem as the first point.
You might think that String should have a similar IntoIterator instance, and I wouldn't disagree.

Can't do breadth-first search on a binary tree in Rust

I've implemented a binary tree in Rust as a learning project but failed to transverse it to print the tree in a breadth-first search fashion.
The issue is that I can't reassign the search queue (children) because it's borrowed and doesn't live long enough.
How can I correct this?
use std::fmt::Display;
type Branch<'a, T> = Option<Box<Node<'a, T>>>;
struct Node<'a, T: PartialOrd + Display> {
value: &'a T,
left: Branch<'a, T>,
right: Branch<'a, T>
impl<'a, T: PartialOrd + Display> Node<'a, T> {
fn insert(&mut self, value: &'a T) {
let target_node = if value > self.value { &mut self.right } else { &mut self.left };
match target_node {
Some(ref mut node) => node.insert(value),
None => {
let new_node = Node{ value: value, left: None, right: None};
*target_node = Some(Box::new(new_node))
fn display(&'a self) {
let mut children: Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>> = Vec::new();
while children.len() > 0 {
for child in &children {
match child {
Some(node) => {
print!("{} ", node.value);
None => {
print!(" ")
// Error: children doesn't live long enough;
children = self.to_vec(&children);
fn to_vec(&self, nodes: &'a Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>>) -> Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>> {
let mut children: Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>> = Vec::new();
for node_option in nodes {
match node_option {
Some(node) => {
match &node.left {
Some(left) => {
match &node.right {
Some(right) => {
None => {
None => {
match &node.right {
Some(right) => {
None => {
None => {}
fn main() {
let root_val = 5;
let mut root = Node{ value: &root_val, left: None, right: None };
Copying my answer from this reddit comment:
There's a way to directly fix your problem, but I think there are better options for making the code easier to write and understand. For the direct fix, you can make some lifetime adjustments. Instead of
fn to_vec(&self, nodes: &'a Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>>) -> Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>> {
You need:
fn to_vec<'b>(&self, nodes: &Vec<Option<&'b Node<'a, T>>>) -> Vec<Option<&'b Node<'a, T>>>
What's the difference there? In the first case we're saying that nodes is a &'a Vec. That is, a borrow of a Vec that lives as long as the value references inside your tree. That's a long time to live, and it's what the compiler's getting angry about.
Now, if you just take the 'a off of that &Vec, the compiler complains about something else:
42 | fn to_vec(&self, nodes: &Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>>) -> Vec<Option<&Node<'a, T>>> {
| ------------ -------------------------
| |
| this parameter and the return type are declared with different lifetimes...
76 | children
| ^^^^^^^^ ...but data from `nodes` is returned here
Maybe this is the error that pushed you to put the 'a on the &Vec in the first place. We need to solve it a different way. The important thing to understand here is that the return value doesn't contain references directly into the nodes vector, but it does contain copies of the nodes vector's contents, the &Node references. We need to tell the compiler that even though the nodes reference doesn't live very long, its contents do live longer. That's why we create the new lifetime 'b in my fix above.
This is objectively very confusing. Personally, I prefer to avoid solving these tricky problems, by just keeping things alive longer instead of reasoning about exactly how long they live. The source of the difficulty is that we're destroying the children vector on line 39. If we were able to keep it around, and just keep emptying it and refilling it, Rust would give us a much easier time. Have you considered using a std::collections::VecDeque instead of a Vec here? You could construct it once outside of your while-loop, and then you could pass &mut children around, without worrying very much about its lifetime. I think a queue is usually the go-to data structure for a breadth-first traversal, with new children added to the back, and the traversal itself reading from the front.

Cursor of HashMap records with RwLockGuard in Rust

I am new to Rust, and I am trying to implement a simple, thread-safe memory key-value store, using a HashMap protected within a RwLock. My code looks like this:
use std::sync::{ Arc, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard };
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_map::Iter;
type SimpleCollection = HashMap<String, String>;
struct Store(Arc<RwLock<SimpleCollection>>);
impl Store {
fn new() -> Store { return Store(Arc::new(RwLock::new(SimpleCollection::new()))) }
fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
let map =;
return map.get(&key.to_string()).map(|s| s.clone());
fn set(&self, key: &str, value: &str) {
let mut map = self.0.write().unwrap();
map.insert(key.to_string(), value.to_string());
So far, this code works OK. The problem is that I am trying to implement a scan() function, which returns a Cursor object that can be used to iterate over all the records. I want the Cursor object to hold a RwLockGuard, which is not released until the cursor itself is released (basically I don't want to allow modifications while a Cursor is alive).
I tried this:
use ...
type SimpleCollection = HashMap<String, String>;
struct Store(Arc<RwLock<SimpleCollection>>);
impl Store {
fn scan(&self) -> Cursor {
let guard =;
let iter = guard.iter();
return Cursor { guard, iter };
struct Cursor<'l> {
guard: RwLockReadGuard<'l, SimpleCollection>,
iter: Iter<'l, String, String>
impl<'l> Cursor<'l> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(String, String)> {
return|r| (r.0.clone(), r.1.clone()));
But that did not work, as I got this compilation error:
error[E0597]: `guard` does not live long enough
--> src/
24 | let iter = guard.iter();
| ^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
25 | return Cursor { guard, iter };
26 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 22:5...
--> src/
22 | / fn scan(&self) -> Cursor {
23 | | let guard =;
24 | | let iter = guard.iter();
25 | | return Cursor { guard, iter };
26 | | }
| |_____^
Any ideas?
As mentioned in the comments, the problem is that structs generally can't be self-referential in Rust. The Cursor struct you are trying to construct contains both the MutexGuard and the iterator borrowing the MutexGuard, which is not possible (for good reasons – see the linked question).
The easiest fix in this case is to introduce a separate struct storing the MutexGuard, e.g.
struct StoreLock<'a> {
guard: RwLockReadGuard<'a, SimpleCollection>,
On the Store, we can then introduce a method returning a StoreLock
fn lock(&self) -> StoreLock {
StoreLock { guard: }
and the StoreLock can expose the actual scan() method (and possibly others requiring a persistent lock):
impl<'a> StoreLock<'a> {
fn scan(&self) -> Cursor {
Cursor { iter: self.guard.iter() }
The Cursor struct itself only contains the iterator:
struct Cursor<'a> {
iter: Iter<'a, String, String>,
Client code first needs to obtain the lock, then get the cursor:
let lock = s.lock();
let cursor = lock.scan();
This ensures that the lock lives long enough to finish scanning.
Full code on the playground

Iterating through a recursive structure using mutable references and returning the last valid reference

I'm trying to recurse down a structure of nodes, modifying them, and then returning the last Node that I get to. I solved the problems with mutable references in the loop using an example in the non-lexical lifetimes RFC. If I try to return the mutable reference to the last Node, I get a use of moved value error:
struct Node {
children: Vec<Node>,
impl Node {
fn new(children: Vec<Self>) -> Self {
Self { children }
fn get_last(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Node> {
fn main() {
let mut root = Node::new(vec![Node::new(vec![])]);
let current = &mut root;
println!("Final: {:?}", get_last(current));
fn get_last(mut current: &mut Node) -> &mut Node {
loop {
let temp = current;
println!("{:?}", temp);
match temp.get_last() {
Some(child) => { current = child },
None => break,
Gives this error
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `*current`
40 | let temp = current;
| ---- value moved here
51 | current
| ^^^^^^^ value used here after move
= note: move occurs because `current` has type `&mut Node`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
If I return the temporary value instead of breaking, I get the error cannot borrow as mutable more than once.
fn get_last(mut current: &mut Node) -> &mut Node {
loop {
let temp = current;
println!("{:?}", temp);
match temp.get_last() {
Some(child) => { current = child },
None => return temp,
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*temp` as mutable more than once at a time
43 | match temp.get_last() {
| ---- first mutable borrow occurs here
47 | None => return temp,
| ^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
48 | }
49 | }
| - first borrow ends here
How can I iterate through the structure with mutable references and return the last Node? I've searched, but I haven't found any solutions for this specific problem.
I can't use Obtaining a mutable reference by iterating a recursive structure because it gives me a borrowing more than once error:
fn get_last(mut current: &mut Node) -> &mut Node {
loop {
let temp = current;
println!("{:?}", temp);
match temp.get_last() {
Some(child) => current = child,
None => current = temp,
This is indeed different from Cannot obtain a mutable reference when iterating a recursive structure: cannot borrow as mutable more than once at a time. If we look at the answer there, modified a bit, we can see that it matches on a value and is able to return the value that was matched on in the terminal case. That is, the return value is an Option:
fn back(&mut self) -> &mut Option<Box<Node>> {
let mut anchor = &mut self.root;
loop {
match {anchor} {
&mut Some(ref mut node) => anchor = &mut,
other => return other, // transferred ownership to here
Your case is complicated by two aspects:
The lack of non-lexical lifetimes.
The fact that you want to take a mutable reference and "give it up" in one case (there are children) and not in the other (no children). This is conceptually the same as this:
fn maybe_identity<T>(_: T) -> Option<T> { None }
fn main() {
let name = String::from("vivian");
match maybe_identity(name) {
Some(x) => println!("{}", x),
None => println!("{}", name),
The compiler cannot tell that the None case could (very theoretically) continue to use name.
The straight-forward solution is to encode this "get it back" action explicitly. We create an enum that returns the &mut self in the case of no children, a helper method that returns that enum, and rewrite the primary method to use the helper:
enum LastOrNot<'a> {
Last(&'a mut Node),
NotLast(&'a mut Node),
impl Node {
fn get_last_or_self(&mut self) -> LastOrNot<'_> {
match self.children.is_empty() {
false => LastOrNot::Last(self.children.last_mut().unwrap()),
true => LastOrNot::NotLast(self),
fn get_last(mut current: &mut Node) -> &mut Node {
loop {
match { current }.get_last_or_self() {
LastOrNot::Last(child) => current = child,
LastOrNot::NotLast(end) => return end,
Note that we are using all of the techniques exposed in both Returning a reference from a HashMap or Vec causes a borrow to last beyond the scope it's in? and Cannot obtain a mutable reference when iterating a recursive structure: cannot borrow as mutable more than once at a time.
With an in-progress reimplementation of NLL, we can simplify get_last_or_self a bit to avoid the boolean:
fn get_last_or_self(&mut self) -> LastOrNot<'_> {
match self.children.last_mut() {
Some(l) => LastOrNot::Last(l),
None => LastOrNot::NotLast(self),
The final version of Polonius should allow reducing the entire problem to a very simple form:
fn get_last(mut current: &mut Node) -> &mut Node {
while let Some(child) = current.get_last() {
current = child;
See also:
Returning a reference from a HashMap or Vec causes a borrow to last beyond the scope it's in?
Cannot obtain a mutable reference when iterating a recursive structure: cannot borrow as mutable more than once at a time
