IIS 500.51 error and how to fix it - iis

I've borked my server, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I've cleared my rules, I've reset my web.config back to its pre-rewrite rule state, and still, the error I get is HTTP Error 500.51 - URL Rewrite Module Error. So it's obviously that problem, but I don't know what else to do about it. I looked up this error on google, and found that there's a similar one (50), but it doesn't say exactly what I need to do...it seems that it's stuck somewhere, but I have no idea where that would be...How do I fix this?

So, it would seem that IIS had a rule, but wasn't displaying it. I found this out because I restarted IIS entirely, and the rule popped up, and then I was able to delete it, and voila! Back in business.


Forcing internal server errors in IIS

Might seem like a strange question. But I want to be able to force 500 internal server errors (not errors with my code, but error 500 IIS).
Any sure bet way to do this?
I need to be able to test how other systems react that are connecting when the server returns Internal Server error 500.
I saw this question:
How to force IIS to throw an exception
Problem with this is I can already do this. If I do it this way, I have more control than with the IIS internal errors. Or at least I think I have more control.
I don't want to mimic a 500 error. I need to be able to see all the aspects of the 500 error IIS returns (content, headers, etc).
The purpose is that I need to be able to CHANGE those things if possible. And know I changed them.
One example of what I need to do is set a short cache time for these internal 500 errors (without affecting other responses).
This worked for me, I configured IIS limits to zero connections. Any requests gives
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable\r\n
Not exactly what you asked for, but perhaps close enough?

IIS fails with 500 response code

I've faced with request (/[13:49:32]:й) that leads IIS to fail with 500 error. It contains non-ASCII symbols so I've expected that disabling High Bit characters should fix it but it doesn't. It seems that [13:49:32] part influences on rewrite module or something else since it tries to load web.config file from another location (\?\E:\sitesroot\0[13:49:32]:й\web.config).
I'm not an expert in IIS but as I understand from poor search results and that stackoverflow also has such issue https://stackoverflow.com/[13:49:32]:й it is not a well-known issue. So I need some help from IIS guru to fix these errors (replace them with 400).

Magento 1.9.3 index.php redirect loop

I am working on an E-Commerce website project which I created in localhost. It worked fine, until I moved it online.
Since I moved it online, I've had issues accessing the admin page and the index.php. I've managed to make the admin page work and can now access the backoffice without any issues, but my index.php still shows me an "error: too many redirects1" page.
What's happening?
Main page of my website is stuck in a redirecting loop (chrome error message : this url tried to redirect you too many times)
Everytime I reload the main page, the url switches between www.mydomain.com and mydomain.com (might be an htaccess issue?)
What I've done to try and solve the problem:
I have checked everything in core_config_data table to make sure
the right urls are written in web/secure/base_url and
web/unsecure/base_url. They are.
I have manually cleared the var/cache and var/session from my
I have cleared all cookies / cache from Chrome / Firefox
I have reuploaded the files and database multiple times, thinking it might be due to a corrupted file from the upload.
I have tried to edit the htaccess, but it didn't change anything.
What should I do now ?
I feel like I've tried everything.
As it's my first time with magento, I'm sure it's some dumb thing I might not know about, but I've read nearly every single post about this kind of issues on this website and haven't found anything to resolve it.
So I'm asking you. I'm willing to try every single idea you throw at me, as I've been stuck on this issue for a while now ^^
Thanks for reading :)
Weird, It seems that You make everything right. Try to find and update all url settings in core_config_data: select * from core_config_data where path like '%url%'.
You can try update web/url/redirect_to_base config to 0 (if you have 1).
Remember to clear cache.

Joomla : whenever i change URL rewriting and enable htaccess get error

My site was working fine for the last couple of months and suddenly stopped working. and the issue was backend was working fine but the front end does not load at all.
then I contacted server providers they saying they have not done any changes to the server and asking me to contact Joomla support to see any in-depth errors. they even said they cant find any issues from the logs.
Then what I did was I reinstall VirtueMart (mind you this is an e-commerce site). then it started to work again from the front end. but I realize follow on pages aren't working. so what I did was I remove url re-writing and change the .htaccess code to txt.
so the issue I am having now is I can see index.php file in the URL. but whenever I try to change use url rewriting and enable .htaccess I get this error
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster#domain.au and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
anyone have any ideas?
Suddenly stopped working, without any change from your end ?
Try to step backward and recall anything you did before the issues.
The virtuemart re-installation should not have any relation with the SEF settings and the htaccess.
All these seem to be a combination of different issues.
Have you made any changes on the htaccess file ?
Go in Joomla Global configuration and disable SEF settings. Set URL rewriting to No. Then try to load pages in the front-end.
If you need SEF URLs, follow these instructions about how to enable this feature in Joomla:

Tracking where a custom 404 is handled - code, IIS, etc?

Is there any means to track where within code a 404 error is handled?
We have a site that we have taken over that doesn't seem to be reacting as expected.
We have changed the IIS custom errors page to point to the new page we would like but something seems to still be redirecting it to the old 404.htm file in the root of this site. We have not been able to track down where or why this happens.
Any suggestions on how we might find the referring logic?
