healpy: Formatting subplots - python-3.x

I want to plot many subplots in one figure using healpy. How to:
Set the position of the colorbar?
Set the tick and ticklabel of colorbar?
Set the position and size of the subplots?
I want to generate a plot such as figure 1, which is plotted in MATLAB, based on general coordinates
Right now, I only plot it as follows using healpy:
A similar code to produce figure 3 (similar to figure2) is as follow:
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
degree = 4
nside = 2**degree
num_Pixel = hp.nside2npix(nside)
m = np.arange(num_Pixel)
margins = [[0.02,0,0,0],[0.01,0,0,0],[0.01,0,0.01,0],
title = [
'Equinox', 'Jun. Solstice', 'Dec. Solstice',
for ifig in range(1,10):
if ifig < 7:
m, sub=330+ifig, margins=margins[ifig1],
cbar=False, title=title[ifig-1])
m, sub=330+ifig, margins=margins[ifig-1],
cbar=True, title=title[ifig-1])
The code produced the figure 3

I'm afraid healpy doesn't come with a good way to handle the colorbar, ticks, ticklabels, the axes etc.
The best way forward would be to generate FITS images, based on your HEALPix map (e.g. using hp.cartview(..., return_projected_map=True) or using the reproject package).
You also need to generate the right FITS header for that, astropy would be the right tool for that (how-to manipulate FITS headers).
Once you have that, you can use the excellent WCSAxes framework within astropy, which gives you plenty of well-documented customization options.


How to add traces in plotly.express

I am very new to python and plotly.express, and I find it very confusing...
I am trying to use the principle of adding different traces to my figure, using example code shown here https://plotly.com/python/line-charts/, Line Plot Modes, #Create traces.
BUT I get my data from a .CSV file.
import plotly.express as px
import plotly as plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\x.csv")
fig = px.scatter(data, x="Time", y="OD", color="C-source", size="C:A 1 ratio")
fig = px.line(data, x="Time", y="OD", color="C-source")
The above lines produces scatter/line plots with the correct data, but the data is mixed together. I have data from 2 different sources marked by a column named "Strain" in my .csv file that I would like the chart to reflect.
Is the traces option a possible way to do it, or is there another way?
You can add traces using an Express plot by using .select_traces(). Something like:
Note the need to convert to list, since .select_traces() returns a generator.
It looks like you probably want the lines with the scatter dots as well on a single plot?
You're setting fig to equal px.scatter() and then setting (changing) it to equal px.line(). When set to line, the scatter plot is overwritten.
You're already importing graph objects so you can use add_trace with go, something like this:
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=data["Time"], y=data["OD"], mode='markers', marker=dict(color=data["C-source"], size=data["C:A 1 ratio"])))
Depending on how your data is set up, you may need to add each C-source separately doing something like:
x=data.query("C-source=='Term'")["Time"], ... , name='Term'`
Here's a few references with examples and options you can use to set up your scatter:
Scatter plot examples  
Marker styles  
Scatter arguments and attributes
You can use the apporach stated in Plotly: How to combine scatter and line plots using Plotly Express?
fig3 = go.Figure(data=fig1.data + fig2.data)
or a more convenient and scalable approach:
fig1.data and fig2.data are common tuples that hold all the info needed for a plot and the + just concatenates them.
# this will hold all figures until they are combined
all_figures = []
# data_collection: dictionary with Pandas dataframes
for df_label in data_collection:
df = data_collection[df_label]
fig = px.line(df, x='Date', y=['Value'])
import operator
import functools
# now you can concatenate all the data tuples
# by using the programmatic add operator
fig3 = go.Figure(data=functools.reduce(operator.add, [_.data for _ in all_figures]))
thanks for taking the time to help me out. I ended up with two solutions that worked, of which using "facet_col" to divide the plot into two subplots (1 for each strain) was the most simple solution.
Thanks. this worked for me also where Fig_Set_B is a list of scatter plots
# create a tuple of first line plots in first 6 plots from plot set Fig_Set_B`
fig_combined = go.Figure(data= tuple(Fig_Set_B[x].data[0] for x in range(6)) )

How to change scatter plot marker color in plotting loop using pandas?

I'm trying to write a simple program that reads in a CSV with various datasets (all of the same length) and automatically plots them all (as a Pandas Dataframe scatter plot) on the same figure. My current code does this well, but all the marker colors are the same (blue). I'd like to figure out how to make a colormap so that in the future, if I have much larger data sets (let's say, 100+ different X-Y pairings), it will automatically color each series as it plots. Eventually, I would like for this to be a quick and easy method to run from the command line. I did not have luck reading the documentation or stack exchange, hopefully this is not a duplicate!
I've tried the recommendations from these posts:
1)Setting different color for each series in scatter plot on matplotlib
3) https://matplotlib.org/users/colormaps.html
However, the first one essentially grouped the data points according to their position on the x-axis and made those groups of data the same color (not what I want, each series of data is roughly a linearly increasing function). The second and third links seemed to have worked, but I don't like the colormap choices (e.g. "viridis", many colors are too similar and it's hard to distinguish data points).
This is a simplified version of my code so far (took out other lines that automatically named axes, etc. to make it easier to read). I've also removed any attempts I've made to specify a colormap, for more of a blank canvas feel:
''' Importing multiple scatter data and plotting '''
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
### Data file path (please enter Dataframe however you like)
path = r'/Users/.../test_data.csv'
### Read in data CSV
data = pd.read_csv(path)
### List of headers
header_list = list(data)
### Set data type to float so modified data frame can be plotted
data = data.astype(float)
### X-axis limits
xmin = 1e-4;
xmax = 3e-3;
## Create subplots to be plotted together after loop
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
### Since there are multiple X-axes (every other column), this loop only plots every other x-y column pair
for i in range(len(header_list)):
if i % 2 == 0:
dfplot = data.plot.scatter(x = "{}".format(header_list[i]), y = "{}".format(header_list[i + 1]), ax=ax)
dfplot.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) # Setting limits on X axis
The dataset can be found in the google drive link below. Thanks for your help!

Using RGB values control individual data points matplotlib

I'm trying to be able to control the colour of an individual data point using a corresponding rgb tuple. I've tried looping through the data set and plotting individual data points however I get the same effect as the code I have below; all that happens is it refuses to produce a graph.
This is an example of the data type I'm working with
Any tips?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(4):
plt.plot([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2],c=y)
One problem is that you are appending the list to the new list. Instead, try appending the tuple to the list. Moreover, you need to use scatter plot for the color argument which contains rgb tuple for each point. However, in oyur case, I see only a single color for all the scatter points.
y = []
for i in range(4):
plt.scatter([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2], c=y)
A rather short version to your code is using a list comprehension
y = [tup for _ in range(4)]
plt.scatter([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2], c=y)

Rotate figure - Flopy

I am using functions, e.x: ml.dis.top.plot(). I would like to rotate these figures and delete titles. How can I do that?
plt.title('') seems to work for titles but I cannot rotate these figures. Here is the part of the script:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(75, 75))
mf.dis.top.plot(contour=True, colorbar=True)
So there are different ways that you can make model plots in flopy. You are using the quick and easy way to plot one of our arrays. What you probably want to do is use the ModelMap capability, which is described in https://github.com/modflowpy/flopy/blob/develop/examples/Notebooks/flopy3_MapExample.ipynb. This will give you full control over your figure, including rotation and offset and will allow you to customize the title and anything else you'll need to do. The code might look something like the following:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(75, 75))
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect='equal')
modelmap = flopy.plot.ModelMap(model=mf, rotation=14)

Matplotlib - Stacked Bar Chart with ~1000 Bars

I'm working on a program to show a 2d cross section of 3d data. The data is stored in a simple text csv file in the format x, y, z1, z2, z3, etc. I take a start and end point and flick through the dataset (~110,000 lines) to create a line of points between these two locations, and dump them into an array. This works fine, and fairly quickly (takes about 0.3 seconds). To then display this line, I've been creating a matplotlib stacked bar chart. However, the total run time of the program is about 5.5 seconds. I've narrowed the bulk of it (3 seconds worth) down to the code below.
'values' is an array with the x, y and z values plus a leading identifier, which isn't used in this part of the code. The first plt.bar is plotting the bar sections, and the second is used to create an arbitrary floor of -2000. In order to generate a continuous looking section, I'm using an interval between each bar of zero.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for values in crossSection:
prevNum = None
layerColour = None
if values != None:
for i in range(3, len(values)):
if values[i] != 'n':
num = float(values[i].strip())
if prevNum != None:
plt.bar(spacing, prevNum-num, width=interval, \
bottom=num, color=layerColour, \
edgecolor=None, linewidth=0)
prevNum = num
layerColour = layerParams[i].strip()
if prevNum != None:
plt.bar(spacing, prevNum+2000, width=interval, bottom=-2000, \
color=layerColour, linewidth=0)
spacing += interval
I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do this, but I'm new to Matplotlib and still unfamilar with its capabilities. The other main use of time in the code is:
which takes about a second, but I figure this is to be expected to save the file and I can't do anything about it.
Is there a faster way of generating the same output (a stacked bar chart or something that looks like one) by using plt.bar() better, or a different Matplotlib function?
I forgot to mention in the original post that I'm using Python 3.2.3 and Matplotlib 1.2.0
Leaving this here in case someone runs into the same problem...
While not exactly the same as using bar(), with a sufficiently large dataset (large enough that using bar() takes a few seconds) the results are indistinguishable from stackplot(). If I sort the data into layers using the method given by tcaswell and feed it into stackplot() the chart is created in 0.2 seconds, rather than 3 seconds.
Code provided by tcaswell to turn the data into layers:
accum_values = []
for values in crosssection:
accum_values.append([float(v.strip()) for v iv values[3:]])
accum_values = np.vstack(accum_values).T
layer_params = [l.strip() for l in layerParams]
bottom = numpy.zeros(accum_values[0].shape)
It looks like you are drawing each bar, you can pass sequences to bar (see this example)
I think something like:
accum_values = []
for values in crosssection:
accum_values.append([float(v.strip()) for v iv values[3:]])
accum_values = np.vstack(accum_values).T
layer_params = [l.strip() for l in layerParams]
bottom = numpy.zeros(accum_values[0].shape)
ax = plt.gca()
spacing = interval*numpy.arange(len(accum_values[0]))
for data,color is zip(accum_values,layer_params):
bottom += data
will be faster (because each call to bar creates one BarContainer and I suspect the source of your issues is you were creating one for each bar, instead of one for each layer).
I don't really understand what you are doing with the bars that have tops below their bottoms, so I didn't try to implement that, so you will have to adapt this a bit.
