Python - Negative numbers not adding, but positive numbers do - python-3.x

I am supposed to add up the rows and the grand total of all the numbers. I can add the grand total well, but I am unable to add the row that has negative numbers only. The following code adds up the positive numbers but do not add up the negative numbers correctly.
grandTotal = 0
sumRow = 0
for x in range(len(numbers)):
sumRow = (sumRow + x)
for x in range(len(numbers)):
for y in range(len(numbers[x])):
grandTotal = grandTotal + int(numbers[x][y])
When the user input is:
1,1,-2 -1,-2,-3 1,1,1
My output is: 0
instead of: 0
I know it has something to do with the first for loop, but I can't figure it out. When I try this:
grandTotal = 0
sumRow = 0
for x in range(len(numbers)):
sumRow = (sumRow + (numbers[x]))
for x in range(len(numbers)):
for y in range(len(numbers[x])):
grandTotal = grandTotal + int(numbers[x][y])
I get the error message:
File "", line 14, in
sumRow = (sumRow + (numbers[x]))
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'
Why doesn't my code add up the negative numbers? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Where you say
sumRow = (sumRow + (numbers[x]))
To add integers you say 1+1, not (1+(1)) this would be adding to lists so you could change that.
From my understanding numbers is an array as well, so saying
Will give you many numbers. What you want is the total for every row, and the total of all rows. Heres a program that does this. I am assuming that your program automatically gets numbers from the user input.
grandTotal = 0
for row in numbers:
#for each row we find total amount
rowTotl = 0
for value in row:
#for each column/ value we add tot the row total
rowTotl += value
#add this row's value to the grandTotal before we move on
grandTotal += rowTotl
#After all adding we print grand total
The reason your program doesn't add negative numbers, is really because the row totals are not adding numbers at all. They are just adding the indexes, rather than the value, so they don't work for positive number either. The grand total works because you are adding all the values properly, rather than adding the indexes. FYI,
for index in range(len(numbers)) :
does not give you the values, but rather : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6...(indexes) till the end of the range, to get the value numbers you would do
for value in numbers:


I want to improve speed of my algorithm with multiple rows input. Python. Find average of consequitive elements in list

I need to find average of consecutive elements from list.
At first I am given lenght of list,
then list with numbers,
then am given how many test i need to perform(several rows with inputs),
then I am given several inputs to perform tests(and need to print as many rows with results)
every row for test consist of start and end element in list.
My algorithm:
nu = int(input()) # At first I am given lenght of list
numbers = input().split() # then list with numbers
num = input() # number of rows with inputs
k =[float(i) for i in numbers] # given that numbers in list are of float type
i= 0
while i < int(num):
a,b = input().split() # start and end element in list
i += 1
print(round(sum(k[int(a):(int(b)+1)])/(-int(a)+int(b)+1),6)) # round up to 6 decimals
But it's not fast enough.I was told it;s better to get rid of "while" but I don't know how. Appreciate any help.
8 - len(list)
79.02 36.68 79.83 76.00 95.48 48.84 49.95 91.91 - list
10 - number of test
0 0 - a1,b1
0 1
0 2
0 3
0 4
0 5
0 6
0 7
1 7
2 7
i= 0
while i < int(num):
a,b = input().split() # start and end element in list
i += 1
Replace your while-loop with a for loop. Also you could get rid of multiple int calls in the print statement:
for _ in range(int(num)):
a, b = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
You didn't spell out the constraints, but I am guessing that the ranges to be averaged could be quite large. Computing sum(k[int(a):(int(b)+1)]) may take a while.
However, if you precompute partial sums of the input list, each query can be answered in a constant time (sum of numbers in the range is a difference of corresponding partial sums).

How to calculate the time complexity for nested for loops in the following example?

So in the following code, I am trying I am passing a (huge)number-string to the function where I have to find the maximum product of consecutive m digits
So, first, I am looping through let's say n-string and then the inner loop looping through m numbers.
So the inner loop is affected by the if-statement which makes a jump of m indexes if the next number is 0.
EDIT : 1
Actual Problem Question:
The four adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product are 9 × 9 × 8 × 9 = 5832.
Find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product. What is the value of this product?
m = 12 number = "1234567891120123456704832...(1000 digits)"
So in 1st iteration function will calculate the product of 1st 12 digits(i.e. from index-11 to index-0 - "1234567891120123456704832..."
Now, in 2nd iteration when it checks the value at index-12 which is 0 then index will jump to index-13. This way the loop will skip 11 iterations.
For the 3rd Iteration, the inner loop will execute for 4 iterations until it finds 0 ("0123456704832...".
def LargestProductInSeries_1(number,m):
max = -1
product = 1
index = 0
x = 0
while index < len(number)-(m-1):
for j in range(index+(m-1), index-1, -1):
num = int(number[j])
if(not num):
index = j
product = product * int(number[j])
max = product if max < product else max
product = 1
index += 1
return max
So according to me, the Worst Case Time Complexity would be O(n*m)
I think the Best Time would be O(n/m) if only once the inner loop is completely iterated or every mth digit is 0 which will make the outer loop execute but the index will jump to every mth digit.
Is my analysis correct?
What will be the Average Time for this case?
Will it be O(n*(log m)). Can anyone explain how? Or how to find Complexity in such cases?

Selecting rows where a numeric column value change sign through openpyxl

I'm learning Python and openpyxl for data analysis on a large xlsx workbook. I have a for loop that can iterate down an entire column. Here's some example data:
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 -4
6 -1
7 -6
8 2
9 3
10 -3
I want to print out the row in which the value changes from positive to negative, and vice versa. So in the above example, row number 5, 8, and 10 would print in the console. How can I use an if statement within a for loop to iterate through a column on openpyxl?
So far I can print all of the cells in a column:
import openpyxl
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('ngt_log.xlsx')
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('sheet1')
for i in range(1, 10508, 1): # 10508 is the length of the column
print(i, sheet.cell(row=i, column=6).value)
My idea was to just add an if statement inside of the for loop:
for i in range(1, 10508, 1): # 10508 is the length of the column
if(( i > 0 and (i+1) < 0) or (i < 0 and (i+1) > 0)):
print((i+1), sheet.cell(row=i, column=6).value)
But that doesn't work. Am I formulating the if statement correctly?
It looks to me as though your statement is contradicting itself
for i in range(1, 10508, 1): # 10508 is the length of the column
if(( i greater than 0 and (i+1) less than 0) or (i less than 0 and (i+1) greater than
print((i+1), sheet.cell(row=i, column=6).value)
I wrote the > and < symbols in plain English but if i is greater than 0 then i + 1 is never less than 0 and vise versa so they will never work as both cannot be true
You need to get the sheet.cell values first, and then do the comparisons:
end_range = 10508
for i in range(1, end_range):
current, next = sheet.cell(row=i, column=6).value, sheet.cell(row=i+1, column=6).value
if current > 0 and next < 0 or current < 0 and next > 0:
print(i+1, next)
I am pretty sure there's a sign() function in the math library, but kinda overkill. You may also want to figure out what you want to do if the values are 0.
You can use a flag to check for positive and negative.
ws = wb['sheet1'] # why people persist in using long deprecated syntax is beyond me
flag = None
for row in ws.iter_rows(max_row=10508, min_col=6, max_col=6):
cell = row[0]
sign = cell.value > 0 and "positive" or "negative"
if flag is not None and sign != flag:
flag = sign
You can write the rules to select the rows where the sign has changed and put them in a generator expression without using extra memory, like this:
pos = lambda x: x>=0
keep = lambda s, c, i, v: pos(s[c][x].value)!=pos(v.value)
gen = (x+1 for x, y in enumerate(sheet['f']) if x>0 and keep(sheet, 'f', x-1, y))
Then, when you need to know the rows where the sign has changed, you just iterate on gen as below:
for row in gen:
# here you use row

How many X cells to add to reach Y%

I'm working on this: .
And I need to count how many 1 cells should be added to column A to reach a percentage of 1s = 85%.
This is just an example, I can't add cells with 1 and see how many of them I need since it should be automated on a big sample of data.
Expressed as:
.85(count + x) = sum + x
this renders down to x = ( (85 x count) - (100 x sum) ) / (100 - 85) or,
However, this does not result in an integer, so to ensure 85% is reached:
The result (234) when added as 1s increases the TRUE total to 284 and the count of all entries to 334, where 284/334 is 85.03%.
It is a lot easier, if you don't look at the percentage which is TRUE or FALSE, but at the count of TRUE and FALSE.
In your example, you have 50 1's and 50 0's.
You want to see how many 1's you have to add in order to get a percentage of 1's of 85%.
In numbers this would look like this:
(x+dx)/(x+dx+y) = 0.85
where x is the number of 1's, y the number of 0's and dx the increase of 1's needed, to get to 85%.
You are looking for dx. So just solve for dx and you get:
dx = (0.85*y-0.15*x)/0.15
Which yields in your example an dx = 234. So you need to add another 234 1's in order to get a (minimum) 85% of 1's.
Hope this is what you wanted. It has however nothing to do with excel.

Auto calculate average over varying number values row by row

I have an Excel file with several columns in it and many rows. One column, say A has ID numbers. Another column, say G has prices. Column A has repeating ID numbers, however not all numbers repeat the same amount of times. Sometimes just once, other times 2, 3 or several times. Each column G for that row has a unique price.
Basically, I need to average those prices for a given ID in column A. If each ID was repeated the same number of times, this would be quite simple, but because they are not I have to manually do my average calculation for each grouping. Since my spreadsheet has many many rows, this is taking forever.
Here is an example (column H is the average that I am currently calculating manually):
A ... G H
1 1234 3.00 3.50
2 1234 4.00
3 3456 2.25 3.98
4 3456 4.54
5 3456 5.15
11 8890 0.70 0.95
13 8890 1.20
So in the above example, the average price for ID# 1234 would be 3.50. Likewise, the average price for ID# 3456 would be 3.98 and for #8890 would be 0.95.
NOTICE how rows are missing between row 5 and 11, and row 12 is missing too? That is because they are filtered out for some other reason. I need to exclude those hidden rows from my calculations and only calculate the average for the rows visible.
Im trying to write a VBA script that will automatically calculate this, then print that average value for each ID in column H.
Here is some code I have considered:
Sub calcAvg()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("sheet1!A1:A200003")
For Each Val In rng
Count = 0
V = Val.Value '''V is set equal to the value within the range
If Val.Value = V Then
Sum = Sum + G.Value
V = rng.Offset(1, 0) '''go to next row
Count = Count + 1
'''V = Val.Value '''set value in this cell equal to the value in the next cell down.
avg = Sum / Count
H = avg '''Column G gets the avg value.
End If
Next Val
End Sub
I know there are some problems with the above code. Im not too familiar with VBA. Also this would print the avg on the same line everytime. Im not sure how to iterate the entire row.
This seems overly complicated. Its a simple problem in theory, but the missing rows and differing number of ID# repetitions makes it more complex.
If this can be done in an Excel function, that would be even better.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
If you can add another row to the top of your data (put column Headers in it) its quite simple with a formula.
Formula for C2 is
copy this down for all data rows.
This applies for Excel 2007 or later. If using Excel 2003 or earlier, use AVERAGEIF instead, adjusting ranges accordingly
If you can't add a header row, change the first formula (cell C1) to
In my way ..
Sub calcAvg()
Dim x, y, i, y2, t, Count, Mount As Integer
Dim Seek0 As String
x = 1 '--> means Col A
y = 1 '--> means start - Row 1
y2 = 7 '--> means end - Row 19
For i = y To y2
If i = y Then
Seek0 = Cells(i, x)
t = i
Count = Cells(i, x + 6)
Mount = 1
If Cells(i, x) <> Seek0 Then
Cells(t, x + 7) = Count / Mount
Count = Cells(i, x + 6)
Mount = 1
t = i
Seek0 = Cells(i, x)
Count = Count + Cells(i, x + 6)
Mount = Mount + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Hope this helps ..
