I have a lot of sensoric measurements in my excel table and some one are unreal, so i want to delete them. For that i wrote a code and it works good, but the "Motorlast" makes some Problems. Every measurement format is a "text"-format.
my problem is that a number which should be less 100 is greater 100.
See code...
Private Sub TestButton_Click()
' ist der TestButton
spalte = 16
anzahlZeilen = ActiveSheet.Range("A40000").End(xlUp).Row
vergleichswert = 100
If ActiveSheet.Cells(4, spalte) > vergleichswert Then
MsgBox "Zahl " & ActiveSheet.Cells(4, spalte) & " > Vergleichswert " & vergleichswert
MsgBox "is kleiner"
End If
End Sub
It should not be possible that i come into the if condition, but i do and i don't know why :D Do you have any suggestion?
Image 1 from Excel
Image 2 from Excel
From the code sample, it looks like this might be running on a computer using the German language. This could affect how numbers are interpreted. In US English, a period would indicate the decimal separator, but in German a period could be used for digit grouping. Depending on the locale settings of the computer, this could impact how the expression is being evaluated.
For example, in the English locale, "41,18">100=True but "41.18">100=False
If this is what is happening, you could use the replace function to swap the period for a comma. This might solve your problem.
If Replace(ActiveSheet.Cells(4, spalte),".",",") > vergleichswert Then
I routinely get data in a time field column on an Excel spreadsheet that I need to convert into basic numbers such as 6, 7, 8.
Here's an example of the mess I get:
(Note: I cannot change how the data is received)
9:00 am (no early birds please)
9 a.m Sharp
7:00 am
9 am
08-10-2018 9am
7:30am, 8:30 am
Today thru sun
10:00 a.m.
I recently ran some code that would pull out all numbers from the cell, then remove everything except the first number and that's somewhat close but...
The perfect scenario would be code to output the desired numbers and if cell data wouldn't comply with the code intent (error), a message box would open allowing edits, or, the cell would be flagged with a color so I knew where to look. I end up with about 500 lines of these cells to ferret through. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
While you are considering text comprehension, here's a cheap and dirty VBA function that might get a fair chunk of your cases. I would implement this in combination with conditional formatting that highlights cells greater than or equal to one or zero. (My example screenshot has such formatting in place.)
Public Function GetDate(DateVal As String) As Date
Dim returnDate As Date ' Date to be returned
Dim cleanedDate As String ' Working string containing the candidate date
Dim wordIndex As Integer ' Counter for walking through the word array
Dim wordArray() As String ' Working string broken into words
' Initialize to zero date
returnDate = CDate(0)
If IsNumeric(DateVal) Then
' Handle dates already converted
returnDate = CDate(DateVal)
' Eliminate spurious characters
cleanedDate = UCase(Replace(Replace(Replace(DateVal, ".", ""), ",", " "), "-", " "))
If IsDate(cleanedDate) Then
' If CDate can fix it, just do that.
returnDate = TimeValue(CDate(cleanedDate))
wordArray() = Split(cleanedDate, " ")
If UBound(wordArray) > 0 Then
wordIndex = 0
' Look through each word and return the first time found
Do Until returnDate > 0 Or wordIndex = UBound(wordArray)
If IsDate(wordArray(wordIndex)) Then
returnDate = CDate(wordArray(wordIndex))
End If
wordIndex = wordIndex + 1
End If
End If
End If
GetDate = returnDate
End Function
Here is what I get with your sample data in column A and =PERSONAL.XLSB!GetDate(A1) (or equivalent) in column B:
Note that rows 4, 6, and 8 show time values. This is because Excel converted the values when I pasted your sample data in place. The function handles values that Excel automatically converts.
Fixing Row 5 in code could get tricky. You'll have to weigh that coding effort against the simple manual fix of deleting the space between 9 and a.m.
The code gets about 80% of your example cases. If the ratio holds for your overall data, you're looking at manually adjusting roughly 100 cells. If you're doing this regularly, consider further tweaking of the code. One last ditch effort might be to walk through the string from left to right character by character to see if you can find and build a time string.
...or, of course, you can use text comprehension as mentioned above. :-)
Good Luck!
I need split I have a large economics text where I need splitstrings with 2 words or more, but I did not find any example on the Web for doing this task:
text:"Economics ranges from the very small to the very large. The study of individual decisions is called microeconomics. The study of the economy as a whole is called macroeconomics."
I need get the strings with 2 words or more with blank spaces at left and at right of the strings with 2 words or more. It is complicated, right?
Any help would be fully appreciated.
x=split(text,"very small") - Not works
I need get 'blank space "very small" blank space'
Is this what you are looking for?
dim a
dim i
a = Split("this is a string")
for i=0 to ubound(a)
if (i mod 2 =1) then
MsgBox a(i-1) & " " & a(i)
end if
Is there a way to change VBA settings globally on PC to accept dates and number on a specified format? (on my case dd/mm/yyyy and comma)
Changing Excel settings doesn't solve it for me.
As an small time VBA developer, I'm mostly creating userforms for data input and validation. Alongside with some basic access privileges, It keeps users (mostly an client's hired arms) from nosing on the database and corrupting it.
But, on form's submitting, the textbox values are saved temporally on spreadsheet's cells. Somehow on this step dates get scrambled and in some cases an 3 decimal places numeric gets multiplied by a thousand (e.g. 1/2/2000 turn to 2/1/2000 and 1,234 turn 1234). It defeats the whole purpose of those applications - data gets corrupted.
I've been able to workaround these using the Format(expression, format) function, but that must be applied every time an date or some precision number is added, or even used on some auxiliary task.
This is an recurrent problem for me because, as an Brazilian, dates are formatted as dd/mm/yyyy and decimal separator is ","(comma) on practically 100% of my local users.
Anybody had similar problems?
Excel doesn't have a default date format. Excel uses the Window System Date format settings. You can change you system setting by go to Control Panel -> Change date, time and number formats.
Change Date Format in Windows 7, 8.1 and Windows 10 to dd-mm-yyyy
After adjusting the Windows System Settings to dd-mm-yyyy, CDate will expect strings to be in the dd-mm-yyyy.
Range("A1").Value = CDate( "11/01/2016" )
Result: Monday, January 11, 2016
Summary of comments for those to lazy to read.
Alright, as Thomas Inzina pointed, the strait answer to my question is NO, you can't because there isn't such thing in VBA as this Global setting.
As Rory pointed out, the CDate function should solve (indeed it does) this issue, at least as to the date. Again, Thomas answer didn't include it but it points to the windows conf that would be used by the CDate function.
Datetimepicker, suggested by cyboashu, would solve this issue too, but it requires some tweaking on the user's PC to be available. Too much work for me. Although, this approach has the "pretty" advantage, adds value to your project.
Still looking for the comma/dot bad conversion problem. I'll keep editing this answer while none better exists.
Here I write a function called gdate that accepts a string with a date in a specific format. Then I parse the string, then call cdate based on the users date settings.
All I have to do is find/replace cdate with gdate throughout my code. Now I have a way to handle all date formats by always expecting an exact one gdate("mm/dd/yyyy"). Adjust the parsing if you want to expect different format. Building off built-in objects and functions is how we make things work.
Function gdate(ByVal dstring As String)
' 0 = month-day-year; 1 = day-month-year; 2 = year-month-day
d = Mid(dstring, InStr(1, dstring, "/") + 1, Len(dstring) - 5 - InStr(1, dstring, "/"))
m = Left(dstring, InStr(1, dstring, "/") - 1)
y = Right(dstring, 4)
dtype = Application.International(xlDateOrder)
Select Case dtype
Case 0: gdate = CDate(m & "/" & d & "/" & y)
Case 1: gdate = CDate(d & "/" & m & "/" & y)
Case 2: gdate = CDate(y & "/" & m & "/" & d)
End Select
End Function
I’m still having a grave problem with some files. It’s a rather stupid problem, but I’ve been working at it for quite some time and can’t find a solution.
I need leading zeroes in the time stamps, at least on the ms level.
The timestamps that my software makes always look like this: (example)
9:55:1:19 (that is 9h, 55min, 1sec, 19 ms)
while what I need would look like
It’s no problem to make a conversion in Excel. I use
but I always get
09:55:01:190 (190ms!!)
Thus the milliseconds are always read like comma values, which is understandable from the software’s point of view.
I'd like a solution that either appends the correct values to the end of each row in a new column or directly changes the values in the original column (D) to the correct values. (Appending is OK because my other scripts work that way already!)
Can you help out really quickly?
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3ch6ikddplnyjgg/vUfnVgbbzH here's an example file
With a value in A1 like:
the formula:
will display:
Or if you want to convert the values in column D, in place. Select the cells and run this small macro:
Sub FFormat()
Dim r As Range, L As Long, U As Long
For Each r In Selection
ary = Split(r.Text, ":")
U = UBound(ary)
L = LBound(ary)
For i = L To U
If Len(ary(i)) = 1 Then
ary(i) = "0" & ary(i)
End If
Next i
If Len(ary(U)) = 2 Then
ary(U) = "0" & ary(U)
End If
r.Value = Join(ary, ":")
Next r
End Sub
If the original in R12 (my example) is text, you can enter this big formula: :)
=TEXT(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));4);"00") & ":"&TEXT(MID(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));14;20);"00") & ":" & TEXT(MID(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));34;20);"00") & ":" & TEXT(MID(SUBSTITUTE(R12;":";REPT(" ";20));54;20);"000")
Depending on your regional settings you may need to replace field separator "; " by ","
Your data in column G has a leading space - this formula in a new column should convert to a valid time value whether you have leading spaces or not
format as [h]:mm:ss.000
This will cope with single or double digit milliseconds, assumes that if there are no milliseconds you will still have third : followed by a zero. Also copes with single digit hours, minutes or seconds
Walk with me for a moment.
I have built an Access application to manage data for an internal project at my company. One of the functions of this application is queries the database, then outputs the queries to an Excel spreadsheet, then formats the spreadsheet to spec.
One of the cells of the output is a large amount of text from a Rich Text Memo field in the database. When the rich text is sent to Excel it carries with it HTML tags indicating bold or italic, so for the output I have to add the formatting and remove the tags.
Here is an example of the text I need to format (this text is in a single cell):
For each participant, record 1 effort per lesson delivered
• Time Spent = # minutes spent on lesson
For each participant, record 1 effort per month
• Time Spent = total # minutes spent on lessons that month
<strong>Note:</strong> Recording 1 effort per lesson is recommended but not required
<strong>Note:</strong> Use groups function in ABC when appropriate (see <u>Working With Groups</u> in ABC document library on the ABC portal)
I have a three neat little recursive functions for formatting the text, here is the bolding function:
Function BoldCharacters(rng As Range, Optional ByVal chrStart As Long)
'This will find all the "<strong></strong>" tags and bold the text in between.
Dim tagL As Integer
tagL = 8
If chrStart = 0 Then chrStart = 1
b1 = InStr(chrStart, ActiveCell.Value, "<strong>") + tagL
If b1 = tagL Then Exit Function
b2 = InStr(b1, ActiveCell.Value, "</strong>")
ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=b1, Length:=b2 - b1).Font.Bold = True
'Remove the tags
'ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=1).Delete
'ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=b2 - tagL, Length:=tagL + 1).Delete
'Recursion to get all the bolding done in the cell
Call BoldCharacters(ActiveCell, b2 + tagL + 1)
End Function
Now here's the issue. This formats the text nicely. But the "ActiveCell.Characters.Delete" method fails when I attempt to use it to remove the tags because the cell contains more than 255 characters. So I can't use the delete method.
And when I do this:
With xlApp.Selection
.Replace what:="<strong>", replacement:=""
The tags are all removed, but the formatting is all destroyed! So what's the point!?
I'm looking for a way of formatting my text and removing the tags. I'm considering taking the large bit of text and 'chunking' it up into a number of cells, processing the formatting and re-assembling, but that sounds difficult, prone to error, and might not even work.
Any ideas!?
You might want to remove the formatting before exporting the data to Excel. At the same time that you remove the formatting, store the formatting information (location, length, style) to a data structure. After you export the "plain text" data you could then iterate over your structure and apply the formatting in Excel. This could be a time consuming process depending upon how many records you plan on exporting at a given time, but it would remove the limitation imposed by Excel.
If it's well formed html (ie it always has closing tags) then you could use a regular expression.
Dim data As String
data = "For each participant, record 1 effort per lesson delivered • Time Spent = # minutes spent on lesson <strong>OR</strong> For each participant, record 1 effort per month • Time Spent = total # minutes spent on lessons that month <strong>Note:</strong> Recording 1 effort per lesson is recommended but not required <strong>Note:</strong> Use groups function in ABC when appropriate (see <u>Working With Groups</u> in ABC document library on the ABC portal)"
Dim r As New RegExp
r.Pattern = "<(.|\n)*?>"
r.Global = True
Debug.Print r.Replace(data, "")
To use the RegExp object, set a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5.
Something along these lines might be useful:
Sub DoFormat(rng As Range)
Dim DataObj As New MSForms.DataObject
Dim s As String, c As Range
For Each c In rng.Cells
s = "<html>" & Replace(c.Value, " ", " ") & "</html>"
DataObj.SetText s
c.Parent.Paste Destination:=c
Next c
End Sub
You'll need a reference to "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library"